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No, having sex with a McDonalds creme pie is not losing your virginity.

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did you have sex with a McDonalds creme pie? :|


Struck a nerve, huh? I didn't mean to insult your love. I'm sure your pie loves you very much.


Struck a nerve, huh? I didn't mean to insult your love. I'm sure your pie loves you very much.

that's not what I asked ::]::


apparently you fuck McDonalds food items....good to know


I'll use that knowlage at my leisure


So, who tricked you with that lie?


Wait... so you are saying that you think that having sex with a McDonald's pie DOES mean you lose your virginity?


Wait... so you are saying that you think that having sex with a McDonald's pie DOES mean you lose your virginity?

LOL he didn't even imply that!


You really CAN'T read! what a queer!


what about a microwaved grapefruit?

that doesn't sound fun


you wouldn't squeeze a lemon into your vagina cause it'd sting


I imagine grapefruit juice would sting your dick head

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