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Was that Onion talking? ::spin::

Nvm musta been that fairy

my theory is that that fairy was sent by homeworld to recover Pink Diamond's shards



they wouldn't have lifted Ribbon's design for her if it wasn't for some purpose like that


my theory is that that fairy was sent by homeworld to recover Pink Diamond's shards



they wouldn't have lifted Ribbon's design for her if it wasn't for some purpose like that

So, if that's your theory do you think Blue Diamond will find out Steven has healing powers and force him to heal her


So the new gem thinks steven is her dad.

Looks interesting can't wait t

I doubht that


unless Homeworld is abducting humans and forcing them to breed with Gems in an attempt to replicate Steven....which would be kind of messed up and sexual even for this show


also Gems are born adults


so unless Ribbon Gem is an experimental Hybrid like Steven I don't think that's her voice


So, if that's your theory do you think Blue Diamond will find out Steven has healing powers and force him to heal her

the question is how much Homeworld already knows about Steven, between Lapis telling them about her time on earth and Peridot "reporting this" to the diamonds when Steven and the Gems confronted her at the Kindergarten


and I'm not sure if that's possible, it's been established that Rose's healing powers had limits and that Steven's are the same as hers, from what we know we can assume that a crack can be healed but a full break can't


they also can't heal corruption and at last check Steven and the CG's had fully given up on ever finding a cure for corruption


the question is how much Homeworld already knows about Steven, between Lapis telling them about her time on earth and Peridot "reporting this" to the diamonds when Steven and the Gems confronted her at the Kindergarten


and I'm not sure if that's possible, it's been established that Rose's healing powers had limits and that Steven's are the same as hers, from what we know we can assume that a crack can be healed but a full break can't


they also can't heal corruption and at last check Steven and the CG's had fully given up on ever finding a cure for corruption

He's probably going to be stronger than his mom though as he did partially cure corruption in Centipedal. If I remember right Pearl did say Rose never did that.


Another question why are the diamonds so friggin huge. Are they a fusion of many same colored diamonds?


He's probably going to be stronger than his mom though as he did partially cure corruption in Centipedal. If I remember right Pearl did say Rose never did that.


Another question why are the diamonds so friggin huge. Are they a fusion of many same colored diamonds?

a better question is



is there a class of Cubic Zirconium gems


and are they just as Giant as as the Diamonds?


a better question is



is there a class of Cubic Zirconium gems


and are they just as Giant as as the Diamonds?

And are they just as powerful  >:D


but as someone who watched it a long

time ago and never got into it.

is it any good

it has ups and downs


season 1 was not that good (just far better than anything else on CN at the time)


season 2 and 3 were very very good


season 4 has been mostly awful


Didn't they cancel it because the fans are awful awful people?



they just show it in marathon form once a year then put it on year long haituses and show nothing but Teen Titans go! for the whole rest of the year till the next "Steven Bomb"


Steven Universe is like a holiday to CN


Are you one of those people that watch stuff they hate just so they have something to criticize?

kind of


I avoid shows I actually hate, but on occasion I'll keep watching a show and razzing on it mst3k style if I find it amusing in a "so bad it's good" way


pretty much the only reason I watch Toonami



and the only reason I didn't ditch Riverdale when I realized how bad it was


tbh when i still watched cn teen titans go wasnt that bad

dont remember the season but this was in 2013

it's not that bad


it's just all they show



and I'm not exaggerating


their entire schedule is all day TTG! reruns all the time


apperently the names of the two new Gems were leaked months ago and nobody belived the leaker (a beta tester of the new Steven universe game) until now


the little one that looks like RIbbon is "Aquamarine"


and her Tall cubic ally is "Topaz"


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