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I have a dream page on Facebook (women only, because we talk about our sex dreams and we don't want to upset S.O.s)


I had two really messaged up dreams this weekend, so I shared them both tonight.

I copied and pasted so I wouldn't have to type It all again.



Second messed up dream (could either be more or less messed up... depends on which would bother you more. This will end up giving me NIGHTMARES tonight)


This may or may not trigger something-if you have issues with gruesome imagery, please be warned.


(it's not particularly gory, but still messed with my mind.)


I was a nanny for two children. A boy, about 10, and a girl, about 6. They had an older sister, probably around 18 that was "too cool" to be bothered.

The house I stayed in had so many bedrooms and bathrooms, it was impossible to count.


I was settling in with the kids, and for some reason we were all sleeping in the same room. We were cuddled up and watching a movie, when someone kept opening the door.

This was bothering me, because I had to keep getting up to close it-their parents were being too loud outside.


But when someone came to open the door, again, wether it was the mother or sister, but it wasn't "them" if you know what I mean. I was a spirit using their bodies, because the spirit didn't have enough energy yet to affect the physical world.


The demon would grow stronger from your fear, so I tried to keep a cool head and not worry the children.


Days go by and things are normal.


The teenage sister is walking around the house normally, disconnected, she seemed bored. Disassociated.


A week goes by, and I'm cleaning the house, when I stumble upon a blue bathroom that I hadn't used before. I opened the door, and the teenage sister is lying on the floor, in the fetal position, dead, blocking the door with her legs.


Shocked, obviously since I've seen her walking around, I realized that the demon had taken possession of the IMAGE of her, to walk around the physical world.


To interact with use, without our knowledge.


I freak out, naturally, and try to tell the parents, who don't believe me.


Father is away on business, and the demon is growing stronger, I can feel it.


The little girl is in our room with her brother, when I travel to the kitchen to ask if their mother needs any help cooking. The "little girl" was also in the kitchen with her mother. I SCREAMED that she wasn't her. The mother looked at me, unamused, "What do you mean, of course it is!"


I grabbed the real daughter and showed her. As both "little girls" are standing there, looking at "their" mother, she acts as though this is completely normal.


This is where it gets fucked up.


I had her brother help me. We caught her, and I knew that the only way to destroy the demon was to drown it in bleach.


The boy helped me fill this old cast iron claw foot tub with chemicals (in one of the numerous bathrooms I had yet to step foot in. This one-however-was yellow and bright, light poured into it.)


I had to hold her in the water, and while she was struggling I could feel the bleach and chemicals BURNING my skin.


I knew I had to keep holding her down though, to save these innocent children I had grown so close to.


I had to hold her head under the water. She started melting and the water began to boil.


It was so hot that it melted holes in the tub, and she fell through.


In my mind, the deed was done, and I had to leave her there because I did my part.


Then I woke up.



with that said,

good evening.


I miss having fucked up dreams... well actually now that I think about I've had a few crazy ones recently. I don't

know if any of you were tracking on the fact that early this year NASA had put out that a large asteroid might

actually be on a direct course for earth...and of course it was made clear they also said there was really no way

to be sure if it will enter the atmosphere or something, but there was alot of internet buzz about it. I remember

also they were saying for a while if it did hit would be more or less on my birthday. I went to sleep not too long

after I heard and I wasn't really freaked out or anything, but I had a dream about it set in this VERY VERY small

old west kinda town out in the middle of no where where my grandparents lived.


The first thing I remember is the ground shaking and like the craziest echoed explosion sound ever... and I was

standing by one of the roads that connects this blip of a town to the highways... and the first thing I saw come

into view was a man in a suit running with a briefcase and looking over his shoulder like "oh fuck o fuck o fuck!"

After he made it passed me there was a whole stampede of casually dressed (every day people) running and

screaming hysterically.  The funniest thing was my reaction was kinda just like meh.  :|and I just kinda turned

the opposite direction while the sky was turning all kinds of fucked up colors and whatever else was going on.

It's hard to recall in detail, but apparently my brain was preparing me for impact and I didn't really give a fuck.  :D



I rarely remember dreams about sex.. I didn't even read the op I guess.  but good sex is like a dream anyway

for me because it's hard to recall the details after  :D I think sex usually happens in my dreams along with a

a lot of ridiculously crazy shit so it's harder to recall. not sure if it happened along with the dream I just posted

or not but recently I did have a dream with two girls getting naked on the couch with me...and there was more,

but when I woke up i was desperately tring to remember what their bodies and faces looked like let alone

what we did.  :(

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