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it bothers me a bit that the new Pokemon Anime

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has such incredible Animation and use of wild-takes


when it's a slice of life anime that isn't following the plot of the game its based on at all and isn't planned to have any big battles or villains



the pokemon Sun and moon anime consists of Ash attending School like a regular child with catching pokemon being a secondary plotline :|



also Cosmog and the Aether foundation don't exist, Lillie is just a normal pokemon trainer


the pokemon Sun and moon anime consists of Ash attending School like a regular child with catching pokemon being a secondary plotline :|



also Cosmog and the Aether foundation don't exist, Lillie is just a normal pokemon trainer


Yeah but Ash is never in any of the games and the show always revolves around something stupid.....Like XY was largely about that stupid pokemon camp and them basically doing "realworld ve road Rules"  challenges.......I know they made a few XY exclusive encounters but I recall a lot of charmander and squirtle in that season.........The legends made an appearance, but it wasn't memorable.  In the game, Clemont didn't pal around with your character and that fat dancing kid was your friend, not a B-list rival.......There was a lot of other things that were just totally a departure from the gaming experience.


I'll just assume I'm missing something here since I haven't, and probably won't watch the series until it shows up on Netflix (is it on Netflix yet)


Saw some eps on Disney ita not so bad

the animation is incredible but the storyline is disappointingly boring
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