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One Piece Film: Gold - In theaters January 10th thru 17th - Tickets on sale now.

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Oh I forgot to ask, Sketch. Two things -




Did you notice if the actress for Luffy changed the tone of her voice when Luffy goes Fourth Gear or does it stay the same?





Did FUNi keep the ending song or was it replaced? I know for Strong World they replaced the ending theme but for Film Z they didn't, so I would just like to know if it isn't too much trouble.



EDIT: New clip of the English dub incoming. FUNi is kinda going overboard with all these "exclusive" clips, lol.




Oh I forgot to ask, Sketch. Two things -




Did you notice if the actress for Luffy changed the tone of her voice when Luffy goes Fourth Gear or does it stay the same?





Did FUNi keep the ending song or was it replaced? I know for Strong World they replaced the ending theme but for Film Z they didn't, so I would just like to know if it isn't too much trouble.



EDIT: New clip of the English dub incoming. FUNi is kinda going overboard with all these "exclusive" clips, lol.




I didn't notice a change in Luffy's tone but I suppose I wasn't listening for it.


I don't think they replaced the ending song but I don't honestly know if they did or not.



Great review, Sketch.


I figured it wouldn't be better than Film Z (because Film Z, to me, is the best movie based on a tv anime/manga PERIOD) but it's a shame it fell short of Strong World, as well.


But, still good to know it was an enjoyable romp.


If you don't mind me asking, what would you rate Strong World and Film Z?


Love to know how that premiere went in a Marriot conference room.


"Welcome...all three of you, to the premier of One Piece filler movie #Whofuckingcares.  Let's get this fucking shit over with.  No thank you for coming.  I hate you three nerds, I hate me, and I hate One Piece.  It's all filler anyway.  Now let's finish up so I can drown my sorrows working for this hole (1.5 stars on Glassdoor) in rum and coke.


Jman just go away bro. Why is it you keep devoting your time to stuff you dislike. You're not clever. You're not "cool". You're just obnoxious. I want to be excited for this without negative nancies like you raining on our parade. Seriously man. It's not cool.


Also, if you would actually look at the pictures you would see it went well. But we know you won't so you can continue to be obnoxious.



But that's probably how he acted.  FUNi does have a 1.5/5 on Glassdoor.


Besides, that wouldn't be the worst of it.  Nah, that'd be the rep after a few run and cokes.


"Oda?  Like he'd come to see this shit.  All he did was cash the check..."


"You...see this bullshit?  It's fucking filler.  Shit's faker than Pro wrestling.  That's the beauty of it.  It's filler so none of this shit matters.  Ever."


Then he flicks over someone's drink.


"And you know what?  You have to pay for another.  There's no free refills during Film Bullshit."


God I'd hate to meet you in real life. I couldn't imagine how obnoxious you'd be.


Anyway, enough of this.



EDIT - Getting impressions from people who went to see it and I'm seeing the showings had a good turnout, so thats good to hear.



I'm sure Jman is just gonna come in to troll again, but just saw the movie and here are my thoughts --


First off.... what a freak'n great experience this was. The showing I went to was PACKED and full of energy.  I loved it. Every hit the movie made, the audience reacted in glee. It was so awesome. Such a terrific experience and the main reason I opted to see this in theaters as opposed to just watching the illegal sub online. Nothing can beat a crowd of enthusiastic POSITIVE people. I didn't meet a single dub hater either, which was great. Those guys are insufferable and I wouldn't want to meet one IRL. Lol but luckily I didn't and the audience was cool.


But onto the movie --


If I can describe this movie in one word, it's this - FUN. Pure, unadulterated FUN. To me, it's the most "theatrical feeling" of the "Film" trilogy. I think the way the movie flows and the soundtrack (which is completely different than the TV series soundtrack, a lot of Jazz) contribute to that. I think I still favor Film Z a tiny bit more (because Z was a terrifically written character), but that by no means makes this movie inadequate.


The animation is the best One Piece has ever looked. And I know that doesn't mean much, because the anime is pretty mediocre animation-wise, but no, this is a VERY pretty movie. If only the actual series could look like this. Just looking at all the care and detail put into the location of the film, Gran Tesoro, puts me in awe. It literally felt like we all fell in Las Vegas. Really well done.


And the jokes were on point as well. in fact, I have a feeling FUNi may have spiced up the script a bit, because there were some very funny and risque quips. Needless to say, the audience was eating it up.


And I absolutely loved the heist motif that dominated the film. Just thinking about Luffy, of all characters, pulling a covert heist had me rolling with laughter. And it worked out about as well as you'd expect Luffy to handle something like that. Lmao



And when he gets caught, he makes that stupid blank expression he often does, and then all the monitors around the whole city show his stupid face, signifying they're all caught. That part had to be the funniest part of the movie. xD



Then the final act was pretty damn awesome as well. The fight against Tesoro was Attack on Titan-level epic (it gave me vibes of that, anyway, the way they animated it lol).


To list some cons, I will say Tesoro's past was a little too tacked on for my tastes (they just show a very quick montage of his horrible past right before the final act of the movie). They could'a worked that out a little better. The section when they're in the underground prison dragged on a lil too much, as well. And finally, the ending, once everything is resolved, kinda just happened way too quick. It felt like they spent the remaining time animating the final fight and only had a few minutes left to wrap it up.


But, overall, I felt this was a great film. Honestly, I went with a few friends who don't even watch OP much and they enjoyed it. it's actually a really good thing to show someone if they haven't seen One Piece yet. It's more newcomer friendly than the other two movies. Though, of course, there is a major spoiler that could be problematic.



Adult Sabo and him possessing the Flame Flame Fruit



If you're interested in seeing it, go see it! I know I'm kinda wasting my time with y'all, since most of you ASMB people rather talk crap about things you don't like but.... this was a good experience to be had at a movie theater. It was just FUN. No other way to describe it.






I'm sure Jman is just gonna come in to troll again, but just saw the movie and here are my thoughts --


First off.... what a freak'n great experience this was. The showing I went to was PACKED and full of energy.  I loved it. Every hit the movie made, the audience reacted in glee. It was so awesome. Such a terrific experience and the main reason I opted to see this in theaters as opposed to just watching the illegal sub online. Nothing can beat a crowd of enthusiastic POSITIVE people. I didn't meet a single dub hater either, which was great. Those guys are insufferable and I wouldn't want to meet one IRL. Lol but luckily I didn't and the audience was cool.


But onto the movie --


If I can describe this movie in one word, it's this - FUN. Pure, unadulterated FUN. To me, it's the most "theatrical feeling" of the "Film" trilogy. I think the way the movie flows and the soundtrack (which is completely different than the TV series soundtrack, a lot of Jazz) contribute to that. I think I still favor Film Z a tiny bit more (because Z was a terrifically written character), but that by no means makes this movie inadequate.


The animation is the best One Piece has ever looked. And I know that doesn't mean much, because the anime is pretty mediocre animation-wise, but no, this is a VERY pretty movie. If only the actual series could look like this. Just looking at all the care and detail put into the location of the film, Gran Tesoro, puts me in awe. It literally felt like we all fell in Las Vegas. Really well done.


And the jokes were on point as well. in fact, I have a feeling FUNi may have spiced up the script a bit, because there were some very funny and risque quips. Needless to say, the audience was eating it up.


And I absolutely loved the heist motif that dominated the film. Just thinking about Luffy, of all characters, pulling a covert heist had me rolling with laughter. And it worked out about as well as you'd expect Luffy to handle something like that. Lmao



And when he gets caught, he makes that stupid blank expression he often does, and then all the monitors around the whole city show his stupid face, signifying they're all caught. That part had to be the funniest part of the movie. xD



Then the final act was pretty damn awesome as well. The fight against Tesoro was Attack on Titan-level epic (it gave me vibes of that, anyway, the way they animated it lol).


To list some cons, I will say Tesoro's past was a little too tacked on for my tastes (they just show a very quick montage of his horrible past right before the final act of the movie). They could'a worked that out a little better. The section when they're in the underground prison dragged on a lil too much, as well. And finally, the ending, once everything is resolved, kinda just happened way too quick. It felt like they spent the remaining time animating the final fight and only had a few minutes left to wrap it up.


But, overall, I felt this was a great film. Honestly, I went with a few friends who don't even watch OP much and they enjoyed it. it's actually a really good thing to show someone if they haven't seen One Piece yet. It's more newcomer friendly than the other two movies. Though, of course, there is a major spoiler that could be problematic.



Adult Sabo and him possessing the Flame Flame Fruit



If you're interested in seeing it, go see it! I know I'm kinda wasting my time with y'all, since most of you ASMB people rather talk crap about things you don't like but.... this was a good experience to be had at a movie theater. It was just FUN. No other way to describe it.







Wouldn't have mattered if I did or not, you have nothing better to do than to hate.


Look at this forum. That's all it is. People hating on shows.


Funny how this is the only forum (or should I say the only community) that mainly does that.




You called me out.  You're going to get One Piece (Of crap) insults until it's gone.


or you could just let people talk about the stuff they like in peace without being a dickbag.


just a thought.


if you don't want drama - don't make drama.


simple no?


Well, in my defense, he's been trollin'  long before I mentioned him. But fair enough.

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