HardcoreHunter Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Talk about things in horror that you think are Overrated. Directors, Films, Genres, Fandoms, Anything that you think is too overblown and need to have some air let out. Paranormal Activity is the worst series of films that seem to freak people out. I have no idea how anyone can watch these and be entertained let alone scared. I also get the comment from time to time "You just don't like it because it scares you". No! I don't like it because it sucks and people have shit taste (autistic screeching). My issues with it are the same ones that I have with the Blair Witch. It was the first time I had watched a movie and felt true disappointment like a chunk of my life had been wasted. However people love it, and they only way you can't like it is if it scared you. At best it inspired me to hang up those little stick figures back in the woods to keep hikers away from the area I hunted, and it actually worked!!! It worked so well a news crew went back there like it was a big story and said some cult that was inspired by the movie was sacrificing animals, because they found my gut piles from when I shot a deer. I was like Oh Shit~!
BUU8800 Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Preemptive fuck you to anyone who says the Friday the 13th franchise.
HardcoreHunter Posted March 21, 2017 Author Posted March 21, 2017 Friday the 13th was my favorite growing up. A lot of people that don't like them I think are ones that only watched it on cable. The TV versions are so heavily edited that they are practically unwatchable. They don't even show kids being killed, they just kinda disappear off screen. Rough on a series where the gorey deaths are it's main draw. As opposed to Nightmare on Elm st where you can still enjoy Freddy's personality.
DragonSinger Posted March 21, 2017 Posted March 21, 2017 Feast. It was highly recommended to me, so I let my friends convince me to watch it with them. That sucker was so much meh. It touted itself as breaking the mold horror, when it was just 'Opposite Day' trash. Those are the movies that instead of being truly creative, they just do the opposite of standard horror tropes. They did that in most of the scenes, so I predicted pretty much everything that was going to happen. Hell, the only unpredictable scene was a monster jacking off into a chick's mouth, but dumb shit like that just bores me.
HardcoreHunter Posted March 21, 2017 Author Posted March 21, 2017 I'll say the same about slither. It was a really dumb movie that critics wouldn't stop jizzing their pants over. Anyone that I know didn't really care for it, but hollywood seemed to love smelling their own farts with that one. No idea why though.
Chapinator_X Posted March 21, 2017 Posted March 21, 2017 I was gonna be the dick that says Jason, but I think Child's Play was a much worse horror franchise that got big. I agree with Slither though as a very dumb movie that people paraded around because James Gunn was a quirky new face to films. The same thing with Cabin Fever, but at least Gunn went on to make good films unlike Eli Roth who used his bad film as a launchpad to make worse films.
ThisIdiot Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 I hate eli roth as a horror director ...cabin fever 2002 sucked ...he then decided to remake it in 2016
Chapinator_X Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Paranormal Activity was bullshit. I remember how people were hyping it up as the scariest movie yet, and how people fled the theater in terror over how scary it was. It took a Spielburg-approved jumpscare tacked on at the end for it to not just be people reacting to noises in their house. At least with The Blair Witch Project, it was released in 1999, so the marketing campaign was focused on the possibility that the three actors might've been missing with very few resources to find out if it's bullshit or not. For PA's marketing, it was heavily reliant on audience cameras showing how scared the audience was from watching the movie, and word of mouth that it is a phenomena because magazine articles said so.
DragonSinger Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 When I finished V/H/S, I thought, "That's it? That's what all the hoopla's about?" Not only was it a fail on its 'oh so disturbing to watch' reputation, the demon girl story was the only one that felt like actual horror, and the rest was just a hot mess. I don't get how people find this scary. This movie is also why I ain't touching another found footage horror film unless friends who are pickier than I am about movies don't deem it trash.
ThisIdiot Posted March 25, 2017 Posted March 25, 2017 from what i'm told the sequel is actually better ...have yet to see it myself but i'm a moron who has soft spot for the weird directory shit as long as it maintains it's self from spilling over into everything else around it. ...that said, I don't think nudity hurts none much either as long as it's kept to a minimum but vhs had that shit in damn near every short...I was surprised that the teens in the woods didn't get it on before getting axed...
HardcoreHunter Posted March 25, 2017 Author Posted March 25, 2017 When I finished V/H/S, I thought, "That's it? That's what all the hoopla's about?" Not only was it a fail on its 'oh so disturbing to watch' reputation, the demon girl story was the only one that felt like actual horror, and the rest was just a hot mess. I don't get how people find this scary. This movie is also why I ain't touching another found footage horror film unless friends who are pickier than I am about movies don't deem it trash. V/H/S had one decent story the rest was junk. V/H/S 2 on the other hand was pretty good each story was fairly interesting and had some creepy moments. V/H/S 3 was pure garbage. I enjoy anthology tales, but the first and last v/h/s films were horrible. It's a shame that I can count a handful of good horror anthology films. Creepshow 1&2, Trick r Treat, A christmas horror story, VHS 2, Tales from the hood, tales form the darkside.
HardcoreHunter Posted March 29, 2017 Author Posted March 29, 2017 In general pg13 horror has been annoying me lately. I love a lot of the films like insidious and the conjuring, but holy hell bump it up to R. I get that pg13 is a larger demographic, but I have noticed it really limiting what the stories could have done. Really if you are going to go PG13 just make a high budget tv series like the Walking Dead.
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