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Most annoying muscle group to work out

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Guest The Hound

Zeni, I don't see your post anymore.



I have you basically shadowbanned.

Guest The Hound

Swigging fan cans doesn't count as bicep curls Zeni.

Lmao? Oh it's some kind of lie by him again. Okay.  :fap:

Viper, I'm just saying between the vegan meals, calling running the treadmill weight lifting, and only drinkin craft beers, you're not living up to your "hockey player" namesake. You need to toughen up your lifestyle because hockey's a man's game, it's not a stroll to a trendy Starbucks location.


Woah that leg action is a new one for me


I got the ass equivalent of a migraine a while back doing some sudden running, now I'm always a bit more cautious to ease in/out


Full disclosure said running was for Pokémon

Guest The Hound

Woah that leg action is a new one for me


I got the ass equivalent of a migraine a while back doing some sudden running, now I'm always a bit more cautious to ease in/out


Full disclosure said running was for Pokémon


Haahaha me and my friend r ran for a Venasaur the other day that was only gonna be where it was for another 4 minutes.

I got mine, his ran away  :D :D :D 


And yea, One legged squats are no joke. I can litearlly only do 6 on each leg before my thighs are toast.



Idk how fucking jagr does it at 45.

Guest The Hound

Stairs after a heavy squat day are the worst thing ever.

Going down stairs hurts worse than going up.


Why do you think I made this fucking thread....

I can't do stairs today  whut

Guest The Hound

Are you butthurt right now?

As in, is your butt hurting with that DOMS?

Every step you take there's a twinge in that muscle?

I'm butthurt today.


My ass has been puckering all day.

Guest The Hound

I'll probably be working that out next week after abs.

word, keep rotating dem muscle groups :fap:

i can't do this because of muh knees, unless my muscles in my legs, ass, and my abs are already in really good shape already. i have to be able to support the weight away from the knee sufficiently enough that they won't give out.


but there are a lot of other ways i work out my thighs and i actually dig that playdoh soreness. only in my thighs though. i feel like i can't even function if its my arms.... or back. lol.

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