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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Who's getting the chair this time?
  2. Will see, seems like the hype for the movies died after the first one. I've seen a couple trailers but haven't heard anyone talking about wanting to see it.
  3. We do. Kudasai just isn't the same with a plain old -1.
  4. Work, lol.
  5. We need more than a -1. Review and critique the site, tell us why you feel this way. Admin will get right on making improvements.
  6. I did, black dude I know is even built about the same. But not completely bald.
  7. Ric

    Vidya Game Music

    Breath of the Wild is finally out in a month so here's some Zelda music.
  8. Like now, or ever? There was that big PSN hack in 2011, PSN was down for weeks.
  9. 1:06, the black dude rubbing his meat wasn't that funny but when he laughed it got one out of me.
  10. Yeah, seems like good advice. Who are they live after what they've done?
  11. Is three inches enough equipment?
  12. Fuggs also coming over for some side action?
  13. Ric

    Indirect Kiss

    Coffee is serious business, drop her.
  14. I would'nt take this sitting down if I where you.
  15. What are your plans today, stay home and pleasure waifu?
  16. Bull! You almost had me though, my pants were down for a second.
  17. Your face is a -1! Got you.
  18. Oh hell no, 10 bux to go see it is half my allowance for the week.
  19. Ric

    Is it normal

    Potassium is easy, get some bananas. I'd move up that doctor date though. If it is circulation/blood clotting you don't want more potassium.
  20. I liked the first enough I might just go pay to see it.
  21. Damn, Phillies finally gettin' some and you gonna ruin it!
  22. If that's how it works, I had no idea. I will waive mine.
  23. I offered up Phillies to give rimjobs, didn't sign up to get one.
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