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I've been playing with it for a few minutes..  I still don't think I have the settings the way they are supposed to be

to record, but it is picking up my voice through the mic connected to my pre amp.. I just don't think it's using the

correct driver my preamp inputs are ghosted out.. I honest think adobe auditions is the best DAW I've used, for

recording rap, however it doesn't have the capability of making beats as far as I know. Not that I have experience

making them. Anybody else here record vocals, or have any experience with Digital Audio Workstations?



I looked into protools, but for someone that's going to be prominently recording rap vocals

It is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. I wouldn't mind spending a little money on a better main DAW,

but I don't really think it's worth it. I mainly use cool edit pro. When I first built this computer

to do gaming/music production I ended up getting a dj that repaired computers to get mine

up and running since no one else could figure out why it wouldn't boot. He got it up and

running and since I told him I rapped he threw on cool edit pro, and fl studio for free...

which was awesome of him, but cool edit pro is just too old it's the predicessor of Adobe

Auditions which I WAS using on my laptop, but it burnt out and the program was a crack so..

After all that work planning a better set up I ended up having to record using a downgraded DAW.  :D


It crashes and looses shit, and I'm just starting to get into more complex sampling.  :|




I don't have as much experience with DAWS as I'd like. Most of my time is spent honing my piano or guitar skills and brushing up on music theory.

But FL Studio is a good choice if you want to do rap. Or if you have a mac you can check out Logic



NAh I have a pc.. I am really not a mac person, but I've been told multiple times by musicians to atleast consider

building one for music..Or just get a good laptop but meh.. I wanted a computer that would do EVERYTHING. and

I'm just not a fan of the IOS.. or any apple computer software.'ve heard good things about logic and reason though..


Maybe I'll look into reason. Pro-tools, Logic, and Reason are the three most popular DAWS used in professional

recording studios.



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