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I want to start movement to provide heat to anyone cold

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I want to see how far people would take it and somehow begin a mutual cause, a volunteer cause, and a good will cause, with the mission of obtaining or even building properties, where citizens in transit or homeless would have a large, safe facility that provides free heat to anyone that wants, and we will have seating, and make policies that ensure it cannot be abused... 

Of course if would be totally non-profit, and a completely free service to ANYONE that needs to be protected from deadly cold temperatures in areas where outdoor travel, i.e. long walking distance, waiting times during personal reasons, shelter for someone if they have no where to presently be warm, AND homeless of they do not pose a threat or abuse the facility.  Anyone is welcome.   Maybe we can team up with feeding projects, that have similar goals, and can't operate 24 hours because of their limitations.  There are other human services that could be involved, too.  But I want our first and most important policy, is that we are a heating shelter, we do not provide anything but seating and free heat, and we require passiing metal detectors to enter.

1 minute ago, Sawdamizer said:

Would there be prostitution provided at affordable, low low cost?

Absolutely not, I'm 100% serious

Just now, Sawdamizer said:

I was even more serious than you though.

prostitutes are safe.

Not fair.  They will have to provide their services elsewhere.


Individuals or small groups, determined by entrance policies, and up to 24 hours per week, you have to leave ID with us, and pass a metal detector.  It would all be documented in a computer and we will not allow over crowding or any abuse of the shelter.

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