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I got a flu shot


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I got one free when I was recently inpatient at the hospital. I didn't feel a thing and it didn't hurt afterwards. That nurse was a fucking wizard. 

Did you get the person administering the shot to kiss your boo-boo all better? Or were you left to suffer through the pain with no boo-boo kisses?

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48 minutes ago, Skiles said:

I got one free when I was recently inpatient at the hospital. I didn't feel a thing and it didn't hurt afterwards. That nurse was a fucking wizard. 

Did you get the person administering the shot to kiss your boo-boo all better? Or were you left to suffer through the pain with no boo-boo kisses?

my wife was with me at the time, so i would have needed someone to kiss the broken neck better as well. 

i did get a free bandaid, though. i'm really stoked about that.

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Me too. I don't usually wait this late but I was hesitant about going out to get one with COVID around but things are going to get worse so I figured I should go now before the after Thanksgiving explosion of cases.

I also got a Tetanus booster sine I haven't had one in like 20 years. I get cut at work all the time on paper, cardboard and scissors so i figured I might as well since I have insurance now. The flu shot usually makes my arm sore and I was warned the tetanus one may make it more so than the flu one so I have that to look forward to. She was even like, I hope you have a good Thanksgiving and I hope your arm doesn't bother you on it.

Edited by DBZ4ever
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