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What cartoon are you watching on cable, Netflix, Hulu, etc

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I actually watched the Simpsons tonight.  It was a good one.  Burns starts his own university (like the Trump thing).  Also caught Bob's Burgers while I was at it.  Also good.


Watched Rick And Morty April Fools Day stealth Season 3 Premiere and it was specfuckingtacular.

  • 2 weeks later...

Been watching an episode of Scooby Doo where are you off and on. I loved it a kid, and a stoner teen, and as a stoner adult it's nice mix of nostalgia and simple story telling from another era.


Otherwise finally started watching Bordertown. Seen 2 episodes, and I'm still recuperating, but I think I will give another couple more eps a shot before I can tell if I like it or not.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Batmantis"


The two Catwomen got more exposure than Adam and attempts to hawk his book, but this felt like a good tribute all the same. And it's always been one of my favorite episodes from the early era of Space Ghost.


["godspeed", said the yeti]

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Zintar

Watched most of Clarence season 2 late last night. Also been watching all of the season 3 eps that are currently airing. The show has been cancelled, but new eps will continue to air throughout this year.

The new episodes have been really great, the show has become a bit more mature with it humor and the art work has also improved.  CN has been running 4 new eps a week all month.

Guest Zintar

Started watching the second season of F is for Family. The first ep was pretty fucking funny. About to watch a couple more...


Watched Trollhunters eps 1 and 2 on Netflix.

I'm really happy that Kelsey Grammer has a part in this.

He's such a good voice actor.  I didn't know Anton Yelchin voice acted before he died. 

I only knew him from the Star Trek movies.

Guest Zintar

Castlevania episode 1



Watched Castlevania, enjoyed it actually.


I'm gonna check that out . . .

Guest Zintar

Apollo Gauntlet. Playing on [as]. First ep premiered on Sunday, the whole season dropped online over at [as].  I like it, it's pretty fun.

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