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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Unless you have a four speed Mustang (Well... Mercury Capri..) with a loud dinosaur engine under the hood... get bored? Just drop a gear and punch it...
  2. Nah if I get another C4 Vette it'll be a 4+3 AKA their very odd manual transmission
  3. Because driving a standard actually makes you pay more attention to the road. you're always looking ahead and watching traffic so you are ready to downshift and brake, speed up and upshift, etc. When most people have it too easy, they start to think they can multitask... aka drive and text Also my Grand Cherokee had radio controls on the steering wheel... All cars should have that. Frankily I was just too lazy to reach the radio and I couldn't rest my arm on the shifter because it was too low.
  4. I miss it but I don't miss automatic. Apparently it wasn't driven much though because the same Falken tires I put on the back of it are still on it.
  5. Nyah
  6. Female spiders eat their male partners after they do it, so...
  7. It is starting to get out of hand... Like okay if you want to identify as one or the other that's fine, hell I'll even let an official third one go for genderfluidity. But at this rate, soon every single person will have their own fucking gender prefix. I'm just gonna end up reverting to calling people by their name only. "Bob said that Bob can't decide on which prefix to use so now Bob is going to get tired of hearing Bob's name overused in everything Bob hears about that's directed towards Bob." Like, I get it... people want to be independent and free and all that, and that's fine and dandy. But you have to deal with a general public, and not all of that general public is gonna get it right, whether they have intentions on it or not. Deal with it. So no, don't feel bad.
  8. Then you need to stop profiling...
  9. This makes up for me not being able to move all day due to back pain. -_'
  10. The chocolate ones are great when they're covered in white, thick milk.
  11. I have lots of that
  12. now THAT is racist.
  13. The REAL girl scout cookie
  14. DAMMIT I had just woken up when I typed that... touche
  15. So should you. Because I mentioned Jeep club you assumed that this thread was about cars, when really it was about being out with friends.
  16. It's been pretty dreary on here lately, I just don't wanna make people sad. You seem to have that taken care of.
  17. If it was something curable, maybe But again, I would have had to mention the Jeep club and your one-tracked mind would have "stopped reading there" because you're too high-strung.
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