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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Dare I say it... What a pussy.
  2. 12 gauge is what's used in household wiring for 20amp service or everything in the 70s... the higher the number, the thinner the wire...
  3. This whole thread became a roast ... to the point where he left. Or, "left". LOL
  4. You must not be very well adjusted then.
  5. Imagine being so full of yourself that you think getting a fresh new job at a dying company actually makes you look good.
  6. Accused me of depleting the entire shark population because I have caught and thrown back sand sharks in the past.
  7. They're black and blue and L O N G
  8. Keep oil in it or a connecting rod will exit the block and take out the A/C compressor ...
  9. I'm not sure where you get that theory... but I am right in calling you a transphobe since you have a history of making transphobic remarks and comments about those who are transgender. But I do wonder... how can you really think you're smarter than anyone when all you have for comebacks is wrestling move gifs? You think that shit i real I bet...
  10. I haven't mentioned you in like forever... you're easily forgettable. but then you keep crying for my direct attention.
  11. Smells like denial in here. Oh and I very rarely talk about my size... you must be daydreaming quite a bit.
  12. It is ironic he came back after such a long hiatus after I banned Zeni...
  13. Not "a" post. Half the fucking first page. I should start merging shit again.
  14. Okay? you want to ride my fat cock... and you make these call-out threads to further prove this.
  15. Pretty sure the only one looking dumb is you since you can't even complete our thoughts.
  16. Like large engine that uses a 24-volt system.
  17. I said nothing about him at all. Stop putting words in peoples' mouths.
  18. I mean I have a set of those short and thin 10 gauge ones that were left in some shitbox I had bought... they fire up riding lawnmowers and ATV's well but a totally dead car will make them smoke and too hot to touch
  19. You are waaaaay out of the meme loop if you think the term "thicc" only applies to someone's ass. I mean, REALLY FAR OUT THERE. like Boomer territory.
  20. A "white people" profiled way of saying it would have been, "I carry 2-gauge jumper cables..."
  21. Says the person rambling on about nothing... at least Gump had a good story to tell.
  22. I feel like Packard would agree on the whole "launch trash into space" deal
  23. I mean, I tell you all the time.
  24. like, thicc enough that I could jump over a tractor trailer without melting something. plus I can stick weld with them off of my own battery if need be. I always have carried a set- even if I owned something new. But it's peace of mind since I own a 1998 with 180,000 miles on it. (The boat battery is also an extra plus.) But they came in handy rescuing a 2013-ish stuck in the drive-up pick-up lane at Wegman's. I carry them for me and use them for everyone else. which reminds me... I need a new fire extinguisher...
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