My last phone had 9 screens at $21 a pop so I didn't mind... and my 7 feels pretty stout compared to my 6. Plus the finish is satin. Plus I'm a lot more careful now than I was before XD
Of course! I’m not sure what dates yet or how my schedule looks..: and I’m pretty sure on the way back I’ll have a dismantled Chevy 400 in the back of the Jeep... but I’ll find out as it approaches 🤣
I do love the pathetic attempts at trying to look like the good guy. Everyone here knows exactly what kind of person you are, but go ahead... keep on entertaining.
I've seen some shitty trolling but just wow. I almost want to feel sorry for you.
Also, I appreciate you finding me a handsome, attractive guy... but I don't use tanning salons... I go to the beach.
you have no idea how nice I've been lately.