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1.shantae half genie hero ultimate edition

2. legend of Zelda breath of the wild

3.super mario odyssey

4.splatoon 2

5.mario kart 8 deluxe

6.fire emblem three houses

7.luigi's mansion 3


9.sleep tight

10.timberman vs

11.mad guy and this age

12.preventive strike

13.smash brothers ultimate

14.fire emblem warriors

15.octopath traveler

16.xenoblade chronicles 2

17.pokemon sword

18.disgaea 5 complete edition

19.DQ11 S

20.Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy

21.One Piece Pirate Warriors III


At this point I pretty much have Fire Emblem Three Houses and BotW. Technically I also have Pkmn let's go Eevee, only because I ended up buying that one digitally which means I'm unable to sell it on ebay.

I had the new Smash Bros, as well as Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, and also Mario Maker 2. I sold them all except Mario Maker 2 which I was considering selling, but I'm just gonna give to my younger half-bro for christmas, my mom and them getting him a Switch.


to be fair though, the two remaining games I have is all I need.

I have a feeling I'm probably gonna be getting Pkmn Sword from a friend of mine, my birthday was the 9th, and I was talking to him on the phone and he was asking me if there were any games that came out that I thought looked interesting, I mentioned this one, and he was asking which would be better Sword or Shield, so I'm assuming he was scoping out something to get me.

Problem with me getting Sword/Shield is I still need to complete FE3H, I did 2 and a half routes and still have over 50 hours left til I'm done with the game.


Lets see if I can remember everything.
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Maker 2
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Smash Ultimate
MK8 Deluxe
Kirby Star Allies
DK Tropical Freeze
Super Mario Party
Pokemon Let's Go Eevee
Pokemon Shield
Octopath Traveler
Dragon Quest XI S
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary
Namco Museum
Sonic Mania
Tales of Yesperia
Puyo Puyo Tetris 
Azure Striker Gunvolt Pack
Cave Story
Katamari Reroll
Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap
Dark Souls
DB FighterZ
Ninja Saviors
Wild Guns
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Shining Resonance
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
Horizon Chase Turbo
Penguin Wars
Yoku's Island Express
God Wars Future Past
Disgaea 1 Complete
Collection of Mana
Crash Insane Trilogy

Fast RMX
Blaster Master Zero
Spelunker Party
Romancing Saga 2
Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Zero Gunner 2
Sengoku 3
Lightening Force aka Thunder Force IV
Super Mario Bros. vs
Phantasy Star
Mercenaries Saga trilogy
Death Road to Canada
Into the Breach
Grandia HD Collection

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