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Everything posted by ITLS

  1. ITLS

    I exercise now

    You gotta tell everyone or it doesn't count
  2. ITLS

    I exercise now

    Yeah but I'm TELLING EVERYONE that I exercise. Don't you know how it works?
  3. I show you nothing but love!
  4. ITLS


  5. Back again https://unevenedge.com/profile/1247-freefuggsgofundeme/
  6. https://unevenedge.com/topic/52499-fuck-google/?tab=comments#comment-1059407
  8. ITLS

    I exercise now

  9. ITLS

    I exercise now

  10. It automatically makes me a better person than you
  11. ITLS

    Been a while

    Jiro passed? I wasn’t close by any means but shit. when did bucket pick up racism and gambling? Last I remember he was just a sad alcoholic.
  12. ITLS

    Been a while

    Gonna go ahead and consolidate a bunch of questions here. Why is fuggs still getting roasted so hard? Is buddyroe still around? He was cool. Does anyone have beef with me? There’s at least one person I’d like to apologize to. Did kidney actually die or was that an old rumor? Did bucket ever get his shit together? Are there any major rules differences between the old boards and here? Other than Luuv have we lost anyone? What does Pot of Greed do?
  13. Do you mean yeet? It’s one of two things depending on context. 1. To move something away from you at a high speed. 2. An exclamation. It’s like when old people (us) would exclaim “Yes!”
  14. ITasteLikeSex. I think I remember you. What was the deal with the new forum software they started using before axing it? It seemed like they picked a bad one on purpose to get everyone to leave.
  15. ITLS

    Been a while

    Saw there were boards again and figured I’d check on the old crew. No I taste like sex. You taste like Nabraniel.
  16. ITLS

    Been a while

  17. What on God’s green Earth
  18. How’s it been since the old boards went down? Is there an archive anywhere?
  19. ITLS

    Been a while

    How’s life, my old internet pals?
  20. What’s everyone been up to? It’s only been ten years.
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