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wow well this thank God this shit doesn't happen in the USA yet


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11 minutes ago, Insipid said:

Yaknow, I would have gladly talked about this incident . . . but framing it like this is retarded when the US had shit like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby.

Oh well. 🙄

You're absolutely right I forgot about Weinstein and Cosby I'm af****** a******

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1 hour ago, ghostrek said:

You're absolutely right I forgot about Weinstein and Cosby I'm af****** a******

You aren’t a f****** a******.  This isn’t really analogous to those two either, but it is analogous to the studio system of the ‘30s through the early ‘60s, the Golden Age of Hollywood.  A great deal of the movies that we consider iconic now were the product of a one sided system where studio bosses held absolute power.

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2 hours ago, scoobdog said:

You aren’t a f****** a******.  This isn’t really analogous to those two either, but it is analogous to the studio system of the ‘30s through the early ‘60s, the Golden Age of Hollywood.  A great deal of the movies that we consider iconic now were the product of a one sided system where studio bosses held absolute power.

Shut up, scoob.

I'm sure what you said about the analogies is true, but he had some previous comments privately to me that does indeed make him a fucking asshole, at least in this case. I will leave it at that.

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