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Thoughts in an empty parking lot


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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I should just keep driving till I hit Mexico. I could start a new life. People do it all the time. Mostly criminals, but...

(Looks around) Am I the only person in this parking lot?

It's super eerie out here. Like a scene in a movie right before somebody gets got.

How awesome would that be....sweet release.

Maybe time froze. Time froze and...as long as I stay in this car, it'll stay that way.

I'll just...sit here. Nothing has to happen, nothing has to be decided, nothing has to change.

This is kinda nice.

And, of course, now I gotta take a shit. Why do I always have to take a shit whenever i'm contemplating high stress situations?

I wonder if the part of the brain that deals with stress is also the part that controls your bowels. Probably why people shit themselves when they get too scared.

Fuck, i've been sitting out here too long. They probably think i'm about to rob the place. You never hear about people robbing ice cream parlors.

Which sounds like a dumb idea, but it's actually genius. Banks are impossible and the people that work at gas stations are grizzled war vets at this point.

Robbing an ice cream parlor is basically crime with training wheels by comparison. No silent alarm to worry about and the person behind the counter doesn't have a well worn pistol within reach.

Am I about to rob this place?

Then...I would HAVE  to go to Mexico. :o:):spookyskull:

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