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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. It's too high off the ground for the bumper to make a deadly impact.
  2. I doubt you're local to the bacon I get x3
  3. I still get bacon in 5lb quantities.
  4. You pay for longevity anymore. They're really not hard to swap out though. If you keep your wits and are inclined enough to understand basic plumbing and possibly electrical. an unexperienced person can have it done in a few hours. If you are second guessing yourself at all though, get a professional.
  5. to be fair, I like his reaction to other shit. He's just been on a bad food kick so I figured why not. It was a nice way to watch a collaboration of horrible TikToks
  6. I got in trouble for pulling the lever and making the gokart go sideways, and was penalized into losing. My mother won.
  7. It's a Tuesday and I walked in buzzed. Don't worry, I drove my golf cart. I'll take a rum and Coke. Extra rum. Today sucked, but the next three days will be boring. I know how to manage my work time.
  8. Obviously the real @ghostrek2
  9. You don't need meat. Just make bread out of pork rinds, heavy cream, and baking soda. It's meat enough.
  10. It was. and then I had to put a hoodie on the next day
  11. Nah it's my little work truck/cruiser... paid $150 for it and had to replace 3 of the 6 8v batteries... which I did with a pair of big ass 12v batteries I also got for free. However, I did pay $26.50 for a speed sensor kit so I have $176.50 into it and it cruises at 27mph lmao
  12. Listen, I've been on a Steel Blu kick lately. It'll be okay.
  13. I do be red in the pic thanks to my first hard sun exposure of the year. But it'll be tan by tomorrow lmao
  14. I need more vodka.
  15. Something I never thought I would have.
  16. Same here
  17. Hell to the no
  18. Please wash your face.
  19. I'd rather Spirutys
  20. Does this have Malort
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