SwimModSponges Posted August 21, 2020 Author Posted August 21, 2020 "Well that was climactic." I say to the party. "Just in time too, suns gettin' mighty low. I suggest we get off this battleground before the scavengers show up, make camp for the night." As we head out, I stop to check Pahn's corpse; figuring that 50 gold bounty he put on me was rightfully mine *searching Pahn's body* D20 roll: 12 I only find a few gold coins and a handful of coppers. "Cheap fucker." I say as I step over him. "Hey Banarr, don't suppose I can pay out my debt with this?" "Not on your life." chuckles the dwarven pirate. "Eh, just as well." I say as we continue down the road. After a short march we make camp, I cook another traditional orc meal for dinner (spiced venison kebabs ans wild onions). We sit around the fire for a while, swapping more stories of our past, before turning in for the night. As I lay next to the fire, my fever flairs again, I begin tossing and turning and mumbling in my sleep as a nightmare overtakes me. *nightmare sequence* D20 roll: 10 I run through the woods, faster than I have run in my life. My breath is ragged, the pulse pounding in my ears a deafening tremolo. As I run, the pounding becomes clearer. They are drums. War drums. Beating along to the rhythmm of my heartbeat. Another sound joins the cacophony; a chanting. It is familiar yet I cannot place it. I break free from the woods, into a clearing. In the center is a dead elk; wolves dancing around it. I feel strangely at home. The drumming and the chanting grows louder, before long I realize that the bestial shouts are issuing from my lungs as well as those of the wolves. I am with them in the circle, dancing around the dead elk. A horn blows in the distance, and we fall silent. Above the treeline, a mountain begins to move, The massive shape in the darkness turns, rises, and stands before a full blood moon. It is the figure of a man, in place of his head, the skull of an elk. Hircine- lord of the hunt, father of the werebeasts. Without need for words, he looks down at me and I am paralyzed by the fear of his might. I clutch at my amulet of Akatosh, but it is nowhere to be found. My god of Time has abandoned me, I realize as the wolves begin their dance anew. Hircine throws back his head, issuing a deafening howl. I have been chosen by a new god. I wake screaming. My fever has broken during the night. My compatriots believe my infection has healed itself. They do not suspect the change that has overtaken me. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 21, 2020 Posted August 21, 2020 As Pahn's troops cleared out, Terrell chose to linger behind. Telling his party to move on ahead without him, that he'll catch up later. "Well, Pahn you arrogant bastard. I kept telling you that one day you're gonna bite off more than you can chew." The monk spoke aloud as he closed in on the individual's corpse, taking a knee beside him. Terrell exhaled heavily as he slide Pahn's armor aside to allow him to reach his hand down in front of his chest, breaking the chain of a solid gold amulet that was marked with the house Bishop crest. "We were never friends, but the least I can do is return this to your parents..." Terrell spoke softly as he slid the amulet into his back pocket. He debated on whether or not he wanted to do a burial. He took notice of the men that died serving under him, Terrell deciding that if he was gonna do it he should see to it properly. "Hehehe," The dwarf chuckled, whistling along happy and content after that skirmish, especially since it gave him the opportunity to show off a bit. "Ya know, when we're all done with this expedition, how about ya consider becoming members of my new pirate crew." Banarr exclaimed loudly while fumbling about in his bag as he pulled out his bagpipes to play some wondrous music. He nudged Neflet's horse side with his elbow, "You especially stood out to be well accomplished... I know! You could be my first mate!" The dwarven pirate propositioned as they were setting up camp. Quote
jezebelthenun Posted August 22, 2020 Posted August 22, 2020 Neflet chuckles at Banarr's offer. "All hooves on deck, is it?" She turns a worn, tattered piece of fabric over and over in her hands. "I appreciate the offer, Shortbeard, though you may want to wait a while longer to extend such trust in my abilities. I seem to be in the habit of letting down those I should be most closely guarding." With a sad smile she nods to the dwarf and then settles in a soft, grassy space at the base of some trees. "Play your music, but get some rest, Banarr. Tomorrow will not be an easy day for any of us, I think." It is only moments between the closing of her eyes and the soft snoring of a deep, long rest. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 22, 2020 Posted August 22, 2020 (edited) A rattling noise echoed audibly, much further up the mountain from where the adventurers were set up, a large and towering figure marched along through the densely packed forest, each step they made and each movement they made sounded like bones and metal rattling together... that's because this being was a living skeleton. "Ello there!" The towering figure called out in a very naive British sounding accent. The tall, walking skeleton wandered around some more. "Mr. Govias, sir, are you out here? The boss wanted me to check up on you!" The skeleton continued. Standing at almost seven feet tall was a big boned skeleton figure that looked like an undead barbarian, wearing an animal skin cloak over his back with a large axe resting atop of it; the skeleton wearing the remnants of the armor he wore back when he was still alive... As well as the hair he once had, glued to the top of his skull. Just over 5 yards ahead of him a short, scrawny figure stepped out, cloaked in darkness, the only details that could be made out was the outlines of a mask worn across their face, dark energy appeared to be emanating from them in a breathing like pattern as the being stood their stoically, glaring at the towering skeleton with an intense and unwavering expression. The tall skeleton gulped... or at least made that sound effect the best he could considering he didn't have the meat needed to naturally do that action. "Well hello!" The skeleton greeted with a polite bow. "Mr. Govias, sir. My name is Maurice, though my clan back home used to call me Karn and..." His words were met by a flare of dark energy from the masked individual, the energy distorting the plants and vegetation surrounding him, causing them to twist up, wither, and decay into an unnatural purple color. "Right... I see." Karn nodded along. "Well, like yourself I'm also a new addition, boss Vahalen wanted me to let you know that another group of travelers will be coming to see you soon, and in the bosses words *ahem* "fuck em up"!" Karn relayed before turning his attention away from Govias. "Alright, now that that's done and out of the way." Karn reached behind his back, pulling out a glass bottle of liquor, popping the cork out of it, leaning his head back as he downed half of the bottle into his mouth... which fell straight through the bottom of his jaw, leaking out through all joints and bones. "Aw, darn it!" Karn exclaimed frustrated, shaking his head in annoyance before turning around and making his exit, down the mountain path. Edited August 22, 2020 by Distinct Lunatic Quote
jezebelthenun Posted August 22, 2020 Posted August 22, 2020 (edited) Toh-ken's screams startle Neflet awake. "What is it? Are we under attack?" Her sword at the ready, Neflet quickly clamors to Toh-ken's side. Seeing the sweat drenched man still prone in his place of rest, she relaxes. "It would seem that your fever has broken. Are you well enough to travel on? We should continue on as soon as Terrell rejoins us." Seeing the dwarf half slumped over his bagpipes, drool spilling from his mouth and puddling on the ground below, Neflet decides to look around the area for anything interesting or useful while she waits for Terrell to return. (Investigation 1d20 = 15) The trees and vegetation are lush, and there seem to be indications of woodland creatures here and there. Birds chirp in the trees and an odd squirrel titters here and there. As her eyes cross the far edge of the clearing, she notices what looks to be a large branch close to the ground. The leaves seem different than those around it. As Neflet approaches, she can see that the branch has been placed there purposely, and that it is obscuring a path that winds into the trees. She throws the branch aside and follows the path for a few minutes, keeping her sword at the ready, when she sees (I made a random encounter generator. You can dl it if you want to use it too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/159k2CD2bAIwuO_lITV1EgQYU0Vxm8TI9/view?usp=sharing) A(n) thin, Dragonborn being with wavy, blue-black hair sitting on top of a broken cart. Carefully, Neflet approaches the figure. "Do you need some assistance?" Her grip tightens wound her sword. The Dragonborn looks up, startled. (1d6 1-3 good 4-6 bad =3) "I've just had an unfortunate accident with my cart. I appreciate your concern, stranger, but I've sent my brother on to get help already. There is nothing but to wait for him to come back." The stranded traveler seems to be telling the truth. Satisfied, Neflet walks closer. "Have you been waiting long? Do you expect it will be much longer?" "A while," the traveler replies, "and a while more, I would imagine. I'm beginning to wish I had brought provisions. I thought this would be a quick journey." Neflet produces one ration from her pack. "It isn't much, but hopefully it will help you keep your strength until help arrives." She hands the ration to the stranger. "This path is quite out of the way. How did you find yourself on it?" With a mouthful of food, the stranger shrugs. "Work," he says, spitting crumbs as he speaks, "We were hired to deliver wood to the man who lives at the end of the path. He never leaves his home, and nobody ever sees him. Some of the other workers say he's an evil warlock. He's probably just an old hermit, though." Neflet nods to the stranger. "I hope your help arrives soon." With a wave, she heads back to the camp. When she arrives, she tells the others about the path and the mysterious man said to live at the end. "He could be worth investigating," the centaurs offers, "but I'll go in whichever direction the group decides is best." Edited August 22, 2020 by jezebelthenun 1 Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 22, 2020 Posted August 22, 2020 The human monk known as Terrell opened his eyes, blinking them as he glanced around a bit, having just woken up. He found himself near the area where their battle had taken place... burying a bunch of people by yourself proved to be pretty exhausting, so he meant to get just a bit of shut eye, but was thrown off a bit when he woke up to find that it was dark out. "Heh.... how about that." He mumbled to himself as he got up and on his feet, stretching his back as he started making his way up the pathway. "I wish I had a torch..." He said in a quiet manner in no one in particular, being completely on alert when a response came, "Oh, I can help with that!" The voice responded from immediately behind Terrell, the monk reacted by spinning around kicking at an extended hand... the force of his kick took the whole arm off. It was then that he saw what appeared to be a seven foot tall skeleton standing there with an unlit lantern in its other hand. "Hello!" The skeleton greeted as he waved his hand. "Sorry abou' startling you." It continued in a polite manner as he crouched down, setting down its lantern momentarily to reconnect the arm that was knocked off. Terrell quickly took several steps back to gain distance as the skeleton stood up straight, using one hand to light the lantern, illuminating them both better. "I know not where you came from, creature; but you had best turn back and leave if you know what's good for you." Terrell threatened, but the skeleton was unfazed by that. "That's not very nice, calling me a creature... I have a name you know." It stated in a tone that sounded hurt and offended. "Which is...?" Terrell pressed. "Maurice, is my name. Though everyone back home in me tribe called me Karn... Please call me Karn, I don't like being called Maurice." Karn elaborated, followed by a long awkward pause. With the two just standing there in the dark. "Well?" Terrell exclaimed, "Is there a point to this interaction?" Terrell demanded to know. "Well, here you go." Karn responded as he handed over the lantern, it being a very awkward encounter as Terrell took it, but his concerns about the skeleton hasn't diminished one bit. "I know, I know!" Karn responded waving his hands a bout in front of him. "I was just passing by and heard you wishing for a light, the last thing I want is for you to not see where you're going, and to trip and fall, and sprain an ankle or somethin', I reckon me boss wouldn't like that one bit." There was another uncomfortable silence followed by Karn immediately turning around and walking away from the monk. "Shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have said that..." Karn repeated sporadically as he retreated. Terrell wanted to press the creature for more information but it would be best to hurry to his party and not run off into possible danger. "Hehehe..." The dwarven pirate chuckled in his sleep as he drooled all over himself. "Oh, yes... oh, yes... Come to papa... just lemme stick my head in between there.... hehehe." He chucked in a genuinely creepy manner before he immediately woke up, "Yer a man!?" He just blurted out loudly, taking a glance around in both directions over how awkward that was. Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 23, 2020 Author Posted August 23, 2020 Being unable to return to sleep after my vivid dream, I sat watch, tending to the fire. Neflet had spoken to me when I first woke screaming, but in all honesty I could barely recall what was said. Even now as I sat tending to the fire, I felt... I felt as if I were in a waking dream, the nightmare feeling somehow more concrete than the reality. I reached into my cloak and pulled out my traveling pipe once again, lighting it with the burning tip of a stick I pulled from the fire. Near me the dwarf snored as Neflet wandered the periphery of the camp. Terrell had stayed behind to bury the dead. I stared into the hottest part of the fire as I smoked; meditating on the dancing flames in an attempt to clear my head. I reflexively reached for my holy amulet to pray, but of course I knew that it was gone. Faint voices came to me through the trees, looking up from the fire I noticed Neflet had gone. It was her voice I heard, and another. I instinctively sniffed the air. Lizardfolk were about. "Yer a man?!?" Shouted the dwarf with a start as he woke. Not anymore, dwarf. Not anymore. Neflet stepped back though the treeline into the camp and shared with us the conversation she had with the dragonborn, though I had mostly already heard it. "Well, Terrell's still not back yet, and we need him to lead us to the halfling so we can get back on our way to the fort..." I said in response to Neflet's offer of another side quest. "So I'm down I guess. First things first though I need some goddamn breakfast. Be right back." I excused myself and began trekking into the forest. Alone now, I sat among the various scents and sounds of the wild. *I close my eyes* D20 roll: 11 A branch cracks nearby and I instantly launch myself in its direction. I catch a rabbit bare handed. I return to camp and prepare breakfast for the group. Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 24, 2020 Author Posted August 24, 2020 Spoiler It's almost a shame I'm not having lower rolls- that 1 roll on the wolves that fucked me up took me on a really interesting path. Had a bunch of fun things planned for some of those rolls too. Nightmare sequence rolls: 1: I become a feral one-eyed wolf and run off into the night, never to be seen again (?) and make a new character. 2-5: I become a wolf that stays with the party. 6-9: I'm a wolf that can talk. 10-15: werewolf. 16-19: werewolf that retains my ties to akatosh and can control transformations/doesn't have the whole religious guilt thing. 20- champion of Hircine 1 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 26, 2020 Author Posted August 26, 2020 Banarr, Neflet, and I finished our breakfast and proceeded to pack up our camp. Afterwards, we all sat around bullshitting waiting for Terrell. For a short time we were worried something had happened to him, but then we figured he was more than capable of taking care of himself. *"Y'all like Orc war poetry?" I ask* D20 roll: 4 "This piece is called 'Crack.' The name of the first Orc to utter this has been lost to the erosion of the stones, but its passed through the throat of almost every orc since." The other members of the party were visibly annoyed as I unfurled a scroll from my pack. "HYYYYAHA-AYY A HYYYA" I shouted in a harsh war cry. A crack split the air as the scroll in my hand disintegrated. "The fuck dude?" I asked Banarr, who simply holstered his pistol and began to play his bagpipes. "You know what? Fine. Whatever. Yo Neflet, lets go fuck with them lizard bros." Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 (Quite literally not sure what to post, some form of writers block) Terrell spent a couple of hours traveling up the mountain path, searching for his party that he had ushered ahead of himself earlier. Eventually he found a cleared out camp ground that his party likely spent the night at. He wasn't much of a tracker but he did his best to scope out the terrain nearby, looking for the hoof prints of a horse figuring that'd lead him to Neflet and the rest of the party, however he found a few other sets of hoof prints, some looked old, some looked somewhat fresh, but again Terrell wasn't that good of a tracker. From the looks of it either horses had past through some time before or after his party set up / packed up their camp site. He followed the sets of hoof prints further until it lead to a split, upon which with a frustrated groan he resorted to tossing a coin, (d20 = 6) he ended up picking the path that his party didn't take. Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 27, 2020 Author Posted August 27, 2020 Banarr, Neflet and I make our way down the path of the lizardfolk, but we do not find them or their cart. "His brother must have gotten back with help already," said Banarr. (@jezebelthenun I'm not sure how much detail you put into this random encounter or if we can just freestyle it, so in the interests of "yes, and..."ing I'mma just go with it. If it goes against some plan you had just assume my character was doped out his gourd.) "Well, that's that mystery solved I guess. Back to the bagpipes." "Hey hang on a minute..." I said as I sniffed the air. "Do you guys smell that?" D20 roll: 3 "Fuck," say, as I look around the wilderness for any sign of movement, body tensed in preparation to run the opposite direction of any I see. "Fucking trolls man. Shit." "Wait how the hell could you 'smell' a troll out there?" said Banarr, motioning to the silent forest around us. "Oh shit, never mind THEY'RE RIGHT OVER THERE!" "Fuuuuuck." I say as I realize escape at this point was unlikely. *All right lets beat the shit out these trolls* D20 roll: 7 I charge the closest of the advancing trolls; attempting to run it through with the end of my spear. The beast jumps to the side and I miss. "All right everybody, pick a troll. If we work together we can each kill one, and then we'll see if they hold any clue to the disappearance of the lizardfolk brothers" *the troll attacks me* D20 roll: 13 As I am distracted by speaking, the troll strikes at me with outstretched claws. I am able to deflect the majority of the force of its attack, however its claws leave large cuts into my gauntlets. *I use them spiked gauntlets to bash this motherfucker right upside the head* D20 roll: mothafuckin' nat 20 y'all. Even though I had redirected it to the side, the creature's attack carried considerable momentum as its body traveled towards me. Using that force, as well as my own, I bashed that motherfucker right upside the head so goddamn hard his brains popped right on out. "Aight, got mine." I said, bits of brain dripping from my spiked forearms. Quote
jezebelthenun Posted August 27, 2020 Posted August 27, 2020 (OOC: Sorry, it's been a shitty week. For the record, I'm 100% pro "yes, and. . ." so go for it. Anything I set up is purely flavor) IC: Neflet charges the next closest troll. (1d20 = 10) Though she seems on target to strike, her front hoof lands on a large rock and she loses her balance, stumbling to one side. Her sword misses it's mark and bounces off of the ground as she attempts to steady herself. The troll wastes no time lumbering at Neflet, swinging a mighty fist down over her head. (1d20=17 1d8 w/ advantage 5/1=5 bludgeoning) The fist comes down heavy on Neflet and she buckles under it's strength. When it lifts, she bears a reddening streak across the top of her head and blood trickles down her forehead. With a smile, she stands slowly. Indeed, it has been a while since she has been hit like this. Willing the memory of pain to fortify her, she readies her sword. "Leave this one to me, boys! I've got my legs back now!" Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 27, 2020 Posted August 27, 2020 The dwarven pirate, was fumbling about trying to put his beloved bagpipes away when the party engaged with the trolls. (Dex 18+2) Banarr managed to leap to the side as one of the trolls charged forward toward him, the size difference between the two played a bit to Banarr's favor, the dwarf wasting no time pulling out his flintlock pistol and popping off a round which shot through the trolls thigh, dropping it down to a knee, the pirate then switched to his blunderbuss, pointing the end of the barrel dead center about two feet away from the trolls face, (Dex 2+2) and pulling the trigger to just to hear the metallic sound of the hammer striking but no discharge due to Banarr failing to reload prior to the battle, the troll responding with a strong punch to the gut that sent the dwarf back some feet. It was at this time that Banarr wished that his prized cutlasses weren't off in the hands of his lowly crew that threw him overboard. "Ya call that a punch!?" He goaded the troll, "I reckon my granny could have hit harder than that." His words provoking the troll, making it charge him once more, (Dex 13+2) Banarr reacted by pulling out a glass jar from one of his trench coat pockets that contained a dark, green and murky liquid which he quickly splashed in the creatures face, it being an acidic resin Banarr scavenges when he can, it being used to create explosives. Exposure to the eyes being very likely to result in permanent eye damage. (I tweaked Banarr's character sheet a bit, https://ddb.ac/characters/33965448/weZ75j making them level 6. A general idea for the character is that he seems like a bumbling idiot, but his time as a pirate captain has made him pretty strong and wise. Also at some point later on will likely remove or replace him, him being relegated to an NPC that'll likely come along with opportunities from time to time) Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 28, 2020 Author Posted August 28, 2020 "Y'all got 'em on the ropes!" I said, shouting from the periphery of the fight as Neflet and Banarr engaged in combat with their respective trolls. "I'mma just look around for clues and shit, y'all can help after you finish them off." *I look around for clues and shit* D20 roll: 12 I investigated the path using my tracking skills and discovered 3 separate sets of footprints. Two of them smelled of lizardfolk, but the third is unknown. Quote
jezebelthenun Posted August 28, 2020 Posted August 28, 2020 (1d20 =19) Neflet waits for just the right moment to charge again, this time, she's completely focused. When the opening appears, she darts ahead and pushes her sword into the soft flesh of the bent troll's underchin. (1d4(3)+3= 6 bludgeoning) As the troll leans further forward, grasping his neck in pain, Neflet thrusts her hooves forward, directly into the monster's left eye (1d4(2)+3=5 bludgeoning, total damage = 11) The troll staggers back for a moment before beginning to slam his fists down indiscriminately in a rage. (1d20=2 . . . oof) Not only does he miss Neflet with each pound, but he manages to shake the ground so hard that a large tree falls directly onto the back of his head. (1d4=2) Seeing the troll is stunned from the blow, Neflet takes a moment to gather herself. (bonus action Second Wind 1d10(2)+3 hp = 5) Feeling reassured and bolstered, Neflet gallops to the stunned troll, ready to make what she hopes to be her final attack. (1d20 w/ advantage=13/19= 19 1d8(8)+5 slashing = 13) Leaping up into the air with her powerful haunches, Neflet buries her sword into the existing wound under the troll's chin, letting her own weight force the blade to cut a gash straight down the throat, catching arteries and veins and cleaving it's esophagus in two.The troll feebly reaches for it's throat again, but the damage is too great. Blood spurts in streams from the gaping crevasse until the monster hits the ground with a mighty thud, a fantastic final fountain of red reaching into the air and landing, with a slap, on the troll's face. After a deep breath and a wipe of her bloodied face, Neflet decides to search the body for anything valuable. (perception check 1d20 = 12) She checks over the corpse but only finds 3 common items: (another random generator I made for searching checks) Disinterested in any of them herself, she leaves them lying on the ground next to the troll's body. "When this is over, I have some trinkets for you to look through. If anyone needs a short rest, we'll take one here, then carry on." potion(s) of Climbing Band if Fallen Leaves lamp Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 28, 2020 Posted August 28, 2020 (edited) Spoiler (A character I made earlier today. a friend of mine that has a group that does DND mentioned that they'll likely be starting a new campaign soon with new characters starting at level 1, I'm hoping to be able to join them, the DM of their group being another one of the guys I work with that I'm on good terms with. This being a character I made for if I can join a campaign, their name being Alden Hallewell (https://ddb.ac/characters/34628023/AtdmAS) The character would start off as the fighter class, I rolled the ability score earlier but my friend did say if I were to bring the character to a campaign that I'd need to roll there. My plan being to start them off as a fighter but for them to eventually multi-class as a sorcerer. The character has Knight background, the idea being they of a draconic lineage, that being the source of their magic, the kingdom that he was in servitude to being highly paranoid of and hostile toward magic users, it being discovered after he reached knighthood that he was capable, him being forced to leave his kingdom as a result. Part of their character arc being them accepting that part of themselves and multi-classing as a sorcerer. As a fighter they'd be versatile in using melee and ranged weapons) (A character that I made today, most likely won't be featured in this. It being for if I'm able to join a friend of mines next campaign) Edited August 28, 2020 by Distinct Lunatic 1 Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 28, 2020 Posted August 28, 2020 Banarr was feeling rather high and mighty after managing to pull off his maneuver which resulted in the troll suffering permanent eye damage. "Not so tough now, ain't ya!?" Banarr goaded some more as he arrogantly holstered both of his firearms as he started fighting it out fisticuffs, taking jabs and shots at the troll. One thing that was most obvious and apparent, Banarr tends to let success go to his head, becoming arrogant. It only took about 4 good jabs before the troll gained enough sense of their surroundings, managing to block Banarr's fifth jab, and responding by charging forward, wrapping both arms around the dwarfs waist, scooping him up and throwing him down against the ground some distance away, conveniently within arms reach of the lamp that Neflet left. "Ha hoo, boy, a lamp! I know just what to do with tha'," The dwarf rolled over off of his back, grabbing the lamp beside him and twisting it open, revealing the lamp fuel. Before the troll could react, Banarr quickly managed to get up to his feet, and as he spun around toward the troll he splashed the lantern fuel over its head. Feeling ever so mighty and powerful the dwarf reached into one of his dirty pockets, retrieving a set of matches, striking one and tossing it at the troll. The fire most likely won't be enough to kill the troll, but it would give them enough time to reload both of their firearms. (where's the search generator?) Quote
jezebelthenun Posted August 28, 2020 Posted August 28, 2020 OOC: I haven't finalized the code, yet, but I'll put up a link when I do. I want to make it tiered based on a d20 roll, with better items for better rolls. Right now it's only common items since that's what I would have rolled. 1 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 29, 2020 Author Posted August 29, 2020 ""Smart move with that lamp, Banarr." I said as I watched him and his troll battle. "Trolls are super weak to fire, So he should be on his last legs." As I shouted encouragement to Banarr, Neflet joined me in looking around for clues about the missing cart and lizardfolk brothers. *We keep looking for clues and shit.* D20 roll: 4 I sniff the air loudly, attempting to use my new enhanced senses to help us along. Neflet looks over at me. Her expression is hard to read, but I've got the paranoia like a motherfucker going on right now. Oh god. she knows. she knows she knows she knows she knows she knows. Get a hold of yourself goddamnit. I cough. "Goddamn allergies, right?" I say. I awkwardly return to the search. Quote
jezebelthenun Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 Neflet nods slowly at Toh-ken, entirely confused and a little worried that his injuries caused lasting damage. Looking around the area where the third set of tracks is located (1d20= Nat 20) she notices that the grass and underbrush are matted as though something recently came through. The trail seems to widen an points, as though something would fall and be dragged a bit before being lifted back up. Neflet gestures to Toh-ken to come close and when he does, she whispers, "We might check this trail, but we could also wait for Banarr. What do you think?" OOC: I thought I posted this days ago, but it's just been sitting there unposted. Duuurrrr. Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 31, 2020 Author Posted August 31, 2020 *I decide what to do* D4 roll: 4 "No, Banarr is coming with us right now." I say as I ready my halberd to assist him in defeating the last of the trolls. *I go fuck this troll up* D20 roll: 14 I walk up behind the burning troll, screaming in pain and clutching its face where Banarr had attacked it with acid. I stab my spear through the back of its head, mercifully ending its suffering. "Hey man, it looks like Neflet picked up a trail." I say as I pat the dwarf on the shoulder. "Come on, lets head out." Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 Banarr simply scuffed at Toh-ken coming along and finishing off the troll. "Could have done it myself." The dwarven pirate sulked as he pulled out a cigar, striking a match and lighting it up, taking a deep inhale as he followed along with his short dwarven legs... But not before searching the fallen troll for any possible goodies... to which the dwarf managed to find a dagger however he tossed it aside in disgust due to it being a weapon unworthy of a pirate such as himself. "Note to self, next time I find a smithy, have 'im forge the finest pair of cutlasses known to dwarf." Quote
SwimModSponges Posted August 31, 2020 Author Posted August 31, 2020 "Oh, i know you could have done it yourself." I said to the dwarf as we started to follow the trail. "If i had rolled a 2 or a 3 i would have let you." A wry smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "Tell you what though once we get back to town I'mma hit up the smithy myself here. Really miss that goddamn crossbow and I don't think I'm going to get it back from that innkeeper without beating him off." Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 (edited) Off topic: The other day I started making a game in RPG Maker MZ, no promises of me actually finishing it. It isn't DND themed but still meant to be fantasy with some modern day elements. The story I'm winging it on. Back when I first started writing back in '08 I pretty much made things up as I went, then I started thinking everything out in advance but would overwhelm myself with the scope of that and likely won't finish it, so I'm back to winging it with this. As for assets I only have what comes with RPG Maker, it has a pretty good character creator but don't think I can do centaur's, but if either of you had a character you wanted to pitch. Either an imperial type or free agent type or whatever. Haven't decided on if I'm going to do non-human types or not, depends on how far I can stretch the provided assets. Character names are based on UK and Europe. Going for a nobility theme with kings, barons, dukes, etc. Won't be anything too fancy or complex. I do have a pretty good amount of experience with RPG Maker, but I don't know *javascript or how to code in general. I understand how the stuff works to some degree but not how to write it. So any functionality in the game will be what I can do with what's provided or available scripts online. It took me about 4 hours to get around 5 minutes of content but I do find it fun to work on. Edited August 31, 2020 by Distinct Lunatic 1 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted September 3, 2020 Author Posted September 3, 2020 *rolls dice for something to happen* D4 roll: 4 I smelled them first, but didn't want to bring anymore attention to my affliction. Before long, I could tell by the looks on their faces that Neflet and Banarr caught the scent of the dead lizardfolk as well. The trail came to an abrupt end at the base of a tree, where one of the brothers lay, deceased. "Well hot damn," I said as we all gathered around the corpse. "Looks like we got a murder mystery going on here. One of you two should look for clues, I'mma sit over here for a minute." Quote
jezebelthenun Posted September 5, 2020 Posted September 5, 2020 OOC: Sorry kids, my dad's been in the hospital almost dead for 2 weeks and last week was the first week of distance learning for all 3 kids. To say I'm preoccupied right now is a bit of an understatement. I'll do my best to type something up later today. ❤️ 1 Quote
jezebelthenun Posted September 5, 2020 Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) As a consolation, I finalized the "Common" loot generator. I'll work on the Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary lists when I get the chance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11cGRPtXVSjT9EhdDFuQgNqPLzWXs7bIb/view?usp=sharing Edited September 5, 2020 by jezebelthenun 1 Quote
jezebelthenun Posted September 5, 2020 Posted September 5, 2020 I guess I should explain that you should save these in notepad, but give them a .html extension instead of .txt. . . Quote
jezebelthenun Posted September 7, 2020 Posted September 7, 2020 Neflet studies the area (d20 = 5). Aside from the corpse in front of her, nothing jumps out. Everything looks like normal underbrush. "I think it's best if we head back to the path. The man the dragonborn spoke of lives at the end, so he seems a likely place to start looking for answers." Neflet begins hoofing back through the trees. "If anyone is inclined, perhaps making some tree markings on the way back could help us revisit the area if we need to look more closely." Quote
SwimModSponges Posted September 7, 2020 Author Posted September 7, 2020 *I pee on one of the trees* Quote
SwimModSponges Posted September 11, 2020 Author Posted September 11, 2020 Spoiler @Distinct Lunatic roll some dice mang. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted September 11, 2020 Posted September 11, 2020 3 hours ago, SwimModSponges said: Hide contents @Distinct Lunatic roll some dice mang. Will try getting around to it at some point. Busy with work and working on my game when not at work Quote
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