ben0119 Posted October 16, 2022 Posted October 16, 2022 (edited) Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Discussion I just made this thread quickly to have something to use. I might spruce up the OP later. I'm not sure how many wanted to watch and discuss right off the bat, or wait for Toonami to possibly air it. There was a special ED (maybe it's just for the first episode,) that showed a montage of Ichigo's history, that was pretty well done. Viz released it separately on YouTube - Edited October 16, 2022 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted October 16, 2022 Author Posted October 16, 2022 Ep 1 - This episode... HOLY ANIMATION! To quote John Hammond, they spared no expense! I wondered if Shino and Ryunosuke would still be in or written out. They're still in. I wonder if they will have more of a role in the anime, then? That reintroduction battle scene was epic. And the Hollows are truly terrifying now! I'm not sure about Chad sending them flying into an occupied building, though. Did Ichigo originally use his Bankai here? I think that may have been for fan service, haha. Get off my bed. I don't remember him using the Bankai against Ebern either. Also pretty sure his name changed too. Hah, Yamamoto. I am here. That is good enough security. I also loved how they disguised themselves for no reason lol. I haven't read the manga since it originally came out, and don't remember everything perfectly, plus there is supposed to be some stuff added here, so this is almost like experiencing the story all over again, and I feel like I am still in the dark on some things, haha. Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 16, 2022 Posted October 16, 2022 Episode 2 is also up on Hulu. I guess it premiered last week 1 Quote
Sieg67 Posted October 18, 2022 Posted October 18, 2022 I'm impressed so far. Good animation and impactful scenes. Seems like they turned Quincys into NAZI's, though. 2 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 18, 2022 Posted October 18, 2022 3 hours ago, Sieg67 said: Seems like they turned Quincys into NAZI's, though. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP Quote
ben0119 Posted October 19, 2022 Author Posted October 19, 2022 Ep 2 - I'm sure this was brought up before, but I love that it's called a "soul phone" haha. As we might have guessed, the enemy are the Quincies, and they're rounding up the Arrancars as cannon fodder. Bach gives no fucks and Quilgie is one sick puppy. It was good to see Nel again, though! Nice to have Urahara back. Of course he was keeping tabs on things and was prepared. Uryu can't go along, because Arrancars are the enemy. Of course. I didn't expect we would see the bodies of all the dead Soul Reapers who died in the attack. That wasn't shown in the manga. Pretty brutal. And Hallibel captured! Tres Bestias took out some soldiers, but were no match for Quilge unfortunately. And we end it there! Gotta wait til next week for Ichigo to take on Quilge! Quote
ben0119 Posted October 19, 2022 Author Posted October 19, 2022 On 10/17/2022 at 8:03 PM, Sieg67 said: I'm impressed so far. Good animation and impactful scenes. Seems like they turned Quincys into NAZI's, though. Yeah haha. I like how Quilge looks like he is straight out of Hellsing! 1 Quote
atomicinumatt Posted October 22, 2022 Posted October 22, 2022 I just watched the first two episodes and really liked them! I was honestly surprised. I thought that the animation, music and general production was very well done. I watched Bleach back in the day when it was on the blocked and thought it was decent but was never a huge fan, but TYBW definitely has me pulled in now. Probably going to have to rewatch old stuff now because it has been so long.. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted October 30, 2022 Author Posted October 30, 2022 Ep 3 - Why does it feel like the anime is moving along a lot faster than the manga, even with very little cut content, and even some added content? This is pretty good pacing. Uryu snooping around for clues. Was that in the manga? Ayon is made from our left arms. Of course, haha. Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho is gold instead of blue now. Apparently that was always the color in the manga? I never knew that. I didn't remember everyone in the vicinity losing reishi to Quilge. Totally forgot he became monstrous because he absorbed Ayon's reishi. Quilge just un-snapped his own neck! 😧 That 6th seat guy looks like Aizen's brother. Mayuri had all those Rukon residents killed, supposedly to restore the balance to the worlds by all the Hollows being destroyed by the Wandenreich. That bastard. But, Yamamoto failed to kill Bach 1000 years ago! Looks like the name and/or spelling for the Quincy super form has been changed. I couldn't even begin to write that haha. Don't get attached to those squad members who just got introduced lmao. Damn, we've already got someone down! Kira! Stern Ritters are in those pillars of reishi! Quote
ben0119 Posted November 6, 2022 Author Posted November 6, 2022 Ep 4 - Yeah, just because that guy looked like Aizen, didn't mean he was a badass lmao. Hmm I think there was a scared shirtless reaction by Ryunosuke and Shino to Kajumaru being killed that may have been cut here. Looks like the usual tricks won't work on these guys. Everything is getting countered and blocked. Man, you guys knew the enemy could do something with with the Bankai, but went and did it anyway. Now you got your Bankai stolen! That was a pretty creative combo by Renji and Byakuya though. For some reason, Ichigo's Bankai can't be stolen. And I wonder if Quilge is weaker than the other Stern Ritters, or Ichigo is that much stronger than the other Soul Reapers. Something I never really thought about before. Man, Kyoraku, I can't believe you let that guy get the drop on you like that. Bambietta - The Soul Society must be understaffed if they have a doggie as a captain. 🤣 Quilge's jail power. I didn't remember that Ichigo got trapped while he was inside the garganta. Is that the first time we've seen one of those butterflies in like... hundreds of episodes? Quote
ben0119 Posted November 10, 2022 Author Posted November 10, 2022 (edited) Ep 5 - It is pretty cool that this series is using chapter titles for episode titles. I don't think the first series even gave titles to episodes, for whatever reason. I don't remember As Nodt talking this much in the manga? But maybe I am remembering wrong. All those flies crawling on Byakuya was so creepy! Yeah, having to fight against your own Bankai really isn't fair. Wow, still kept the image of the decayed Rukia during the Fear montage intact, with all its gory detail! That was the second time Renji got stopped from using his Bankai haha. But Mask de Masculine messed up, he could have stolen it! Interesting. I don't think we ever saw who Rukia was fighting in the manga. She shouldn't have turned her back on her opponent, though! It's unexpected that Quilge's Jail power remains in effect even after Quilge got split on two. Man, if you guys really need Ichigo to save all of you, you are pitiful! Good to see we still got the flashback to younger Yamamoto and Sasakibe. Sasakibe gave Yamamoto the second scar after sparring with his Bankai, but I wonder how he got the first scar. Yamamoto not having any of it from "The Overkill!" Everyone getting motivated by Yamamoto kicking ass on the battlefield. Too bad so many Soul Reapers have already fallen. I think the short explanations for how Kenpachi beat those three Stern Ritters was new. So, we got to see their powers, and how he beat them. Pretty cool. I hope no one skipped the credits, because there was a pretty important scene of Yamamoto confronting Bach after he defeated Kenpachi (still off-screen, unless it gets shown next week.) We heard the name spoken for the first time, and Yamamoto clearly called him "Juha Bach." But the subtitles said "Ywach." *throws arms up* Edited November 10, 2022 by ben0119 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 20, 2022 Posted November 20, 2022 So I recently found out that Toshiyuki Tsuru is gonna be storyboarding episode 7. Aces. 😎 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 20, 2022 Author Posted November 20, 2022 Ep 6 - There's not much I can say to add to this episode. The animation was friggin insane. A really epic battle between Yamamoto and Bach. By the way, it is definitely Juha Bach as spoken, regardless of what is written. Seeing all of Yamamoto's Bankai abilities in animation was just stunning. And I loved the flashes back and forth from the battle going on now to the one from a thousand years ago. Unfortunately, Yamamoto wasn't really fighting Bach, but a phony, but at least the fight was still cool. I'm not sure what the point of Bach visiting Aizen in prison was, since their conversation really went nowhere. I guess it is just to show that Aizen is still around and "in play." Interesting that Bach said Aizen could be killed, but it would take too long. The added scenes of Uyru reading the book about the Quincy history were pretty good. Bach creating that giant arrow above him which fired a giant arrow, which became his sword, was so badass. It was great to see it in animation. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 20, 2022 Author Posted November 20, 2022 7 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: So I recently found out that Toshiyuki Tsuru is gonna be storyboarding episode 7. Aces. 😎 Wow, this guy has a pretty impressive resume! Quote
ben0119 Posted December 4, 2022 Author Posted December 4, 2022 Ep 7 - Nice flashback to Shunsui as a kid and Yamamoto. This has to be one of the most ancient scenes of the Soul Society. When Kubo randomly revealed the original 13 captains in that color spread the other day, I didn't expect to see them in this episode in that epic sequence! It's in black and white, but still! They really were some violent, brutal fuckers! That music is friggin epic, by the way. And this anime is violent as hell. We had one of the original captains smash the heads of two Soul Reapers together, and in the present day, a Soul Reaper was beheaded by a Wandenreich foot soldier. The idea of this show being on Disney + in international markets is HILARIOUS. Damn, Yamamoto cut in half, but still able to move after that. Then Bach just blows him away. Haha, Bach thinks the Soul Reapers have gone soft since they aren't psychos anymore! LOL Shaz Domino wasted just as fast as I'm the manga. I forgot that Ichigo fought Bach here. But I think the battle might be a bit extended? It is badass, either way! And there goes Ichigo's sword. "My son... born in the darkness." Oh shit. Wow did not expect this new epic ending animation featuring Yamamoto and the original captains. A little bit of the current captains too. Ep 8 - I think this hospital scene might be new? Not sure. You didn't find Yamamoto's body because they're was nothing to find. Bach blew him up! Kon! He was with Mayuri this whole time? When Bankai are broken it's permanent. *SIGH* It had been theorized that Byakuya and Kenpachi were originally supposed to die, or Byakuya at least, until fan backlash undid it. But I'm not sure if his "death" and later reveal of his survival was far enough apart for fans to have an affect. I gotta' say I had never expected the Squad 0 to be like this. Such wacky characters! But I guess not everyone can be "cool badasses." Soifon is pissed, but man, beat by Kirinji in speed! And he taught Unohana her healing abilities. Wow. Squad 0 are stronger than all of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads combined... Spoiler PFFFFFFT BAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Quincies that attacked are more evil than Aizen, Senjumaru? That's debatable. So, you can get super-healed by this guy's hot springs. OK then. Man, I hope the shot of Rukia's ass floating in the hot spring wasn't cut! I watched Mr Tommo's anime vs manga comparison video. Turns out the Rukia peach scene was cut. Spoiler I hope that whole chapter worth of fat jokes with Hikifune don't get cut! 😧 I understand Kubo's stance with cutting comedy, given the tone of the arc and it coming off differently in anime vs manga, but some of this stuff is too good to cut! But you know, I wish the tonal whiplash comedy of FMA: Brotherhood had been given this same treatment. Anyway, it is cool to finally see all these characters animated. Post credits... the Soul King! Quote
ben0119 Posted December 14, 2022 Author Posted December 14, 2022 (edited) Ep 9 - Looks like some comedy scenes were spared. You couldn't cut too much more or Squad 0 would lose screen time. Ichigo caught Kirinji's arm and fractured his wrist, damn. And that hot spring burns most people! Hikifune looks like Majin Buu haha. Yes, eat! But this isn't normal food. It gives a power boost, says Hikifune! And she is the one who made artificial souls. Screw Kon! He's a stuffed animal! He doesn't need to eat food! Of course Hikifune would have a slimmed down form. Loses a bunch of weight after cooking. But she still ain't small haha. DAMN! I still think a bunch of the fat jokes got cut, though. 😧 I'm going to have to go back and check the chapter. New head captain... Shunsui Kyoraku! And FINALLY we get to see this animated! We've been waiting for ages! YACHIRU Unohana... the first Kenpachi! Man, never saw this coming, but now we know why everyone was so scared of her! Not sure what Zanjutsu is... but... one of them has to die. Damn. These Central 46 guys suck. You'd think they'd smarten up after Aizen killed all their previous members. Haha, they're so scurred of Kenpachi that he they asked Yamamoto to stop teaching him kendo after one day. Poor Isane. And Yachiru too. This is awesome to finally see. Wasn't sure if we ever would. My only complaint is how dark Muken is. It sure isn't done for censorship purposes, so must be a style thing. But I hope it gets brighter later so it's easier to see what's going on in the fight. Kenpachi gets stronger when he nearly dies and recovers. He's like a Saiyan lmao. Ep 10 - Yep, Kenpachi is sort of like a Saiyan. He nearly dies and comes back stronger. He subconsciously limits his power to around the level of his opponents so he can enjoy the fight more? Unohana is killing him over and over to make him stronger like a videogame exploit. 🤣 Ok, we got some extended battle scenes here, and more of Unohana using her Bankai. It definitely seems like the skeleton thing is symbolic and not literal... I think? But then, what the hell does this power do? Well, it looks cool, with that giant sea of blood, regardless. Wow... Unohana was actually happy that Kenpachi was able to wound her in that flashback? Kenpachi can tell that he is blacking out, but isn't exactly sure what is going on. Unohana has to die because of the Kenpachi rule, or because it's the only way to get Kenpachi to his strongest level? If it's the former, technically none of the Kenpachis after her should have counted, since she's been alive all this time. Either way, RIP Unohana. Kenpachi finally hearing that voice... Oetsu is... strange... to say the least. Bahaha pranked them with the pose. All those hotties were zanpakutos? I wonder if Mera is a zanpakuto too. Shut up, Kon. Yay Renji succeeded. But damn, after all that, Ichigo failed? Leave the Soul Society and NEVER return?! Not sure how Oetsu sent Ichigo back to World of the Living. Back in front of Kurosaki Clinic... Viz published this overview of sorts today. At the end, it tells us that we get episode 11 next Monday, then 12 and 13 both on the 26th. I must have lost track of time or read it wrong, because I originally thought there would be a short break before we got these last episodes. But, why is the anime taking a break after the first 13 episodes? The manga is done, so they can't catch up with the manga, and there will never be any need for filler. Is it so the animators don't die? 🤣 Edited December 14, 2022 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted December 26, 2022 Author Posted December 26, 2022 Ep 11 - Here we go. I dreamed of the day we could see this part of the story animated. Oetsu created EVERY asauchi personally and knows where are all of them are (maybe he should have said something about Aizen.) Can you tell us where Yoruichi's is, Oetsu? Haha. And yeah, Ichigo was hitting a brick wall. Yay MILF Ikumi is back! "Big sister" uhh sure lol. I forgot that Ikumi kabedon'd Ichigo lmao. Isshin showing up as a Soul Reaper looking so powerful like that, when Ichigo is so dejected. Always an epic shot. Good to know that Ryuken's hair is naturally white and he didn't just turn gray at a young age lol. I thought Masaki's hair was supposed to be more orange than brown. Hmm. I gotta check back. Ryuken's mom isn't very nice. So, this is all about protecting some Quincy blood purity. And we've got arranged marriage nonsense going on with Ryuken. Of course, we know this marriage will never happen. Yeah, I was shocked to learn that Ichigo's mom was a Quincy and not just a regular lady without any powers. That Hollow is no ordinary Hollow. He's bad news. Aizen, Gin, and Tosen already up to no good back then. Isshin... SHIBA. In retrospect it is obvious. Isshin looks like Ganju and Ichigo looks like Kaien, and neither of these were coincidences. Hisagi looks like Ichigo too, but still lol. Isshin even wears his Captain's Haori in a way to avoid spoilers. Seeing him working with Rangiku and Toshiro is pretty funny. And Toshiro used to be mischievous. Casually admitting to eating Isshin's snacks. Well we got to see Isshin release his Shikai and try to fight for a little bit at least. It was pretty cool how he spit his blood and it turned into fire and caused an explosion. The explicit lines of Isshin's Bankai being teased were removed. This may unfortunately mean that Isshin's Bankai won't be added to the anime. Masaki is awesome! She one-shotted that Hollow! I love how Aizen looked more orgasmic than ever in the series when he saw Masaki show up lmao. Hmm Masaki, I think Isshin might have been able to figure out you are a Quincy by using that light bow lol. To be continued! But we wait only one week for a double episode finale which will be awesome! Ep 12 + 13 - I'm not sure why Viz said this was a one hour special when it was clearly just the last two episodes, and still separate, at that. People were right back then, teenage Masaki looks like Orihime. What is that injury or condition that Ryuken's mother has? Yeah, so... NO ONE could have guessed that this convoluted reason is why Isshin lost his powers haha. I always thought it was because he used Final Getsuga Tensho. But, at least Masaki was saved. So what Quincy medicine could have possibly saved Masaki? You mean we can show uncensored violence, but not Masaki's nakedness?! BOOOOO! Katagiri... T__T Yeah, you can definitely tall that she would end up being Uryu's mother. Damn you, Bach. So, Masaki was a Quincy all along, and she could've beaten Grand Fisher and saved Ichigo AND herself if not for the aushaulen! Katagiri didn't seem frail to me, but ok. I wonder what Soul Society thought happened to Isshin after he never returned and started living as a human. I still can't figure out if Ikumi can see Isshin or not. But, there is Ichigo's badge back. Cool to see the training of the Bankai-less captains. We're about to find out why Komamura is a dog! Oetsu made himself a harem of zanpakuto waifus. That girl holds the blade in place with her twintails. 🤣 If you think back, the Hollow said "I am Zangetsu." We (and Ichigo) always assumed he was lying or trolling. So, the old man is the Quincy powers, and the Hollow is Ichigo's zanpakuto. Fitting that Ichigo will be a DUAL WEILDER now! Oetsu - THOSE ZANGETSUS. Awesome no. 1 remix. Great OSTs all around in these two episodes. Uryu has joined the Wandenreich! Say it ain't so! And, the trailer for part 2! Eh, July?! Who said part 2 was 3 months was away?! That's six months! But, if looks awesome, though. Quote
ben0119 Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 (edited) Kept forgetting and being too lazy to post my comments. I hope we get this show on Toonami at some point so I can discuss it with everyone then. I spoiler marked the previous episodes for space purposes. Of course I couldn't put it off any longer once Rukia got her episode! Ep 14 - Spoiler Oh what this is this weirdness? This is how Bach was conceived and grew up?! This guy is just a parasite! Not sure this odd sequence was in the manga.Ok, I'm annoyed. The characters are still clearly saying Juha Bach, but the subtitles say Ywach for some ungodly reason. They didn't do this in the previous episodes, did they?The OP animation was kind of strange. It's done in the style of one of those color spreads where all the characters are in alternate costumes in an alternate setting. I don't like the song as much as part 1, either. Spoiler Yeah, I'm sure Uyru really wants to join someone who killed his mother. 🤣The other Stern Ritters are triggered over Uryu's appointment, haha. Hah, not the kind of voice I expected for the Liltotto.Hey guys, I know she's hot, but if Bambietta asks you to go to her room, DON'T GO!It is cool seeing all these Stern Ritters for the first time in the anime.What the heck kind of training were Rukia and Renji doing, anyway?Yay, Byakuya recovered! He doesn't have any powers that makes it go his head, so he wants to get some powers that will. Hahaha. Now we have yet MORE training for Ichigo and I can't remember what exactly this was.Kyoroku was nice enough to pay a visit to Ichigo's friends and give them passes to the Soul Society just in case Ichigo can't return because of reasons.I still think it's bullshit that Tatsuki didn't get powers and wasn't featured more in the story. Hey Hiyori and the other living world-based Visoreds still got included after all. I guess their scenes just got moved. Why do they live in an abandoned building, though? I never understood that. 🤣Ah hell what a cliffhanger! The Wandenreich have already taken over?!Lol, you knew right after Orihime's little speech was right when the shit was going to hit the fan. Ep 15 - Spoiler The Wandenreich was in the shadows of the Seireitei the whole time!Wow, that episode really flew by!Again, it's so cool to finally see these scenes animated, and get some new ones as well.It was cool to see the creativity from Toshiro and Rangiku. It's unfortunate it wasn't enough for them to do better against Bazz-B. D:Hey I like Nemu's outfit, and her hat.Askin is too lazy to fight Mayuri because it would take too long hahaha.BG9 is a robot that can use spiritual energy. Still not sure what is up with him! And he took down Soifon! I hope Mareyo is OK!LOL Mayuri thinks he's the only one who can fight without Bankai. Ep 16 - Spoiler Hah. Mayuri begrudgingly has to work with Urahara! Yep, the secret is that Hollows are poisonous to Quincies. So Urahara had these little pills made to temporarily hollowfy the Bankais, and...That was cool to see Shinji's Bankai. Really just thrown in there, but still cool to have it added. So it makes it impossible to tell enemies from allies. So yeah, it's really only useful if Shinji is fighting multiple enemies with no allies around.Bambietta is mad all the girls deserted her haha. Though I'm not sure if that's what actually happened.Ah, Vollstandich. So the Stern Ritters couldn't use their full power as long as they had the stolen Bankai? Really makes you wonder if it was worth stealing the Bankai in the first place haha. Ep 17 - Spoiler Hahaha poor Shinji he can not catch a break! Don't explain your powers to people, dude! Since Bambietta couldn't tell what direction was what, she just blew up everything!Komamura and this new Bankai form are badass. Komamura is a human, and that's what the Bankai looks like under the armor. Too bad it only lasts so long and has such a high cost!What the hell did the werewolf clan do get this punishment anyway? Was it because they were literally werewolves and hunting people? Hahaha. OK punish them, but don't punish their descendents!Bambietta actually lost and she can't believe it. And yep, here's the other girls, here we go...Man, you guys are really dumb to be holding back against Mask, even if he acts ridiculous, he's clearly strong. Maybe Kensei and Rose can teach you guys a thing or two. Ep 18 - Spoiler Stop being an asshole, Mayuri!It's appropriate the episode with Mask came out the same day as SummerSlam haha!So Kensei's Zanpakuto using kinetic energy or something. Pretty cool. Man, Rose's Bankai is creepy! And it's using deception, not all those elements. But he messed up just like Shinji did by explaining his powers like that!Ok but how do you take out the little guy when he seems unkillable! James is disturbing!Renji and Rukia just in time. I like their new outfits. Kubo always comes up with good outfits.The new So-oh Zabimaru is pretty badass. Seems a lot more usable than the old Hihio Zabimaru.Ichibe is the guy who comes up with names for things hahaha.So, even if a Stern Ritter is killed in battle, their strength will just go back to Juha Bach.Yeah, tell us what is going on with Bach, Hashwald! Ep 19 -Ichigo is FINALLY on the way back! LOL forget those stairs! He's gonna fly!"Ice can't block fear." I mean, As Nodt is not wrong there. How can you block an abstract concept with a physical ability? 🤣Rukia can now use Sode no Shirayuki to lower her body temperature. Pretty cool, but definitely risky.I've been waiting a long time to see this in animation. Finally we see Rukia back in action using her new zanpakuto powers, and BANKAI! And what a Bankai it was! As Nodt got one-shotted!Man, this fight went by really fast! Apparently some of those action moments in the manga happened faster than we thought.Byakuya stopped by for some words of encouragement. He even praised Rukia! Said she has become strong and complimented her Bankai!So, if the Stern Ritters lose in battle and don't get killed by their opponent, they get executed?! That seems like a terrible policy for any military commander, even if Bach does get strength by absorbing their soul or whatever after they die. He really doesn't care about his people.Ah, look at that. A nice little preview of Yachiru's fight.Ichigo is FINALLY on the way back! LOL forget those stairs! He's gonna fly!"Ice can't block fear." I mean, As Nodt is not wrong there. How can you block an abstract concept with a physical ability? 🤣Rukia can now use Sode no Shirayuki to lower her body temperature. Pretty cool, but definitely risky.I've been waiting a long time to see this in animation. Finally we see Rukia back in action using her new zanpakuto powers, and BANKAI! And what a Bankai it was! As Nodt got one-shotted!Man, this fight went by really fast! Apparently some of those action moments in the manga happened faster than we thought.Byakuya stopped by for some words of encouragement. He even praised Rukia! Said she has become strong and complimented her Bankai!So, if the Stern Ritters lose in battle and don't get killed by their opponent, they get executed?! That seems like a terrible policy for any military commander, even if Bach does get strength by absorbing their soul or whatever after they die. He really doesn't care about his people.Ah, look at that. A nice little preview of Yachiru's fight. Edited August 16, 2023 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted September 17, 2023 Author Posted September 17, 2023 (edited) Ep 20 - Spoiler We finally get to see Yachiru use her zanpakuto. Hah a little dance! Yep a whole Stern Ritter was fake lol. Imagined by Gremmy. Not sure why couldn't just disappear instead of dying in a big explosion of blood. He turned her damn bones into cookies! Little bastard! Kenpachi is not impressed with this kid. Poor Isane. But she probably already knew Unohana was dead. Dude, you gotta go stronger than steel to stop Kenpachi from cutting you! Machine guns, missile, clones, now a frigging comet! And now we finally get to see Kenpachi use his Shikai. Pretty badass. At least he cut the comet in half. Send Kenpachi into space, but that's still not enough... Gremmy assumed Kenpachi was dead, so he undid his hardening. Whaaa Gremmy was just a brain in a jar all this time?! Ep 21 - Spoiler Yachiru nooooooo! Yeah, get to looking for her, you fools! Or not, they all just got wiped out by the Stern Ritter girls! Ichigo is BACK! And we have ANOTHER new version of Number One! 😄 It's nice to finally see Liltotto, Candace, Gigi, and Meninas in action, and I think we got an extended battle here? Very cool! And I love how they got magical girl transformations. 🤣 I love how Gigi makes an adorable troll face no matter what is happening, even when she almost got her head cut off. 🤣 And that was because of Liltotto! Man, the Stern Ritter really don't care about friendly fire! Of course everyone is going to try to gang up on Kenpachi, or Ichigo. These Stern Ritter are smarter than past villains LOL. But Renji, then Rukia and Byakuya showed up in time to hold off everyone. Very cool. But Uryu stops Ichigo, and of course he doesn't answer any questions. It's nice that Chad and Orihime showed up just in time though. So Squad Zero can just put their bones into Ichigo's clothes like it's no big deal? And yeah, real smart, they've allowed a path for Bach to get to the Royal Palace! Ep 22 - Hah. I like Ichigo's attitude here. He's going to drag back Uryu regardless of what reasons he gives for joining Bach, haha. Yoruichi is finally back! Bazz-B doesn't like being called a chicken. 🤣 Renji was happy his eyebrows were complimented. 🤣 Haha, Mayuri and Gigi, battle of the trolls! And battle of the zombies! Yep, all this time that we had waited to see who Mayuri had collected, it was these four Arrancar! Calling Gigi a guy was a bad move, Yumichika. But at least it seems like his bigoted rant was toned down from the manga. Oh, a different version was actually recorded for Viz. And of course it's apparently causing a shitstorm on social media. The original insult never made sense to me though. That's the type of insult someone would use to call someone a slut, not to misgender, or expose a "trap." People are still arguing over Gigi's gender identity. Yumichika is a known asshole, so what he said about Gigi isn't that surprising, given how he has treated others before. Mayuri may be insulting and disrespectful at times, but he's always accurate with what he says, and Mayuri addresses Gigi as a woman, as do all the other characters. So, I see Gigi as a trans girl. It would be nice if Kubo would clarify this, once and for all. All he's said so far is Gigi is biogically male, which of course doesn't rule out her being trans. It doesn't matter if those are squad 11 guys, they're already dead. Interesting. I didn't remember that Bambietta or the other zombies could speak. Annnnd there's zombie Toshiro! Mayuri isn't so confident anymore! Ep 23 - It sure was satisfying seeing Mayuri get killed all those times by Toshiro, but too bad it was all delusions created by one of his drugs! So, that is how Gigi's zombies work, but Mayuri managed to find a way to make them his zombies! Damn, I guess Gigi is defeated here. Some nice new bonus footage here, showing how Byakuya defeated Robert Accutrone, Na-na-na, and Candice. Hmm Hisagi what are you doing lol. Pepe is a gross pervert. His theme R&B theme music is hilarious, though. Byakuya, you should have known better than the block the love possession beam with your sword, much less let go of the sword! Love possession works on Gigi's zombies, but not Mayuri's. Cirucci was going to try to flick her blood on Mayuri, but he says don't bother because he's immune to his own drugs. 🤣 So satisfying to see Kensei punching the crap out of Pepe. Pepe, you dun goofed trying to control Liltotto and Meninas. Now you get eaten! Bach, Hashwald, and Uryu have arrived at the Royal Palace! Edited September 17, 2023 by ben0119 Quote
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