Skiles Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 So I'm staying with a few friends of mine while I get my shit together, and they have this cat Piper. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've seen her. She's adorable, and she's become my new best pal since I moved in with my friends. She actually technically belongs to another friend of ours, but he can't take care of her at the moment, so we have her for the foreseeable future. The reason my buddy had to give her up is actually a complicated series of things, but he hasn't given an indication that he's aiming to take her back. Not because he doesn't love her, but because he DOES love her, and he knows she's taken care of here. Anyway, my stay with these folks isn't permanent by any stretch. Ideally, I'd like to be out of here and in my own place relatively soon. Living with them is great, but I want my own place. The one big, big downside to leaving is Piper. I've grown really attached to her, and she's a lot more attached to me than she is my roommates, or even her original owner. The only time she really behaves herself is when I'm around. Otherwise, she can be kind of obnoxious. Not bad, per se, just very mischievous. And seeing as my roommates don't seem to have as much of an emotional connection to her as they do with their other two cats, and are essentially just long-term babysitters for her, and the original owner won't be able to take her back in all likelihood, I think it's a natural fit for Piper to come with me when I move out. It would be better for them, because she acts up when I'm not around. It would be better for Piper, because she's most comfortable around me. And I'm not gonna lie, I want this cat to be mine because I adore her. However, there are a lot of potential issues here. Not the least of which is, what if my friend's life suddenly gets better? Maybe not suddenly, but even over a period of time? What if he wants Piper back? Obviously I would give her back, but all told, that would mean she would be moved into a different home three different times. I know first-hand that moving ONCE is rough on a pet, let alone three times, to different people's homes. I don't want that for her. And that's assuming he'd even be okay with me taking her with me. What if he isn't? I would understand, it is his cat. But selfishly... I want her. I really do. And like I said, she's a lot closer to me than anyone else. I'd be happy, she'd be happy. So it's not like I'm bringing her into a place where she won't be loved, or something like that. But if I ask, and he says no, what if I resent him for it? I'm an alcoholic, and we alcoholics have this uncanny ability to hold grudges, even if the other person wasn't in the wrong, and we consciously know it. I do it all the time. It's how I'm wired. It's a character flaw that I'm actively working on, but I know myself. And I would hate to have a good friendship sour over some weird resentment I came up with in my mind that he doesn't know about, nor is it his fault. Anyway, this thread was mostly just me typing out my thoughts. I don't even know if I'm asking for advice, because I know this can all be solved with a simple conversation. We're all adults, we can talk shit out. But I'm the World Heavyweight Champion of overthinking simple shit, and that's all this was. /end rambling
Neko Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 Clearly you should take the cat. You might have to part ways but why not enjoy her company while you still can. As far as your hangups...better to have had the time we'll spent then none at all. Also if the owner sees that you like her or she gets depressed, he might return her.
Mix Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 I have a plan...the cat has to die though....but don't worry we're just faking its death....also we'll need a coyote and an identical cat from the shelter who's death will....not be fake >.>
tsar4 Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 People with pets tend to treat them, and feel, as if they're members of their family. It may be killing the original owner that they had to give up the cat (I've had to do the same thing temporarily while I lived in a "no pets" motel, while looking for a place - first thing I did once I got a place was drive the 500 mi to get my cat back). You can ask the original owner if they still want the cat. If they do, I would suggest going online after you get your own place, and visit nokill shelter sites. There are plenty of cats in need of good homes, my current cat spent its first 5 years of life in a cage at the shelter. Some places will offer an adoption discount if you take a "senior" resident or a cat with special needs.
Azalar Hex Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 Just clone the cat and leave the freshly minted cat seed with the original babysitters. If he shows up for the cat he'll be pleasantly surprised that it has managed to grow younger.
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