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Anyone still playing?  I'm guessing no cuz of the new game released and no

thread,  but if anyone is interested Ditto is now a catchable Pokémon

People are catching random Pokémon and then BAM it's really Ditto.

They're also giving double dust and xp.  :o

Edited by Admin_Raptorpat

Yup it's Nov 23-30. I only caught one so far and the one it

did catch was after catching about 200 other Pokémon. I don't

think Ditto is the rarest Pokémon but it certainly isn't that common though

I am hearing that people are catching multiple Ditto.


lol that's my plan I'm also trying to farm eevees and bulbasaurs, horsea and slowpoke for the second generation release.

Not sure how I got so hooked to this game but I am??


No ditto sightings yet. Will keep you posted.


Do you have a spot where you can go that has multiple stops, gyms and massive Pokémon spawns?

If so go there and focus on the Pokémon that spawn the most. I caught 4 so far. None very strong. 3 were Pidgeys

and the other a magikarp.  I'm sure any Pokémon can be a Ditto but the way I went about catching them worked for me. Hopefully it will for you too


Best bets for Ditto are reportedly Rattata, Pidgey, Zubat, Magikarp and Spearow. I've caught a Rat one, a Pidgey Ditto ran away  (Ditto is the same Pokémon for all players in a given spawn)


I live over a stop, and there are several between my car and my office every day, but I've not found one through all the weedles and pidgeys I've started catching

Just keep grinding you will catch one. I was thinking that now with the event over Ditto might be gone but he is still there. Mostly mine have been pidgeys save for 2 one from a ratatta and the other a Karp.


Best bets for Ditto are reportedly Rattata, Pidgey, Zubat, Magikarp and Spearow. I've caught a Rat one, a Pidgey Ditto ran away  (Ditto is the same Pokémon for all players in a given spawn)


I can confirm the global spawn. My boyfriend and I always play togethe and if I catch a 170cp pidgey that happens to be a Ditto it will be the same for him. The only part that sucks is I feel bad when they take off on him. :(


I hope they do an Xmas/Chanukah/holiday event.

It would be the perfect time to release Articuno.

Niantic confirmed 2nd gen release in December.


lol I can't believe how much I've gotten into this game. I'm almost embarrassed by it??


Yeah that's happened to me, it's cool to know it's a Ditto, that way you can cut to the chase and use a Great Ball or something. Asshole Pidgey still ran away from me though, my brother in law caught him and got a better Ditto.


At this point I'm betting they'll roll out Gen 2 in time for the holidays, though I'd also like if they made some rarer Pokemon from Gen 1 more available during that time, since there are some, though many players around here have them, I've never seen in my neighborhood, such as Snorlax.  I dun really have the time to go into Manhattan to find things at the moment.


Dude, I didn't know you were from NY. Are you from Bklyn?

If so where are the best spots. I'm a native Brooklynite living on asshole island

and was thinking about crossing the bridge into Bklyn cuz I have yet to catch or hatch a

Lapras. If you ever happen to hop on the SI Ferry St. George is full of pokestops as far as the eye can see.


Brooklyn is chock full of Stops, no worries there, got one at the end of my block. Park Slope is an intresting area to play the game in, as one might guess. Vulpix seems to hang out near Marine Park, gotta go get more for Ninetales (annoyingly, the most common spawn I saw by the Salt Marsh was just Psyduck, no Karp). Otherwise spawns are somewhat random/mostly common where I am. Sometimes cool shit pops up, but I gotta visit more areas. If I ever see Lapras around here I'll let you know.


And then the game crashed and wouldn't reboot, so I couldn't take the easily takeable gym at the restaurant, and by then I was kicked out of the other gym I joined on the walk home from work, so instead of collecting two gyms' worth of coins I collected nothing - except DITTO


Brooklyn is chock full of Stops, no worries there, got one at the end of my block. Park Slope is an intresting area to play the game in, as one might guess. Vulpix seems to hang out near Marine Park, gotta go get more for Ninetales (annoyingly, the most common spawn I saw by the Salt Marsh was just Psyduck, no Karp). Otherwise spawns are somewhat random/mostly common where I am. Sometimes cool shit pops up, but I gotta visit more areas. If I ever see Lapras around here I'll let you know.


Thank you. We have a park out here called Clove Lakes Park and Vulpix and Clefairy love the place.

At one point Vulpix was switched out for Charmander, I was catching them 2 or 3 at a time but the game

quickly switched back to a Vulpix hot spot.


I caught my first wild Snorlax this morning.  I've been playing this game since July and that was the first Snorlax spawn I ever saw. He was 2679 CP and I just  knew it would have bad IVs, which it did but I kept her anyway cuz I'll throw her in a gym. My neighborhood has a problem with gym stagnation right now and I won't mind if I don't get this Snorlax back for weeks.


Aw yeah I've been to Clove Lake once or twice, nice. Clefairy hung out at Marine Park too early on, still need a decent one to evolve, though I have Clefable otherwise.


Still no Snorlax round here  :'(


I have one Snorlax that I hatched but I never caught one.

The Snorlax was in Prince's Bay near the mansion with the peacocks.

I have Clefairy none particularly good and the 98cp Clefable I have isn't

worth the dust and candy.


I found a nice dratini spot and I might grind for another Dragonite hopefully

catch that perfect one ;D


What level are you on? 


Yeah a 200 CP Ditto won't get that strong if it's facing something that's really strong.

I haven't had any luck catching a strong Ditto or one with good IVs I really wanna see what a maxed out

Excellent Ditto can do.


It was actually 292. I transferred it because I caught in other one roughly 50 CP less, but got a much better analysis from the boss.


I'm a little confused how ditto works, because it appears to cap off around 400 CP


I've seen Ditto 500+ in gyms but from what I've seen with my first catch which was a 153 Ditto is this,

I put it in a gym and then fought it with a 2700+ Dragonite. The Ditto turned into a 800+ CP Dragonite

with the same abilities. This leads me to believe that maybe even a maxed out Ditto won't get as strong as a maxed out

Dragonite or any other strong piece.


There's been an update. A little annoying cuz on iOS the phone will buzz but

nothing is there. This happened before but now it's happening regularly. Since the

update my catch rate has improved but I don't know if it's the update or if I'm just trying to be

more accurate with my throws. I've also notice a lot more evolutions out in the wild but that could be a coincidence


The rest of the update was pretty useless. Multiple transfers and now any mon that was your buddy will display kms walked with it

Your buddy will also tell you how many candy you have of that type. I think it's supposed to tell you how many candies the buddy has gotten

you but on iOS it tells you all the candies not just what it found.


I am constantly butting up against the 250 pokemon cutoff so multiple transfers at a time is great.


Though, maybe I should just get rid of all the weedles and pidgeys I was collecting to evolve for the cheese XP strat...


Caterpies, weedles and pidgeys are the best for running a lucky egg and evolving for XP, especially now

since they cut the evolution animation you can evolve more in 30 minutes than before.


I think I just caught do many that I couldn't do it all with one egg. The two "batches" I did already were after I also had a decent amount of other pokemon to first time evolve for that bonus, and I burned through my caterpies and a little bit of the weedles.


I'm trying to maximize the eggs, because I don't intend on dropping dollars on the game so they will come few and far between.


I think this thread should be edited to just the Unevenedge's general PokeGo thread now, lol


I haven't tried it yet, but since old buddies have their distances saved now, I wonder if Pikachu will come back to my shoulder if I walk with him again. I'm sure this question has been answered by plenty of players already..


I am also in an ironic situation as Doduo was pretty much everywhere for me early on and I have a lot of candy but no decent Doduo I feel like evolving (have Dodrio dexed)


Yeah saw a thing about that,; Igglybuff, Elekid, Magby, Cleffa etc.


Only Christmas Pikachu I seen on my tracker so far immediately switched to Eevee, hoping he shows up by my house (never does)


Edit: got 'im


I think I just caught do many that I couldn't do it all with one egg. The two "batches" I did already were after I also had a decent amount of other pokemon to first time evolve for that bonus, and I burned through my caterpies and a little bit of the weedles.


I'm trying to maximize the eggs, because I don't intend on dropping dollars on the game so they will come few and far between.


I admire your self control. I seem to be spending quite a bit of money on this game.

These free games with in app purchases are genius.


It is very easy for me to not spend money on this game, I live above a pokestop and nothing is time sensitive.


I've been playing both the 3DS and mobile versions of pokemon shuffle since each came out closing in on two years ago and I also haven't dropped a dime on either, and they have special events every week that practically push you to need to spend to keep up.


The new Pokémon are here. Pichu, togepi and more.

I'm so excite. Embarrassed that I am but fuck it I'm having fun

I'm wondering if they are just hatchable cuz they said to collect eggs and walk to hatch them.

Haven't seen the new guys yet.


From what I've read, it is just the babies (except tyrogue) and they are only accessible via eggs. I presume they have replaced their first gen evolutions in the egg pool.


Yup, you can only hatch them. I got 2 10 eggs and a few 5's I'm hoping I get something good but

I won't hold my breath. I still don't have a Lapras I don't see getting any of the 2nd gen so fast.


I hatched an Elekid. Now I have 239 spaces in my pokédex instead of the original 149 that they showed.

I put it in a gym. Everyone that didn't have one and looked at my guy is gonna have that huge pokédex too :o ;D


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