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General Content Ratings Thread 2.0: Same Principle, Different Format

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Getting back to a weekly pace.

Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #7: I Can Do It By Myself (TV-PGD)


For starters, we have the usual Iketeru laughing at alternate terms for the penis, this time's terms in question being "bone" and "dong" - the latter of which he laughs at twice! - in response to his sister calling him a "bonehead" and "ding-dong" (also twice) respectively during an argument they're having. But the more subtle piece of dialogue that most might not have noticed was him wording his request for Utano to solve the situation by meeting with Mabui as "take my sister", to which Utano responds, "Ahh, you meant that way," after he clears it up, suggesting a slightly more sexual initial interpretation. Honorable mention of the moment is Usahara reacting to Uramichi's home-grown shiso leaves by claiming that growing "illegal-looking leaves" on his balcony is very risky. Profanity consisted of a single use of "sucks".

Magic Knight Rayearth #6: Lives at Stake: Presea's Weapons (TV-PG)


In a chronological sense, the PG set for this episode was a scene during the Magic Knights' fight with the giant-ass caterpillar monster summoned by Ascot, the token shota of Zagato's gallery of minions, where Hikaru slashes it with her sword, prompting a bright transparent red splash to emerge from the wound. Something that would count towards more if it were a human that got hit instead of the world's largest Caterpie, but still worth the mention since it looked like blood.

But overall, the true PG set for the episode is the tough fact that this episode, Presea dies. Seconds after finishing the girls' new weapons through a mix of interpretive dance and snaking parts of her toga around the Escudo they brought back, she gets crushed under some rubble from Adelante (the caterpillar monster, sic) crashing through her house, and despite hanging on long enough to see the weapons put to use and there being no blood, she expires from her injuries, with a later scene at what I presume is her burial site, based on the mound of dirt and sticks formed into a cross sticking out of it, confirming such.

I'm hoping Ferio survives his return next time, but considering Fuu tearing up is part of the next episode preview, I'm not exactly holding out hope for him either.

I couldn't become a hero, so I reluctantly decided to get a job. #12: I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Decided to Get a Job (TV-14SV)


SEXUAL SITUATIONS: At one point during the protags' ride to the Demon World entrance on Mt. Fuji Zerock (translation: Mt. Fuji if it were active), Raul is thrown face-first against Airi's chest, her nipples still outlined under her bodysuit as before, for which she chastises him for daring to use her breasts "as a cushion". It's a single use of dialogue in an episode otherwise devoid of it, so that line plus Raul's mild retort that it wasn't really much of a cushion (because she's a little small up there) were left out of contention for an additional subrating. Airi's bodysuit-clad nips get some extra screentime during the scene where she and Raul take out various monsters blocking their way into Demon World, in this case a close-up of them as she launches an attack at a giant in what my uncle and I swear is recycled animation from the first episode cold open. And finally, after managing to break her out of her "next demon lord" mental state, Fino's outfit indicative of the role shatters, leaving her both topless and butt-naked; her nipples visible in one or two shots, and her ass visible for a couple more.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Also part of the recycled animation sequence from episode 1, Airi stabs the giant she faces off against in the eye, with bloody results. Not bloody but just as intense is Fino, in her "next demon lord" mental state, strangling Raul with both hands, with hands around neck and plenty of struggled chokes present throughout the few minutes in which it takes place.

Profanity consisted of one use of "hellish".

My Next Life as a Villianess: All Routes Lead to Doom! #20: I Had an Arranged Marriage Meeting... (TV-PG)


In a similar case to Rayearth, this was one where the overall PG set is different from the chronological PG set. For the former, there's the first of Nicol's marriage candidates passing out complete with nosebleed after he touches her forehead (to check for fever, naturally), and for the latter, it's arguable that Nicol's main reason for wanting to get over his crush on Catarina - not wanting to steal his good friend Geordo's girl - fits the bill, though I'm not sure if bride-stealing is a mature enough theme to really constitute a PG set, since it's not intrinsically adultery.


  • 3 weeks later...

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 3: "A ball is resplendent, enjoyable, and..." - TV-PG (review post here)


Three up, three down.

This one was just a PG set or two. The big one was Mio saying her outfit was sexy, then Rika chiming by saying that the other two should sex themselves up by showing some skin around their bellies. Also worth mentioning is Miku appearing to have been beaten Yamcha-style, until the camera cuts to the spilled Jenga pile.

For our first screenshot, we have... oh dear. Look, I don't try to make these things have embarrassing moments, but this off-model Uzuki is hilarious and too good to resist. It helps that it's become somewhat of a meme itself in the fandom. Good thing they fixed it for the BDs. And for numero dos, some shenanigans backstage before Mika's concert.



Wonder Egg Priority #3: "A Bare Knife" - TV-14D


The suggestive dialogue comes from this week's new character Rika (no relation), first in the cold open where she talks about how the ugly monster who loves young women so much should get a prostitute, and then near the end when she sees the new monster tying up some idol fans, comparing it to S&M. The violence... well, let me explain my ratings choices so far. Episode 1 had a big shower of blood viewed from a distance, the kind of thing I think Poke would rate at least MA straight. But it was the worst violence in the episode, and I tend to rate blood splatters lower than some other ratings people would. The second episode was a similar deal, but the explosion was closer up, there was slightly more involved violence, and the rest of the episode was MA-level anyway. This time, the only blood to appear was on the face of Sachiko, a.k.a. Umibozu, our weekly Egg monster who's basically Squid Girl meets Lady Dimitrescu meets the embodiment of a jam band musician's bad trip (based on the trumpet-like things on her tentacle hair). The heroes chopped off parts of her hair with their weapons, and they also destroyed some Seeno Evils along the way. The former is PG-level beat-em-up violence, while the latter is practically Y7FV. There was one scene where one of the Seeno Evils gets hit in the face and flies away all stylized, but it was pretty short and probably meant more for comedic relief. Even the Seeno Evils' texture effects have been reduced to splotches of burnt yellow and orange, rather than menacing crimson blood. Oh, and we find out that Rika has self-harmed, but we only see the cuts she made in the past, and she even vows not to do it anymore while in the bath. So this week's episode doesn't get the V, although I have a feeling that's going to change in due time.

Screenshots? Let's go with Rika destroying the first monster, and some lurvely small talk between Ai and Neiru.



Also, you may have noticed that Funi's logo pops up in all of the WEP screenshots I've done so far. Honestly, I didn't even notice that the first time, but I have no other choice now, as not only does their player constantly include the logo in the corner, but I can't even take a screenshot while pausing. On the off chance that I have to change the rating, this means I have to be pretty precise to take the same part of the scene as I did before. Talk about a bother.

Episode 1 - TV-14
Episode 2 - TV-PGV
Episode 3 - TV-PGL

(yeah... no spiffy titles this time)


#1: Finally, I get to rate the very first subbed anime I ever watched. But I'm not gonna do screencaps for it, at least for now, because it's way too good for anyone in this accursed world. Anyway... a crapshoot. Apart from the gigantic explosion just before the OP, we have Sasahara, after a long-winded routine about whether he can bring a goat to school, getting shot in the head by Misato, but there was no impact and only a small thread of blood came out. Also, Mio ended up crumpling to the ground and had a similar tiny blood thread after a fantasy where Sasahara was going to marry her. I previously rated this 14V on a rewatch back in 2018, but now, I think the nature of the scene and how it was downplayed isn't enough for the subrating. Except, you know, someone still got shot.

#2: This time, we have more violence that is exaggerated yet not as bad as you might expect, courtesy of Misato, who as the apparent survival game fan fires on Sasahara again, this time with military-grade weapons over... well, slacking off, but he wasn't harmed by it at all. Personally, I feel like this one could go either way, but my rewatch notes said it passed for a PGV, so I'll leave it be.

#3: This time, much simpler: five uses of "sucks"" and one "frickin'" from Mai's comic about Masao, which Yuuko read and got surprisingly engrossed over despite not being the homework she needed to copy.

To Your Eternity
Episode 14: "Jananda, Island of Freedom" - TV-14LV
Episode 15: "A Girl Named Tonari" - TV-14LV


#14: As you might expect from the premise about a coliseum where prisoners try to win whatever they desire, there was bloody violence; mostly combatants getting slashed with swords and morning stars and splashing blood around, but the pinnacle was a scene Fushi saw first-hand of a guy getting sliced in half, with stylistic smears at the point of contact, that made him puke. Also, another victim gets an ax stuck in his head, and the presumptive winner of the round holds up a guy's severed head. Then it was their time to enter the arena and take down the last combatant, which involved an ax being thrown at their head and swords going right through its body like an (in)human pincushion, with death being more of a suggestion. This was so upsetting to the poor guy that he claimed he was hung over, said "shit" and died. On the other hand, the rest of the episode was a lot tamer than this; even Fushi's second fight against the Berserker of Zumla was more about trying to psyche him out with their shapeshifting. Ultimately, I agonized over giving the episode an MA straight (it's right on the border of my personal standards), but because they seemed to self-censor the dude's death with a shadow, and Poke gave a similar rating to someone being cut in half in an episode of Corpse Princess (though I don't know how intense that was), I've decided to go with the 14.

#15: This time, the only violence was Fushi in the form of Gugu getting impaled in the chest by the Nokkers (and temporarily losing that form), with the fight against the Nokker form of the big spirit bear being downright PG, almost coming off as a family show at times. I mean, "Janandan chair fighting"? I love it. There was also more variety in the swearing, which is nice; two uses of "shit", one "ass", one "piss", and one "you suck".

And that's it for now. Sorry for another delay, though at least I've gotten it out quicker than last time. And there was something else I wanted to include, but I've decided to put it on hold for now for various reasons that annoy me.


First up, a couple replies to Blatch.


While it's true that I've given some episodes an MA straight for giant splashes of blood, whether or not it received higher than best rating depends on the additional damage. If someone explicitly loses a body part as the blood spray happens, it can move up to MA straight, especially if the aftermath is graphic enough. If there's guts, viscera, or at the very least a detailed look at the stumps left behind, that's an MAV. If something gets MAV and its just blood, then either I was in a mood to rate closer to how [as] does things that instance (so many JoJo episodes they rated for graphic violence while I played it safe like a fool) or because the surrounding factors allowed it the opportunity (i.e. Kabukicho Sherlock 11, Redo of Healer 2).

The FUNi logos in the WEP screenshots don't bother me. Reminds me of when I captured the same with my Initial D screencaps.

As for the Corpse Princess thing, it wasn't Akasha's Shikabane Hime getting torn in half that earned it the TV-MA, but the fact that it looked like bits of viscera were dripping out of her upper half in the scenes portraying her situation. That detail was more discernible in my uncle's DVD set than the fansub rips I watched to backtrack on the subbed rating list I left incomplete back in 2008, which is why the after-the-fact bisection wasn't enough to net a TV-MA on the latter run.

And now for the good stuff.

Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #8: Servility and Conscience (TV-14L)
Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #9: Young People These Days (TV-PGL)
Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #10: Subzero Spiral (TV-PG)


#8: Kumatani says the word "shitty" four times while telling Usahara, in a roundabout way, that the all-girls' bar employees he brags about himself to not only aren't interested in his stories but are resisting the urge to just beat the crap out of him over them. Four S-bombs in a fourteen-second period. Enough to earn a TV-MAL by my standards, but since there were no other profanities and the rest of the episode was PG-level, the rating stayed on the technically more younger-skewing side.

#9: Two uses of "bastard" and one of "crappy", all from schizophrenic sales planner Kikaku.

#10: One use each of "hell" and "crap". Also worth noting are Uramichi explaining the general concept of "harassment" to kids (which, in a nice variation compared to what us Americans would've done, didn't even mention the sexual kind!) and a stylized flashback to Kumatani's former boss kicking a cardboard box with a homeless cat sleeping inside it; an understandable trigger warning for the anti-animal abuse people, but not worthy of much beyond a PG set, since the cat turned out fine (and adopted).

The bug covering up Sun!Utano has to be the first time I've had one of those happen during these clips. :D

ADVENTURES IN DUB-WATCHING: Also, I decided to check out the dub for this series like I did with Bakarina, and long story short, I've kind of made watching that an unofficial thing. Based on personal observation, episode 1 would have gotten a TV-14DL for one use of "shit" and the dub going a little raunchier with the different dick jokes Uramichi told Iketeru to make him unfit to perform. Episode 2, I can't remember as well, but it would've definitely got upped to a TV-14D based solely on Iketeru admitting outright that Uramichi's chinchilla joke ("Lil' Willy the Chinchilly") was a "penis joke". Is this what Twitter is taking about when they talk about characters turning to the camera and explaining the message of the series?

Magic Knight Rayearth #7: Ferio in Desperation: A Romance in the Desert (TV-PG)


Well, the good news is, Ferio didn't die like I was fearing he would. (Considering ANN hints he has backstory in episode 17, I probably should have tempered my expectations.) But still, the fact that Presea's demise was covered in the recap, though only referred to in the dub as a "loss", was enough of a PG set to push things over the top.

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (TV-14V)


That's right, I'm doing another movie on here. One that I feel was well overdue for a watch, especially with the anime even having a tie-in episode to explain some of the setup and everything.

For the first hour, the violence levels for the movie were actually rather moderate, with multiple explosions at best and nonfatal peril at worst, the most notable moments of harm being one of the villains taking the gala room hostage kicking one of the attending heroes in the head, and the one with a blade for an arm slashing at one of Melissa's upper arms, though the wound is ultimately minor despite the blood droplets seen the moment contact was made. (Don't worry, it didn't slow her down any.) Other moments of early blood included the after-the-fact trickle running down All Might's mouth during young Deku's favorite rescue video of him, and the comical trickles coming down Mineta's head after he overuses Pop-Off against the security robots too much.

But then, things changed once Wolfram, the villain leader, took center stage. His shooting Sam in the upper arm, and his second bullet striking David in the shoulder as he moved in to keep it from hitting Sam like the first, both had prominent bloody results, the latter impact especially, as David continued to bleed from that wound for the rest of the final act. Blood dripping onto the ground as he was carted off to the escape chopper, and the splatter and smear resulting as he's pushed and slumps down against the wall of the helicopter cabin, even as after-the-fact moments, that's not something to ignore. Also not worth ignoring was the amount of blood All Might started to leak from his mouth as his power ran low, starting out as a simple after-the-fact trickle to demonstrate said power running low, to him coughing up fair amounts as he pushes himself even further, either from simple reaction or outside force, the latter in the form of Wolfram choking him. He also grabbed at his abdominal wound which, despite having no blood, resulted in a very pained scream. As my first personal rating for MHA, I'd say the final rating was well-justified and well-deserved.

Profanity consisted of seven uses of "damn" (four as "dammit"), four of "hell", two of "bastard", and one each of "crap" and "weak-ass".

And Yet the Town Moves #3: The Cat Boy (TV-PGDL)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: On the debatable side, Hotori briefly admits to looking at Kon's butt (while under the impression that she's a young boy instead of an older girl). On the more straight-forward side, Kon calls Hotori's "Maid's Cage" maneuver she uses to get control of her pet cat a name fit for a porno.

FANSERVICE MOMENT: Hotori's upper thighs get a brief moment of above-average exposure (though her panties remain out of view) in the mental image of her bragging about outsmarting her math teacher for once.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell", two uses of "crap", and one each of "pissing", "dumbass", and "dammit".

The Legend of Black Heaven #9: Get Off of My Cloud (TV-14)


The 14 set for this week was a compounding of moments that were a little much for a PG with a D subrating, but not enough for a 14 with a D subrating. These moments included: Gen telling Oji that the girlie mag he picked up has "lots of boobs" in it, and later asking why the girls were naked if they weren't even bathing; Yoshiko quietly saying with relief that Oji's trashed poster asking for band members is "better than an affair"; and Oji pointing at Layla's chest when he says that rock 'n' roll comes from the heart, with her flinching reaction and blush before and after he explains the heart thing wordlessly suggesting that she thought he meant the boobs.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell", one each of "bitch" and "suck", and a written use of "dammit".

I couldn't become a hero, so I reluctantly decided to get a job. #13: My Sister Came to the Capital to See Me, Her Brother Who Couldn't Become a Hero (TV-MA)


As with most OVA follow-up episodes, it's only appropriate to end on a fanservicey bang. From the return of Fino's "Demon King" getup, now with extra areola exposure, to the nudity-inducing events within the Three Hells Hot Springs, this episode had no shortage of either nudity or nipples, with all the girls in the main and supporting cast being rendered nude by the "goop" within the pitcher plant tentacle monster's various sacs. But if I had to pick one instance that pushed things over to MA territory, it would have to be the "flag game" played between Raul and Loa, where they had to scoop sand off of Nova's body without disturbing the flag placed on one of her breasts (which had extra sand used to simulate nipple outlines). The flag sticking out of one of the pseudo-nipples, one of Loa's sand swipes undoing Nova's bikini bottom, and Fino landing chin-first into Nova's cleavage hard enough to make her top come off and expose her nipples, I felt that it was a little overkill to keep at the 14 level, especially seeing how I upped episode 3 for less.

Profanities include three seven uses of "hell" (three plural), five written uses of "hell" (two plural), and three of "damn".

Godzilla: Singular Point #1: Terzetto (TV-PG)


A surprisingly simple one where the worst objectionable content was Otaki's proclamation that Jet Jaguar was built to "kick ass". There was a false alarm earlier on involving him where he was pronouncing "SETI" as "Shetty", which could've very easily been mistaken for "shitty". After crosschecking Netflix's subs to see what he was saying there ("shechi"), I decided to leave it be.

Also of note was the climactic scene where a pterodactyl kaiju shows up at a local festival, the only damage it does being getting snagged in some power lines and knocking over a sign it landed on. No notable casualties, fatal or non, among the human attendants, and only the peril that comes from being faced with a being so surreal (to the point where it was animated in CG!). I expect violence next week, but I won't be too surprised if there isn't any.

My Next Life as a Villianess: All Routes Lead to Doom! #21: Keith Disappeared... Part 1 (TV-PGV)
My Next Life as a Villianess: All Routes Lead to Doom! #22: Keith Disappeared... Part 2 (TV-PG)
My Next Life as a Villianess: All Routes Lead to Doom! #23: Keith Disappeared... Part 3 (TV-PGV)


And rounding this week's session out, we have the "Keith gets kidnapped" trilogy, not the first and certainly not the last kidnapping to happen in the Bakarina canon.

#21: This was admittedly a gut reaction since it stood out compared to the content of the eight episodes prior, but Keith's half-brother Thomas beating him with an onscreen stomp on his chest and four more offscreen strikes was seen as "moderate violence" to me, I guess. Causes for concern dialogue wise include Larna explaining that she made Alexander on commission from Jeffrey, calling him a "certain pervert" but stopping herself one letter short of completing the latter word, and one use of the phrase "mistress's child" in a flashback establishing how Keith knows Thomas.

#22: While experiencing the effects of Sara, his true captor's dark magic, he tells himself that he "can't let [himself] die yet". Later on, Sora informs Catarina that the country the town they're investigating in borders is one where "human trafficking is a thriving business" and that he too used to be in that system, though no mention is made of if it was the sexual side of human trafficking or not in either case.

#23: Now this was a tough one that took a fair amount of time and self-deliberation to come to a decision on. It was either a TV-PGD or a TV-PGV, with fair cases for either subrating. Regarding the violence, the fight scene between the "searching for Keith" party and a group of armed thugs guarding the mansion in which he's being held includes Sora kicking one thug in the back of the neck while Geordo slices the other across the chest with his sword, both instances (the latter in particular) having no blood. (Not that it mattered, as Maria healed them and the third guy Larna took out anyways.) When the group finds Thomas, though, they find him with blood on his hands and streaks left by his fingers grabbing at the rug he collapsed onto, all after the fact but rather concerning in their origin. With onscreen violence so tame and an after-the-fact instance so prominent, you can understand how I wound up asking myself "to V or not to V"!

Then there's the matter of the dialogue, which went from two allusions to Keith being a mistress's child - one part of Thomas's monologue of despair, the other a flashback name-call in Keith's subconscious - straight to outright confirmation that Keith does indeed have romantic feelings for Catarina, to the point of giving his sister-by-adoption an unprompted kiss on the lips. Incest has always been a topic that could never be consistently rated on its own merits, to the point where even in incest-centric anime like Oreimo and Koi Kaze, it all came down to the surrounding content in what rating it earned than the incestual focus itself. (I blame SAO 21 for convincing me it was PG level, and S&P's seeming ignorance of the whole "Asuna almost gets tentacle raped" scene did not help!) But seeing as there was no verbal indication in any of the scenes that Keith/Catarina was wrong because of their sibling relation, despite that undercurrent remaining still, it combined with the lack of venturing into Keith being a mistress's child beyond that title didn't stack up to much on its own.

It was a case where it felt wrong to either give the episode both the D and the V, or to withhold both of them outright. TV-PGD and TV-PGV were the only options. And seeing how the violent aspects were closer to earning the rating over the adult content, which wasn't as dialogue-based as the name of the subrating suggested, the final answer was only obvious.

Oh, and there was one use of "damn" in there too. Not that anyone cares.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #11: Fateful Encounter (TV-PGL)
Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #12: Awkward Smile (TV-PG)


#11: Four uses of "damn" (one each as "damned" and "dammit"), three of "bastard", and one of "hell". Also, the guy in merchandise sales that Kikaku is heard to be arguing with over the phone is listed in his contacts as "Damn Merchandise Sales Bastard", abbreviated as "Damn Bastard".

#12: One use of "crap".

Magic Knight Rayearth #8: The Horrible Trap of Summoner Ascot (TV-PG)


Compared to last episode, the amount of violence was actually greater in both frequency and level of detail, though still a ways away from the high bar set by episode 5. Much of the violence done, both in the moment and after the fact, pertained to Vigor (Vigger?), one of Ascot's monsters who he disguised as a cute Pokemon-esque woodland creature as part of his most recent plot to dispatch the Magic Knights. Vigor's cute creature form is introduced as having a wound on his hind leg, complete with a close-up showing the exposed red flesh; after he transforms and attacks, he takes a strike from Fuu's sword right around where the wound was, causing an after-the-fact blood trickle; and more blood is shown as Hikaru (who has taken to calling him Hikari after her dog back home) goes to heal it. (By comparison, his defeat by dissipation into light particles was hardly anything.) For what it's worth, Vigor/Hikari did manage to land some blows of to-human damage on Hikaru and Fuu, slashing them both across the back and temporarily incapacitating them both, despite the lacking presence of blood.

Full Dive #1: VR x Reality (TV-MAL)
Full Dive #2: Living in a Dead Game (TV-MAL)


#1: Knowing ahead of time that this was the type of series that features ecchi prominently, and that the first episode featured a dude dying from accidentally stabbing himself in the mouth after getting pushed down (with the guy who did the pushing getting blamed for it), I went in expecting something 14 level, even with the word "shittier" in the full official English title. Not even that could prepare me for how much profanity was even in this episode. One use each of "crap", "damn", "dick", "prick" and "asshole", two of "bitch" (one as "son of a bitch") and "sucks", three of "hell", four of "ass" (one as "fake-ass"), and at the top of it all, ten uses of "shit". One as "shitty", another as "bullshit", and seven "Oh shit"s in a row, as the most harem protag JYB since Maiku Kamishiro stated while running away from the aforementioned murder scene he accidentally caused, and the childhood friend who's a little too psychotically angry about the whole ordeal. Yep, this latest entry in the "shows Poke says he'll never ever watch until he does for easily ignorable reasons" series is looking to be an interesting rate compared to the typical indeed.

#2: Six of the seven "oh shit" uses from last time made it into the cold open recap, followed by one extra "shit" during the episode proper. Other profanities included six uses of "hell", four of "crap" (one as "bullcrap"), two of "ass" (one as "roadkilled skunk ass", the other as "assclown"), and one each of "bastard", "piss", "freaking", and "damn". Other notable moments of colorful dub language use include Reona describing Kiwame Quest's developer as going "tits-up", Hiro shouting "son of a slut" in frustration, and him calling Ginji a "chode" after he outs him as the wanted criminal everyone's after.

Godzilla: Singular Point #2: Gamesome (TV-PG)
Godzilla: Singular Point #3: Tigerish (TV-PG)


On the other side of my "Fridays with the cool uncle" anime watches, for a series listed as TV-14 on Netflix (with "fear" as one of the content indicators, ha 😅) there's a lot more peril in this show than actual violence. Episode two's violence quota was just the first Rodan engaging in a mostly one-sided tussle with Jet Jaguar, while in #3 all the flock of evolved Rodan attacked were a bunch of electrical equipment, a robot hijacked by Pero-2, and Mei's laundry. (Though it was mentioned later that over 150 people were either missing or hospitalized in the aftermath.) The corpses of the Rodans after they tapped out of strength did feature semi-prominent blood pools, though those were later revealed to be red sand deposits leaking out around them post-mortem so it's hard to tell.

At least the profanity game for both episodes was on point. Episode 2 had two uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and one of "hell", while episode 3 had two uses of "damn" (both that exact word) and one each of "hell" and "crap".

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! #24: My Graduation Ceremony Happened... (TV-PGD)


One last rating before the movie, and in a surprise turn of events, much of the objectionable content was Keith's fault.

For what was to be expected from the episode's subrating, Keith tells Catarina during their dance at the post-graduation reception that he's concerned Geordo will "come after" her in a "between a man and a woman" sense; it's assumed Catarina figured out what he meant, based on her blushy reaction at the latter quotation. And near the end of the episode, he says to himself that Catarina has "seduced another one", upon hearing that Ginger will be looking after Catarina's garden while she's off working for the Department of Magic. But the scene with the most content per capita was where I started to get a little concerned and confused about what to rate it.

The scene in question was one where Catarina stops by Keith's room to show off her new pajamas, only for him to pull a Sora and throw her onto his bed, looking down at her with romantic intent. Dialogue featured in that scene included him bringing up his feelings for her (which Catarina also wrote off as just a dream in a move I'm convinced was more active denial than automatic stupidity) in general, warning her that if she "walks into a man's room alone in your sleep clothes at night, you can't complain no matter what he does to you", and warns her further that Geordo might do something that "can't be taken back" in the same vein as his motions, which were limited to just a kiss to her forehead. Having this come after the debacle with Sora, I wasn't sure whether to give this a TV-PGD, a TV-PGDS, or if I should break out the big guns and make this the show's first TV-14. But considering the dialogue was too vague in its wording to be a 14 set, and Keith had the sense to stop at a kiss whereas Sora might've gone farther in his encounter with Catarina had Larna not interrupted them, I decided to keep it at a TV-PGD. That asshole Rebel Panda probably thinks I should've rated it higher, assuming he cared enough to pay attention to my reply to his last tweet overblowing Bakarina's harlequin romance aspects.

I don't know why I keep checking in on his Twitter feed when all it really does is piss me off.


Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Slipping another one in before the month ends. I think I'm getting back in the swing of things, but a few nagging habits remain.

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 4: "Everyday life, really full of joy!" - TV-G (review post here)


After three episodes of not much interesting happen, we somehow manage to drop down. It took until episode 7 for the first iM@S show to have a G, and at least that one actually had PGs with subratings.

So, anyway, nothing offensive. Not even Ranko's chunni talk tipped the scale. Maybe you could really reach and say that her description of a "vessel that catches souls" is PG, but that seems more like something the little ones wouldn't understand, rather than something they shouldn't see. And there's also a split-second moment of Mio and Mika's navels showing up in the flashback to the big dancing showcase last episode (which is even in the first screenshot), but that doesn't affect me because I'm not a prude.

Images? Painting the medium, and a few random cameos.



[that's what she said]

Wonder Egg Priority #4: "Colorful Girls" - TV-14DV


Off the top, one of the trauma victims of the week (Miwa, who anchors the first screenshot) talked about how she had been molested, and then one of the villains coerced her into coming into his arms, even taking off her clothes in the process. Fortunately, it wasn't a change of heart but a trap, helping out the new gender-confused egg collector Momoe. One villain's death caused a separation of body parts and a smattering of blood drops, ending with Momoe getting a face full of blood... or something. It might've been the same goo the big-boobed monster from the second episode made, only recolored red. Swearing: one "bastard" and, for good measure, an "I'm really freaking angry!" from Ai.

Now, the second screenshot here features the return of an old favorite: ratings awareness! Seems like Ai caught a fleeting glimpse of the bug, though she was mostly just flattered by having Miko and Mako become her fans... until they disappeared.



Episode 4: TV-PG
Episode 5: TV-PG
Episode 6: TV-14V
Episode 7: TV-PGL


#4: Even simpler than last time: no swearing or violence (and this is not a show that does sex jokes), but a brief moment of Misato pointing her weapon at Sasahara again but not firing it as well as some aggressively fluid animation in the last segment with Yuuko and Mai were enough to net a PG. I would say that Misato has become a walking PG set, but then she randomly showed up in a cameo a few episodes later, walking in the school without holding a weapon. Go figure.

#5: If anything, this show's constant use of wild takes is a perennial PG set, as demonstrated by likes of Yuuko getting hit on the head during a frenzied session of rock-paper-scissors and responding with "God is dead!", or the scene near the end of the episode involving her and Mio's drawings, which ends with smoke shaped like a panda coming out of the latter's head. Also, a torrent of red liquid comes out of Mio's mouth at one point (which I personally find too vague to rate; it could've been her firing a lazar), and the final drawing she makes is of a shirtless boy with nipples, which is not a big deal but sounds weird out of context.

#6: This episode has the famous scene of the school principal suplexing a dear, complete with over-the-top reactions from Yuuko. The dear seemed to gore him at first, underscored by him coughing up a lot of blood and trippy visual effects that look like blood shooting out. Fortunately, he's unharmed; par for the course for this show. Then there's one of the interstitial showing the courtyard of the main characters' high school being blown up for no reason, and a scene during a camping trip where Mio gets pissed at Yuuko for spilling the curry; the same bloody particle effects surround her while she exclaims "What color is your blood?" Far out, maaaan.

#7: Two uses of "bastard", but no violence whatsoever. The bureaucrat looking to take over the elvish kingdom (thanks to Mio's wood cubes) trips over himself and (literally) dies, and then near the end of the episode Nano throws a baseball forcefully into the dirt, creating a big dust cloud.

To Your Eternity
Episode 16: "The Children's Dreams" - TV-MA
Episode 17: "The Defeated" - TV-14LSV


#16: Right off the bat, one use of "asshole", but the rest of the episode was more geared towards violence. Tonari's backstory involved her father entering the tournament to set him and her free, which had blood splashes galore, plus a dude getting a sword plunged into him and another guy covered in blood standing atop it all, all while she looks on and is presumably traumatized by it. Then she ends up digging through a pile of dead bodies to find her dad, which is distressing but also downright metal. And then we find out her father actually won the tournament, but he's poisoned soon after and dies in Tomari's sight. Then it was time for the final round of the tournament: Fushi vs. Hayase, finally making her presence felt after a few tantalizing appearances without talking. She overpowers Fushi, sidestepping him, beating him up, and even managing to poke out one of their eyes while they're in spirit bear form. And if that's not enough, we see a flashback to the time she killed Perona personally: while basically crucified, she slashes her across the torso, then goes for her neck, and we see her head go flying off amidst a darkened scene, in another apparent attempt at self-censorship.

I feel like this episode could pass with a 14LV, but it's got a really gruesome atmosphere... ironic, given the title. Tonari sifting through a big pit of dead bodies is one thing, but then we've got an old-fashioned eye scream (though, once out, it appeared as a mass of red flesh) and Parona's execution, which had some real torture chamber vibes. After agonizing over this maybe even more than Episode 14 (which now feels overblown; I definitely made the right call there), I'm going with an MA straight. Helps that this series has only had one episode with anything beyond big blood splashes and beat-em-up violence (that being the third one, which I didn't cover). We'll see how the last few turn out.

#17: And this time, we get some notable sexual content for the first time in the show. Enter Hayase, who's sick in the head and has the hots for Fushi. I would say that she goes full Sugou in a sequence where she takes Fushi to her newly-minted Janandan palace and starts licking him on the face, but even he didn't go that far before Kirito showed up. It's wonderfully uncomfortable and sort of made up for the first third of the episode being a lengthy monologue by her that had as much to do with setting up the season's climax as the show's production being stretched thin. Oh, and for good measure, we see her bare backside. From there, the episode went back to an action-oriented mindset, but was a lot lighter than it's been recently, particularly with the lack of blood. The only blood that appeared in the rest of the episode was Hayase slashing the branding the Janandan prisoners are given into her hand with an obsidian dagger. Even the flashbacks (there were a few of them) avoided rehashing the most bloody scenes. Really, most of this episode's action was about tension more than bloodshed, with Hayase threatening to kill Tonari and the other children, Tonari's pet owl getting shot with an arrow, Obama Fushi shapeshifting behind Hayase and putting a sword to her throat, and then later on all the children of prisoners got knocked out at once with Hayase's special flower-based sedative. Oh, and as for swearing: two ass-words, two "shits" (one as "bullshit"), and one "bastard".

Next time: new shows, hopefully. Maybe I'll even cover a current simulcast.

Edited by Blatch
Centered the first header.

You should, seasonal anime content rating look-sees are fun stuff. Though you might want to avoid the two series I'll announce at the end after this quick update I'm doing primarily to justify it.

Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan #13: Together with Maman Forever (TV-14D)


As if you'd have one last episode of Uramichi Oniisan without throwing in one last instance of Iketeru laughing at silly dick jokes. This time, it was him laughing at "merbromin", which Derekida suggested he put on his injured hand, because it sounded like "my boner", the latter phrase he said a total of four times. Honorable mention on the dialogue front goes to the scene where Usahara tries to return a dropped hankerchief to one of the two single ladies on staff in the hopes of getting a date, only to end up making them think he's gay because the hankerchief belonged to Capellini, who calls him "his type".

For overall statistics, there were a total of six ratings featured, with the most prominent being TV-PG (four episodes) and second being TV-PGL (three); the remainder were TV-14 and TV-14D tying with two each, and TV-PGD and TV-14L tying with one each. Blanket rating would be TV-14, due to the early prominence of the dick jokes.


Kumatani tied with Iketeru for third place with 9 appearances, but only 2 of them vocal (hence the bear onigiri picture). Utano had 7 appearances, Derekida and Edei had 6 each, Furode and Ennoshita had 2 each, and Iketeru's sister, Iketeru's dog, Amon, and the network president all had one each. Big Losers were Capellini, Kikaku, Uebu, Heame, and Nekota, though all of them appeared in clips beyond when the ratings showed up, so it's not like they were left in the dust entirely like Bullet.

Kanon 2006 #14: A Cracked Concerto (TV-PGLV)


At first, it seemed like this rating would be more on the side of the same-ol', same-ol' for Kanon with various PG sets and causes for concern sprinkled about. First it was Yuuichi saying "oh god" during his sword training with Mai. Then it was the fact that Sayuri's backstory involved her autistic little brother dying from a terminal disease, but with zero explicit mention of death and only a shot of Sayuri and her father at his gravesite cluing the audience into that fact. And after that was Yuuichi claiming that Akiko's special jam could cure cancer, in another one of ADV's punched-up bits of dialogue. Like I said, the same-ol', same-ol'.

But then the last five minutes of the episode happened. Sayuri is attacked by one of the invisible demons Mai's been fighting all series thus far, and what we see of the aftermath of the attack, as presented from Yuuichi and Mai's perspectives, is Sayuri laying in a pool of her own blood with additional splatters on the floor by the spilled contents of the bento she brought, and on the giant anteater plushie she planned on giving Mai for her birthday. The fact that only the lower half of her torso down was shown made the scene feel more dire than it actually was, as it was later revealed her injuries were not only non-fatal, but not so serious that she had to stay in the hospital beyond the obligatory overnight observation! Hence why it avoided a 14 set. Also factoring in towards the violence subrating was a later scene where Mai lashes out at a construction site she and Yuuichi are passing in overflowing frustration over Sayuri getting hurt, with her almost using her sword to stab herself through the underside of her chin, but avoiding impact thanks to Yuuichi's attempts to keep her from doing anything so reckless. And to cap it off, when the pair head back to the school to settle the score with the three remaining demons, Yuuichi tells Mai, "Let's take care of these bastards tonight". Only profanity in the episode, and like Air 9, it was a precision B strike.

So yeah, this episode was pretty killer in more ways than just the one.

Magic Knight Rayearth #9: The Magic Knights' Greatest Crisis (TV-PG)


This week's PG sets: the recap for the previous episode displaying the makeshift cross on Vigor/Hikari's gravesite, Ascot claiming Zagato would kill him if he helped Alcyone escape from the waterfall prison she got yeeted into four episodes ago, and Alcyone clashing swords with Umi hard enough to make her bleed from her own blade during their fight.

And now for some various announcements, a.k.a. the reason I'm posting this so early and so short. First off, regarding seasonal selections, I plan on watching two anime this season on my own time. Of those two, the important one is the show replacing Uramichi as the fifth subject of the Content Rating Clips, Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut. (I am so glad FUNimation chose that title, now I can refer to it as the "vampire cosmonaut" anime without fearing others might think I don't know the title of the show!) It was between that and the other pick, Platinum End, for the one-year anniversary pick, but for as much as I'd have liked to celebrate with a two-cour series (a first Kanon already had locked down), the slim chance of this actually getting broadcasted on Toonami by benefit of being from the Death Note creators convinced me that going for the LN adaptation less likely to get on Demarco's radar was the preferable option. Expect clips from the first episode of Vampire Cosmonaut soon on my Twitter!

Second/lastly, and this was likely obvious considering I hadn't watched an episode in months, but I'm dropping Basquash! for the time being. Guess I just lost interest in pursuing it, I guess. I'll get back on that wagon eventually, but until then, I'll watch something else. What, you might ask? Considering it's a non-seasonal, I'm going to keep that one a surprise.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Another month, another wasted opportunity. I swear, next time it'll all be a little more timely.

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 5: "I don't want to be a wallflower" - TV-PGS (review post here)


The scene where Miku proposes her "nyan" unit with Minami and Anya (or Nyanya) had some lines that could sound wrong out of context, between Minami saying "you can squish me all you like, nya!" and the latter asking if her pads felt good, but I found this to be pretty innocuous. If nothing else, it's the crap getting past the radar on kids shows. On the other hand, Yuuko using her psychic powers to open Shizuku's shirt (complete with bouncing breasts and cleavage) was a small but notable incident that forced the S. We're back in business, baby.

On the docket: Anzu's plush bunny (no real name for it), and a bit of casual office work.



 Wonder Egg Priority #5: "The Girl Flautist" - TV-14V


This time, it's Neiru's turn to fight some Wonder Killers, and she has a big un to help out with. She tore off the limbs of the first villain, an unofficial crossover between Among Us and the Michelin Man, then pulled back to fire an energy shot to finish him off, ensuring that he won't be playing God anytime soon. Then, after all the main characters meet in Ai's room and discuss typical teenager stuff, we saw her fight more enemies in the egg world. But this time, the overall theme was more that she should kill herself to preserve her beauty. Also worth noting, in a different definition of violence, is Neiru's stab wound, which we see in the bathroom with her shirt off. It's pretty gnarly, stretching across most of her back. INTENSE DIALOGUE NEAR-MISSES: Rika discusses Ai's doomed friend Koito, whom she thinks was having an affair with a teacher, and claims she got "knocked up" in the process. Also, Momoe talked about a dead friend and showed a picture they took, saying she was one of the few people to actually see her as a girl. But their friendship hit the skids one day when the girl "made the moves" on Momoe in the infirmary; we see a skirt drop to accompany this. Don't you just love all the subtlety going on? STRONG COARSE LANGUAGE: One "a-holes" from Rika.

This week's offerings: a nice action shot, and some casual action from the back. This was right as Rika yelled in the tunnel, because testing the echo is something a lot of cool anime characters do.



Episode 8: TV-PGV
Episode 9: TV-PGLV
Episode 10: TV-PG


#8: Another quandary between Misato and Sasahara, this time involving him unharmed albeit covered in dust while the ground around him has been blown up makes for some moderate violence. But just for good measure, this episode has another famous scene: the one with Yuko, Mio and Mai in the elevator that subsequently gets funny and creepy. The only offending bit from that segment is where Yuko, after going crazy (blame the eggplant), briefly thinks Mai is dead, when she actually has sleep paralysis.

#9: MODERATE LANGUAGE: One "goddamn" from Yuko, in the midst of trying to kill all the flies late at night. INTENSE VIOLENCE: That same scene, with more wild takes, just a little bit of blood, and Yuko being slapped by both herself and her mother, with visible red marks on both occasions. An honorable mention goes to the last segment, where some young kids tussle with Mio while she's wearing the Daifuku head. Man, what a great show this is, even if I personally have my reservations with it. I mostly wish this show would stop being so mean to Yuko.

#10: One neat thing that happened while I procrastinated on my post again is that, against all odds, the Nichijou manga is continuing! We're probably not getting a second season of this show to go with it, but one can dream. Anyway, I enjoyed this particular episode, between the "Planet Invincible" skit and the reference shortly after to Miles Davis. But for content: the last sketch of the episode, with Yuko having a self-made temper tantrum over whether to study and what for ended with her mom coming up and inflicting a wrestling move on her, then exclaiming "Stop making such a damn racket!" It was the only real violence in the episode (unless you count a space shuttle blasting off, which is adjacent to explosive violence), so I'm letting this one pass w/ just a PG. And for good measure, a “dammit” from Yuko after the credits.

To Your Eternity
Episode 18: "To Continue On" - TV-MA
Episode 19: "Wandering Rage" - TV-MA


#18: These two episodes had good variety, but mostly bloody violence. The Nokkers have returned once more, and this time they're possessing the bodies of dead prisoners. Fushi and the children's fight against waves of the undead included stabbing through one with a sword. Then Mia (whom I've been mentally referring to as Red Chihaya) was stabbed with an arrow shot by Hayase, and things really started to get dire, with the Nokkers starting to possess the bodies of the living. What pushed things over was Uroy, the baby-faced gank, losing an arm, with the show focusing on his bloody stump, as a Nokker's core wormed its way in through the open wound and made the stump swollen as he turned. Tasty! Also worth noting is some flashbacks to the third episode, which is the one I rated MAV, where Fushi (in wolf form) tore some entrails out of the spirit bear in an attempt to save March, although it glossed over the worst moments. Swearing: one "my ass", and one "shit".

#19: Some flashbacks to last episode, including a shot of Uroy's stump, started the episode. Then a Nokker core tried to infect Hayase, forcing its way into her arm before she pushed it out, covered in blood and assorted flesh. After that, the episode pivoted back to tension, with the turned bodies of Uroy, Mia, and Oopa (the girl wearing a turban, good with blow darts) on display, Tonari nearly sacrificing herself to take down Hayase (before Fushi pulled a Mr. Incredible and saved them from the fire pit) and the implication that Tonari finally satisfied her bloodlust by putting the turned out of their misery. The rest of the episode was tame, until the very end when a Nokker core succeeded in infecting Hayase, but I don't feel the need to drop down to a 14.

Bakuon!! OVA #1: "Bakuon!!"


As I mentioned in the episode review, the main item of interest here is the ending, where a sudden hot springs trip brings several naked bodies, but most prominently Rin's. Her boobs are fully drawn, but lack nipples. Normally, I don't give episodes a TV-MA or higher just for that, unless it focuses on the naked body for multiple scenes. I thought that rule applied to an episode of Symphogear G, but after tweakin' my brain out trying to go over it, I found that, if anything, Chris's naked body was less prominent than this instance.

And now, the all-important 480p screenshots: one for ants, and one for everyone who's afraid you're going to misspell it "Riamu" at any moment.



[hoppy hallaween]

Edited by Blatch
Title coloring. Grrr... stop tweakin', brain!

Welp, I'm one month past last post again. Time for another do.

Godzilla: Singular Point #4: Gadabout (TV-PG)


One of the group of soldiers that encounters the kaiju in the woods opens fire on it, the impact offscreen and the result left indeterminate, leaving only the sounds to be heart by Yun, Haberu and Takehiro. (I expect this to amount to something next episode.) In the meantime, there was also the PG set of the attendant on the flight to Dubai pushing a booze cart by Mei's seat, though apparently she opted for juice instead of wine, which was disappointing. Profanity consisted of just one use of "damn".

Alice in Borderland (J-Drama) #8: Episode 8 (TV-14V)


Wait patiently and you will get what you've been wanting for. Joining the ranks of Space Dandy's [as] broadcast, Outlaw Star's [as] broadcast, and my personal ratings for Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge (a.k.a. female pedophiles playing superheroines mistaken for supervillainesses accidentally inspire me to go to eleven with the idea of "hypothetical anime"), Alice in Borderland saves best rating for last, at least until season 2 is released. But not without deliberation regarding the ultimate choice.

The violence covered this episode can be fit neatly into four categories. The first category, after-the-fact bloody violence. Such instances include multiple shots of Momoka's corpse, complete with the bloodstain on and around the entry wound of the killing knife; bloodstains on the bodies of various deceased Beach members across multiple security cam displays; some earlier Beach member deaths, this time caused by Hatter after he discovered the members in question were hoarding playing cards for themselves instead of giving them to him as per the rules; and a flashback to the blood-drenched walls of the Tag completion room in episode 3, when Chishiya stole a crudely-drawn subway system map off of Tagger 2's body.

The second category, bloodless violence. This category is solely dedicated to the exits of the two secret "Dealers" involved in the game. Asahi, upon revealing herself to be a Dealer, gets insta-killed by one of the Heavenly Laser Beams, in an unprecedented moment that leaves everyone shook regardless of alignment; and a flashback to Momoka stabbing herself in the chest with the murder knife, confirming Arisu and Ann's conclusions that she was the "witch" all along.

The third category, violence that's bloodless in the moment, but bloody after the fact. Aguni was responsible for both of these instances: first, him beating Arisu in the present numerous times, with more and more bloodstains gradually forming on the latter's face; and second, him shooting Hatter in the past, an act of self-defense that he probably wouldn't have done had he known Hatter's own gun had no bullets, resulting in a single bullet wound in the chest, complete with trickle of blood.

And the fourth category, in-the-moment bloody violence. The big instance here was Niragi, who somehow survived getting set on fire and falling several stories to the ground, shooting up several Beach members in a last-second murder frenzy, much of the impacted hit in the chest; and Aguni, completing his arc as the tragic antagonist, zerg-rushing Niragi into the burning resort to take him out once and for all, taking multiple shots with visible bloody results upon impact along the way. There was also the security cam footage of all the deaths from the games thus far, played during the game master's big reveal moment, including an alternate perspective shot of Karube's death from episode 3, though the monochromatic presentation and distance of the incident from the camera only indicated the blood spray from his neck, and not the missing chunk we viewers got to see in the episode of happening itself.

All in all, I think I made the right decision, even if it came about entirely as a means of the "overrate, underrate" checks and balances system that comes with personally rating things.

By the way, no profanities. Easily the biggest surprise of the finale right there, if you haven't seen the twists play out for yourself blind.

Until season 2 hits, the next J-drama on my watchlist will be Kisarazu Cat's Eye, a 2002 J-drama from the mind of the writer of the Ikebukuro West Gate Park J-drama, chronicling a former high school baseball player with terminal cancer and some of his closest buddies getting up to mischief in the last six months he has left to live. I might have mentioned the quintet cameoing in the 2003 IWGP special before on here, but if I didn't, the clip's down below.

Can't believe I'm finally gonna make good on that promise. 😁

Full Dive #3: Adult Event Time (TV-MA)


Two sorta-but-not-really big MA sets for this episode, both falling into specially named portions of Kiwame Quest's unskippable "event" system. First is "Martin Time", where Hiro is haunted by the specter of his game equivalent's best friend (who is extremely adamant that Hiro killed him more than he killed himself for holding the damn knife while Hiro rushed him), which notably consists of him vomiting phantom blood onto him at least twice. The second is "Inquisition Time", where Mizarisa, the chief torturer of the starter town's local prison, decides to interrogate him by cutting off his arms and legs and seeing if he admits to guilt through the assuredly excruciating pain. She only gets as far as putting a slice one of his legs before he pisses himself and the head of the town guard mysteriously pardons him; much of the objectionable content actually comes from Hiro assuming that the "intense stimulation warning" for the event and Mizarisa's wording of what would follow would mean the two of them having sex, initially as a vanilla engagement before the chains he's bound with and Mizarisa's inquisitor outfit suggest an S&M scenario instead. (Personally, I like that Hiro was willing to roll with the whole dominatrix thing before the amputation reveal triggered his "2 /d/ 4 me" response.) Between the level of blood Ghost!Martin was barfing up to terrorize Hiro with, and the various innuendos Hiro mentally let out during his initial expectations of Inquisition Time - the winner being that it'll "flesh out his character arc... literally!", I thought keeping it at MA was the safest bet than trying to over-rate it as a 14.

PROFANITY TALLY: Five ass words (one each as "asshat" and "sweet-ass"), five uses of "hell", four of "sucks" (one as "sucked"), three each of "crap" (one as "bullcrap") and "damn" (two as "dammit"), two of the PG-friendly F-word (one pronounced "friggin'" and the other "freakin'"), and one each of "prick", "bastard", and "piss".

Platinum End #1: Gift from an Angel (TV-MAV)


Between the less-than-savory critical response and spoiling myself on how the manga ended, I wasn't too sure about this one. But after watching the first episode, all I can say is, I'm here for it, even if some characters aren't doing the things I as a contactless observer want them to do.

For as much as I feel other moments of violence deserve some spotlight, there's no getting around the fact that the big violence indicator for this episode, the one responsible for the final rating seen before you, is the manipulation-induced suicide of Mirai's aunt, who stabs herself in the neck with a butcher's knife, resulting in a heavy blood splash in the moment and a seemingly growing pool of blood from her fast-expiring corpse in the aftermath. The former is recapped when Mirai remembers the event later on, and the latter is most notable when it reaches Mirai and helps spur his wangst-fest over his parents' death (instead of killing his uncle like I and probably everyone else watching this with legitimate interest were rooting for him to do). Really makes all the domestic violence pale in comparsion, doesn't it?

But for as much as I'll skimp on the details of one of the more minor death game participants getting one-shot killed by some super sentai-looking motherfucker, I will point out the nudity featured in this episode. Much of it was featureless, otherworldly being nudity, courtesy of Mirai's literal guardian angel Nasse and the lower-ranking angel who comes down to take Mirai's aunt's soul to the Bad Place. No nips and a lotta ass, these technically genderless yet female-coded beings possess. Also of note are the various naked girls seen in the aformentioned minor death game participant's car, the most seen being one girl's split-second cleavage as he fires his red arrow as Metropoliman to no avail.

Profanity consisted of two uses each of "bitch", "damn", and "hell".

Salaryman Kintaro #1: Kintaro Enters the Company (TV-14L)


I watched this episode shortly after finding out that the surprisingly strong fever I had for the front half of this month was COVID all along, and just after learning that it was a 360p version on top of that, so I'm probably going to watch this one again the next time I have a spot put aside for it. But that won't stop me from telling you all that it was one use of "shit" that prompted this rating. Other profanities included two uses of "pissed" (meaning drunk, since this was subbed by a British anime licensor) and two of "hell".

And Yet the Town Moves #4: The Curse of the Equation (TV-PGL)
And Yet the Town Moves #5: Toshiko Tatsuno is Quite Subtle (TV-PGDS)


#4: Just profanity this time, the strongest being the phrase "bastardized square root", followed by two uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

#5: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Minor fare on the level of Blatch's interpretation of the "psychic jugs a poppin'" from the Cinderella Girls episode above, but there's a close-up of Toshiko's breasts bouncing inside her top as she gracefully lands (on a teacher's foot) following a leap down a flight of stairs. Though what prompted the S was not just that, but a drawing Hotori's little sister did of her, topless and in just her underwear, with not even any dots for nipples. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Upon seeing said drawing, Hotori depressedly notes that she's "got no boobs or hips". Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "hell".

Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #1: The Nosferatu Project (TV-PGV)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #2: The Path to Becoming a Cosmonaut (TV-14D)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #3: Night Flight (TV-PGS)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #4: A Promise by the Lake (TV-14)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #5: Training Separately (TV-14V)


Over a third of the way in and we already have ourselves a nice variety.

#1: During the narrator's rundown on the public perception of the vampire species, a sterotypical Nosferatu is shown biting into a woman's neck, and later having a stake through his heart, no blood to be seen in either instance. Later, when Lev, still unclear on how vampires actually operate, thinks of what Irina's "meal" could be, he thinks of her biting his neck, the bleeding aftermath and minor splatters represented as a single still image. Outside of those, no actual in-the-present violence, though a space dog does die from overheating. Honorable mention goes to the scene where Irina eats caviar a la Harpo Marx in room service, which is so explicitly presented one has to wonder if it was drawn by a vore fetishist. Profanity consisted of one use of "damn".

#2: For an episode all about the beginning of training, it's only natural that the routine physical portion, and the additional attention to Irina's body afterward, would lead to bits of suggestive dialogue. The big indicator came during the former, when vampire researcher Anya showed a considerable amount of excitement at getting to take Irina's measurements, particularly the breasts, which she lists as being 82 (centimeters) in size, and asking her to be shown them. Something procedural that, through pure human response, wound up having a slightly lewder execution. Other bits include Irina questioning Lev looking at her torso area with the implication she thought he was looking somewhere he shouldn't have, and then calls him a "pervert" and "lecher" while telling him to "quit peeping" as she's brought back to her underground room to sleep.

Honorable mentions include a bleeding abdomen wound Irina gets during centrifuge training - the result of an overly tight seatbelt and ludicrously fast speeds - that she claims was "just chafing" (and was where Lev was looking earlier), and a shower scene where Irina, in a moment of internal panic, squats down in the stall, her sideboob briefly visible with no nips and the arm covering part of it, and steam obscuring her ass heavily but leaving just enough for you to see some crack if you squint super hard.

Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

#3: The "Irina shower squat" scene is recapped this episode, alongside a completely new scene of her just after her arrival at Laika44, laying on an operating table in just her underwear, with locks of her hair barely covering the important parts of her breasts. This was a coin flip between a PGS and a 14, and I'm glad it came out in favor of the rating I plan on covering in further detail in another Twitter thread coming whenever I build up the motivation. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn".

#4: Between the gratuitous close-up of Irina's sweat-adorned cleavage following her test wearing of the spacesuit (and telling Lev not to stare), and a flashback to Irina's parents getting immolated by soldiers that was too sketchy to be graphic and free of sound and voice, I felt it appropriate to give it the baseline. No profanities, though there is one use of "suck" as a literal, nonsexual verb.

#5: The aforementioned scene of Irina's parents' death by flamethrower was shown again, this time in the full context of a genocide of her people, but it too was free of voice. The same couldn't be said for the beginnings of the purge, with soldiers shooting bullets and soaking hot fire at minor, flashback-exclusive vamps whose screams of terror and anguish could be briefly heard as punctuation. No on-screen impacts were presented, but several bloodied bodies were shown. Both instances, minus the audio-based moments, were featured again during Irina's panic upon seeing the crashed rocket cabin and dead dog among its wreckage, which also featured quick flashes of the shower squat, the topless operating table, and her centrifuge wound. It may have taken more time to decide upon it than the Borderland finale, but best rating was appropriate for this one, wouldn't you agree? Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".


  • 2 weeks later...

To Your Eternity Episode 20: "Echoes" - TV-PG


And so this series ends with a shockingly light episode, arguably tamer than it has any right to be. The only violence was a few quick scenes, mostly slapstick: Pioran conks a guy who wants to send her back to Jananda on the head with a pole, a dude who's giving someone in a hut a bowl of fish gets thrown out of there by a veiny arm, implying that Hayase is still looking for Fushi, and then in the flash-forward at the end of the episode, an aged-up Fushi gets thrown across the island by an unknown force, landing in the water unharmed. The spectre of death does color this episode a fair amount, with Fushi transforming into the children of prisoners Tonari killed, but I wouldn't call it depressing enough to earn a higher rating. Even Pioran's death, of natural causes (I was expecting Hayase to come back and kill her), is treated with an uplifting scene of her transforming into a younger self, on top of her material rebirth into an orb of the same kind that birthed Fushi (and here I thought she turned into those dead fish), while the show spends the remaining scraps it has in the animation budget to make it look good.

In the end, I enjoyed this show, and I thought the last few episodes recovered nicely from the shaky production the show often suffered from. Included below are my ratings for the whole thing, if you haven't been following my anime viewing log. These aren't necessarily final, though, because at some point I'd like to go back and do ratings images, probably in the run-up to Season 2, which premieres just under a year from now.

Content ratings throwdown: PGV (1, 11), 14V (2, 4-6), MAV (3), 14 (7), PGL (8), PGD (9), 14L (10, 13), 14LV (12, 14/15), MA (16, 18/19), 14LSV (17), PG (20)

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 6: "Finally, our day has come!" (review post here)


Really, this episode could've gotten a TV-PG for Mio's outburst towards TakeP at the end. But... I don't know, it just feels forced. The G rating means it's for general audiences, not for crazy moral guardians who want their shows to be free of any tension whatsoever. The rest of the episode has nothing offensive, not even a really minor swear word (the kind of thing that would usually force the question), so I'll assume the little kids are up for some drama.

This week's images take place behind the scenes, from the recording studio to the backstage.



Episode 11 - TV-PG
Episode 12 - TV--PGV
Episode 13 - TV-PG



#11: The spectre of death also hung over this episode, but in a more comedic way, with Yuuko being afraid her mom was going to kill her and Hakase worrying she'll die after falling into the super-sticky glue she made (since she's hungry). Also worth nothing is the climactic joke in the former segment, where Yuuko tries to get herself sick again by sitting in a tub of ice water. No nudity, but don't try it at home.

#12: On top of the typical wild takes (and explosion accompanying one, when Yuko's pissed she forgot her homework), yet another tussle between Misato and Sasahara, this time with the former acting a little tsundere. She shoots Sasahara in the back, this time with a machine gun, but he's unharmed yet again. I'm just going to assume that was an airsoft rifle.

#13: And for this episode, just one set: Sakamoto saying "Dammit". Good thing, too, because I'm sure the adaptation of Chapter 55, which takes place during a thunderstorm, could be frightening to kids... as in, really young ones.  

Wonder Egg Priority #6: "Punch-Drunk Day" - TV-14D


This episode is what happens when things go inside-out. As has become typical for this show, there's discussion of a few unsavory topics ranging from suicide to ephebophilia. Rika brings up the theory that Mr. Sawaki was responsible for Koito's death, refers to him as "Ai's mom's 'younger live-in boy toy'", then claims what he really wants is to sexually abuse Ai, since what's what live-in boyfriends to do daughters. Then there's the violence, which is a combination of doing more with less as well as reminding me of that SpongeBob episode with the Salty Spitoon. On top of the usual Seeno Evil antics, Ai is attacked by a literal invisible monster, which she eventually sees after rationalizing her various brain problems. This delinquent elephant with ridiculous hair ends up grabbing her by the neck (while she's invisible), throws her through the wall, and then hits her with her bat, which we see from Ai's perspective. Between the strange camera angles that mask most moments of impact and the conspicuous lack of gore, the end result is fairly intense (helped out by the voice acting in the dub; props to Emi Lo, who voiced Yae, our chunni suicide victim of the week)... but I'm not compelled to give it a 14V. Funny how this stuff works out. Also, near the end of the episode, some very mild Ai sideboob as she quickly runs out of the house to go see Mr. Sawaki.

Ai is in both of these screenshots, but the first one is interesting because the shot I chose has Yae looking at you. And in the second one, look at that dopey face. It's not even the best one Ai made in the episode.




Good Luck Girl! #1: "Are You Sure You Haven't Confused Being a God of Flat-brokeness with Being a God of Flat-chestedness? - TV-14DS


Unofficially replacing TYE is this show which I've had on DVD for a long time, watched three episodes of before dawdling for a while, and am just now getting around to a full viewing of. Not sure what I saw in it to warrant that (well, I probably bought it in a sale), although some bondage art is a nice bonus.

Really, I put this on because I felt like I needed something ecchi to watch. The premiere has Ichiko being referred to by one of her classmates as "Tit-chiko", which I really hope sticks because I'd love to have a counter for it in every episode. There are also two uses of "pervert" referring to Ichiko after she saw Momiji hanging from a noose (which is a whole 'nother story) in the bathroom and quickly ran out. Then there's the running gag of Momiji reciprocating her own flat chest by labeling Ichiko's happiness energy as "tits" and "boobs" on two occasions, one each. As for sexual content, I almost feel compelled to give every episode a 14S out of principle... almost. But the content here was fairly light: a shot of Ichiko's boobs jiggling early on and two shots of naked Ichiko (one in an imagine spot in the school bathroom, the other in her personal bath; as a bonus, we get a topless shot of her butler Suwano, and he doesn't have nipples either), both with no nipples, are mostly it, but then we have the ED which is almost entirely the two main characters in various fetish outfits, with two shots of underboob from Ichiko. I'm not entirely sure how to handle this, but at the same time, I treat all of the shows I rate as being aired uncensored. Normally that only comes into play when the F-word and/or explicit nudity is/are involved, but we'll see what happens.

Well then... now that I've hammered out all that, it's time to up my workload with a new show! Joining the fray next time will be current simulcast takt op. Destiny (op short for "opus"), the show from Madhouse and MAPPA based on some kind of game, and the newest entry in the "music can save the world" genre. But this one takes place in bad future where music is outlawed; our plucky heroes keep evil at bay by playing classical music, amongst other shenanigans. And it even takes place in America, with the protagonists truckin' through the Midwest en route to New York. This new show will get screenshots, my personal thoughts in the anime-viewing thread, and whatever else I can muster, so look forward to it.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/12/2021 at 4:56 PM, Blatch said:

Good Luck Girl!... although some bondage art is a nice bonus.

Nice indeed, it's always good to have a little Jam-Orbital appreciation around these parts. Whether it's his earlier, tamer stuff or his newer, weirder stuff. An additional fun fact, an edited video clip someone did of Binbougami's first episode was what inspired me to move from content rating screencaps to content rating clips. Yours and theirs were pretty close to one another, just one subrating's difference!

Godzilla: Singular Point #5: Theorist (TV-PG)


Another episodes, another grievous lack of kaiju doing damage to humans beyond intimidation and failed attempts at direct assault. The closest we got was some after-the-fact blood that Yun, Kikuchi and Kai spotted on a leaf, and that came from the kaiju they were looking for and not any human! Any further attempts to assault the kaiju were either thwarted by either its archetypal properties or lacked any blood or other impact that would be worth noting. One has to wonder how much longer this is going to go on...

Language presence, on the other hand, was more consistent compared to last time. Two uses of "hell", one in the possessive tense, and one of "ass".

The Legend of Black Heaven #10: Ten Years Ago (TV-14L)


I just knew what this episode was going to be rated, right from the moment I first saw this scene over a decade ago in the era of watching anime clips on YouTube and not the episodes themselves on Veoh. Link included, profanity consisted of four uses of "fuck" - one each as "fuckin'", "fucker", and "motherfuckin'" - and one use each of "shit", "bitch", "pissed", "punkass", and "damn". VISUAL BONUS: Watanabe's shirt has the phrase "FUCK YOU" scrawled across it in perfect English during the flashback to his actual death scene, and not the Lennon-style drive-by his bandmates were initially fed.

Kanon 2006 #15: Sonatina of Hide-and-Go-Seek (TV-PGLV)
Kanon 2006 #16: Midnight Oratorio (TV-PG)


#15: Compared to last episode and its rather clear portrayal of after-the-fact blood following Sayuri's being attacked (which was flashbacked to here once), this episode's key moment of violence was a little on the iffy side, namely in regards to whether it counted as true "violence". The climactic moment of the episode, and Mai's arc overall, is her attempting to stab herself with her own sword. On one hand, the scene is portrayed with an appropriate amount of seriousness, complete with Yuuichi begging her not to die after she collapses from the impact. On the other, the presentation isn't nearly as borderline fatal as it's treated as. We hardly see any indication of Mai's sword actually piercing her, the impact obscured by camera framing and cutaways, the sound effect accompanying the impact is a metallic jostling that suggests her sword is more toy than legit weapon (which would fit the reveal that the demons she had been fighting were actually manifestations of her own supernatural ability), and we neither get any shot of the wound nor any indication of blood, the most we get being Yuuichi claiming the wound she received is quickly closing up. Which led me to believe for a while that Mai's almost-death was a misinterpretation on the dub's part that they attempted to backtrack on without risking ADR script rewrites, but considering the next episode has Mai hospitalized for her injury (among other things) with her release expected to come in spring - in case you haven't been keeping track, it's still winter - maybe it was there in the original as well? Who's to say, but those who have seen the sub.

Profanity consisted of one use of "bastard" and two of "hell".

#16: This one was a simple balancing act of PG sets. The technical PG set: Yuuichi responding to the low threat level of Akiko's fever with a "thank god". The overall PG set: Kaori informing Yuuichi that Shiori is going to die soon and crying to him about how she can't deal with her little sister being "born to die".

Kisarazu Cat's Eye #1: Phantom Thief Corps Visit! (TV-14DLV)
Kisarazu Cat's Eye #2: Chaca Recapture Operation (TV-14DLSV)


When it comes to J-dramas, you really can't get more fun than Kankuro Kudo and TBS.

#1: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Local dance hall (read: strip club without the stripping) owner Rose tries to lure Bussan and Ani into said hall by claiming the Norwegian dancer inside has blonde "genital hair". Upon going in alongside Master ('cause he owns a pub) to see said Norwegian dancer, only to learn it's Rose in Marilyn Monroe cosplay, Master decides to "rent a porn video" instead. A flashback has both Bussan and Bambi claim that "glimpse of panty" is the poetic epithet of spring. Ani and Master ask Mohko if they can "shag" her, with the former convincing Bambi to go along with their car theft operation by claiming he could shag Mohko (who he has a crush on) once they get it. After leaving their group's calling card behind at Nekota's apartment, Bussan points out that Ani also stole his porn mags. Bussan's guess as to Bambi's college nickname is "virgin boy". There's also Ani angrily asking Mohko if he "wants him to rape her" after she says she'd rather fuck his younger brother Jun over him, but the actual line it's part of a subtitle for is too short for it to fit in feasibly, so I'm convinced that's just something the fansubbers at JTV threw in to be edgy. INTENSE VIOLENCE: Though his offscreen beatings, of which there are many bruises and some blood, by Yamaguchi are comically portrayed (and successfully so), the scene where Nekota gets his face scratched across by one of Yamaguchi's cleats does have bloody gashes as a result, so it was fully considered. SEXY HONORABLE MENTION: Nekota is shown with his hand sticking down into his underwear band as he's passed out, like Al Bundy before him. PROFANITY TALLY: Ten uses of "damn", seven each of "fuck" (four as "fucking", two in glorious Engrish), "bastard" (one plural), and "hell", two uses of "shit", and one use each of "pissed" and "ass".

#2: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: During their confrontation, the vice principal tells Mirei that the photo circulating of her and Bussan (a former student) may lead to the belief that she "has a young gigolo", with Mirei telling him to keep his dirty thoughts out of it. One of Bussan's ideas for his bucket list - because he's got the pulledoutmyassis lymph gland cancer - is to be a porn actor; Mohko, who overheard him coming up with the idea, claims she'll be a porn actress if he goes down that route (her way of flirting), and Master throws out that same suggestion near the end of the episode. Mohko also informs Bussan that smoking menthols causes "male impotence", to which he calls her a "walking sex dictionary". And in a flashback to their high school days, Ozzy asks Yamaguchi if he thinks singer Chiemi Hori is "still a virgin". SEXUAL SITUATIONS: If the vice principal getting super-uncomfortably close to Mirei wasn't enough to get on here, then Rose dragging a police station desk clerk's hand towards her breast and crying out "public indecency" definitely did, especially since it was briefly recapped during the "how he did it" portion of the episode. INTENSE VIOLENCE: Mirei throws a bucket at the vice principal's head, leaving behind a horizontal gash and five trickles of blood. Minor, yeah, but it provides balance to the four uses of "shit" corralled into the first act. PROFANITY TALLY: Ten uses of "damn", eight of "bastard" (one plural), six each of "shit" and "hell", and three of "piss" (one as "pissed").

Full Dive #4: The Only One to Beat the Game (TV-MAL)


Profanity this time consisted of seven uses of "shit" (three as "shitty", one as "shithead"), six of "hell", three each of "piss" (one as "pissed"), "ass"  (one each as "lardass" and "dumbass"), "damn" (one as "dammit"), and crap (one as "bullcrap"), and one each of "asshole", "prick", "bitch", and "freakin'".

Honorable mentions include Hiro frustratedly telling Reona that she has "mammaries for brains", and Reona suggesting that she may have sex with Hiro if he beats the game, though she doesn't say anything more explicit than "I'm a simp for winners".

Magic Knight Rayearth #10: Revival of Selece, the Legendary Rune-God (TV-PG)


With a brief shot of the cheek blood Umi received during the recap of her fight with Alcyone last episode, everything else felt easily ignorable as far as PG sets went, outside of the usual references to death.

Platinum End #2: Hero of Justice (TV-14LSV)


SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Low-level God candidate Tonma Rodriguez proceeds to use his Red Arrow abilities to get a bunch of idols who could do way better than his D-lister ass to fall in love and sleep with him, leading to a scene where he's in a hummer limo with a bunch of women in either their underwear or flat-out naked, while he too is also in the buff. Giggling and moaning everywhere, one shot of him groping a haremette's breast while another shows him groping another's butt. (There's also a metaphorically nude presentation of Mirai and Saki during a later scene, the latter having a bare ass and the slightest sideboob visible while the former gets his his crotch Twilight'ed, or to be more accurate, Vampires Suck'd.)

INTENSE VIOLENCE: And then Metropoliman kills him with his White Arrow, which despite being a kill shot was ultimately bloodless. All the blood, meanwhile, is saved for the bank robbery scene, where despite using the White Arrow to kill one of the two robbers - who have already offscreened two hostages at this point - he uses his super speed to trick the one into taking out the other with his shotgun; the impact is shown offscreen, but there's a considerable blood splash result, part of which is shown during the one robber's collapse, and the blood splatter under his body left behind. (There's also a flashback to Mirai crying in the pool of his aunt's blood while stained with some of it.)

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell", and one each of "asshole" and "crap".

And Yet the Town Moves #6: Pandora Maid Service (TV-14D)


The second half of this episode partially centers around Sanada attempting to clean up his room for when Hotori and Toshiko stop by to use his computer (not knowing he has no scanner), which includes him hiding away his gravure magazines - translated as "porn mags" - and deleting files of actual porn from his PC. The nude shots are replaced with all-white silhouettes of the ladies, so no worry about sexual content there. (Though one of the magazines does briefly feature a model grabbing her breast and moving it up, complete with stuck-out tongue. Hotori's response to the porn in Sanada's "worst-case scenario daydream" has her call him a creeper (translated from "ecchi"), while her IRL response is to start calling him Hustler-yuki (translated from "Eroyuki", a pun on his first name of Hiroyuki) and telling his dad that he has "lecherous tendencies"... which leads Mr. Sanada to assume his son "did something" to Hotori and that's why she's telling him that.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "dumbass", and one each of "goddamn" and "crap".

Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #6: Nosferatu (TV-14L)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #7: Lycoris Cooking Show (TV-PG)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #8: A Maiden's Prayer (TV-PG)


#6: The main event, that being the profanity, consisted of two uses of "shit" and one of "dammit". Honorable mentions worth noting include the recycled shot of Irina nude and crouching in the shower as she recovers from seeing the dead dog last episode, some minor trickles of blood as she bites into Lev's arm and drinks his for a last-ditch strength boost, and Sagalevich using his garlic necklace to smack Irina around in boiled-over frustration, though despite impact SFX is presented as just him flailing the necklace around in front of her. Nice going there, Arvo. ¬¬

#7: The funny thing about this episode is that it could've easily gotten away with a TV-G. Several early causes for concern were dodgy enough to land in the "general audiences" wheelhouse, including acknowledgement of the bomb under the seat of the space pod (for if Irina lands outside UZSR territory) but no further in-depth analysis, and Natalia explaining that the sabotage of the centrifuge last episode was meant to "hurt" Irina and not necessarily kill her like Lev believed it would in the moment. Even technical PG sets like the occasional death reference and mentions of an alcoholic drink (with warnings to not serve it to the underage) were tame enough that it could slide. But we got a concrete PG set in the scene where Lev is out looking for where Irina made landfall. While driving his motorbike across the tundra, he slips on an icy patch and is flung off into a small rocky outcrop that causes damage to his leg. It's presented as a surface-level injury, but blood droplets are seen flying out in the onscreen impact, and he's left with a stain on his exposed knee for the remainder of the episode, with additional peripheral stains around his torn pantleg.

You can't always win them all, I suppose.

#8: This one was majority PG sets of the major and minor variety. Smaller bloodstains resulting from Lev's knee wound, multiple allusions to Irina's expected "disposal" and its technical postponement, Irina offhandedly mentioning that her fellow villagers think she's dead by now, and one of the cosmonaut candidates during the basketball portion of the test calling Roza "woman" derisively, because blatant sexism like that ain't for general audiences. But perhaps the most noteworthy PG set is the one near the end where Anya is once again excitedly preparing to measure Irina's bust. No dialogue to support it, but all the implications are there: Anya holding up the tape measure, her mischievous snickering, Irina blushing brightly while standing with her arms held out, as if she's ready to get measured like that... It's a little risky calling it a PG set, but it doesn't fit into any of the four subrating categories, nor is it explicit enough to be upgraded to a 14 set. Thus, it is what it is.

I think I might do a content rating rundown of Kinky Kunoichi S1 next month to celebrate the third anniversary of the hypothetical anime's conclusion. Unless that'd be too weird for even this thread.

  • 1 month later...

'Tis the season for many things, one of them being announcements regarding the content rating clips. But first, the usual.

Godzilla: Singular Point #6: Enfatico (TV-PGV)


After five episodes of close calls but no real stand-out moment, we finally get some subrating-worthy violence! Both instances that earned the episode its rating have to do with the surest-fire way to take out Anguirus: firing a harpoon into its neck, specifically with Jet Jaguar pulling the trigger. The first harpoon was fired by Ohtaki while piloting JJ, with an in-the-moment blood spray and a pool spreading around the felled kaiju afterwards, though it wasn't enough to kill the being. The second harpoon was what did the job, though, that one fired by JJ as auto-piloted by Yun's simply-designed AI companion Jung/Yungu. It technically hit Anguirus's head and caused an explosion, with no blood to be seen, but it was still a certified kill shot, if Yun passing out from the secondhand aftereffects is any indication.

Honorable mention goes to the Navy ships firing on a swarm of Manda, causing splashes of red to emerge from the sea alongside the usual seawater. No indication was made as to whether it was blood or the red sand accompanying all these kaiju.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #1: Stone Ocean (TV-MAS)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #2: Stone Free/Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh (TV-MA)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #3: The Visitor, Part 1 (TV-14DLV)


This one was going to wait a little while, at least until I finished Kanon, but the urge to make a "how it started vs. how it's going" set of tweets including the screencaps from the first episode of Phantom Blood was too great, so here I am with two dubbed line clips running side-by-side.

#1: From what I had heard about this season being weirdly sexual compared to previous outings of JoJo, it was natural to expect Food Wars' favorite subrating to show up here and there, but to get the 67/73 from the first episode? That's honestly pretty amazing. And it wasn't even because of any explicit nudity! (Jolyne stripping down and doing a "bridge" pose for the female guards was framed to avoid shwoing anything beyond the top of her ass sticking out.) As it turns out, it was chiefly because of the opening conversation about Jolyne getting caught masturbating by one of the guards in holding. From Jolyne trying to speak the word itself through her embarrassment, to her probably bluffing to another inmate that she could tell that she has a "pro's finger", it was beyond much for anything below an MA, especially after Ermes, the inmate in the cell right next to Jolyne, used the phrase "flickin' the bean", probably my least favorite euphemism for female masturbation but an appropriate one for early New '10s America. Ultimately, I gave it the S subrating to help offset the violence in the episode (which was hardly MA worthy outside of the smoke-filled room housing Turner's S&P board), and in tune with what I'd seen of JoJo in relation to its [as] ratings, I felt it was an appropriate move, something they would've done if they had the "fuck you" money to steal it from Netflix.

Speaking of violence, instances of such included all the after-the-fact blood coming from the guy Jolyne's boyfriend hit with his car, a.k.a. the incident that triggered this whole thing; the tip of Jolyne's index finger opening up and the ensuing stream of blood after she pricks her finger on the tip of the STAND arrow in the pendant sent to her; the beginnings of Jolyne's stand slicing off a guard's ear, causing it to splatter against and slide down the wall of the transport vehicle; and Jolyne's gremlin-eared lawyer getting strangled by a portion of her STAND while driving off, resulting in him crashing his car and leaving him a bloody mess, down to having glass shards stuck in his face. Additional bits of dialogue include Jolyne guessing that Ermes has cash hidden up her ass (or some other body part), only to find out that she's actually hiding it in her breast implant scars; and the guard who would later lose his ear saying that her "titties are suspicious" while trying to shake her down for said money. Profanity consisted of five uses each of "damn" (two as "dammit") and "hell", four of "shit" (one as "shitter"), three of "ass", and one each of "prick", "asshole", "goddamn", "bitch", "bastard", and "crap".

#2: When Jolyne happens upon the parrot corpse containing the equally deceased body of a guard her new cellmate Gwess shrunk down to do her bidding (and fail at it), two disembodied arms and one leg are seen falling from the empty neckhole, with blood trails for all three and the shot of the interior details of the descending leg. And thanks to Jolyne shrinking shortly after, the rather tiny bloodstains that resulted are shown as bigger than they actually are. More minor instances of violence include Jolyne having her shoulder, index finger, and ankle slashed during her run-in with Gwess's STAND, Goo Goo/Cry Cry Dolls, and Stone Free/Ocean pummelling Gwess in so hardcore a manner that it almost harkens back to when Star Platinum did the same to Dan of Steel. The one notable bit of suggestive dialogue was Gwess calling Jolyne a "stupid little whore" in anger after she tries to sit down in the bunk she already called dibs on. Profanity cosisted of eight uses of "hell", three each of "shit", "freakin'", "dammit", and "ass" (two as "dumbass"), two of "bitch", and one each of "fuck", "bastard", and "crap".

The raw video file was a little too big an upload for this board, so here's the Twitter version of this episode's clip.

#3: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: While waiting to go into the visiting room, the guard tells Jolyne that "kissing or getting naked" is not allowed, the suggestion being sex; that same guard later calls Jolyne a "filthy little whore" in response to her knocking him out and kicking him while he was down - mostly out of frustration at the titular visitor being Jotaro - earlier. INTENSE VIOLENCE: Outside of Jolyne's finger bleeding in an exaggerated fashion from the STAND arrow, there's Jolyne opening the library-adjacent bathroom door into a money-grubbing blonde inmate's face, resulting in some notable blood during the impact; the same guard from the dialogue listings striking Jolyne in the neck with his nightstick, forcing her to spit up some blood; Jolyne whacking the guard across the face to prompt the earlier knockout, also with bloody results; a flashback shot of the guy Jolyne's BF hit with his car; Jolyne suddenlt getting shot in the upper chest by one of Johngalli A's bullets (and a later shot revealing Stone Ocean kept the shot from being fatal); and another bullet hitting Jotaro in the shoulder and the guard through the head. HONORABLE MENTION: Johngalli A's phat ass during his shower scene. Profanity consisted of seven uses of "hell", four uses of "damn" (one as "damned"), three each of "shit" (one as "shithead"), "bitch" (one as "son of a bitch"), and "ass" (one as "dumbass"), and one each of "fuck", "bastard", and "goddamn".

Kanon 2006 #17: Lieder ohne Worte of an Elder Sister and a Younger Sister (TV-PGL)


While looking out at traffic from a pedestrian overpass with Shiori, Yuuichi quietly whispers the word "bitch" under his breath, likely referencing Kaori since it was the scene after he ran into her and she pretended not to know who Shiori was (even though the both of them know damn well who she is). Outside of that one profanity and Jun accusing Yuuichi of "messing around with a first year" after learning of his connection to Shiori, there wasn't much else.

Full Dive #5: The Tribulation of a Killer (TV-14DLV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: While trying to get work from a shady employment agency, Hiro learns one of his potential tasks is going to this one guy's place for an hour and spending that time whipping him while he's naked. Nothing is elaborated too explicitly on that event, beyond Hiro's disgust at the thought of doing such a thing, but it counts. Ginji refers to Reona as the "jiggle fairy" twice, and Hiro's reaction to Mizarisa stepping in to protect him from getting killed by Alice is the loud proclamation of "son of a whore".

INTENSE VIOLENCE: A flashback to Martin's body after he got killed by his own stupid decision to keep on holding his fruit knife while Hiro bum-rushed him, a shot of Ghost!Martin with blood running down his mouth and neck (as is normal for Martin Time), and a shot of the bloodstain on the floor where he was killed when Hiro returns to retreive the sword from his and Alice's house.

Profanity consisted of five uses of "damn" (one as "dammit"), four each of "piss" (three as "piss-boy, Ginji's new nickname for Hiro) and "crap" (one as "bullcrap"), three of "hell", two each of "bastard" and "ass", and one of "freakin'". Honorable mention goes to Amos warning Hiro not to "make a shmuck of himself" in front of Tesla; the Yiddish dick-slang is so obscure in anime - Kuukaku calling Ganju one in episode 24 or so of Bleach was the only other instance I remember - so I'm not sure how it compares.

Platinum End #3: Heart's Beloved (TV-PGDV)
Platinum End #4: Time to Assemble (TV-14LV)


#3: The barely-objectionable nature of this first episode actually caught me off-guard, if you can believe it. With the only violence being some uses of the Red Arrow - Saki using hers on Mirai, Metroblue/Hatakeyama firing his at the fake Metropoliman only for it to get blocked - and the closest thing to dialogue being Nasse claiming that Mirai wouldn't think of doing anything "inappropriate" to Saki even under the effects of the red arrow, to the point where he's tied to a chair to demonstrate such the day the Red Arrow's effects wear off, this was easily Platinum End's tamest episode yet. Though considering how the next episode plays out, and what I've heard of future ones, this'll probably be the last time Platinum End is so tame. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

#4: INTENSE VIOLENCE: On the bloodless side, Metropoliman shoots Hatakeyama and Metroyellow/Tabuchi with his White Arrow; the former gets hit in the head, while the latter tries to block it with his hand, only to fall victim to its effects as per the rules of the White Arrow. On the bloody side, as Tabuchi tries to fly away when Metropoliman first points the White Arrow at him, it causes Chiyo, the token loli God Candidate who wound up being cuffed to him as part of Poliman's sick games, to experience pain from being pulled at, to the point where bloodstains are forming on the cuff around her wrist. Profanity consisted of two uses of "shit" - one as "shit-heel", and the other with a couple extra i's for emphasis - and two also of "damn".

And Yet the Town Moves #7: Lovers Night Escape (TV-14L)


In response to Sanada calling him a "cue-ball", Sanada's dad says he's "got some balls" to call him that. Sanada reacts to holding hands with Hotori as they're cutting class, among other reactions, by blushing brightly and gasping sharply twice, which looked awfully metaphorical to the build-up to an orgasm. Hotori is seen naked from multiple angles as she strips down to bathe after her night walk with Takeru, with a couple sideboob shots and one POV perspective looking up from between her legs.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell", and one each of "shit" and "crap".

Here, have a bonus image.


Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #9: The White Rose of Sangrad (TV-PGV)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #10: A Cold Spring (TV-PG)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #11: Lies and Truths (TV-PGL)
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut #12: To the New World (TV-PG)


#9: A blacksuit working for the Zirnitra government tries to ram a car into Irina, only for Anya to force her out of the way before it crashes into a nearby department store window. Natalia, who's apparently watching over Irina as a government mole, later has said blacksuit brought down to a nondescript basement to be executed by her own accompanying blacksuits. Bangs are heard and flashes are seen, but no impacts are presented, and no blood likewise.

#10: A little on the mild side, but following a flashback to Irina biting Lev's arm for a strength boost in episode 6, Lev narrates to himself about how much he wants Irina to "suck his blood" again, this time from the neck... and Irina almost does that for real (with romantic framing to boot!) before the arrival of the bus interrupts her from making good on that action.

#11: Profanity consisted of one use of "pissing", which was, in fact, in relation to someone actually taking a leak instead of someone angering someone else as is normal (outside of Full Dive).

#12: Profanity consisted of one use of "hell". There was also a little bit of mild peril regarding Irina's life being in danger as she rushed to meet Lev onstage during his big speech, with a guard pointing his gun at her before being ordered not to fire, and one of the protesting crowd members shouting "Kill her!" during her speech. The actual PG set I wrote down, though, was Anya responding to a blacksuit she knocked out with some unknown liquid by saying that "the military's drugs sure are potent".

And that's another series down for the Content Rating Clips. Top three characters to share screentime with a content rating bug are listed in the graphic below.


Mikhail and Viktor tied at three appearances each, ditto for Roza and Korovin with two each. Natalia had one, and Lyudomira had none, though she appeared in two of the clips overall. The biggest loser award, meanwhile, goes to Anya, who not only failed to appear in a single frame with one of the rating graphics, but also failed to make a single clip despite being the third most important character in the show. There's always someone who winds up like that, and it sucks that it had to be her.

Overall stats for this year in the content rating clips coming Thursday night to Twitter!

With everything that needed to be said (and those that didn't) being said, it's time to announce the next subject of the Seasonal Line of the Content Rating Clips, and the first for 2022. On account of having an interesting plot, a focus on the hobby that led me down the slippery slope into so many fetishes, a crossdressing implication that in hindsight makes no sense considering the male MC's body type, and in retroactivity being a good match for Blatch's continued work on providing ratings for Wonder Egg Priority, the next Seasonal Line series that will receive ratings from yours truly will be My Dress-Up Darling. It, and multiple other shows I have in mind but won't say for certain right now, will be among the newest inclusions to these listings in the next year.

[see y'all then]

Posted (edited)

Oh boy... another long layoff. I told Poke I'd try to get this out no later than Boxing Day, but given that he had a post scheduled for then on top of my usual anxious tardiness, I figured there'd be a short delay. So if your Christmas tree is still up, here's one more ratings omnibus to slide under it.

Episode 14: TV-PGLV
Episode 15: TV-PGDV
Episode 16: TV-PGSV
Episode 17: TV-PG
Episode 18: TV-PGV
Episode 19: TV-PGDV


#14: The start of the show's second half marks a period of more interesting ratings. The big showcase in this one is the adaptation of Chapter 58, with Mio and Yuuko's big fight. They trade uses of "piss" and "pissy", and one part has a big explosion appear behind Yuuko. It's quite intense, and made me feel genuinely uncomfortable watching it, but at least they made up.

#15: Various bursts of violence throughout this episode, from the first major segment with Yuuko and co. trying to find out if Nano is a robot, only to be hit with tons of funny misunderstandings, followed by Nano having "funny bones" placed within her, engaging in slapstick comedy, and then shooting off into the sunset sky like a rocket. But... remember when I said this show doesn't do sex jokes? Imagine my surprise when one of the teachers at school thinks Ms. Sakurai is groping one of his co-workers, though it's actually her younger brother. And in the same scene, thef counselor is wearing a Chinese dress. Bow chicka wow wow.

#16: On top of an apeshitted reaction from Yuuko at the coffee shop, where the mere thought of the word "doppio" knocks her over in a similar manner to that incident with the principal and the deer (though the animation effects aren't colored like blood this time), then there's the scene where Mio has a run-in with a cop, and several people get glimpses of her scandalous yaoi manga (which was previously shown in Ep. 5). One page has one shirtless dude being grabbed by another, while another has a similar situation except the the shirtless dude is on the bed. As punishment for this, she slaps the cop, kicks a business dude in a top hat in the crotch, and inflicts some wrestling moves on Yuuko... and Sasahara's pet goat, Kojiro. Poor guy.

Boy, I got owned on that one, didn't I? But like anything else, they're weird, and not very explicit. For what it's worth, Funi's blanket rating for this show is 14, and they never do descriptors. I agree with it, if only for some of the more exaggerated moments of violence in this show. There's at least one more to come, but I'm uncertain as to how it'll rate.

#17: Barely anything to talk about here. One notable PG set is the sketch involving Mr. Takasaki, who talks about "stop[ping] students from spilling the teacher's private life".

#18: Any uncertainty that could've came from a blood splatter overlaid on the screen in the first segment was rendered unnecessary by yet another Misato/Sasahara moment, this time the former shooting the latter with a bazooka. On top of that, there's the WTF Helvetica Standard segment in this episode (the first of two!) about a Chihaya look-a-like looking for a particular book in a far-off library... which contains a gun. And then it ends, because having answers to everything is for chumps. Also, possible visual innuendo with two henchmen on a zeppelin wearing duck float rings with no pants.

#19: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: A girl the show only names as "Fe" mentions domestic violence as part of an obtuse gag. That's it. MODERATE VIOLENCE: More Hellvetica Standard craziness, with some dude firing a gun to ward off a goblin who's crazy for glasses in the cold open. Then there's a moment with Yuuko and Mio headbutting one another in an attempt to get the latter to succeed at the vault. Later on, those two plus Mai hide in a shrine while it's raining and a chain of bad luck-induced violence ensues, though it's more slapstick than anything. Also, one "dammit" from Sakamoto.

takt op.Destiny Episode 1: "Concerto -Creed-" - TV-PGV


Remember how I said I picked this show because I wanted to start rating a current simulcast? Yeah... I didn't get around to watching the premiere until mid-November, and now, when I'm actually getting around to rating it and doing images, it's over! LOL. At least this show is still fresh enough (and based on a mobile game that has yet to be released) that it doesn't really matter. So here we go.

The most eyebrow-raising thing about this premiere is that, whenever Takt starts conducting Cosette and/or Destiny to fight the D2s, he loses his right arm. It just vanishes, not induced by violence, so I don't think it's a big deal. Then, at the conclusion of the first D2 fight, he runs out of power, then spectacularly falls off a building like a snow angel and goes kersplat into the pavement below, even leaving an imprint. No blood here, and to me, it looks more like slapstick violence, which I love. The only other questionable moment occurs during the second D2 fight, taking place in and around an oil refinery, where Takt's face starts to turn red as if he's overexerting himself. Other than that, the violence in this episode is relatively tame, with Cosette turning lots of D2s into dust, with the big climax being when she uses her beam weapon to pierce the heart of a really big D2 (which was lured from underground) and causes a spectacular explosion within the refinery. It gets kind of trippy for a mobage adaptation. LANGUAGE HONORABLE MENTIONS: two uses each of "hell" and "suck". As of now, I use three instances of the latter as proof for a PGL.

For this show's first round of ratings screenshots, we have: a snap of the pretty-looking illustrated intro that fleshes out this show's lore, and then a stop at some diner in a hick town in America... oh, and more ratings awareness. When I saw that the girl with the Suzuho hair was looking in that direction, I had to include it.



The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 7: "I wonder where I find the light I shine…"            - TV-G (review post here)


Same as last time.

Images: acknowledgement, and resolution.



Good Luck Girl!
Round 2: "This, Indeed, Has the 'The Battle Between God and Girl Now Begins' Feel to It" - TV-14DS
Round 3: "Taking Orders from You Kinda Ticks Me Off!!!" "What Do You Mean, Kinda?!!" - TV-14DS


First of all, R.I.P. Sayaka Kanda, who voices Nadeshiko in the subbed version of the show. I may be watching the dub, but I can still appreciate grade-A seiyuu talent. Everyone's got a little weeb in them, I think. Also, I didn't even manage one post before changing my avatar from Ichiko. Boo hoo. At least playing roguelikes is something that doesn't make by brain feel like it's being hit by a sack of cinderblocks.

#2: Now then... in this episode, we have a lot of camaraderie between Ichiko and Momiji now that the two are high school classmates. The latter introduces herself by saying her periods are pretty light, then gets cut off before she can mention her favorite sexual position. Various boob jokes ensue, including Ichiko comparing Momiji's to a washboard, which she reciprocates by saying Ichiko needs reconstructive surgery, unless she wants to go into porn. This even extends to one of the "Extraneous Round!" segments in the episode, with a boobie mousepad for Ichiko and a flat one for Momiji. Neat that these are in the episode proper as opposed to being DVD bonus features. Then there's Bobby, the Black traveling monk who talks in a jive-ish accent (bet it wouldn't be like that if Funi dubbed this today) and acts very lovey-dovey around Ichiko. Two uses of "pervert" and one "degenerate" ensue.

There's a fair amount of violence with Ichiko beating up Bobby various times, the first of which happened after he started rubbing against her leg. But it's firmly slapstick, and the worst Cody gets is a battered face and a slight nosebleed. He also introduces Ichiko to a special outfit that comes with the Somin Shorai, but while she thinks it's a shrine maiden uniform (bow wow), it's actually a high school gym uniform with tight buruma and a jacket she never seems to wear, even though it would make her look more modest. And to go with it, bouncing boobs. More fantasy-ish violence occurs in the episode's climax, with the manifestations of Ichiko's happiness (cute, Japanese-ey spirit animals) and Momiji's unhappiness (feudal warriors) doing battle.

Finally, the only profanity in the episode, apart from a handful of minor examples ("damn", "freakin'" and "sucks" all showed), was Momiji preparing to manifest her unhappiness energy and telling Ichiko she's "about to get F'd in the A with a whole bag of Ds". Based on Poke's advice from rating Wonder Egg as well as at least one prior example, shortened swearing isn't worthy of a 14L, though it can earn a 14 set depending on the surrounding content and if other swears are involved.

#3: A much lighter episode than the first two. I figure most of the sexual gravitas was traded out for actual peril and poignancy, as little Ryuta tried to recover the trading card I'm surprised wasn't completely ruined by falling in the sewers. Aside from a mention of "sexy chick magazines" early on, the only notable dialogue was four uses of "Tit-chiko", all from Ryuta. Glad the show is still using that. And while there wasn't any real nudity in the episode proper, I'm going to add a S for every episode going forward that has this ED, because Ichiko's cleavage (and the underboob I've previously mentioned) is prominent within it. Also, one use of "pissed".

BONUS RANDOM OBSERVATION: For all the references to random popular anime that this series has, the best moment is when this show unintentionally predicted My Next Life as a Villainess by having different personas of Ichiko debating in her mind palace.

If you haven't already noticed, no Wonder Egg this time. It's on more of a break than a hiatus. Frankly, I feel like I've gotten little out of this show other than "Wow, these girls are cute!", while all the subtext and symbolism and what not about how society grinds promising young women into dust gets thrown by the wayside, at least until I look up the weekly ANN reviews. But if my choice for a recent show ended up influencing one of Poke's, then I guess I'm doing something right. I may do a rewatch of the first half, but, either way... *knocks on wood* it'll resurface sometime soon.

In regards to Poke about My Dress-Up Darling: I'm pretty sure this show doesn't have Wakana, the male MC, crossdress. He's merely helping out Marin live out her cosplay fantasies. Interestingly, having looked at the trailer (and an ANN review for the manga), the show will be featuring a character who wants to crossdress... but she's female, so that fits the WEP-esque angle a little more. Either way, unless you've decided to not watch it because of that (😛), I look forward to seeing your clips.

Coming up next time: we kick off what might just be the Year of Maaya Uchida, takt op. fills out its backstory with the Boston Massa... I mean, Boston Tragedy, Ichiko comes across an adorable puppy and adopts it in what I'm totally sure isn't some sort of gambit by Momiji to take her happiness energy (and maybe other stuff, since I tend to watch multiple episodes of shows without images), who the hell knows what Nichijou has left in store, and I get around to rewatching an anime comedy that may have sorta predicted the rise of VTubers. Will this be a thing in 2022 and beyond? I hope so. Did I unconsciously crib it from reading old posts on this forum, namely Poke's rundowns of each week's Toonami lineup? Yes. Maybe he'll be inspired by it in return.

[bullet hell will eat you all]

Edited by Blatch
And the typical snap edit. Technically two, but this one's just adding a reason.
  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/28/2021 at 9:54 PM, Blatch said:

In regards to Poke about My Dress-Up Darling: I'm pretty sure this show doesn't have Wakana, the male MC, crossdress. He's merely helping out Marin live out her cosplay fantasies. Interestingly, having looked at the trailer (and an ANN review for the manga), the show will be featuring a character who wants to crossdress... but she's female, so that fits the WEP-esque angle a little more. Either way, unless you've decided to not watch it because of that (😛), I look forward to seeing your clips.

Yeah, it took me about a couple back-and-forth looks between Wakana's character design and the image of Shizuku-tan in the key visual before I figured out, "wait a sec, this isn't a crossdressing show". Thankfully, there were enough draws to the series beyond that misconception that I wasn't even going to consider not watching it, so you'll be glad to know that I've gotten three episodes down, three ratings logged, and three clips produced (which I'm happy to see you're coming around to). Hopefully my rating for the first episode doesn't conflict any with yours.

(BTW, merely acknowledging domestic violence by namedropping the term is hardly "suggestive dialogue". Even expounded upon, it's more a PG set at best, 14 set at worst than anything else.)

Angel Cop #1: Special Security Force (TV-MALV)
Angel Cop #2: The Disfigured City (TV-MALV)


Gentlemen, welcome to the late '80s/early '90s. Things are about to get a little bit wild.

#1: While there are plenty of bloody and violent acts throughout the debut installment, both in the moment and after the fact, the graphic violence descriptor goes to the most prominent moment of the bunch: Angel's introduction, where she brutally shoots a female terrorist about to attack Raiden (pronounced Ray-den) from behind. The first of the four shots she fires produces a comically giant blood splatter against the wall, while the final blows off a part of her head, complete with brain matter exposed and splattered against the wall. I also think one of her eyes flew out in the process, too... It definitely makes an impact, for sure, to the point where the clip is often regurgitated as an example of the hyperviolence of the OVA boom. Speaking of the OVA boom's stew of objectionable content, the fifteened dialogue courtesy of Manga UK provided plenty of profanity, including seven uses of "fuck" (four as "fuckin'" and one as "fucker"), six of "shit" (one as "bullshit"), three as hell (one possessive), two each of "bastard", "bitch" and "ass", and one each of "dickhead", "pussy", "goddamn", and "crap".

#2: And like clockwork, things only manage to intensify. Technically, some of the most brutal deaths featured are the ones where the Red May members victimized by the group of psychics - specifically the little girl with the fire powers - are burned alive, but the deaths that produced more blood and exposed viscera were of greater acknowledgement. The black-and-white photos of victims with their head and/or torso busted open, the Red May member killed offscreen but with a growing blood pool and pink matter in the aftermath, the torn-apart corpse with missing torso and exposed bones and innards that Angel finds after turning a corner, and sub-commander Dobashi being compelled into blowing his brains out, the impact unseen but the resultant blood splatter with brain bits present. Makes stuff like Tachihara's off-screen torture and the one assault team member taken out by a claymore come off like child's play! Profanity consisted of eight uses each of "fuck" (three as "fucking", one with a dropped G, and one as "buttfuck") and "shit" (one each as "shithead" and "bullshit"), six uses of "hell", two each of "bastards", "bitch", "ass", "damn" (one as "dammit"), and "crap", and one of "sucks". Honorable mentions include a brief shot of some wall graffiti that says "FUCK YOU", and three uses of "Christ" as an expletive.

Godzilla: Singular Point #7: Omniarch (TV-PGLV)
Godzilla: Singular Point #8: Graftage (TV-PGLV)


#7: B.B.'s use of the Orthogonal Diagonalizer on the kaiju Shiva results in the red sand (read: archetypes) surrounding its form to crystallize and branch out, several of those branches piercing Shiva right through its body and jaw, and the ends of one grazing B.B.'s cheek, both with bloody results both notable and mild respectively. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "bastard".

#8: During the battle with the spider-based kaiju (don't know the Godzilla movie equivalent of that one, sorry), Jet Jaguar uses the Spear of Anguirus to stab and slice several of them up, and even impale one in the head by way of throw, all with bright neon blue bloody results. There was also a shot of the decomposing Manda on the nearby beach, with exposed bones, flesh and entrails present. Being a non-human entity from another dimension, it only made sense to keep that bit of content on the down-low. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell", and one use each of "bastard", "damn" and "crap".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #4: The Visitor, Part 2 (TV-14LV)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #5: Prisoner of Love (TV-14LV)


#4: The previous episode recap features the bloody results of Jolyne getting shot by one of Johngalli A's bullets (and Stone Ocean blocking the shot), and another bullet going right through Jotaro's shoulder and the security guard's head. Those scenes are later flashbacked to, minus the guard getting head-shot. A later shot of Jotaro's wound has blood squirt from both sides then stream through his fingers as he tries to stop the bleeding. Jolyne punching the shit out of Manhattan Downtown Transfer results in numerous blood spurts to come from Johngalli A's head. While sliding her way down the utility room pipe to talk with Emporio (as seen in the clip below), she scrapes her hand to the point of bleeding, caused by the bone charm he gave her. Her clutching of said charm in the real world (everything prior was an illusion) also results in blood pooling on the floor of the visitation room. Additional blood then squirts from Jolyne's finger as she tries to summon Stone Ocean's string with what little strength she has left. Profanity consisted of six uses of "hell", two each of "shit" (one as "bullshit"), "bitch", and "dammit", and one each of "fuck" and "goddamn".

#5: Jotaro/Star Platinum punches Jolyne/Stone Ocean in the face directly towards the visiting room door in order to open it from a distance, with brief bloody results. Johngalli A, disguised as a guard, shoots an actual guard in the head, the impact unseen but the bloody results notable, with the ejection of fluid spraying through those three vertical slits in the side of the gate. (You can see them behind his head in the video thumbnail below.) And most dramatically, Jotaro ends up taking multiple hits from Johngalli A's bullets after White Pale Snake steals his STAND and also his soul, with notable in-the-moment and after-the-fact blood including its expulsion from his chest wound and its leaking into the water as Jolyne escapes to the shore with him. Johngalli A gets ORA ORA'd for his trouble, only to get shot with his own weapon by Pale Snake, the impact once again offscreen but the blood spillage and splatter prominent. Profanity consisted of three uses each of "bastard" and "hell", two of "damn" (one as "dammit"), and one of "bitch".

The Legend of Black Heaven #11: Sweet Emotion (TV-14)


The only notable bits of objectionable content this episode concerned the scene where the Three Stoogettes (Eriko, Kotoko and Rinko) put Layla through a training montage slightly reminiscent of one of the "Japanese people wrote this" comedy scenes in Tenchi GXP to try and improve her stage performance skills. Specifically, some brief split-second shots of partial nudity as the trio changes Layla out of her officer uniform and into a bunnygirl outfit, a shot of Layla's breasts pressing against the ground as she does a push-up, and the post-montage shower scene featuring the trio naked with the stall doors blocking out their torsos. Layla, who was implied to also be nude in the next episode preview from last time, was instead wearing a towel. Is this what they call false advertising?

Profanity consisted of a single use of "freaking", a far cry from the multiple one-scene profanity drops from last episode.

Kanon 2006 #18: The Disappearing Adagio (TV-PG)


The greatest PG set since Yuuki Konno having a mutated, highly contagious form of AIDS: Shiori admitting to Yuuichi that she attempted suicide by wrist-slitting the evening after she first met him and Ayu, with a flashback showing her almost committing the deed before the memory of her interaction with them led her to change her mind about how she wanted her limited lifespan to end.

Kisarazu Cat's Eye #3: My Son Will Die!? (TV-14DLS)


SEXUAL SITUATIONS: I think I managed to suss out a strange sort of author appeal from writer Kankuro Kudo: yakuza bosses with bizarre kinks. First it was the Hanazawa-gumi boss and his BBW side pieces in IWGP, then the Kyogoku-kai leader (also from IWGP) and his ABDL fetish, and now, Boss Komine and his predilection for rubbing edible fluids on the bodies of young men and then licking it off. He tries this twice with Ani, who finds himself having to go through with it in order to have his gambling debts paid off: first by rubbing sesame oil on his ass, then giving him a condensed milk backrub. Neither encounter goes far, though there is the sight of Komine slipping his hand past Ani's underwear band then moving his face down to that level with a proclamation of "itadakimasu" to boot, which was plenty suggestive enough to set off that warning flag. Oh, and there was also him grabbing at his crotch during the scene where Ani (and also Ucchie) are about to be pushed into the river, which Ani (who knows plenty about his perversions at this point) cringes at.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Komine's interactions with Ani feature various innuendos, including telling him he "takes care of many boys", and later, after Ani rear-ends his limo, that he "likes riding on him" (but not when Ani "rides on" his ride). A drunken Rose asks Master's kid (who can barely understand her, being a baby) if he knows "where he came out of", with Master protesting that he not show. The girl Ucchie left with from the mixer, working as a prostitute for Komine's mob, is asked if she banged him, and she says he did "just a little bit" (which was a lie), with Komine himself saying that "girls get carried away even if they are banged a little bit". Komine's brothel business, as it's later shown, reveals that it employs high-school age girls, with a phone operator at the base of operations mentioning that they have 16- and 17-year olds "available", and after they're arrested, Ani brings up how the brothel was "using young girls".

VIOLENCE CLOSE CALLS: The KCE gang discusses a rumor about a debtor they knew (plus his family) getting turned into fish food because he couldn't pay off his debts, accompanied by a non-sequitur shot of some type of chipper machine shooting something kind of meaty into the water. Komine whacks one of his underlings over the head with his folding fan, with a later shot showing blood pouring from the point of impact; an assault that was comical in mind, I'm sure.

Profanity consisted of eleven uses of "damn", seven of "hell", three of "dumbass", two of "shit", and one of "bastard".

Full Dive #6: Knife vs. Saw (TV-14DSV)
Full Dive #7: Chance of Survival 0.1% (TV-14LV)


#6: INTENSE VIOLENCE: A flashback to Inquisition Time shows the blood around the cut Hiro received from Mizarisa's saw. Alicia grazes Mizarisa's cheek with her knife, which causes brief blood spillage (ignoring the punch to the gut that ends up knocking her out for the duration). And once again, Martin's death is flashbacked to with the bloodstains running down his mouth and throat present on his incorporeal form, with one shot even showing more blood on the back of his neck plus the exit wound! SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Hiro attempts to throw Alicia off her game by squeezing her breasts two-handed. Doesn't work. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Hiro calls this maneuver one that's sure to work in "2D, 3D, HD or Double-D" (GOOD LORD, MAN). Alicia's verbal responses to the maneuver include telling him he's not the first guy to "give her boobs a goose" (can't say I've heard that phrase before), and that "violating me doesn't make you any less of a virgin". Profanity consisted of two uses each of "damn" (one as "dammit") and "suck", and one each of "bastard", "friggin'", "hell", and "crap".

#7: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The brief slice of the goblin siege that Hiro witnesses is simplistically brutal, particularly its dispatching of the three town guards. The goblin bites off the one's arm at mach speed, slashes down the second, and slices off the third's arms before bashing in his upper body with its club. Much of the impacts are offscreen - and in the case of casualty #2, blocked out by casualty #3 getting in the way - but the amount of blood and other damage seen after the fact remains undeniable. Said goblin and its buddy are later bisected by Tesla, but no blood is spilled. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE CLOSE CALL: Reona calls Hiro's "NPCs are people too" stance noble, "unless you're an attention whore". The "attention whore" part ironically becomes a part of Hiro's new title after his getting involved in saving a young girl from the goblins, though interestingly enough, in the original untranslated Japanese his upgraded title was actually "Lolita Complex Best Friend Killer", suggesting that his getting involved wasn't because he took pride in the fame of heroism, but because he has a closeted thing for little girls. Good on Sound Cadence for tweaking that bit to make Hiro appear more endearing. Profanity consisted of four uses each of "shit" (three as "shitty") and "damn" (one as "dammit"), two each of "bastard", "ass" (one as "badass"), "hell" and "crap", and one each of "prick" and "bitch".

Magic Knight Rayearth #11: The Legend of the Rune-Gods: In Cephiro, Another World (TV-PGV)


This rating was one I deliberated with myself on for some time before reaching an ultimate decision, and proof that I don't need a coin flip to stick with my guns in certain ratings respects. Simply put, there were two notable scenes of violence this episode: Caldina using her illusionist powers to compel the mayor of the Peerless Village to stab himself in the leg as a means of getting the townsfolk to kill the Magic Knights as per her orders, and the local innkeeper stabbing Ferio in the abdomen (but not really) as part of a ploy to avoid getting offed by Caldina for letting the Magic Knights leave town alive. Both actions were worthy of the moderate violence descriptor in their own right. The self-leg stabbing, though its impact was presented with only a red flash and no blood, was an act of human harm that could easily be replicated in real life by impressionable children, unlike the more outrageous and less-grounded acts of violence preceding this episode. And though Ferio getting shanked was clearly a ruse, it was enough to fool Caldina into thinking it was real, not to mention it could double as a feint to trick viewers into thinking the episode had higher stakes than previous; a contrast to the episode of Presea's death receiving a PG with no descriptors (I miss calling them subratings). I could have easily rated the episode by way of toss-up decision, but as I mature as a content rater, I feel that figuring these things out through thorough personal deliberation is just as important, if not moreso.

My Dress-Up Darling #1: Someone Who Lives in the Exact Opposite World as Me (TV-14L)
My Dress-Up Darling #2: Wanna Hurry Up, and Do It? (TV-MAS)
My Dress-Up Darling #3: Then Why Don't We? (TV-MA)


Just when you think a series' ratings are going to go one way, it pulls a fast one (or a couple) on you.

#1: The fanservice featured in the show's debut installment is mild in frequency but precise enough to really make you take notice, yet at the same time subtle enough to make you question where your rating priorities should lie. A brief flash of the corner of Marin's asscheek as Gojo sees her walk away, and a gratuitous pantyshot (solid red) as she declares her love of cosplaying to Gojo, a freeze-frame observation showing creases outlining her asscheeks and the barest ones around her cooch. It says a lot to their briefness that, despite deliberation taking place on whether or not to up the rating based on their influence factors, my ultimate decision was to base the rating solely around the sole use of the word "shit" uttered by Gojo after Marin catches him in the sewing practice room. And that's including other considerable sexuality-relevant pieces of content like Marin's offscreen undressing into her shoddy Shizuku-tan cosplay, and the bulges in Shizuku-tan's top that are suggested to be her nipples! Other profanity included one use each of "hell" and "suck".

#2: And fittingly enough, I overcorrected with episode 2. The whole first act discussion about Slippery Girls 2 being a BDSM-themed eroge was enough to bring it higher in my envisioned final rating than episode 1 while still keeping it in the 14 range. The lengthy scene of Gojo taking Marin's measurements while having to deal with her bikini-clad form staring him right in the face (in one case literally) kept to that same standard, though the talk made about Marin's nipples when it comes time for him to measure her bust point, and the scene where he inadvertently and unknowingly brushes one of his knuckles against her pussy and gets her blushing while checking her inseam, pushed it to a TV-MA right quick. But the explicit sexual content descriptor came about thanks to the end scene, where Gojo is seen playing Slippery Girls during one of its sex scenes (for costume research, seriously!), with the sounds of a character moaning and talking lewdly in what's clearly a sex scene despite the screen being too blindingly white to really show anything. You can say my inner "Turner S&P rating Food Wars" perspective came out, and by those standards the episode was rated accordingly. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn".

#3: Despite dialing things down enough to avoid triggering that part of me into being again, the most recent episode wasn't much better in the content it displayed. It starts off with Gojo having a dream where Marin, in full Shizuku-tan cosplay and personality, begging him to look at her "naughty bits", lifting up the skirt to show what is implied to be her bare pussy; and Gojo waking up to realize that it was a wet dream, conveyed only through him looking down at his crotch post-waking with an embarrassed blush, and a shot of a tissue box in his bedroom as he reflects on it after arriving at school. And while nothing that bad crops up again, we get something bolder in its lewdity acknowledgement when Gojo and Marin discuss a scene in the first Slippery Girls game where the main character is unable to stop ejaculating during the school's morning assembly, which prompts weirded-out looks from the unlucky bystanders listening to their conversation. Sometimes these things are just obvious. Profanity consisted of four uses each of "damn" and "hell", three of "crap", and one each of "shit" and "sucks". A near-profanity also appeared, in the form of Marin calling the female crossplayers (read: they cosplay as bishounen) she shows Gojo "effing gorgeous".

And Yet the Town Moves #8: Automatic Orchestra (TV-PGDLS)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Toshiko responds to Hotori talking about wanting to warm herself up in the dryer with a bunch of lingerie by saying that she can act on that goal and make herself a "fried pervert".

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Kon receives a gratuitous pantyshot as she enters the Maids' waiting room; the panties were a solid pink.

CAUSES FOR CONCERN: Hotori, Toshiko and Kon all have a conversation while in their bras and panties inside the laundromat, with discussion points including covering up in the event someone comes in, and Kon "not having anything to hide", being fairly flat-chested. Haribara, the supposed owner of the aforementioned dryer full of lingerie, comes in and rubs some of them against her face, proclaiming that fresh laundry "smells the best".

Really, I probably shouldn't have rated the episode so high based on all that, but it would've been weird if I hadn't. Besides, the last rating I did before this one was an under-rate of Dress-Up Darling 1, so it was appropriate I employ an over-rate to counterbalance it.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (two as "dammit), three of "crap" (one as "crappy"), and one each of "piss" and "hell". Not really a profanity, but in this week's "fansubs are politically incorrect" moment, Hotori is called a "retard" again, this time by Kon.

I'm hoping to finish Black Heaven sometime within the next month, after which I'll bring in another Discotek Blu-Ray piece to cover, this one of the same ilk as Wild 7 Another. In other respects, I've decided to put Salaryman Kintaro on hold since it's been over three months since I last saw an episode. In its place will be my first CGDCT series since Yuruyuri, and my first legitimate isekai since Bakarina 2.

[number one on the threatdown]

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 8: "I want to show you my hidden heart." - TV-PG (review post here)


Boy, have I ever been excited to see *PG sets*, which is a testament to how light this show has been. Like I predicted earlier, Ranko's chunni talk is back in full force, the biggest offenders being "They will visit a bloody atrocity upon the world" (albeit said by TakeP), "The scorching flames of hell sear my flesh", and the other girls being suprised that she brought a lucky item for show and tell, as opposed to a skull or bloody cross (suggested by Rika). Also, Koume returns with her special bloodied hoodie, and there's a movie she, Syoko and Anya are going to watch called "Brainz", which features a bloody zombie on the cover.

This week's devilish offerings are, what else? Pursuance, and psalm.



Remember: the characters aren't just aware of the ratings.

 Hackadoll the Animation
Episode 1: "Personal Entertainment AI! HackaDoll!" - TV-14
Episode 2: "Please Let Us Be Idols!" - TV-PGS


And now it's time for my appeal to obscurity: an anime based on a news curation website with cute anime girl (and one boy) mascots that has since gone defunct. Heck, Crunchyroll isn't streaming it anymore, but that didn't stop me from ripping off a torrent so I could watch this show as the grand finale to 2021. But I wouldn't have done this if I didn't like the show already. I mean, look at those MMD dance segments at the end of each episode! Animated kino right there. Too bad they arrived too early for the VTuber boom. Also, this show is only eight minutes an episode, and each one has a full-length OP lasting about 90 seconds. This means that, outside of the first episode (w/ its cold open), there isn't really a point to doing ratings screenshots for this show. I guess I could do a blanket rating at some point.

#1: Contained within the OP are various sequences of HackaDoll #2's boobs flouncing about, replete with #1 using them as a punching bag. I guess this means every episode is going to be rated PGS, although I don't think me nor Poke has come up with a standard for how to treat credit sequences. In the episode proper, HackaDoll #0 (their leader) talks about how the other three idiots are going to put their bodies on the line to advance people, to which #2 repeats one of those words in a innuendo-ish context. She also comments about how she doesn't want to do anything "morally offensive". Then it's off to the first customer of the HackaDolls, a fujoshi who's good at drawing yaoi poses. Like Nichijou, we get a glimpse at her sketchbook, which has many suggestive poses from men wearing only their undies. Speaking of which, it took me until pausing the episode in VLC to notice that #1's outfit is rather skimpy, not on her boobs but panties; that's probably a better guideline for constant PGS-es than what's in the OP. Anyway, garnishing this are one of "suck", a comment that "other people draw much more intense stuff", and a shot where they try out a skimpy sailor outfit on the customer, albeit using a cardboard stand where you put your head on it.

BONUS RANDOM OBSERVATION: Hey look, it's that series HameFura shouted out.

#2: This episode, our obligatory iDOLM@STER parody, was a lot tamer, though it still suffers from #1's revealing outfit plus a brief shot of the performance hall the Dolls are performing in collapsing like it's made of Jenga blocks. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, including the one guy who actually liked their performance of "Cabbage Testing".

takt op.Destiny Episode 2: "Music -Reincarnation-" - TV-14V


Now this is the good shit: the unofficial kick-off to 2022. While it started out with Takt next to his dead father at the Boston Tragedy (with some blood on the latter's head), the meat of the episode was fairly tame, almost playing out like a sitcom. Then Takt and Cosette do their "four hands" performance at the local stop of the Symphonica, and although I had this sense that something bad was gonna happen (especially given the presence of government agents), everything turned out fine... until right after the performance finishes. Cue comically ill-timed explosion, Collette dying, and then being reborn as Destiny thanks to that weird pendant she was wearing. But as an offering for the reincarnation, Takt's right arm goes bye-bye, being ripped off as a giant torrent of blood comes out. No notable swearing to mention.

Moar screenshots: Takt's dead dad (I am disappointed that this is all they showed of what went down in Boston), and getting ready for the Symphonica, complete with a clown.




 Good Luck Girl! Episode 4: "He Shrank, Didn't He?!" - TV-14DS


Boy, do I have anything? Because it feels like I've got nothin', both in terms of actually liking these shows and the ratings they contain. Not helping matters was that I don't know who the english VA for Momo'o Inugami, Momiji's dog diety brother (and unrelated to her), was, and I almost had a conniption trying to rationalize him as anyone except Todd Haberkorn. Mostly the late, great Chris Ayres, because of the sarcastic timbre used. But anyway, Momo'o is a masochist, resulting in scenes like one where he's suddenly tied up in a shibari, gagged, and then flogged by Momiji. And then she starts dripping a hot candle on him. It's wince-worthy, but not what's going to decide the rating.

In addition to the usual dialogue, like a mention of Momiji's flat-chestedness and an offhand reference of drugs and prostitution (plus Bobby calling Momo'o a needy little bitch), the meat of this episode is the sexual content. Despite having the same rating, it outclasses all the previous episodes put together. First Ichiko starts suffocating Momo'o with her breasts in her sleep, and then, after the narrative climax of this episode has been reached (long story short, family photos got tossed in the trash, and Momo'o helped her find them, vindicating her personality in a small way), she takes the doggy into the bath. As in, he shapeshifted because of his masochism. We get lots of naked Ichiko, though not much in the way of sexual motions. She's washing the dog in a perfectly normal manner. And again, no nipples, but the tips of her breasts are covered with soap. Try that on for size, ED. TIT-CHIKO COUNT: Two, with one coming in the next episode preview.

Laid-Back Camp
Episode 1: "Mount Fuji and Ramen Noodles" - TV-PG
Episode 2: "Welcome to the Outdoor Activities Club!" - TV-PG
Episode 3: "Mount Fuji and Relaxed Hot Pot Camp" - TV-PG
Episode 4: "The Outdoor Activities Club and the Solo Camping Girl" - TV-PG
Episode 5: "Two Camps, Two Campers' Views" - TV-PGS
Episode 6: "Meat and Fall Colors and the Mystery Lake" - TV-G
Episode 7: "A Night on the Lake Shore and Campers" - TV-PG


A surprise addition, because this is a show I've been meaning to rewatch, when I'm not malding about how it's seemingly never going to be released on Blu-ray around here. But don't get your hopes up, because this show is really light. My prior ratings from both seasons (the first way back in 2018) are exclusively Gs and straight PGs.

#1: The PG set that pushes this episode is the reveal that pinecones are sentient, and some get lit on fire. Also, Shimarin assumes a samurai pose when getting ready to chop some wood.

#2: A conversation between Shimarin and Ena leads to both of them dying, the former because the latter sic'd some hungry lions, bears, and chihuahas on the Motosuko campsite, and the latter because she starved to death. Their pictures in a text conversation even gain halos.

#3: For this one, it's Aki getting a job at the local liquor store.

#4: And here, one use of "suck", plus a mention that you shouldn't use a sleeping bag meant for summer in the winter, or you'll die of hypothermia.

#5: Hot springs time! There's not much in the way of nudity, but we still see cleavage underneath the water. Also, there's a brief shot of Aoi's bra, which is further than some of these shows go in depecting a good time. For the garnish, one use of "damn" from Shimarin as she's traveling the back roads.

#6: Either way, this was the show's tamest episode yet, showing all the sordid details of the OutClub's first camping trip with no real issues. The only thing close to a PG set I could find was in the "Room Camp" segment at the end, wherein an explanation of why there are so many "soba udon" places where the show takes place is because they're actually selling something called "sobaudon", which is made from bird meat. But the show never specifies that the birds are being killed, which is enough for me.

#7: On top of Shimarin telling Nadeshiko about the story of a ghost (cue the looping guitar), this episode earned its PG straight due to the antics of Minami, soon to become one of the main characters, getting copiously drunk.

I really wanted to get this one out the door, so there may be minor mistakes here and there. I bet you could forgive them. Next week... I mean, I didn't even include Nichijou in this post despite promising I would, so expect more of that. Plus more antics of aspiring idols (the next episode apparently features a punishment game, so ooh la la) and Tit-chiko becoming Cunny Ichiko.

Edited by Blatch
Snap edit! Accidentially doubled up the rating.

Angel Cop #3: The Death Warrant (TV-MAL)


I feel that I might've under-rated this one. Though the action violence in this installment was notably less graphic compared to the first two episodes' most notable gore - with most of the deaths during the SSF vs. SWAT stand-off being obscured by explosions with only one bloody headshot - one scene stood out as being quite nasty despite not quite being graphic violence (at the time): Tachihara's gangrenous maggot-infested arm. The torture he endures from Kuwata is enough to make his right arm start to rot, with the open wound sustained filled with mags, some of which Kuwata smears onto his chest to freak him out. A closer shot of the arm is seen as Kuwata prepares to pour boiling water over it, in all its shlocky detail. It was a tough call, and gross-up close-ups like that are especially tough. So while I'm confident I made the right call, I can't help but wonder how rating it in the other direction could have gone...

There's also some mild nudity, though I'll cover that next episode. All we get here are shadowed outlines of Angel's nipples during parts of her meeting with Ichihara.

Profanity consisted of seven uses of "fuck" (two as "fucking"), three of "Christ", two each of "shit", "bastard", "pissing", and "ass" (one as "dumbass"), and one each of "cocksuckers", "asshole", "hell" and "Jesus". Normally I give the L out if the "cock" word is "cockblock" (see: Kill la Kill 14, FLCL Progressive 6, Ghost Stories 18), so this was more insurance to balance out my aversion to rating up Tachihara's arm.

Godzilla: Singular Point #9: Erumpent (TV-PGLV)
Godzilla: Singular Point #10: Encipher (TV-PGV)


#9: More Jet Jaguar impaling and slicing up spider kaiju with the Spear of Anguirus, and also the army trying and failing to stop Godzilla with bomb drops too. Profanity consisted of one use of "bastard" and one of "hell".

#10: An anti-tank missile variation of the Orthogonal Diagonalizer sprouts spikes that impale the kaiju that escaped from the Shiva Consortium in place, with a shot of two of the spikes piercing its lower jaw with blood spurts. Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "hell".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #6: Ermes's Sticker (TV-MA)


As per the course for JoJo, there are plenty of moments where blood is shed to varying degrees, most of which by Ermes. In some cases it was minor but direct, like her prickng her palm on the arrow piece within Jolyne's pendant and her briefly duplicated finger merging back with a brief spurt after the sticker that duplicated it is removed. Others were higher-stakes but indirect, all the result of Thunder McQueen's "die a similar way to my suicide" STAND. Of the latter, the biggest moment and the episode's MA set is when McQueen's electrocution attempt causes damage to her left arm, blood staining and pouring from it suddenly before gashes and holes start to form, some of them left behind after the attempt fails to take her out with McQueen. I'd say that did it more than the brief moment where she's begging for help during her first subjugation to Highway to Freeway Thru Hell's power before saving her own butt. Other moments of blood, for those curious, were a flashback to the woman McQueen's shotgun killed getting shot as she's falling to her intended death by swan-dive off the roof, and McQueen getting bloodied from the two times Ermes used the sticker on him: first when he stole some of her cash and got his neck choked by a merging broom, and when he's ultimately defeated by being duplicated then forced back together, with Ermes herself getting some of the blowback.

Other bits of content worth noting include McQueen stealing the cash from Ermes, the approach including him touching her thighs and looking like he's about to go for her crotch; and one of Ermes' attempts to stop McQueen from electrocuting himself being offering him her panties as a good luck charm.

Profanity consisted of ten uses of "hell", six of "damn" (four as "dammit" and one as "damned"), four of "asshole", three of "ass" (one as "kickass"), two each of "son of a bitch" and "bastard", and one each of "shitstain", "prick", "goddammit" and "pissed".

The Legend of Black Heaven #12: Into the Arena (TV-PGDLV)
The Legend of Black Heaven #13: The End (TV-14L)


#12: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Several of the space fleet's ships explode as a result of Mecha-Watanabe turning the ultimate weapon against them; though only portrayed as explosions and nothing further, casualties are recorded as a result of this turnaround. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: While putting in vacation requests all at once before the final battle begins, Sawazora ends up thinking Oji is having an affair with Layla and all three Stoogettes, which is rather fitting considering he was on the "how to deal with extramarital affairs" chapter of his self-help book on how to be a more likable boss. HONORABLE MENTION: Though nothing is said, Yoshiko assumes the "cozy place" Oji was taking her before his departure was a love hotel, but it turned out to be his favorite oden stand instead. Profanity consisted of three uses each of "damn" (one as "dammit") and "hell", and one each of "goddammit" and "suck".

#13: Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (two as "dammit"), and one each of "shit", "goddammit", "bastards", and "bitchin'".

Kanon 2006 #19: The Etude of Contact (TV-PGD)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Jun, notably jealous of Yuuichi's being a chick magnet and his closeness with Ayu, chastises him for being into elementary-school girls (even though Ayu's their age), and even calls him a "sicko". He must never know that Yuuichi got to first base with Ayu at the end of the episode. VIOLENCE CLOSE CALL: Yuuichi's flashback montage of all the girls whose arcs he's gone through thus far includes a shot of Mai pointing her sword at her chest, though it cuts away before impact. No profanity.

Kisarazu Cat's Eye #4: The First Mr. Kisarazu (TV-14DLS)
Kisarazu Cat's Eye #5: I May Already Be Seriously Dying (TV-14DLV)


#4: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Not exactly sexual, but I think it's worth noting both the recap to Miss Mirei's "wasabi in the bra" prank and Mr. Tabuchi dripping candle wax on Rose's arm to demonstrate that she's "suitable for S&M", to which she reacts poorly. (Should've dripped it on the back or buttocks, my man.) More in line with the subrating, however, is a scene that happens twice this episode. To counterbalance two different rare moments of competency, Ozzy reaches out and squeezes the nearest chest he can double-handed while exclaiming "Boobies!"; first with Master's kleptomaniac sister-in-law Naomi, then with Master himself. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Ucchie is asked if he and (the girl pretending to be) his girlfriend if they "go to a love hotel" or equivalent to shag. Bussan asks some of the other guys why they're still virgins. Rose's reason for judging the Mister Kisarazu contest, as announced during the opening ceremony, is that she "sensed male hormones today", after which she recounts when and where she lost her virginity. Ani once again tells Mohko "Let me shag you!", while Naomi refers to her as "Whore-ko". When Bambi wins the titular Mister Kisarazu title, the guys guess he won because he's a virgin. And on the letter she tries (and fails) to send to Bussan via an untrained carrier pigeon that's later found by Ozzy, Miss Mirei confesses that she's a lesbian. Profanity consisted of eleven uses of "damn", six of "hell", three of "crap", two each of "shit" and "dumbass", and one each of "pissed" and "sucks".

#5: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: After reading Miss Mirei's coming-out note, Bussan discusses it with the guys, such topics including his not knowing what "lesbian" means (Ani explains it's "hanky-panky between girls"), his claiming not to know much about lesbians even though he can tell gays from their "atmosphere", and pointing out that if any one of them could be gay, it's probably Bambi (with another reference to him still being a virgin). Not exactly relevant to the aforementioned conversation, but Master lets Bussan know that there's a lesbian bar behind the local bowling alley. Later, Bussan brings a bunch of manly media, including Rambo DVDs and Salaryman Kintaro manga volumes (ain't that somethin') as "remedies" for her lesbianism, after which he learns she lied about being gay, she just thought it was less embarrassing to admit than her disliking people in general after a yet-unexplained personal betrayal. She reveals this by saying she isn't into women or men, to which Bussan jokingly asks if that means she's into animals. (BESTIALITY!) Oh, and there's something about Bambi deciding to prove he's not gay by "doing it" that week, though nothing really comes of that outside of a later reminder of that claim. INTENSE VIOLENCE: One of the suppliers Nekota is dealing Michael Douglas brand boner pills and toluene for smacks him in the face with the binder of a thick book on two different occasions, both of which result in Nekota bleeding from his nose. During the fight with the biker gang buying the toluene from Nekota's proxy (Ozzy, of course), Bussan gets stabbed in the gut... only for the impact to have been blocked by the catcher's gear Ozzy accidentally left behind at his family's barber shop. After the Kisarazu Cat's Eye bow out, the bikers are offscreen beaten by a mystery assailant, with their blood coating his bat and staining some of their gear, including a flag and one of the bikes. SEXUAL SITUATION CLOSE CALL: While at Kisarazu Hall, Rose congratulates Ozzy on his "new job" by lifting up her leg during a performance, the contents unseen but the sight causing Ozzy to retch in what I can only describe as some combination of disgust and arousal. Too vague to really count. Profanity consisted of eleven uses of "damn", four uses of "hell" (three as "hella masochist"), three of "bastard", two of "pissed", and one of "shit".

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #1: Bear, Appears (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #2: Bear, Meets Little Girl (TV-PGD)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #3: Bear, Goes on a Rampage (TV-PGV)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #4: Bear, Meets the Feudal Lord (TV-PGDV)


#1: A brief shot of Yuna showering IRL contains nudity, though her arm and the shower steam filter obscure anything too racy, particularly her sideboob. Didn't seem quite male-gazey a scene either, so it was left fairly low on the scale. Profanity consisted of one use of "crap".

#2: While listening to him talk about how much he cares for Fina, Yuna assumes that Gentz has "a thing" for her, which he denies with the insistence that if he's into anyone, it's Fina's mom. Profanity consisted of three uses of "crap".

#3: The goblin-hunting mission Yuna goes on features her taking out numerous goblin guards offscreen, the bodies shown afterwards featuring small pools of blood and at least one gash, and doing battle against the "goblin king" ruling them all, her Bear Cutter attack resulting in a notable amount of blood from the gashes left. FANSERVICE MOMENT: Yuna disrobes into her bra and panties after waking up and takes the latter off to remark on their cleanliness, with no nudity shown. Profanity consisted of one use of "damn".

#4: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: One of Yuna's complaints/assumptions about royalty is how they "want the bodies" of women they desire and threaten them if they refuse. Later, when offering a favor to local nobleman Cliff as payment for the sword she pilfered from the Goblin King, she comments that a "lord like him" could do all kinds of "weird secret things" for her, to which he denies said claim to the point of calling the assumption "crass". MODERATE VIOLENCE: The first use of the Bear Cutter against the Goblin King is flashbacked to. Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

Full Dive #8: Enlistment and Baptism (TV-14L)
Full Dive #9: A Fairy's Power (TV-14DL)


#8: Profanity consisted of four spoken uses of "shit" (two as "shitty"), one written use of "shit" (namely the phrase "pant-shitter who became a merc"), four uses of "ass" (one each as "dead-ass", "creepy-ass", and "asses"), three of "hell", two of "suck" (one plural), and one each of "piss" and "damn", plus an abbreviated "SOB".

#9: Granada proclaims "son of a whore" twice throughout the humiliation conga Reona sets up for him to salvage Hiro's rep by comparison, and a later part of it focuses around him being framed for stealing the panties of the training barracks' stocky middle-aged nurse, with one of the other soldiers calling him a pervert because of it. Profanity consisted of four uses of "hell", two each of "shit" (one each as "shitter" and "shit-sworded"), "ass", and "crap", and one each of "bastards", "pissed", "suck", "freakin'", and "damn".

Magic Knight Rayearth #12: The Fearsome Illusionist Caldina (TV-PG)


Lot of close calls on violence this one. Two moments of bloodshed from Fuu - first she notices an after-the-fact smear on her hand after she and the others fall from the cliff they tried climbing, and later when her cheek is struck by one of Caldina's illusionary lizard-soldiers - and two cases of "violence against a child" from Umi, who points her sword at Ascot's throat, then later bitchslaps him.

Platinum End #5: Death Sentence (TV-14V)
Platinum End #6: Two Painful Options (TV-MA)


#5: Metropoliman uses his White Arrow on Chiyo after Nasse spoils his scheme to draw out more God Candidates by holding her hostage, and the corpse of a middle school girl with lacerations on her arms and neck, a pool of blood under her body, and crows pecking at said body with the intent to scavenge, is seen at the episode's end. Descriptor-unworthy but notable content includes Kanade (read: Metropoliman's secret identity) offering to make a female classmate "fall head over heels" for his classmate Minamikawa so he can sleep with her, and a shot of the preserved naked body of Kanade's dead little sister, the light reflecting off the transparent vacbed keeping her intact censoring the noteworthy bits. No profanity here.

#6: Misurin making out with and groping a middle school girl she used the Red Arrow Metropoliman lent her on, both in varying states of partial undress, then tying her up and murdering her offscreen with her trusty knife? TV-14SV material. Her looking at the corpse she left behind and saying that she's "gonna squirt"? That's an MA set. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn".

My Dress-Up Darling #4: Does This Belong to Your Girlfriend? (TV-14)
My Dress-Up Darling #5: Probably Because It's the Best Boob Bag Here (TV-14DS)
My Dress-Up Darling #6: For Real?! (TV-14LS)
My Dress-Up Darling #7: Holy Crap, I'm on a Date at Home With the Guy I Wuv (TV-MA)


#4: This was a particularly tame episode, all things considered. With minor fare on display like an anti-train molester ad shown during Gojo's train ride home, the seldom-heard narrator dropping an innuendo shortly after saying that Slippery Girls was "starting to violate" Wakana, and a couple close-up shots of Marin's undergarment-clad chest and rear during her dressing montage, it was nice to have an episode that wasn't too heavy on objectionable content, especially with the message it was trying to convey throughout the runtime. Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell" and one of "half-ass".

#5: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: You can probably already tell from the title that the "boob bag" for Marin's Shizuku-tan outfit gets plenty of acknowledgement, especially at the episode's halfway point when it's revealed she increased the bust size to more character-accurate levels, putting her outfit at risk of bursting open in the chest area. Other notable points of dialogue include Marin pointing out the "huge rack" on a cosplayer she recognizes, Gojo mentally taking notice of an obvious male crossplayer ("That person's in drag."), and during the indoors wipe-down scene, Marin noting her panties are "drenched with sweat". SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Nothing super-obvious, though the aforementioned wipedown scene features numerous lovingly animated jiggle physics, including a shot of sweat dripping down Marin's boobs and pooling at her cleavage, and as Gojo takes care of her back, she lets out a number of suggestive-sounding sighs and moans that make him feel concerned that someone might hear them. Also worth noting is the wind-induced upskirt scene: no panties here, as Marin is wearing shorts under her cosplay, but the tally marks she drew on her thighs in another character-accurate addition per herself are quite suggestive, considering Slippery Girls' medium. Profanity consisted of five uses of "crap".

#6: You don't need to be a complete autist for TV content ratings to know that Gojo walking in on naked Juju is the "intense sexual situation" of the episode. Her nudity is censored in ways both standard (towel obscuring the nipples) and creative (Gojo's pupil between her spread legs reflected in his eye), and it's undoubtably clear this moment, which naturally made all of ANN feel uncomfortable, paints Gojo and Juju's first impressions of one another in a particularly unideal light. Especially when Juju uses Gojo's witness to her nudity against him, calling it "voyeurism" and him a "peeping tom", as blackmail to get him to make a cosplay outfit for her. Other close calls in dialogue include Marin self-questioning Gojo's earlier comment that the two of them weren't doing anything inappropriate while alone at the house by asking what he'd have said if they did, and a flashback to Marin saying her chest is "literally about to burst" as a result of her two NuBras. Profanity consisted of two uses of "shit" and "bitch", and one each of "freakin'", "damn", "hell" and "crap".

#7: Another case where the greater content of the episode was spoiled by a single MA set: Gojo recalling a scene from Slippery Girls where the player character walks in on the club president "stark naked" with anal beads up her ass. Juju stops him from saying anything past "in her anus", and even then, "anus" is cut off before the last letter, but there's a metaphorical background image tastefully obscuring the nudity, but not quite obscuring the pink pull ring for the beds, which on closer inspection looks to be dripping transparent fluids. I couldn't in good conscience give this one anything but a TV-MA, you know how it is. Profanity consisted of three uses each of "hell" (one as "hella") and "crap", two of "freakin'", and one of "sucks".

And Yet the Town Moves #9: Duel! Adults Buying Plan (TV-PGDS)


SEXUAL SITUATIONS: The image used to demonstrate Toshiko and Haribara as table tennis legends back in their middle school days shows a trio of nude, featureless flat-chested fairies fluttering behind Toshiko. During the game she plays against Haribara in the present day, there are two close-ups shown of Toshiko's breasts bouncing inside her gym tee.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Later that evening, Asai points out to Sanada (who both watched the match) how Toshiko's boobs were like water balloons, bouncing as she moved, to which Sanada warns him that such things are unbecoming to say. In the next episode preview, one of Josephine's non-sequitur lines is "round and round, all sexy-like".

Profanity consisted of one use each of "dammit", "crap", and "hell".

Submitted without much comment.


  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This year easily has the most "hella" I've seen since I last saw MM! fansubbed.

Angel Cop #4: Pain (TV-MAV)


For today's content rating rundown, allow me to share the details of Lucifer's kill count, which currently consists of five supporting cast members.

Kill #1: Kuwata. Easily one of the two most graphic bouts of gore this episode, more than making up for last episodes's lack of any equally worthy violence. After using her abilities and a little touch contact to hack his brain for information on the other SSF members' whereabouts - a process she classily refers to as "raping his mind" - she explodes his body below the neck into a torrent of blood and dripping innards, with blood bursting from his face and ears before the big rush.

Kill #2: Peace. In contrast, this was one of the less violent kills, but at the cost of being considerably ambiguous to whether or not she did die. She also got mind-raped, but at the same time very straightforwardly molested; Peace's top flies off to expose her breasts, nipples and everything, and to mock an equally powerless Hacker, Lucifer gropes one of her breasts, then runs her nails down her chest to draw blood. Prior to that, there's some vulgar dialogue exchange between the two, with Peace calling Lucifer a "twisted... whore", and Lucifer calling Peace a "little slut". Once the deed i done, Lucifer drops Peace to the ground, a small blood pool expanding around the latter's head.

Kill #3: Tachikawa. He also gets exploded from the neck down like Kuwata, but hands-free. His limbs and innards are briefly present before falling to the ground with the rest of his blood.

Kill #4: Hacker. His death by holding onto a live grenade unpinned by Lucifer's psychic powers is ultimately obscured by the usual explosion, but by the time the smoke clears, Lucifer is seen holding up his disembodied head.

(Speaking of boobs, pause at the right moment or three and you can see a porn mag with exposed boobs flying amongst the debris as Angel defends herself against the shockwaves of Lucifer's attack against Asura.)

Kill #5: Freya. Nothing special, just a hit to the chest and a trickle of blood from the mouth. But for what it's worth, it's a very melodramatic death, made worse by Asura managing to drop an entire expository speech as he's fighting back the tears of grief.

Profanity consisted of eight uses of "fuck" (three as "fucking" with a dropped G for one of them), five of "bitch", four of "shit", two of "hell", and one each of "piss" and "damn".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #7: There's Six of Us! (TV-MAV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: One of the two sibling prisoners having to content with the enemy STAND of the week infiltrating their equipment shed experiences a case of limb loss; their arms splatter against the wall with a considerable amount of blood, but by the time it's revealed it was their arms, the stumps have no blood on them. Bizarre... Less bizarre but just as graphic is the prisoner that would later become Fem!Jobro #2 getting exploded by her wrist-cuff; body parts flying off, a blood splash from the torso up... quite grisly.

Profanity consisted of nine uses of "hell", three of "shit", two of "ass", and one each of "fuck" (it might've been "bug", since Ermes said "that parasitic [word]", but I'm counting it anyways to be safe), "prick", "bitch", "bastards", "freakin'", and "damn".

Kanon 2006 #20: The Nocturne of Farewell (TV-PG)
Kanon 2006 #21: The Rondo Without You (TV-PG)


#20: There's a brief scene of Ayu taking a bath where a close-up has been done on her chest, detailing the water curving around her boob lines but obscuring anything that could be potentially titillating to the lolicon crowd. So I left it alone, as it was just a bath scene with sulking as the intent, not fanservice. Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

#21: At first, I was sure the PG set of the moment was going to be the briefest allusion to Nayuki having incestuous feelings for Yuuichi (as first cousins in anime do) in the memory he remembers of the two of them. And then Akiko got hit by two cars at once. No shot of her body in the aftermath, no indication of her fate beyond hospitalization... even going through the scene of impact frame by frame seems to suggest she clipped out of existence as the cars slammed into her, thereby proving isekai through traffic accidents to be true! And that's just another negative to have come from this.

Kisarazu Cat's Eye #6: Goodbye, Ozu-senpai (TV-14DLSV)
Kisarazu Cat's Eye #7: My First and Last Night! (TV-14DLS)


#6: INTENSE VIOLENCE: So it turns out the mystery assailant who beat all those bikers last episode was Ozzy, who remembered that his twin brother Shintaro got killed by the toluene suppliers and went on a manner of revenge against said suppliers and their target audience (the bikers). The flashback to Shintaro's death featured him getting hit on the head from behind with a bat in silhouette, with blood present on his cheek and lip the moment before impact, and on his body when Ozzy (who was then-recently his loony self) discovered it in the local landfill. Add to that the after-the-fact blood from the bikers' beating the previous episode, and it's a good start to this round's helping of violence. Unfortunately, Ozzy would wind up meeting the same fate as his brother, corpse in the landfill and everything, so Nekota, who blames himself for getting Ozzy involved to begin with, assaults two of the three suppliers at the usual meeting place, breaking a tanuki statue over the one's head while the other gets his face whaled on.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Before the first half of his assault, Nekota tells the suppliers they should "die from hitting their head on a raccoon's balls". When discussing how to get Bussan out of the house after he shuts himself in due to Ozzy's death, Ani suggests they lure him out with a "naked Mohko". When Bambi tells Miss Mirei that Bussan is in a similar situation to how she is, he corrects himself when he assumes she misinterpreted "he's a shut-in" as "he's a lesbian", to which she says that she's not the latter, despite what the letter said. When Mirei and Kosuke talk to Bussan in his room, they ask him what he means when he says he doesn't have a girlfriend in the exact same wording: "You do nothing but masturbate?" Finally, acknowledgement that the movie Nekota partially tapes over with a home-recorded message, "Mission Chinpossible" (insert uncontrollable giggling from Iketeru-oniisan here), is a "porn video".

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Mission Chinpossible is in fact a porn video, the clip the guys fast-forward through featuring a POV shot of a woman riding a man cowgirl style as he gropes her naked breasts, with moaning briefly heard before Nekota's portion cuts in. The vice principal (who, in this month's Objectionable Content Honorable Mention, is a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of his wife) shows up at Mirei's place and almost assaults her, managing to get on top of her at best before Bussan breaks things up. And while not exactly sexual, the Ozzy tanuki statue the Cat's Eye guys get commissioned with the cash from their latest heist bears the typical tanuki testes: nothing too large, but notable enough to touch the ground alongside its stubby legs, and has a little nub for the rest of the crotch too!

Profanity consised of seven uses of "damn", three uses of "bastard" (one plural), two uses of "shit" and "pissed", and one use each of "dumbass" and "crap".

#7: I can't really talk about the dialogue and sex stuff in this episode separately, because one (or maybe two?) scene/s intertwine both to an undeniable degree: Bussan and Kosuke almost sleeping with Mohko and Rose, respectively, at the same time. Especially the former, as Mohko's innuendo-laden question of "Why don't we make us feel greater?" leads to the very real possibility of them doing it, the build-up to said "doing it" prefaced by a discussion on the last time he "did it" and when the next time might be. There's prep shown for them getting busy, intercut back-and-forth with Kosuke and Rose preparing to do the same, only for both acts to be interrupted by startling reveals. For Kosuke, it's Rose having a hernia; for Bussan, it's learning Mohko, for all her reputation as the town bicycle, is actually still a virgin. The latter being something Bussan has a problem with, 'cause he doesn't want the last time he has sex to be with a virgin.

OTHER SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: In response to learning Rose is being forced to retire from her dance career (because of said hernia), Kosuke tells her that she "prevented so many men from committing sex crimes" with the outlet she provided. Banter between the guys concerning Mohko includes Master telling Bussan that he "kept asking her for a shag before", and claims that he would "do it" if she came to his room. While watching another porn video Nekota partially taped over, the guys get excited upon seeing the guy in the video is a famous porn actor named Taka Kato, to which Bussan randomly exclaims "Let me cum!". Later, Bussan poses the question, "Isn't it down to see your parents' sex life?" The band Kishidan (guest stars this episode and future performers of Naruto Shippuden's 11th ending theme) refer to "sex, drugs and Yassai Mossai" as their "real" mother. Mirei remembers Mohko by her "big boobs". Miiko (Ucchie's fake GF who's become a fringe part of the group) tells Bambi that, in response to getting practically dumped by Bussan, Mohko plans on sleeping with so many men she'll "die from sex addiction". Something she immediately regrets, concerning she calls Bambi to warn her she's "gonna be raped by Tokyo" (read: fall victim to the JAV industry). The same line is repeated during the "bottom of the inning" segment, where a curveball straight to Taka Kato's head puts an end to that danger. (And he's still nice enough to offer them a ride back to Kisarazu!) Rose also uses the sexual R-word, claiming she'll be "raped" three times as the Cat's Eye guys try to remove the 20 million yen kimono she's wearing. (It's to save Kishidan's favorite orphanage, you see.) Upon returning with Bambi, Mohko proclaims she's "still a virgin".

Profanity consisted of thirteen uses of "damn", three of "bastard", two "ass" words (one each as "dumbass" and "kickass"), and one each of "fuck", "pissed", "hell", and "crap". There are also a couple profanities present in the graffiti decorating the abandoned building where the Cat's Eye guys do band practice, including "kiss my ass", "suck", and a crudely drawn middle finger gesture.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #5: Bear, Raises a Bird (?) (TV-PGL)


Just one use of "bastard". Maybe also Cliff punching a corrupt official in the face. You could almost get away with a Y7FV on this one!

Platinum End #7: Tower of Nightmare (TV-14V)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: The explosion that rocks the radio tower manages to kill Misurin and about 30 other people, though we don't see any of their bodies. We do see Misurin's hair ribbon caught in some wreckage with four different bloodstains on it, so there's that bit of ambiguity. Mukaido failed to dodge it, but survived thanks to his blast suit. While the battle between Mirai and Metropoliman is mostly PG-level pseudo-sword clashes with their Red and White arrows respectively, Mukaido enters the fray in the final third, emptying two rounds of bullets from one handgun each into the back of Metropoliman's helmet; which, despite being bulletproof, managed to crack his visor and graze his head, bad enough he needed surgery to get everything removed when all was said and done. After getting a Red Arrow'd doctor to perform the surgery, Uryu hits him point-blank in the head with a White Arrow, because he's Metropoliman and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Also, two separate recaps to Hatakeyama getting hit with the White Arrow from episode 4, and one of Tabuchi getting the same. The other of Tabuchi, and both of Chiyo, were just of their post-White Arrow corpses.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" (one as "hella") and one of "damn".

My Dress-Up Darling #8: I Really Recommend Backlighting (TV-14)
My Dress-Up Darling #9: Because There Was a Lot That I Saw In That Photo (TV-14DLS)
My Dress-Up Darling #10: Everyone Has a Lot Going On (TV-14DS)
My Dress-Up Darling #11: I Am Currently at a Love Hotel (TV-MAS)


#8: I was honestly caught off-guard with how tame this one was. Almost no objectionable content to speak of, with the worst being the usual profanities. This time, they were two uses of "crap" and one each of "freakin'" and "damn". Really, it all came down to the gratuitous Marin fanservice at the beach, where Gojo sees an obvious glimpse of her black lace panties and blushes in response. A PG without descriptors would have been inappropriate, while a PG with an S descriptor would have felt like false advertising, since there was no groping or bare nudity to speak of anywhere else in the episode. A 14 without descriptors proved sufficient, even if it's a little on the side of overkill. But then again, considering the rest of the series, a tamer-than-it-should-be TV-14 can be afforded.

#9: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Marin teases Gojo with the assumption he got "excited" when he saw her swimsuit, almost calling him a "little pervert" but getting cut off half-way through the second word. The second half of the episode, meanwhile, centers around the fact that Shinju's breasts are a little large for the crossplay she hopes to pull off, and her and Gojo trying to find a way around that problem. One that succeeds, the B-Holder's chest-flattening ability emphasized when Juju's response is to ask where her "boobies" went. SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Though subtle enough to be a 14 set, Gojo's mentally shared explanation for why he didn't respond to Marin's swimsuit photos was because "a lot happened" afterwards, accompanied by a glance towards his tissue box. More obvious, meanwhile, are Shinju's visible underboob in a still image of her applying a sarashi bandage wrap to her chest, and a scene where her boobs press up against Gojo's torso while he's measuring her head circumference, prompting embarrassed blushes from the both of them. Profanity consisted of three uses of "crap", and one each of "shit, "frickin'", and "hell".

#10: As with Kisarazu 7, I can't really talk about the dialogue and sex stuff separately because they're especially intertwined in this episode through one surprisingly important detail: Veronica's underboob. The lawyer-friendly Ramlethal expy that Marin decides to cosplay as next (the solution for the difference in skintone also making ANN uncomfortable; no surprise, since MrAJCosplay is brown-skinned him/themself) has many "genius" details to her design that Marin praises, particularly her "plump, healthy" underboob. She additionally comments that looking at such underboob, adjectives and everything, makes one feel "healthier"; a sentiment Gojo reiterates upon seeing Marin expose hers while readying herself to have a layer of skin-darkening foundation applied. And it's the recreation of that very underboob that makes Gojo too uncomfortable to follow through with seeing the Veronica cosplay come to life, a point that Marin teases him for, up to and including calling him a "little perv". Earlier on, she also teases him through the bathroom door claiming that if this were a manga (which it was, but that's beside the point), he'd try to sneak a peek. We, as the audience, get some artificially-tanned nudity from her instead, with visible sideboob and asscrack as she disrobes, and double sideboob from behind as she talks through the door. There's also a moment where Shinju's B-Holder comes undone and her breasts threaten to burst inside the uniform she borrowed from Gojo for her cosplay, but it got overshadowed by the underboob drama so tough luck. Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" and two of "hell" (one as "hella").

#11: Leave it to an episode taking place in a love hotel to drive the point home to how sexual it is. There's a sanitized magic wand vibrator on a pedestal, a box containing some condoms that Marin tries to get Gojo to put in his wallet (and also her own) for financial luck, female moaning from the TV feed in their room (that Gojo watches some of with the volume super-low), more moaning from the room next door, and Gojo, upon realizing the compromising nature of a position he finds himself in with Marin (and getting a head-on look at her bikini-bottomed crotch), starts to get a boner characterized by a tent forming in his pants. Kind of makes Marin mentioning "semen" in her rundown on traditional succubi to Gojo at the manga cafe seem rather tame! Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "hella".

And Yet the Town Moves #10: Grandpa Tsukkomi (TV-PGDV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Sanada's prayer to Kami-sama that he get closer to Hotori in the future (played once as the cold open, and again as the stinger but with the ghost of Uki's husband watching him from up close) has him try and claim that "getting closer" isn't impure in any way, and claiming that viewing it in a "naughty way" like that would make him a creep. Kon asks Hotori if her sour mood is because she's on her period.

MODERATE VIOLENCE: Hotori ends up laying witness to a battle between a white and black alien in the middle of the night, the former disintegrating the latter with his armblaster. Later, after repairing the damage with the special future device Kon found (the antithesis to the one Hotori foolishly used to cause the whole trouble), the revived black alien takes a swing at the two girls from behind with its space hammer, but the scene cuts away before any impact can be confirmed.

Profanity consisted of two uses each of "crap" and "hell" (one as "hell-bent"), and one each of "ass" and "damn".

Submarine Super 99 #1: A Deep Sea Explorer Disappeared! (TV-14)


For the most part, this debut episode of what, in a technical sense, is the best Famous Creator Series yet was considerably PG-level, with maritime skirmishes enacted by the Ocean Empire (mostly one-sided) and Susumu's one-shot takedown of one of their torpedos being the most objectionable the content got. But, being an AT-X original (with TV Tokyo on the production committee), it shouldn't have come as any surprise that they'd squeeze in at least one moment of sexuality. The moment in question being Ocean Empire leader Hell Deathbird (whose name accounts for two of this episode's three uses of "hell", the only profanity present) in bed with Ze Strait, one of his female associates. There's a brief shot of Strait's sideboob, and she teasingly tells Deathbird that she'll "pull out all the stops" with him just as he's pulling out all the stops against the Oki Ocean Lab (our protagonistic force), followed by some shared chuckling that lands somewhere between "villainistic" and "sexy times about to ensue". It's mild, it's consensual, and between that and some mild nudity present in the opening and ending animations, it fits in perfectly as "too sexy for a PG, but not sexy enough for a descriptor". A lot more fitting use of the compromise than Dress-Up Darling 8, I would personally say.

I'd have saved this for when Dress-Up Darling ends, but considering it comes after it alphabetically in Japanese (the order I use for the organization, in case you're curious), I might as well share it now: replacing My Dress-Up Darling as the next subject of the content rating clips is I'm Quitting Heroing: Next Gig is at the Demon Queen's Castle. I think this has the best potential for the most interesting ratings of the shows I'm definitely watching this season, though that might be stifled in the event the promo videos suggest it to be one of those "ecchi every episode" shows. But mostly, I chose it because I've done too much real world and not enough fantasy series for the clips, and changes of pace are good.

Two other seasonals are in the works, and both are set to replace Kisarazu Cat's Eye once I do wrap-up with the final two episodes. Yes, there's only nine episodes, but there are two follow-up movies, so it balances out.

[baseball joke]

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 2 weeks later...

Seven weeks later...

Hacka Doll the Animation
Episode 3: "That's What HackaDolls Are For" - TV-PG
Episode 4: "Take a Shower First" - TV-14S
Episode 5: "#4 Isn't Just for Show!" - TV-PGS
Episode 6: "A Thing of the Past" - TV-PGD


#3: Blame the fact that this episode featured the HackaDolls in business attire (except #3, who was briefly a bear maid) for the tamer rating. There was also the explosion of the office building at the end, but on top of being slapstick it only lasts for a split second before cutting to the ED.

#4: And here we have another installment of the "Medieval peasant eats Dorito" genre, as Ikuo-san can't comprehend the presence of #2 or her big dumb senpai ways. The sexual content boils down to him spilling milk tea all over #2, which looks way too suggestive, and then she takes a shower that exposes her breasts while her undercarriage is fogged up. Also, Ikuo tries to make a move on #2 by untying the shirt she's wearing, which causes #1 and #3 to tie him down while he's in his undies. As an honorable mention, 14 sets for dialogue include one use of eroge (OreImo moment!) and two uses of "I'm wet", one said by #2 after the spilling incident, while the other, after #1 makes a dramatic entrance and accidentally spills coffee on Ikuo's head, is more literal.

#5: A quick recap of the previous episodes starts this one, and includes a brief clip of #2 covered in tea. The rest is mostly slapstick comedy with cartoon violence, like HackaDoll #4 (who I presume is from Okinawa) getting thrown toward a falling satellite, bouncing off of it, then falling to the ground. But the rating is justified by the scene right before that, where #3 runs right into HackaDoll #0 (the others' superior, who has an even stronger tan) and her boobs.

#6: In this episode, software bugs cause mayhem in the digital world... but mostly, they remove #3's penis. It's never referred to as anything except a "thing", hence the title. But don't let that distract you from the rest of this fine episode, including fun moments such as #4 turning into a Picrew, the epic Woozer's Hand-to-Mouth Life Life cameo on our rich bitch kid's TV, and a uprising level of pimping for the Wii U.

Episode 20: TV-PGDV
Episode 21: TV-14L


#20: In the process of helping Mio draw manga, Yuko holds her pen the wrong way, pokes her finger, and freaks the fuck out, shooting a huge torrent of energy up through the solar system. Worth noting is that cool shot of the camera fading from a planet to the bloody boil on her finger. Also, since Mio's story is still yaoi-adjacent, it has one scene (drawn by Mai) of one guy telling another he wants to be his slave. Later on, a big argument between Yuko and Mio because the latter seemingly didn't get printer paper has some minor swearing, the worst of it being "Suck it up and move your ass!".

#21: The cold open features Yuko being hit on the head with a small notebook a great many times, and yet it pales in comparison to the events of Chapter 91, which features Mio boarding the Fey Kingdom's zeppelin. She kicks ass, killing a good number of soldiers by punching and kicking them into the walls, only for herself to be ejected via a squad member who had the foresight to come in from behind. And the soldiers also call Mio a bastard twice. While it's bloodless carnage, the violence is a step above most of the rest of this show, and it isn't played for comedy. I've seen the recent CR/[as] originals get slapped with 14Vs for violence without much blood, especially Shenmue. I won't go that far, seeing as that chapter adaptation only took up a third of the episode, but this seems like a valid compromise to me.

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 9: "'Sweet' is a magical word to make you happy!" (review post here)


Yuki talking about "declaring war on a rival", Team Candy being described as "the assassins sent by the Cinderella Project", and Shizuku's cow print bikini having some cleavage in the middle are the PG sets for this perfectly cromulent episode.



Laid-Back Camp
Episode 8: Exams, Caribou, Steamed Buns, Yum! - TV-PG
Episode 9: A Night of Navigator Nadeshiko and Hot Spring Steam - TV-PG
Episode 10: Clumsy Travelers and Camp Meetings - TV-PG


#8: There are PG sets everywhere you look in this episode, from Aki saying "speak of the devil", to one use of "hell", to an expected burst of black comedy where Aki and Aoi talk video game references and the latter mentions about tripping a death flag (I swear, I don't plan these things), plus an earlier scene where they both burn their fingers handling hot pans.

#9: I must confess that I haven't thought much of profanity in this show, but I haven't heard anything harder than "hell" or the occasional "damn". Anyway, this one has a simple PG set of pro-wrestling violence involving a dog, who has his own shrine that Shimarin visits. Also, brief sentai violence and a portrayal of hot springs.

#10: This time, it's all about OutClub's new advisor (and substitute teacher at their school) being a super drunk. This might not have qualified as a PG set in itself, but given that it's brought up multiple times and climaxes with a picture of Nadeshiko having drawn bags under Minami's eyes, plus the word "booze" twice, that was enough for me.

takt op.Destiny Episode 3: "Awakening -Journey-" - TV-PGV


The opening scene of the episode features Destiny going ham on a D2, after which she falls to the floor and changes forms to Colette, with a splotch of blood on her back. Also, Takt has some minor blood stains on his outfit, and then there's the matter of his disappearing arm, which reforms with a dark red color. Later on, Destiny plays target practice with some D2s, unaware that she might be siphoning power from Takt and causing him pain; this is represented by part of his face turning dark red. Then she destroys Takt and Anna's house, effectively forcing them to hit the road to visit the Symphonica all the way in New York. Hey, I didn't know they were stationed out of the West Coast.

Screenshots? Oh, you're so predictable. Here we have Anna looking on in PG-rated horror, and then one for all the foodies out there. I wanted to get a picture of Titan, the other Musicart this show has featured so far, but she was distant and a bit off-model in the cut shortly before this one.



Good Luck Girl! Round 5: "Which One of Us Is Flat-Chested, Again? Hm? Hm?! Hm!!?" - TV-14D


Finally, something different. Given that Ichiko was aged down for most of this episode, that takes away one of our major variables for sexual content. There was a close call with loli Ichiko, calling herself Michiko as she bunks with Akita's family (who don't know who she is) takes a shower, but there's a lot of steam covering her up, and she's shown from the back, which in prior cases (Ancient Magus Bride #11) only resulted in a PGS at worst. There was also a moment where Bobby the jive-talker and Momo'o the masochist were told that "Michiko" would give them anything they wanted; both of them subsequently imagined different versions of Ichiko: nekkid for the former, and a dominatrix for the latter, colored with big nosebleeds. Later on they went to the red-light district of some place, maybe in the spirit world, to find the magic box with powder that would age Ichiko back to normal, and there were two ladies to the side advertising an S&M business, apropos of the poster. Bobby then says he's starting to get excited. Other notable dialogue included yet more flat-chestedness talk (turns out Michiko's cup size is somehow equal to Momiji's), plus Ryuta saying "Tit-chiko" once, and one use of "bitch".

  • 2 weeks later...

takt op.Destiny Episode 4: "Let the Performance Begin -Showtime-" - TV-PGV


The opening of this episode has Destiny doing more practice on D2s. After she finds out about Mr. Lang's secret illicit casino, she beats up guards, breaking one's gun in half. Then the last third of the episode has more D2 violence, with Titan contributing.

Kicking it off in a nice, mutated style, here is Takt and Lenny in the heat of battle, followed by Anna getting out of the shower.



Hacka Doll the Animation
Episode 7: "KURONEKO" - TV-PGS
Episode 8: "Kind of Main Heroine-ish" - TV-PGD
Episode 9: "Nothing Can Stop Me But Routine Tuesday Maintenance" - TV-14D


#7: In this show's famous no-holds-barred parody of how the sausage is made, one of the animators has a girl in his booth, and plays around with her skirt. The only reason the rating isn't higher is that they're being shown from the back. I guess he's supposed to be using her as a reference. Then #2 gets fondled in a similar circumstance.

#8: A reference to enemas, about as random as when it was mentioned in Squid Girl, does the damage here.

#9: This is an episode I wish could've gotten a more creative rating, as it has a little of just about everything. But a member of an MMO mob asking if he can fap to #3, as well as #1 having nice "bewbs", end up overpowering scenes of dramatic fantasy violence and moderate clothing damage to Yuuto's (female) avatar.

Laid-Back Camp:
S1E11: "Christmas Camp!" - TV-PG
S1E12: "Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls" - TV-PG


#11: Ena talks about her dog, Chikuwa, being sent as an assassin to terrorize the other campers... thing is, the bunny ears he's wearing will kill them with cuteness!

#12: The finale of Season 1 is about as light on content as the rest of the show, but it also features copious hot springs scenes. One of them shows slight Aoi booba, but given that the other episode to feature bathing scenes also had a shot of her bra as she undressed, I don't think this is worthy of a subrating.

Episode 22: TV-PGLV
Episode 23: TV-14
Episode 24: TV-PGDV


#22: Long story short, Nakanojou, the one with the moehawk, wants an exorcism, but the dude at the local temple won't give him one, even after claiming he's being strangled by the neck. So he fakes being possessed, which hits too close to home for me, and two uses of "bastard" ensue, plus violence that involves both of them falling through the floor. Later on, Yuko and Mio get bit by dogs, which makes both of them fire energy beams, and the latter's goes through a building. And for good measure, a PG set involving poisoned food that fell on the floor, so whoever did it is probably bumming.

#23: Ms. Sakurai the guidance councilor finds her brother Mako with a lewd mag. The cover girl is only wearing a swimsuit, but the show implies there's more salacious stuff inside. Her complaint towards Mako mutates from "too young to have this thing" to "too young to have lewd things", with the word accounted for. Good thing the magazine isn't even his. This is another sparse episode, and at first I felt the need to go lower, but having thought about it, "lewd" feels like a 14-level word as opposed to a PGD one.

#24: When talking about an interaction between Nano and Sasahara, Yuko juices it up, saying they went into the courtyard, the latter took his shirt off, and then they started doing... something. It's all a misunderstanding, but in the subsequent dramatic shoujo manga reenactment, Sasahara does take off his shirt, only to put it back on, which happens twice in a row. Mio ends up referring to the courtyard as an "Eden of obscenity", which sounds like Reiko Takahama's new nickname for the Mystery Research Club's headquarters. Later on, on top of a scene set at a kendo dojo, we get probably one more scene of someone getting bazooka'd by Misato. Turns out she's not happy her younger sister is telling her to confess her love to Sasahara.

Good Luck Girl! Round 6: "Open Your Eye-es!!!!" - TV-14DS


The first half of this episode is easily its most tame segment yet: only Keita's bloody clothes push it to a PG. The second half ramps up a little bit, but is still rather light. While Ichiko is in a downer mood, Bobby decides to grope her, leading to a DBZ-style explosion that miraculously leaves her apartment unharmed. Then Momo'o decides to tie himself up... as a dog, with a ball gag and even a wooden horse while Ichiko whips him as a dominatrix. Rounding things out are Momiji calling Ichiko a "capital B", Momo'o saying that she puts the S in S&M, and a brief mention of sexual harrassment.

This week's "Oh, Nadeshiko!", since the show didn't give it to you:


The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 10: "Our world is filled with joy!" - TV-14 (review post here, though it went up just today)


We are so back! The beginning of the episode features some funny innuendo about TakeP wanting to expose the girls... via a new website. Rika subsequently plays along. Later in the episode, the dramatic arc is kicked off by TakeP getting reprimanded by the cops because they thought he took peeping photos.

The first of my screenshots involves the promotional website, which is where Dekoration's being pimped out. Like the previous opening screencap,  it shows off the poses the characters have on one of the "ANIMATION M@STER" CDs you can buy for real. For the second one, Rika's got a strong phone game going on. This time, the little Mika's staring at you while she stares at the rating.



In conclusion, happy Patriots' Day. I was aiming for an Easter release, but I figured I'd wait just a little because this holiday means more to people where I live.

And now, the time is ripe for announcements. I have three new projects I'm giving screenshots to, and the first is a show that is currently airing. After taking a mulligan on takt op. (though I'm not dropping it, I can assure you), I figure it's time to take a crack at a show people actually like, and that show will be Spy×Family. You know, the hot new Shonen Jump thing? Mixed feelings on that magazine (and Crunchyroll, who has this show locked up nice and tight) aside, it looks like a show with a fun premise and interesting characters. Consider it part of the ongoing effort in this thread to include every show that involves CloverWorks and/or Atsumi Tanezaki.

Project number two is a little thing called Girls' Last Tour, the second piece of the trinity of great shows to air on Amazon's ill-fated anime streaming channel (all of which Sentai subsequently rescued, because they love you, and you should love them back). Made in Abyss was the first, and the third was Land of the Lustrous, the latter of which I hope to also get to. This will be a rare case of me giving ratings images to a show after having watched it, though I never finished the initial subbed viewing. (This treatment will be dubbed.) Because of this, I know that the ratings won't be as boring as hell. And the last one is something I'm keeping a secret for a little bit longer. All I can say is that it's going to be something off-kilter, but also very special to me, and it'll involve something I haven't done in a very long time. As for some hints, I'll give just one: it's actually a little more obvious than you might think.

And in addition, I plan on giving content ratings to Room Camp (also known as Heya Camp for all you weebs), the interquel to Laid-Back Camp which I've never seen, and will then roll right into S2 of the main feature, plus all sorts of ratings for other random crap I ain't seen before. So yeah: get hyped.


I was hoping for my first content ratings experience with SPYxFAMILY to be with a Toonami broadcast (hopes for that unfortunately nixed, thanks a lot @Sketch), but it should be neat seeing how you handle it regardless. I'd like to see the rest of your ratings for Wonder Egg and Takt Op. though, if only for the completionist in me.


I also eagerly await your take on the content rating clips when you get to the next IDOLM@STER season. I had a feeling you'd come around to them eventually. Makes for a more complete appearance listing, no?

I must really be falling behind if you're getting two whole posts ahead on me though, which is funny 'cause I'm right at/just over the usual "one month later" posting time. Whatever the case, up and let's go.

Angel Cop #5: Wrath of the Empire (TV-MALV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: It was all action this episode, Jerry, so much that I could spend a whole couple paragaphs covering it all across every level imaginable. The most notable instances of such, and the worthiest of the aforementioned descriptor, were as follows:

  • Raiden shooting a rocket launcher-wielding soldier with his cyborg-capable gun, tearing the poor bastard in two with just a single shot. Bloody results prominent.
  • Asura dislodging a ductile system pipe psychically, tearing the head off of one of Togawa's goons in the process. Bloody results, naturally, but also some brief pink bits that I assume were brain or various viscera.
  • Asura then using the headless body of the guy he just attacked with the pipe to shoot up Togawa and the other goon, blood gushing from his neck all the while.
  • Raiden fires four shots from his hand-mounted laser pistol into Lucifer's chest, then one into her head with a couple close-up shots featuring the hole.
  • While recovering from the aforementioned wounds, Lucifer digs her hand into her arm to deal with the resulting pain. A brief shot of some nipple is seen in the process.

More of Lucifer's bare boobs are seen in the next episode preview, but the dirty details on that will be saved for next post.

Profanity consisted of six uses of "shit", four uses of "damn" (three as "dammit"), three of "bastard", two each of "fuck" (one each as "fuckin'" and "motherfucker"), "bitch" and "Christ", and one each of "suck" and "hell".

Godzilla: Singular Point #11: Relaunch (TV-PGV)


Godzilla gets attacked by a Manda that bites at its neck, after which it launches a mouth laser that tears through multiple buildings. Later, Jet Jaguar stabs a Rodan in the head, riding it to get a good aim in the meantime. Profanity consisted of one use of "damn".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #8: F.F. (TV-MA)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #9: Debt Collector Mary Lynn Manson (TV-MAV)


#8: The mature rating this time around didn't come from any excess amount of blood (though there is blood in some scenes), but instead a fair amount of body horror mostly in the form of decay. The tanned prisoner decomposing to reveal F.F. inside, various close-ups on the bodies of the other two no-name prisoners who got sapped of their fluids, a bit of spine sticking out of one of them, and some of Atroe's fingers almost falling off as F.F. gets accustomed to her body. Dialogue-based honorable mention goes to Ermes comparing F.F.'s water supply being absorbed by the corpse she exploded onto her to a Maxipad. Profanity consisted of seven uses of "bitch" (one plural), four uses each of "shit" (one each as "bullshit" and "shithead") and "hell", three each of "fuck" and "damn" (one as "dammit"), two wach of "asshole" and "ass", and one each of "goddamit", "bastard", and "crap".

#9: Miraschon's titular "debt collector" STAND impales Ermes through her torso and steals her liver as "payment" to round out what she lost in a bet. Jolyne also gets punched through the stomach, though she manages to Joseph her way out of having to pay what she owes before losing any of her organs. Compared to everything else, all other violent moments, from Pucci slamming Miraschon into a table corner face-first to Jolyne ora-oraing her with a single baseball, hardly match up. Dialogue-based honorable mentions go to F.F. calling the prisoner taking a drink from her water cup a "fugly ho" and Miraschon saying that vibrators count as a non-monetary form of payment for losing a bet. Profanity consisted of seven uses of "hell", at least four uses of "shit" (there may have been five, I'm not entirely sure), three of "dammit", two of "fuck", and one each of "piss" and "sucks".

Kanon 2006 #22: Symphony of Recollections (TV-PG)


Another flashback conveyed as a dream of Yuuichi's reveals what was most likely the reason he has selective amnesia of his time in town as a kid: Ayu falling off the giant tree and getting fucked up so badly that she can't feel anything after the first minute. While the sense of loss is more the focus of the scene than the physical result of the fall, two close-ups on Ayu's hand, show that her blood had stained the snow enough to almost-perfectly leave behind an imprint of her body.

Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #1: My Girlfriend is Super Cute (TV-PGL)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #2: Wind and Clouds, Ball Sports Tournament! (TV-PG)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #3: Misfortune, Followed by Sunshine (TV-PGDV)


Here's the first of the three seasonal anime I'm watching throughout Spring, and I really wish this one was better than it actually is. I could actually come up with a list as to why the bad luck gimmick in Tenchi GXP, as overplayed as that was, is technically superior to this show's take on the concept.

#1: Profanity consisted of two uses of "suck", and one each of "frickin'" and "damn". I may have stopped with making them automatic L sets, but together like this and with one having more than one, I felt it appropriate.

#2: Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "pain in the ass".

#3: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Really it was mostly just horror movie blood, with the hockey-masked chainsaw killer in a movie Izumi saw previously and the long-haired screamer from the hypothetical movie he imagines playing during his "comforting Shikimori during the scary parts" fantasy having bloodstains on what account for their faces. (Though we do see the build-up to and hear the chainsaw guy killing an unfortunate victim). But there was also a flashback to an example of one of young Izumi's more serious injuries, though it was a more comical one in the form of a branch sticking out from the top of his head with blood gushing out around it, and it was all after the fact, so... SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Izumi's mom is so smitten with Shikimori's coolness that she almost wishes she was her girlfriend and not her son's, to which Izumi's dad (who I mistook for his grandfather in his first appearance) quips that she's "having an affair in front of" him. Profanity consisted of just one use of "damn".

Kisarazu Cat's Eye #8: My Heart Was Stolen (TV-14DLS)
Kisarazu Cat's Eye #9: I'm Not Dead Yet! (TV-14DS)


#8: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Ani responds to Master's concerns over him videotaping his third kid's birth (which turned out to be a false alarm) by claiming he'll put a porn mosaic over "it" later. One of the episode's subplots is about Bambi and Mohko trying to find the perfect place for their first time having sex, their first discussion including such topics like the view from their place of doing it not mattering, and if that means Mohko wouldn't mind doing it in the grass. One of Bussan's bucket list items he tries crossing off is getting a single shag from a call girl. He proclaims "I feel horny!" while waiting for the one he requested to come up. (Long story short, he doesn't get laid.) Ani's story about how he got duped by/wound up simping for Mizuki involves her becoming (or almost becoming) a porn actress. Despite that, Mizuki claims to Bussan that she lacks sex appeal. While spying on him, the other Cat's Eye guys banter about Bussan probably having sex with Mizuki and how he moans really loud when doing it. When confronting Bambi and Mohko after they successfully shagged, Ani threatens to shag Mohko, to which she reveals that she and Bambi were, in fact, shagging, after which Master reacts to the shagging taking place in somebody's house. (Said place was a houseboat belonging to Ucchie's family.) Later on, Ani proclaims that Bambi is no longer a virgin. In an end scene later revealed to take place after Bussan has died (based on the black-and-white framed image of his likeness hanging up in the barber shop), Rose asks a customer if he itches anywhere other than his "willy".

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Ucchie's experience with Mizuki is watching a performance of hers at Kisarazu Hall (where she's apparently Rose's successor as headline performer), where she spreads her legs and he gives a very Ozzy-like open-mouthed reaction of ambiguous approval. When they're found post-coitus in the houseboat, Bambi is shirtless, while Mohko still has her clothes on (presumed nopan).

HONORABLE MENTION: Yamaguchi's story of how he got duped by/wound up simping for Mizuki had the lid of his trunk slam into his jaw, resulting in an after-the-fact stripe of blood on his chin, and a bandage over the wound for the rest of the episode.

Profanity consisted of twelve uses of "damn", five of "bastard" (one plural), two each of "pissed" and "hell", and one each of "bitch", "suck", "ass" and "crap".

#9: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Bambi is called "former virgin" twice; once by Bussan, and again by Ani in a post-Bussan world. To which, regarding the latter, it's pointed out that "all the men are 'former virgins'". Bussan tells Master to use a condom (lit. "rubbers") so he doesn't have a fourth kid running around. Kosuke presumes the haircutting guide he sees Bussan putting together is a porn magazine, and Bussan claims that it is, identifying it as such twice, so he doesn't find out. Former underling/current baseball star Little Yamada tells the guys that his "bat at night almost hits 1.0" as an apt description of his sex life.

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: One of the many tasks Little Yamada gives the Cat's Eye guys is stealing back some nude photos of one of his exes before they're published, those photos presented later on with one featuring the girl's hands covering her bare breasts in an X formation.

HONORABLE MENTION: In response to Ucchie's answer of "Cat's Eye" to what his job is, the host of a "drunk salarymen dialing home" quiz game on TBS concludes that he is "stoned".

Profanity consisted of fourteen uses of "damn", three of "hell" and one each of "jackass" (as in the show) and "crap".

In addition to all that, there was a "mega rare scene" (read: extended versions of scenes from the episode) at the tail end that recapped the "Use rubbers!" line and the nude photo, but added one use each of "shit" and "sucks" to the profanity tally. I may have deliberately excluded those.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #6: Bear, Watches Over the Sisters (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #7: Bear, Goes to Royal Capital (TV-PGV)


#6: This episode was wholesomeness incarnate, the closest things there were to PG sets being Fina expressing relief at managing to get across a rickety rope bridge "without dying", and a brief non-fanservicey scene of Yuna relaxing in the bath built into her bear house.

#7: And here, it's just a couple of blood sprays from the orcs Yuna takes out with her Bear Cutter during her escort mission to the royal capital.

Full Dive #10: A New Ally (TV-14DLV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: While a recap is given to Reona encouraging Hiro to finish Kiwame Quest in episode 4 by claiming she's a "simp for winners" and she'd "lose all restraint" if he was one of them, confirmation is made that it means she'd marry him, not necessarily bang him. Not long after that recap, it's revealed she wants Hiro to finish the game so she can stick it to Kamui for blowing her request for a date off, and also for saying she has "the mammary glands of a Holstein heifer". Speaking of, the next walkthrough video has Kamui threaten to "turn [the viewer's] nutsack into a pincushion" at one point.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Alicia steals a purse back from a burglar by slicing off his hand with her fruit knife; though there's blood on the knife, there's none on the hand still grabbing the bag, not that that lack's enough to stop the woman who owned the purse from fainting upon having it returned.

HONORABLE MENTION: Reona proclaims that once Hiro beats Kiwame Quest, she and him will celebrate by giving Kamui the finger. Mizarisa confronts the thief by kabedon-ing him against the wall with one leg, to which we're treated with a brief spread of her short-shorts clad crotch.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "shit" (one each as "shitwad" and "bullshit"), four of "hell" (I may have missed a couple cases of "Fruit-Slicer from Hell", so I wouldn't count that as accurate), three of "bastard" (one plural), two of "piss", and one each of "crap" and "dead-ass".

Magic Knight Rayearth #13: The Most Valuable Thing in This World (TV-PGV)
Magic Knight Rayearth #14: Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu's Unyielding Wish (TV-PGV)


#13: While the most notable pieces of objectionable content are the multiple instances of restrained Gainaxing accompanying Caldina's various poses, the ones that matter most here come from the few moments of fighting between Fuu and the hypnotized Hikaru and Umi, the latter striking Fuu's upper arm with her sword to make her bleed, and then Fuu being forced by another variation of Caldina's hypnotism into attacking her two friends, with cuts forming on both their cheeks and Umi's arm, but nothing beyond that before she figures a way out of the situation.

#14: The main opponent this episode is a monster taking the form of a moving beam of light that pursues its targets based on whether or not they're bleeding. After Umi and Fuu get caught up by it while trying to treat their own minor injuries, Hikaru's pursuit of it results in her getting injured enough to draw it right to her; first as her face and arms are scratched by some brambles she runs through, then as her attempt to climb out of a rocky crevasse results in a rock falling on her head and another on her hand. This culminates in her using her sword to cut open her arm, drawing enough blood to lure the monster back towards her so she can destroy it. In case you haven't figured it out already, Rayearth is actually pretty metal for an isekai with mahou shoujo elements.

Ya Boy Kongming! #1: Kongming Descends Upon Shibuya (TV-PGLS)
Ya Boy Kongming! #2: Kongming Uses a Stratagem (TV-PG)
Ya Boy Kongming! #3: Kongming Learns of the Right Path to Take (TV-PGV)
Ya Boy Kongming! #4: Kongming Lights the Way (TV-PGS)


In inverse to Shikimori, this show was one I felt the most nervous about, but wound up being so good when actually watched. It's definitely deserving of its high marks on MAL.

#1: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: There's a gratuitous close-up of Eiko's breasts as she complains about the lack of reception to her onstage performance at her home club's slice of Shibuya's annual Halloween party, and a later scene of her showering where her sideboob is notably visible. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Eiko mistakes Kongming's scheming laughter for him getting "funny ideas", and a flashback to Kongming's time shows one silhouetted soldier pointing a sword through another's neck; whether the blade is resting on the other guy's shoulder or piercing his throat is unclear. Profanity consisted of sixteen uses of "hell", almost all of which were in relation to Kongming mistaking Halloweekend Shibuya for being Ancient Chinese Hell, and three uses of "damn", two as "damned".

#2: A portion of MIA's performance at Z20 features her back-up dancers placing her hands over her chest only to be physically brushed off, though I couldn't exactly tell what the intent of the choreography was beyond visual conjecture. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (one each as "damned" and "dammit"), three of "hell" (one as "hella"), and one of "pain in the ass".

#3: Kongming flashes back to a field full of dead soldiers, some of which were having a drinking party that he turned down an invitation for the night prior; spears are shown sticking out of multiple corpses, while two bodies with visible faces have trickles coming from their mouth and head respectively, with the mouth guy getting a close-up. In a more metaphorical sense, Kongming's remark as to how the "battle" with Jet Jacket would have gone in his day includes the delightful image of the band members' severed heads being displayed on a wooden table, blood leakage included. Profanity consisted of four uses of "hell", three of "crap', two of "damn", and one of "friggin'".

#4: And here, we have Eiko signing in the shower during a brief montage, the steam covering up her breasts and crotch but some faint outlines still visible, especially when she moves her arm away from its cover-up angle at one point. Honorable mention goes to the "excessively sexy stream" one failed participant in the "100K Likes to Summer Sonia" contest put on, as recalled by Kobayashi. Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn", and two each of "hell" and "crap".

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #1: The Three Siblings of the Buxton Family (TV-G)


It's pretty rare that I come across a show that's more for "all ages" than it is for older audiences, especially in anime where they don't care as much about the admittedly arbitrary methods we use to protect our children from content they could either imitate or ask too many questions about. And while The Secret of Cerulean Sand (the official English title, despite its Japanese translating to "Pitter-Patter Airship Adventure") is one I expect to gain some PGs down the line as the story really starts to pick up, I wouldn't be surprised if G ratings beyond this first episode, which by all means was something I could imagine airing on PBS on Sunday evenings, despite having actually premiered in Golden Time on the same satellite station that brought us Cowboy Bebop and Paranoia Agent.

No profanity, no violence, no dialogue or sexual content, not even a lit tobacco product in sight! In fact, the closest things I could identify as objectionable content were the deaths of Anna (George and Jane's mother) and Marguerite (William's mother). The former's passing was the offscreen result of childbirth under late 19th century conditions (that was, in the home and no hospital), while the latter's was presumably of illness and presented onscreen. No outright mention of death was made in either case, and all we had to go off of were the general mood of both scenes (sad faces and tears galore) and the doctor checking Marguerite's pulse to verify her passing. They were natural passings with a modicum of respect given to both, and not done out of raw shock value (but maybe a little melodrama, considering losing his mother made William even more emo than he was already).Thus, I felt I could get away with the elusive G rating - given only to one episode each of March Comes in Like a Lion and Run with the Wind before this, not to mention the eighth Japan Animator Expo short that made the rating an undeniable possibility - in this instance.

Though I will confess, watching the Good Times episode about the party following the Walker family patriarch's passing on TV One, who rated it TV-G because it was the '70s and even the MPAA system was new, may have had sort of an influence on this decision.

Platinum End #8: Symbol of Promise (TV-14L)


I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting either dialogue, sexual content, or violence, if not all three at once, out of this one. But as disappointingly mild as Saki's reasons for wanting to die (and thereby being eligible for god candidacy) were, I'm relieved it wasn't rape at the hands at someone she previously trusted.

There were a few close calls in violence, though; a partially obscured flashback of Mukaido firing multiple rounds into Metropoliman's helmet, and the "ugliest barnacle" candidate pointing a sword at the neck of one of the private eyes Mukaido Red Arrow'd.

The only profanity featured was Minamikawa mentally noting he might as well be "fish shit" to someone as attractive and popular and secretly evil as Kanade.

My Dress-Up Darling #12: My Dress-Up Darling (TV-14)


And finally, we end with another relatively tame episode. You've got Marin's lewd bedroom posters here, some after-the-fact bloodstains on the maniacally laughing pick-up truck woman from the horror movie she and Gojo watch there, and a little flirtatious teasing in the form of Marin assuming Gojo's "getting excited" from seeing her nape. Nothing super-objectionable, but still a little much for an out-of-season PG. Profanity included one use each of "sucks", "hard-ass", "hella", and "crap", plus one written use of "friggin'" in one of Marin's texts.

And as per usual, here's the appearance tally, which is par for the course as far as "anime where the female MC gets top billing over the obvious main character" go.


Shinju and Grandpa Gojo tied with three each; everyone else is basically irrelevant, especially Marin's friends and Gojo's ex-friend who totally isn't gonna show up later in the manga and get offended at Marin being a decent human being towards his hina doll fetish hyperfixation.

And Yet the Town Moves #11: Kon's Summer Crying (TV-PGS)
And Yet the Town Moves #12: Sore Machi (TV-14LV)


#11: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: While at the beach on an unfittingly stormy day, Hotori loses her bikini top, prompting Kon to cover up the former's chest with her bare hands, telling her to "cover up" and "have some dignity" as she does. This scene would later be recapped in a chronological presentation of the scene. There's also a brief shower scene where Hotori is using Kon's, bare ass and brief sideboob on display, as well as some underboob when Hotori exits with a towel covering both of hers. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "ass", while subtitle-exclusive derogadations consisted of Hotori calling Kon "Fu-tard-ba" (translated from "Futabaka") and Kon responding with "Who're you callin' a tard?"

#12: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Hotori's mental storytelling of her mystery story contest entry features Tatsuno getting beheaded, and Kon pretending to be so to avoid getting outed as the murderer (only to fail); the blood under the former's neck and body was actual blood, while under the latter's head was melted strawberry jello. In the real world, meanwhile, was Hotori getting hit by the Isekai Truck of Good Fortune, which while leaving little blood, puts Hotori into deep enough of a coma that she briefly goes up to Japanese Heaven. Among the sights she witnesses through the observation binoculars peering towards Earth are the mosaiced-out contents of a bathhouse (and her guide blushing as he explains why that is), and her friends, acquaintances, adversaries and loved ones grieving over her being (as far as they know) effectively dead, the angriest of which was Sanada's dad demanding the truck driver's head and dropping the show's only F-bomb while doing so. Apart from that sole use of "fucking", profanity consisted of two uses of "hell", and one use each of "pissy", "dumbass", "dammit" and "crap".

Both episodes have gratuitous Hotori pantyshots, both of them solid white.

Submarine Super 99 #2: Scramble, the Super Submarine! (TV-14LV)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: Okay, maybe it wasn't that intense, but between the Ocean Empire grunts kicking Susumu offscreen just enough for him to cough up some minor blood upon collapsing, and the leader of the grunts taking a harpoon to his upper arm courtesy of Anime Namor, it's a reasonable overrating as far as overratings go.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "bastard" and one each of "crap" and "hell", the latter as a proper noun.

I'm Quitting Heroing #1: My Next Interview's at the Demon Queen's Castle! (TV-14L)
I'm Quitting Heroing #2: Strive to Ease the Burden on Your Future Self! (TV-14)
I'm Quitting Heroing #3: A Little Bit of Thought Goes a Long Way for Efficiency! (TV-PG)


And finally, we have Seasonal Line series #7, which is... surprisingly tamer than I was anticipating it to be! Seriously, take a look at all these thumbnails and tell me you weren't expecting the show to be at least a little ecchi based off of just those character designs.

#1: Based on visuals alone, the flashbacks to Leo's battles with Edvard, Mernes, monster form Echidna, and a bunch of random goblins would have been enough to justify a TV-PGV. Hell, even the introduction to the occasionally seen running gag of Lily wanting to marry Leo per cultural custom was more on the wholesome side despite her clear design as the token loli. And what brought this debut outing past the 14 threshold was a random townsperson responding to Leo turning to him and waving with an "oh shit!". Other profanity consisted of three uses of "hell" (one as "hellbent") and one each of "freakin'" and "asses".

#2: By comparison, the second episode had a little more of what I was looking for, and it being a Shutina-focused episode helps. (Don't trust that ANN link and their romanization of her name as "Steiner".) But even then, the most sexuality we got out of the supposed succubus was her sleeping in a nightie with exposed cleavage throughout the scene in question, and a couple panning shots from Leo's "Mirage Eye" that travel over her breasts. Hell, Leo was arguably lewder than she was, what with him commenting on Shutina and "her cleavage" working, and even suggesting them getting in bed as his reward for lightening her workload (he got blasted with ice crystals before he could finish that thought). Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastard" and "hell".

#3: And here, the most objectionable it got were a couple still shots of humanity's discrimination against dragonfolk, the shots showing them being held at swordpoint and knifepoint but no shots of the violence that (could have) followed. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and one each of "hell" and "crap".

[that's a mouthful]

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On 4/25/2022 at 7:35 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I was hoping for my first content ratings experience with SPYxFAMILY to be with a Toonami broadcast (hopes for that unfortunately nixed, thanks a lot @Sketch), but it should be neat seeing how you handle it regardless. I'd like to see the rest of your ratings for Wonder Egg and Takt Op. though, if only for the completionist in me.

  Reveal hidden contents

I also eagerly await your take on the content rating clips when you get to the next IDOLM@STER season. I had a feeling you'd come around to them eventually. Makes for a more complete appearance listing, no?

I must really be falling behind if you're getting two whole posts ahead on me though, which is funny 'cause I'm right at/just over the usual "one month later" posting time. Whatever the case, up and let's go.

Oh, don't worry about takt op., because while I may not be including it in this omnibus, it's still being watched at a decent rate. The same can't be said for WEP, though; contrary to a previous comment, it is on hiatus, not the least of which is due to its slow but painful slide in production quality, which culminated in a polarizing ending. At some point, once I finish steeling myself, I'll start it over, and I'll change a rating or two in the process... #6 (where I stopped, but also right before things went downhill) is another jersey foul: I don't know why I didn't give it a 14DV.


You implied that U149 is a sequel to the A-1 anime I'm currently covering, but it isn't. It's a totally different continuity, and I probably should've mentioned that earlier. Then again, just about every iM@S work, whether it's a game, anime, or something else, isn't in continuity with anything else.

And as for my sudden burst of activity, it has more to do with you watching and rating a lot more anime than I do, plus me wanting to get back for initially not posting in this thread for a year and a half. Good thing I've proven I'm actually capable of doing this at a solid clip. 😃

Now it's time to get down to business. This time, one show rules the roost, and it marks the first time I've ever achieved the dream of making images for a show the same day an episode came out. Hit it!

Mission:1 - "OPERATION STRIX" - TV-14LV
Mission:2 -
Mission:3 -
Mission:4 -


#1: This show's got a lot of tactical espionage action, and it starts with a diplomat from Westalis careening off the freeway and subsequently exploding in his car. The rest of the episode focuses on the newly-minted Loid Forger, spy codename Twilight, as he adopts a telepath named Anya and tries to raise a family for reasons of political importance. In the second half, little Anya breaks into Loid's closet and finds a radio set, which she uses to unknowingly alert spies from Ostania (the East) to her location. When Loid returns home, spies have camped out in the room where Anya was; he beats up a few of them, only to get conked on the head with a metal pipe, the impact of which is represented by a sudden cut to a splash of white liquid on a black background. The episode's climax features Loid going undercover to save Anya, and this is where the episode really earns its keep, with escalating profanity (uses of "sucks", "bastard", and "shit", all in that order), and more beat-em-up violence, climaxing with Loid putting a gun to the head of the local spy syndicate's leader, Edgar, foiling his attempt to make Westalis's prime minster resign by leaking proof that he wears a toupée... so yeah, this show isn't too serious.

Sometimes, the correct rating becomes evident right out of the blue, blowing away any preconceptions you might have. By my personal standards, this episode had barely any blood, but not giving at least a 14V to it seems wrong.

And now for screenshots: for this episode, we have the opening with credits overlaid... nice car! And a not-so-nice lecture from Loid toward Anya about being a proper child.



#2: After kicking off with a particularly trippy OP (which is represented in the first screenshot), this episode starts with a conversation in Berlint's city hall about how some weirdo stole all the information on unmarried girls in town, which leads to digressions about a girl's shapely figure and putting boogers in coffee. So yeah, this is a Shonen Jump series; it just runs in their spin-off magazine. Then we're introduced to Yor Briar, codename Thorn Princess, who doesn't seem to have much of a personality, until she enters a hotel made for rich people and oh boy here she goes killing again. In a nice inversion of the first episode's formula, we see a lot of blood splattered on the walls but not much physical violence, with the exception being one guy who gets thrust in the back with Yor's pretty dagger. Later on, Loid gets a bonus mission to go intercept some literal cat burglars (but they're all male) who have stolen some expensive jewelry from the West; it involves car chases, explosions, and A-Team firing. He eventually finds his way to a party Yor is attending so he can play the role of her current fake boyfriend and actual budding husband. At the party, one of the girls there accuses Yor of doing lewd things to men under the presage of giving them "massages"; it's actually murder, but I know what she really meant by that. This leads to Yor getting called a whore, and a subsequent sequence involving intentionally dropped food leads to two S-bombs, capping off another sublime episode.

For the second screenshot this week, a cute picture of Loid and Yor meeting up for the first time.



#3: No violence this time, but the episode wasn't any tamer. After an innocuous beginning, Loid, Yor and Anya have their first valuable family time together, going to the opera, a museum, a tailor, and then to get their picture taken together. The museum features a painting of a shapely naked woman (based on this; link is NSFW), and Anya points out her boobies. Then she paints a picture of her parents and what they do for a living (because she is a telepath), which includes Yor going on a killing spree. But the effort given to the drawing is at a level you would expect for a kid in elementary school, with blood represented by scribbling over the picture with a red crayon, so no violence here. Then, after the break, the episodes shifts to politics... damn politics. A talking head for the East is talking about how he wants to be all diplomatic with the West and bring peace to both countries, which gets him shouted down by hecklers with potty mouths; "piss off", two "bastard"s, and one "shithead" follow, and a later scene where Anya's telepathy goes out of control leads to additional uses of "piss" (as in, a dude has to use the potty) and "bastard". Finally, at the end of the episode, Anya is asked if she did something naughty by her parents, but not in a dirty way or anything, and she denies it.

The first screenshot features a still from the recap of the first two episodes; just exactly gratuitous. The second one is just a great image, and it's funny in or out of context. Turns out politics aren't as bad as people say, but you should keep the little kids out of it.



#4: This episode, on the other hand, saw a sudden drop. While the Forgers are making their way through Eden College's campus, a stampede of farm animals accidentally occurs. Yor is able to subdue one of the cows by carefully striking its pressure points, in a scene that's practically a PG set. Then, once they make their way to the headmasters' room for the verbal portion of the interview, there's a brief flashback to the second episode where Loid was almost stabbed in the face, Yor kicked a dude in his face, and then they shared a moment's embrace (with Loid giving her a piece of the jewelry he personally smuggled out) while an explosion took place behind then. After one of the headmasters is mean to Anya, Loid punches a table, breaking it with a bloodied hand, but only because a mosquito was there. And then Harry Henderson, the elegant headmaster who's most accepting of the Forger family, punches the greedy bastard headmaster Murdoch Swan in the face for using psychological tactics to make Anya cry. Profanity was limited to two uses of "hell". HONORABLE MENTION: A running gag in this show is Anya talking about the spy cartoons she often watches, which is then taken out of context by someone. This time around, she mentioned the main character of the show "dancing with death over and over to get brave", which is represented by him defusing a bomb with seconds before it explodes.

This episode started with the OP again, so we have a rare (for me, anyway) occurrence of only a single screenshot. Another great thing about this show is that, so far, most of the act breaks have been marked with a subtle cut and then fade in on the next scene. But this episode didn't have that. At first I was going to use a quick two-way cut within the episode, but dropping the audio into Audacity revealed a clean cut right after the scene where the narrator explains that the Forgers made it to the verbal interview. So this scene is from directly afterward, where the three Stooges headmasters roast a young kid over how he clearly isn't fit to be at this school.


BLANKET RATINGS WATCH: Crunchyroll has this one at TV-14, which is just exactly perfect. It would be literally perfect had it not been for the most recent episode, but you're not going to get it most times. Maybe they should take a crack at assigning subratings.

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 11: "Can you hear my voice from the heart?" - TV-PG (review post here)


Nice and simple, this bit: just a scene of Miku and Riina in the bath. Say, how come I always referred to those two in that order in my review? I guess it just flows better, but maybe I don't like Riina as much. 😬

Your PNGs for this time: an extreme close-up of nekomimi, and then a scene with the funny mushroom girl.



Hackadoll the Animation
Episode 10: "Let's Go Out to a Hot Spring!" - TV-14SV
Episode 11: "VA Police, Move Out!" - TV-PGV


#10: This time around, the title is exactly what you're expecting: hardcore nudity! The worst of it being a scene that shows #2's entire boob, but with a conspicuous lack of areola. Also, there's a full-frontal shot of #3 where his thing doesn't seem to exist. Then the episode shifts to trying to solve a murder mystery where the killing hasn't happened yet. It features a model of a generic dude being stabbed, with a nice blood splatter.

#11: For an episode focused on an otaku and his love for a particular seiyuu, a plot that seems to get more relevant every week, this episode was nice and tame. The violence comes from a police procedural/toku parody featuring the Hackadolls, which features gratuitous explosions. Also, #1 gets apprehended for peeking in on Yuppy and her fellow seiyuu friend, but without dialogue, the scene is vague enough that I'm not rating it. Guess it functions as a PG set, if anything. Also, Takeuchi fights some security guards on his way to give Yuppy a personalized music box. Right after managing to give it to her, he dies, Ashita no Joe-style.

Episode 25 - TV-PGLV
Episode 26 - TV-PGV


#25: Guess what? More hot Misato on Sasahara action! This time it's a weird one, and it doesn't seem like it's going to involve the punchline at all. But after a sequence where Misato finally confesses her love to the weird guy whose ascot functions as a tissue box, she breaks his glasses, getting some blood in her hand, and then she decides to lead him around the school because she doesn't think he can see. Good thing his glasses (which he's actually wearing; she broke a different pair) are fake, leading to a scene where part of the school blows up (again, I can relate), and Misato has a double-barreled bazooka strapped to her back. I don't even remember if Sasahara was actually hit, but it doesn't matter. This after the show actually flashed back to a scene from last episode with Misato's little sister, but didn't show the punchline of that one. Also, later on in the episode Ms. Nakamura gets stuck in super-sticky glue that comes off with water, but Nano and Hakase can't hear her cries for help, and thus she calls them bastards.

#26: And so, with the final episode, we bring things around almost to where they started. (And literally, in the case of the final segment.) In this one, Sakamoto gets electrocuted stepping on a so-called "little guy", which Nano thinks will act as a replacement for her big... wind-up handle. Not sure what the best name for it is. Sakamoto also says "dammit" once, and then there's a scene where Yuko and Mio try their best to break open a dark green squash that looks like a pumpkin. Hilarity, wrestling moves, and a flaming spirit tiger ensue.

Boy... man, god, shit. This show is an objective masterpiece, but I didn't laugh at it quite as much as I was expecting to. I attribute that to brain problems, and I'll do better next time. Maybe I'll even watch the dub and/or give screenshots to it?

Content ratings jubilee: 14 (1), PGL (3, 7), PG (4/5, 10/11, 13), 14V (6) [blanket], PGV (2, 8, 12, 16-18, 26) [most common], PGLV (9, 14, 21-22, 25), PGDV (15, 19/20, 24), PGD (23)

Room Camp
Episodes 1 through 3: TV-G
Episodes 4 through 6: TV-PG


Remember when I outlined my plans to cover the full Yurucamp Cinematic Universe? Yeah... turns out this part's episodes are less than five minutes apiece. A personal policy of mine is that any series following that criteria is exempt from receiving content ratings. (Methinks this was mostly a way for me to turn my brain off while watching Cinderella Girls Theater, which has tons of episodes.) As it has basis in reality, albeit an inconsistent one (Toonami airing music videos), I suppose I'll keep this rule for this thread at least at the moment. As a compromise, I'll treat each episode as if it were three airing in one 15-minute timeslot, as the runtimes add up to 10:30 that way, which is close enough.

Now, good thing this doesn't really matter, because most of these episodes are G. The only moment that could've boosted things out of the first three came early in the first episode, where Nadeshiko opens a can of tuna so she can ward off a bear, which the show's narrator explains is helping people like her survive. No mention of death here, so a G it is.

As for the next three episodes, #4 what has become a recurring PG set for this franchise; Shimarin being afraid she'll be taken down by an assassin... which is, again, a cute doggy. Also, Episode 6 has Chiaki defacing the igloo Aoi made, turning it into a scary monster's face. It's not really a PG set, but it's more exciting.

Good Luck Girl! Rounds 7: "Is This That So-called Boy-Raised-As-a-Girl Pattern?" and 7.5: "I'll Never Forget What You Did Today!!" - TV-14


This was a weird episode, and it starts off with the title... or rather, both of them. At first, I thought a clip show was involved. Then it became apparent that the second half of the episode merely got its own title, but the show didn't go out of its way to joke about it or anything. Huh. For all intents and purposes, this is a single episode (and the Funi DVD clumps both titles into one selection in the menu), so it's all business as usual.

Now, as for content: wouldn't you know it, this is the lightest episode of the show yet. But there's still a lot to talk about. The grand entrance of Rindo Ranmaru, the pink-haired tomboy with the taped-on bra (classic delinquent move, and Cinderella Girls has it) I was surprised to find out was a human rather than another one of Momiji's friends, gives Ichiko an out when she's confronted by cops. She claims that Rindo made her shoplift, then escapes, represented by a checkered outline w/ emphasized boobs. Later on, Rindo is introduced in Ichiko's class, then calls the teacher a douchebag. This episode had lots of minor swearing, including a few "damn"s and related (like a big "dammit" yelled by Rindo), some "sucks", and a "piss"-word. There's a lot more violence, too, but mostly at the PG level. Ichiko fights Rindo in the school gym, then spars with Rindo's father who disapproves of her dressing like a girl. Both times, the other fighter is overpowered by Ichiko's happiness energy, then falls to the floor and gets pinned in an arm lock. Oh, and Rindo fell thirteen stories out of Ichiko's apartment and landed on a car; we don't see the impact, but there is some blood on her face. And more blood ensues later on, when she has a significant nosebleed.

Believe it or not, there's more. Rindo mentions Ichiko's large breasts as an attempted insult, and it pops up again in Momiji's pitch for an Ichiko/Rindo rematch: "Boobs Vs the Self-Center of the Universe". (And right after this, Momiji has changed into a Playboy bunny outfit; there was also a lightly skimpy witch outfit worn by Ichiko later on.) One of the students comments that their initial fight was lame, and that it would have been better if they fought nude. And then there's a moment where Ichiko, controlling Momiji like a puppet (don't question it), says that Rindo likes to dress up all sexy-like and make out with a boy. To top it all off, there are some scenes where Tit-chiko's boobs gyrate, plus a scene where one of her buttons flies off (assisted by happiness energy) in the middle of a scene where Rindo tries and fails to punch her out.

Damn! Now what do I make of all this? The violence would get a PGV at worst. Two uses of "boobs" could fly (pun sort of intended) with a PGD, and then there's the typical sex and most of the swearing. The only thing that sticks out is Rindo's use of "douchebag"; that seems like a 14-level swear to me, though I have no precedent to go off of. Ultimately, while it was in contention for the vaunted PGDLSV, I'm giving it a 14 straight for numerous other reasons: the sheer amount of notable content in this episode that surpasses the 14-level ones with descriptors; because it's similar to Poke's reasoning for giving straight 14s to the tamer episodes of My Dress-Up Darling; and because Funi gave the DVD a blanket rating of TV-MA, not that I put too much stock into that stuff. We'll see how the episodes on the second disk turn out; interestingly, Episode 9 pulls the same schtick as this one does, but judging from the titles it's definitely an intentional joke.

Talk about a wall of text. This might be the most I've typed in one of these threads since my review of the first episode of Log Horizon... more of which isn't coming soon, if you read this as a tease. I wish that was the case.

Next time, the Cinderella Project festival approaches (and probably brings more melodrama with it), the Forgers find out if Anya got accepted to Eden College (except she totally did, because otherwise there wouldn't be a show), the saga of the Hackadolls ends in sublimely ridiculous fashion, Ichiko was apparently traumatized as a kid and we get to see all the juicy details, the OutClub works on finishing the Yamanashi Stamp Rally (in other words, that's the plot of Room Camp), and we take a trip to the mysterious and wonderful land known as Gensokyo, where there's sure to be a new incident to solve. Oh, and maybe I'll fit another show in there somewhere; doing at least three w/ images per omnibus is a tall task for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hackadoll the Animation
Episode 12: "Magical Girl Lovely Hurt<3" - TV-14SV
Episode 13: "Hackadolls Can Handle Anything, Even Comiket!" - TV-14SV


#12: Subbing for the local magical girls is hard, as these three bozos will kindly tell you. Their fights with the M. Bison expy and his cunning lackeys (including Devil Squid's cyborg brother) are pathetic; they can't even beat two guys wearing nothing but ill-fitting speedos. Also, #2 gets molested by the squid's tentacles, with exaggerated underboob. Finally, when it's revealed that the main villain's motives are actually to make the town a better place, there's a still of him on the ground in a pool of blood. This seems maybe a little light for a 14V, but it's similar enough to the dude getting stabbed in Episode 10 that I'll keep it this way.

#13: And the final episode sees us return to the Hackadolls' first customer: the fujoshi who ended up making a living writing doujinshi, and even got married! (Shinzo Abe moment.) They end up going to Comiket together, only for some crazy dude who rules Tokyo Big Sight to prevent them from entering. A+ chaos ensues: super manly dudes inside the venue have their heads asplode while reading doujins, then #1's friends die at the hands of #0, who thinks it's finally time to murder these idiots for being bad at their jobs. Things quickly turn into Dragon Ball Z, with super fast-paced fisticuffs, #4 sacrificing herself to save #1, and then #1 turning Super Saiyan, defeating #0, then her tears bring back the other Hackadolls who oh no I've gone crosseyed. Good thing it's a dream sequence. This episode felt like it really earned a 14V, but then, a fast-paced montage of scenes from the show recaps a few of its sexy scenes, including #2 taking her panties off, viewed from below, that I don't even remember from any episode.

So yeah, this was a fun show, but I mostly like it for being a historical curiosity. Oh, and Trigger wrote the whole thing, though they don't seem to have animated any of it.

Ratings recap: 14 (1), PGS (2, 5, 7) [tied], PG (3), 14S (4), PGD (6, 8), 14D (9), 14SV (10, 12/13), 11 (PGV)
Practical blanket: 14DSV

Room Camp
Episodes 7 to 9: TV-PG
Episodes 10 to 12: TV-PG
Episode SP: TV-PG


First batch: Episode 8 had one scene where the girls enjoy a footbath, with particular focus on the feet. That would've flown under a TV-G for reasons you might be able to guess, but a scene where Minami shows up and gets copiously drunk forced the question.

Second batch: Episode 10 starts out by portraying a horror movie, where Nadeshiko comes across a hooded coven in the woods worshipping... a tablecloth? Subsequent banter between the OutClub on the bus includes a mention of Nadeshiko's death. Later on, another horror-like scene occurs only to be defused by Shimarin giving Nadeshiko her Stamp Rally card back. Then, in Episode 11, another hot springs scene, with a small bit of curvature on Aoi's boobs.

SP: Now here we have an oddity: a stand-alone episode starring mostly Rin (Ena shows up, but none of the OutClub does) with a different runtime that makes it suitable for an actual rating. But it's really no different: the content this time is a few scenes of Rin the bath, as well as her reading a book called "Murder in Snow Country".

Sometimes I wish I was schizo so I could pretend this was an episode of Bakuon!! instead. I'm not even crazy enough to mentally paste Suzunoki over Shimarin. Also, I was really expecting this episode would tie into Room Camp's plot to some extent, but it doesn't. Would've been nice to at least show a scene involving Nadeshiko's lost Stamp Rally card.

takt op.Destiny Episode 5: "Equitation -Valkyrie-" - TV-PGV


This has been a boring show to rate. The big reason for this is because the fight scenes have been very similar to each other: most of the time, it's Destiny fighting D2s in a wide open space, often a field or desert. The first episode's action scenes had a sense of fluidity and creativity, using various landmarks as big action setpieces that also help with the flow. This episode did feature a scene in this vein, where Destiny shot more energy beams from her big gun in order to collapse a rock formation and kill D2s by the bunches. But it amounted to more of the same for little old me. But also, this episode featured more detailed D2 violence than usual, with Destiny as well as her new Musicart comrade Walkure (sick Macross reference) slicing D2s in half. The episode's final scene features another Musicart literally named Hell going one-on-one with a boss D2; clearly unhinged, she takes pride on running up to it with her weird wheel-foot and single high-heel combo, then laughs maniacally as she kills it with one blow; it soon bubbles up and explodes. We also get a few fanservice shots of Hell along the way, though they don't show any nudity. There were also scenes of Takt's face getting red with exhaustion again, as well as a brief moment of Walkure using one of her swords to intimidate Takt, Cosette/Destiny, and Anna from leaving their coach on the train heading east.

This time, the screenshots feature a close-up of one of the Black Nite (Night?) Siderites, this show's valuable mineral I figured I wouldn't learn the purpose of, and a brief shot of Walkure from the back as everyone waits for the train tracks to be fixed, which is somewhat fitting, since I'm listening to "He's Gone"  as I type this.



Spy×Family Mission:5: "WILL THEY PASS OR FAIL?" - TV-14V


Best rating? Basically. Though I think I might prefer 14SV, or even MASV.

In the wake of Anya failing to be accepted to Eden College, Loid and Yor are heartbroken. But then Harry Henderson pulls them away and tells them that she made it to the top of the waiting list. Yor then fantasizes murdering one of the parents of a student who did get in, stabbing him and letting loose a big blood splatter. We don't see any gore, though. This part of the episode also featured a flashback to when Loid killed the mosquito; Henry praises him for this, citing that those bugs kill lots of people. The rest of it is decidedly more lighthearted: long story short, Loid dresses up as Bondman (the hero of Anya's favorite cartoon, Spy Wars), and maneuvers through a theme park castle full of tricks and traps to save Princess Anya, all while Yor gets copiously drunk. (I'd expect nothing less for a Saori Hayami-voiced character.) He maneuvers through fellow spies firing multicolored balls, some of which explode, and rides a zipline to the zeppelin carrying Princess Anya while explosions happen behind him. As the final challenge before saving the princess, he fights Yor, drunk enough to apparently not know that this isn't Loid; she hits Loid in the face, which causes him to slightly bleed, and then fisticuffs ensue before she eventually passes out from sloshed exhaustion. For swearing, just one use of "bastard".

And here we have a shot of Loid pondering, then a shot of the shiny castle that comprises Bondmanland (name not official).



Good Luck Girl!
Round 8: "Call Me By My Name" - TV-14D
Rounds 9: "Eh?! You Said, 'After All This'?!" and 9.5: "There's No Way That Happens After Just Two Minutes!!!!" - TV-14DL
Round 10: "It's Like Secretly Mixing Pumpkin into a Stew in Order to Feed It to a Child Who Hates Pumpkin" - TV-14DS

[varied ratings splits ftw]


#8: In a surprise upset, no sexual content this episode. The closest thing to it was an eyecatch featuring the three main characters dressed as bunnies. And the only dialogue was two uses of Tit-chiko, plus a brief mention of licking someone's socks. All language and violence was at a PG-level, though there were some close calls, the most poignant being Rindo pulling a Gugu and single-handedly propping up part of the imploded school building to save a few students, including the gonky gyaru with a deep tan that never talks. She (as in Rindou) only bled from her face, and was soon saved by Ichiko's happiness energy.

And if you're wondering about Ichiko's repressed trauma, it wasn't too interesting: just a communication breakdown when she was a little kid, between her friend and a dude they had crushes on.

#9: Turns out the meaning of the second half's title isn't a meta joke. I was expecting it to show up after literally two minutes had passed. But any way, the main offense in this episode was in the first half, with Momiji bringing in a gonky dude who acts like a gorilla to play tennis. If they lose, he'll have to spend a week in a cage with a female ape and write a book about it detailing how he lost his virginity; Momiji describes her as a "bitch in heat". Again, there was a good amount of violence in the episode (like Ichiko and Momiji's tennis sparring that briefly goes Dragon Ball Z... hey, we're up to two of those in this omnibus! What are the odds?), but nothing at a 14V level. As an honorable mention, the cold opening (another Extraneous Round; I forgot about those) shows a group of high school girls chanting and running on a road near one of those big slopes by the river. Bobby and Momo'o (in dog form) are seen trailing behind them... and a speeding police car follows. Not sure how I would rate this, maybe a PGS? But it don't matter. There's also a scene where Ichiko is handling pizza, only to drop it right on Momiji's face, which gets a shot where it looks all suggestive. Then the very end of the next-episode preview makes the claim "Next Time: Ibuki Shit!". Don't know what it means, but it's the first strong profanity in this entire show. Regardless of what the standards should be for OPs, EDs, and previews (basically, stuff you could snip out if you wanted), I'll count it. Besides, I actually really like this show now. Maybe even love it.

#10: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Lots. Ichiko briefly chastises Momo'o (in dog form) and tells him to stop humping things. When Bobby and Rindou meet, the former points out the latter's tiny tits. Ichiko's breasts are called cow udders by Momiji in a letter. And the Extraneous Round segments are a world unto themselves, featuring a body-swap between Ichiko and Momiji so the latter can take advantage of the former's breasts, a use of "Tit-chiko" in response to an Ichiko/Momiji fusion, said fusion being named after the Japanese term for fondling bewbs, and one use of "slut". SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Ichiko takes her new kitty Tama into the bath, just like Momo'o before her. Also, a scene involving a poop god (it's a long story) shows a topless mother breastfeeding her child. And on one Extraneous Round segment, Momo'o is quickly tied up with shibari multiple times and is turned on by each occurrence. In fact, Ichiko and Momiji also get tied up as part of the aforementioned Freaky... um, Tricky Tuesday scheme. Does this mean jam-orbital's art is canon?! A NOTABLE ABSENCE: Despite "Ibuki Shit" referring to the poop god (who's actually a bathroom god, but that's not as catchy), the word wasn't used in this episode. Beats me as to why. Instead, profanity consisted of two uses of "ass", one as "jackass".

Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream Episode 1: "A Summer Day's Dream" - TV-PGDV


When Marisa says she doesn't want to go searching for the donation box with Reimu and Aya, the latter responds by saying she'll leak Marisa's scandalous private photos, which leads to her seeming calling Aya a dirty pervert, but she cuts off at the first word. Then the second half of the episode features a brief danmaku battle between Reimu and Patchouli, mostly fireballs being thrown and a few explosions, plus Reimu kicking through a brick wall Patchy conjured up on the spot.

The hits keep on coming with this episode, even though the action has shifted to VLC: the first image is part of the opening, with the transition carefully timed so it's not simple white-on-black; otherwise, I thought it looked too similar to the first screenshot of iM@S 2011. And then there's good old Meiling sleeping away at the mansion's gate in the second screenshot. Had she been able to talk, I wonder what seiyuu they would've picked out for her?



I wasn't sure if these images were coming out correctly, as Windows said the MKV file I used had a picture size of 720x480, but these results were what VLC came out with by default. I assume it's anamorphic widescreen at work. Fortunately, the rest of the episodes seem to be in true widescreen.

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 12: "The magic needed for a flower to bloom." - TV-PG (review post here)


Two PG sets, both coming from Anzu: the first was saying that the batteries in her game console died, which might be a stretch, but the second involves her using a water gun to ambush Dekoration. She compares it to being on the battlefield.

The last batch of screenshots this time features a brief shot of a certain town by the sea (or at least a decent body of water), and then a big shot of everyone in the big idol unit! Too bad they're drawn all gangly. I previously said that I don't think this anime looks inherently bad, but rather the 2011 anime makes it look worse. And yet, shots like this aren't at all helping my case. But on the flip side, CR has the original masters for the show rather than the corrected BD ones. If it was on HIDIVE, we'd all be eating brunch right now.



For the next omnibus, I think I'll focus on finishing GLG! and starting up Yurucamp S2. You know Spy×Family is going to be featured, and I think I'll do two episodes this time. I might fit in multiple iM@S CG images, too. It's the only show that I've featured in every one of my posts in this thread up to now, and while I'm finally (finally!) watching episodes and writing recap/review posts at a solid clip, I feel like I could be going even faster. And there'll be Touhou Musou and I'll try to fit takt op. in and yadda yadda. Now what about Girls' Last Tour? We'll see. Sadly, the only option I have for watching HIDIVE on the TV in my room is through my Roku, and it never seems to get a good wireless connection. Trying to watch Re:Stage! Dream Days on it was a bad experience, though I at least got twice as far on it as the first time. But hey, I'll try to do my Sunday best.

Re:Stage! will eventually be featured here, as it's a cute show I'd like to rate and give my reasons for even though I now do that for everything. But that doesn't mean I'm standing pat. Get ready for two new shows to enter the thunderdome, neither of which I've finished also, and one will be sort of a successor to Hackadoll (note to self: always spelled as one word) in that it takes the piss out of various otaku-oriented interests.

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First, a reply to a spoilered remark.


TV-14V is my favorite rating for plenty of reasons, but I've come to enjoy so many other ratings over the years, that it remains best rating chiefly because it has the most instances in my logs. TV-14LV is slowly and surely catching up to it... Your rating choices are good too, TV-14SV is another one of my favorite ratings, and TV-MASV is fun mostly for how good an indicator it is for an episode being particularly objectionable. Other favorites of mine include TV-PGS (which I may or may not make an on-again, off-again Twitter thread on later this year) and TV-MALSV (or as I've nicknamed it, "diamond status").

I also had a comment in mind for your complaints about Takt.op being a boring rate, but it isn't exactly in line with what you had in mind. It mostly just reminded me of how RogerSmith2004 sometimes avoids giving ratings to shows he watches if they're either too samey (Cromartie High School) or too schizophrenic between PG and MA (Uta Kata). Personally, the samey ratings are welcomed, because it makes the variations come off all the more welcome and exciting, and it gives me solace knowing there are shows more consistent with having the same rating for numerous consecutive episodes than the ones on Toonami that actually do. Really, some of those One Piece episodes the past few weeks deserved violence descriptors.

The only shows I avoid giving ratings to are my casual rewatches of various subbed shows dubbed (previously Uramichi, currently Nagatoro, maybe Shikimori in the future?) and unsubtitled stuff like the mega-obscure autism awareness OVA Ashita Kirarin (which could have easily scored itself a TV-G). Then there are the cases like Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita and Di Gi Charat, where I didn't feel logging the rating intricacies to be worth it, especially at 4 to 5 minutes a pop, so I just slapped the same rating for every episode on them (TV-MAS and TV-PG respectively). Though Di Gi Charat #7 did receive a TV-PGD, courtesy of Dejiko fantasizing about a doujin scenario between two male supporting characters.

And now the current batch.

Angel Cop #6: Doomsday (TV-MALV)


It's hard to tell where to begin with the violence when the rating is this high up in the echelons of objectionable content. You could call it a compounding, but most everything that came forward first was 14V at best, MA no descriptor at worst. Angel shooting Lucifer through the shoulder with her laser rifle, with bloody results and a flared exit wound. Rubble sticking out of one of Lucifer's arms after being crushed by it in an attack from Asura. Taki and the disguised-as-Maisaka Togawa trading shots from their guns, hitting the former in the back and the latter in the chest (all blocked by bulletproof vests), and one grazing the side of Togawa's full-face mask. Togawa shooting Taki in the arm and leg before hooking him up to an IV of sodium pentothal. Asura getting cut multiple times as Lucifer attacks him. Lucifer blocking a blade strike from Angel with her hand, the resultant blood temporarily blinding the latter. Lucifer getting her hand sliced off at the wrist by Raiden's laser beam, a moment lacking in blood but with bone and muscle visible at the stump point. Angel stabbing Lucifer in the abdomen. And all the various shots Angel takes through Raiden in order to take out Lucifer for good.

But it's the last of those shots - the surefire kill shot that Raiden advised Angel to take and Angel hesitated to with the first couple - that truly made me consider, "Yeah, it's finally earned that graphic violence descriptor now". The last pistol shot Angel fires is one that tears right through both Raiden and Lucifer's heads, tearing apart their faces before the explosion from Raiden's body takes them both out. (Angel and an ambiguously-fated Asura, meanwhile, are able to leave the battlefield without too much issue.) Makes Maisaka and Togawa's escape chopper exploding and the shot of the blacksuit bodies killed offscreen by Taki before his ambiguous escape - one of which was subject to an ol' switcheroo - seem like nothing.

Oh, and from the end of her one-on-one with Asura onwards, Lucifer spends the majority of the fight with one of her tits out, nipple and all. The areola from other other nipple has a brief appearance, but that breast for the most part stays hidden.

Honorably mentioned pieces of objectionable content include Taki telling Maisaka his "gonads are gonna be on the anvil" if and when his corruption is exposed; Lucifer one again talking of raping minds, this time to Angel; and despite being left out for the dub in favor of generic capitalism, the Jewish conspiracy that acted as the Big Bad - a move so controversial, Discotek had someone write an essay about how Japan's anti-Semitic stances throughout the 20th century could understandably explain its inclusion - is bigoted enough to serve as a 14 set in a work of lesser violent and language-based content.

Profanity consisted of fourteen uses of "fuck" (four as "fucked", three as "fucking", two as "fuckin'", and one each as "fuck-all" and "fuckers"), nine uses of "shit" (one as "bullshit"), seven of "bitch", three of "hell", two each of "bastard" (one plural) and "damn" (one as "dammit"), and one each of "asshole", "ass", "crap" and "Christ".

Godzilla: Singular Point #12: Explorer (TV-14V)


I was waiting to save best rating for when a human got mortally wounded or died onscreen - unfortunately, all Professor Li did in her final moments was vanish among a Rodan flock so seamlessly that I'm in crippling doubt she's as dead as B.B. and Kai are insisting she is - but circumstances changed. Jet Jaguar slicing up multiple Rodan in the scene where the Otaki Factory crew meets up with the JSDF, all with bloody results and the initial strike being a decapitation, was a moment well-deserving of the bump up to Netflix's own standards.

Kanon 2006 #23: The Scarlet Red Finale (TV-PG)
Kanon 2006 #24: Canon at the End of the Dream (TV-PG)


#23: Pretty simple sets for the end. First was Kaori bringing up the fatal nature of Shiori's terminal disease as she talks to Nayuki through the door of her room.

#24: And here, Shiori, who recovered fully from said terminal disease (as is the case with super-rare afflictions in a world teeming with magical realism), tearfully confesses to Yuuichi that, despite what her suicide attempt at the chronological start of the show suggested, she never actually wanted to die. Another mention of death comes later, when it's revealed that Yuuichi had assumed Ayu died after falling out of the giant tree, hence why he blocked that memory out, before Akiko informs him she's still alive, just comatose.

RATINGS RECAP: TV-PG (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24), TV-PGD (8, 19), TV-PGL (12, 17), TV-PGV (6), TV-PGDL (5), TV-PGLV (14, 15)
BLANKET RATING: TV-PGDL, though ADV had the right idea with its blanket rating with no descriptors.


Funny thing about the appearance tally. Originally I had Ayu and Nayuki tied for second with 14 each, but upon further inspection while getting the details down, it turns out Ayu was in three more than expected, and I missed them because I logged those extra three with a slightly misspelled surname. So much for that intricate tie-breaker I came up with.

Akiko appeared concurrently with the rating bug in 10 of the clips; Makoto in 7 (8 if you wanna count the brief flash of her older same-name doppelganger's ankle), Mai in 5, Shiori in 4, Sayuri in 3, and Kaori, Kitagawa and Mishio in one each. Piro-chan (the cat) also got three, as did Yuuichi's alarm clock. Seriously, that damn thing shows up three times, complete with pre-recorded message courtesy of Stephanie Nadolny, and yet Kaori and Mishio don't get any lines in their two clip appearances. (On that note, how was ADV able to get all these FUNi alums onboard for this dub?)

Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #4: How They Each Feel at the Start of Summer (TV-PG)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #5: Jolly Times at the River! (TV-PGD)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #6: With Fireworks Comes Summer's End (TV-PG)


#4: One use of "freakin'", a giant poster of a bikini-clad woman that says "SEXY SWIM DRESS", and the huge undercurrent of gayness in the story of how Nekozaki first befriended Shikimori.

#5: During the s'mores scene, Nekozaki and Hachimitsu tease Izumi about Shikimori's comment about "eating his s'mores every day", as if it was a euphemism for something else. Despite his denial that such a comment was "shameless", Izumi's case is not helped when Shikimori leaves the intent of her comment ambiguous with a "Who knows?" Also worth noting that this follows up a shot of her licking some residual chocolate off of her index finger, complete with a trail of saliva left behind. Profanity consisted of one use each of "hell" and "crap".

#6: I couldn't find anything here beyond the shooting game (which was done with a rifle-looking pop gun) that could even count towards a PG set, so I stuck with the two theme song-based PG sets: a split-second action movie shot where Shikimori's holding a real-er pistol in the OP, and the nosebleed Izumi gets after blocking a stray soccer ball with his face in the ED.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #8: Bear, Lays to Waste (TV-PGLV)


The episode opens with the brief, context-free scene of Ghoulzam getting his arm chopped off ahead of his exile. The impact is unseen, meaning for a while I thought he got beheaded, but he's very much alive later on in the episode, but with a limp sleeve suggesting a missing limb. That's the least of his problems in the present-day, though, as his use of dark magic to summon powerful beasts beyond human control leaves him vomiting blood onto the ground, with a trickle running from his mouth post-fit. Oh, and Yuna taking him out with a Bear Punch. No blood, but one missing tooth.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "bastard".

Full Dive #11: City of Dead Ends (TV-14DV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Hiro shouts out "son of a whore!" in reaction to Mizarisa poking his leg with the tip of her saw-blade. This is then followed by her psycho-flirting with him, telling him to show her his "O-face" (which IIRC stands for "ow"), and suggesting he "grab on" as the scene gives us a gratuitous (and rather sparkly) close-up of her AA-cups. Hiro responds to this by saying that he's not falling for her "naughty girl act" a second time. After Alicia shows up to kill the mood and inform them that the goblin siege is still going on, Hiro runs off, to which Mizarisa complains with the innuendo-laced complaint, "Don't just take off during, I haven't finished!"

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Speaking of the siege, the episode begins with the goblin watching Hiro take a dump get beheaded by Mizarisa (who, naturally, was jealous she wasn't the first to engage). After the above dialogue passes and Hiro gets over his trauma-induced IBS, we get straight to the siege action and there's goblin-killing all around. Hiro just stands by and watches, with Tesla, Alicia and Mizarisa taking care of all the kills. Slashes, stabs, bisections, at least one trisection... Sure, maybe it isn't varied enough for Stefon and the wild parties he goes to, but it's still super-insane. And this goes all the way to the goblin's boss, the obviously titled One-Eye, who gets slashed across the chest by Tesla and then beheaded. Bloody results for all those scenes, by the way.

Not to say there isn't any human damage, though. One of the goblins in the initial pack confronted slices off a soldier's arm, One-Eye stomps on another causing blood to come out from his mouth and all across his back, and Tesla cuts down two of his own men for being within listening vicinity of the big reveal concerning the starter town, its egress law, and why the storyline Hiro unlucked his way into has odds of success waffling between "NERV" and "Team Dai-Gurren".

Profanity consisted of four uses of "hell", two each of "dammit" and "crap" (one as "craphouse"), and one of "bastard".

Magic Knight Rayearth #15: The Second Rune-God: Windam, the Lord of the Skies (TV-PG)


The recap to the previous episodes shows some darkened after-the-fact blood on Hikaru's face, but outside of that, the most we get out of this episode are more perilous situations and references to death that doesn't actually happen, most notably Innova telling Fuu how he plans to "whip" Ferio to pieces.

Ya Boy Kongming! #5: Kongming Busts a Rhyme (TV-14DL)
Ya Boy Kongming! #6: Kongming's Freestyle (TV-PGL)
Ya Boy Kongming! #7: Plan for Peace Throughout the World, Vol. 1 (TV-PGL)
Ya Boy Kongming! #8: Searching for Oneself (TV-PG)


#5: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: One of the improvised raps Kabetaijin comes up with while walking around town early in the morning is about sleeping with a woman, a "femme fatale" to be more specific, with saucy lyrics like "an upper she'll be fed" and "his snake she'll straddle, on that bed". Profanity consisted of four uses of "shit" (one as "bullshit"), three of "dammit" (one reverted back to "damn"), and one each of "friggin'", "ass" and "hell".

#6: BLEEP COUNT: 1. One of Kabetaijin's lyrics in his rap battle with Kongming involves calling him a "damn motherfucker", though the fuck word is bleeped out, with asterisks over the "ck" in the subtitles. Other profanity consisted of three more uses of "damn", four of "hell", one of "crappy", and an abbreviated "BS". The "sword through the silhouette" flashback to when Kongming executed Ma Su returns, though it's still unclear whether it's an impalement through the neck, or the blade just resting on his shoulder before I assume an actual beheading. It's hard to tell, really.

#7: Profanity consisted of two uses each of "pisses" and "hell", and one of "crap".

#8: There's a whole scene where Eiko and Nanami are visiting a public bathhouse, and as customary they're nude for the occasion, but all that's ever seen to suggest it are their bare shoulders, the furthest down gotten being at armpit-level before the tub elevation starts obscuring things.

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #2: A Little Crack (TV-G)


As you probably figured, nothing of consequence this time either. The closest thing I can recall: discussion of William embezzling money from the family bank and using it to make deals with black market traders. Far from savory, but something I can see getting away with the rating on Sunday evening PBS.

Platinum End #9: The Face of an Assassin (TV-14DV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: One of the bullies in Sokotani's backstory straight outta "Something Smells" comments that his equally ugly mother is a sex worker. In his first attempt at talking to a girl post-facial reconstruction, he stumbles so much over saying "it's" that she thinks he's saying "titties". Honorable mention goes to Revel accusing Mukaido of being into the catgirl aesthetic after seeing his design for Saki's power suit.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: A blood trickle runs down from the forehead of the private investigator Sokotani confronts in the first scene. Mukaido shooting Metropoliman point-blank in his helmet is recapped, this time via a live news broadcast watched by Sokotani. Kanade White Arrows a female student Sokotani Red Arrow'd to communicate with him. Mukaido bangs his head against the wall (technically a pillar) in so much frustration over Sokotani abducting his wife and daughter that blood is pouring from his forehead in the aftermath.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "hell".

Submarine Super 99 #3: Battle at 39600 Feet {12,000 Meters} Deep! (TV-PGV)


It's torpedo action all the way down. Torpedoes from the Ocean Empire's X-187 sub striking the K-6 sub they use to lure the Super 99 into their trap; the L energy-powered torpedoes fired by the 99 exploding the X-187 and its accompanying subs, taking out the command staff in a flash of light; the X-0's V-3 torpedo detonating against a tablemount the 99 uses to make them think they got taken out; and some more L torpedoes hitting the X-0's accompanying subs. No bodies, no blood, but plenty of peril and one definite grouping of deaths portrayed in that classic retro-modern way Tsuburaya finally got the hang of at the end of the Famous Creator Series' lifespan.

I'm Quitting Heroing #4: The Drinking Party from Hell (TV-14LV)
I'm Quitting Heroing #5: If You Want to Quit, Talk It Out First (TV-14DLS)
I'm Quitting Heroing #6: The Hero Shares His Tale of Burden (TV-14LV)
I'm Quitting Heroing #7: A Good Warrior Isn't Always a Good Boss (TV-PGV)


#4: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Leo's dream/flashback of him slicing up various demons in a wrecked Tokyo, complete with purple blood splashes and splatters and multiple bisections, was pretty much the key highlight of the episode ratings-wise. So much a highlight, you can actually see it for yourself in the below clip! Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell", two each of "damn" and "crap" (one as "crappy"), and one of "shit".

#5: Mernes spends the second half of the episode assisting Leo in waiting tables at the castle mess hall as an exercise in communication skills, with him dressed as a waitress to hide his identity (poorly) and appease me who thought Mernes was a woman before the show referred to him with the correct pronouns. The biggest obstacle in all this, however, is the werewolf mercenary group that recently got brought on to the army's ranks, the Howlers of the Moonlit Night. At first, it's a bunch of banter directed at Mernes, the lines in question including "I'm more hungry for a pretty woman", "I'll show you a good time", and "I've made succubi cry out in pleasure before". Then it gets really uncomfortable when the Howlers' leader comes up and starts groping Mernes' crotch directly. Thankfully, the show didn't pull a Girls Bravo and make a gag out of him feeling up a femboy bulge; instead, Mernes put him in a submission hold and broke his arm. Punie Tanaka would be proud. Profanity consisted of five uses of "hell", two uses of "shit" (one as "shithead"), and one each of "bitch", "ass", "damn" and "crap". Honorable mention violence-wise: Edvard attempting hara-kiri on himself, only for the sword tip to break off, followed by a reveal that this is only the most recent of multiple attempts.

#6: Lots of flashback violence this time. First, it was young Mernes slaying his first assassination target, the impact unseen but a brief blood spurt coming from the collapsing body. Then, a less fluid-filled takedown in the form of a bunch of JSDF soldiers going full HAM with the flamethrowers on a single goblin. Finally, Leo taking down two unseen enemies with his sword, both with purple blood sprays and one of them portrayed as a bisection. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" (one as "hellbent"), and one each of "shitty", "sucks" and "damn".

#7: Though no blood is shed, the fight with the Phantom Nine mech Leo awakens to have Edvard fight displays plenty of destructive capability, including a laser taking a hole out of a nearby mountain and the finishing blow being a sword strike to the mech's abdomen. No loss of life, but plenty of peril that would have suggested otherwise. Meanwhile, Echidna takes care of the other Phantom Nines that awakened to provide the first one back-up by engulfing them in so much fire. Elsewhere, in the flashback to one Edvard's notoriously difficult training sessions for the new recruits, two of the goblin soldiers walking away from getting their asses kicked by an arch-chimera have blood running down their faces from underneath their helmets. Profanity consisted of three variations of "hell" (two as "hellish", one as the proper noun "Hellfire"), two of "damn" (one as "dammit"), and a single use of "crap".

That last clip has gotten the most views on Twitter so far of Yuuyame's seven, thanks to me retweeting it in an anime translation community thread after someone brought up the "sweet summer child" line. On the one hand, yeah, it's a needlessly flowery punch-up of a perfectly translatable term that proves the heart of ADV is still beating within Sentai Filmworks. On the other... Leo's a smug wise-ass with variable centuries on Edvard in age, calling him something as cringey as "sweet summer child" isn't exactly out-of-character.

With Kanon finished and Stone Ocean nearing the end of its current batch, it's high time I started thinking of the next installments (read: their replacements) as part of the Content Rating Clips dubbed line. Replacing Kanon will be the long-overdue SK8 the Infinity, which may or may not feature a stand-alone clip (with the [as] logo mock-up that is my Twitter handle) highlighting the show's most infamous dub line, though that depends on whether or not you find the acknowledged existence of X-genders worthy of controversy. As for Stone Ocean's ringer, I'll refrain from sharing its explicit identity for the moment, but know this will be a re-rate of a series I gave [as]-flavored content ratings to in the past despite being officially confirmed as too much for Turner S&P to handle week-to-week, and that it is also one of the two shows referenced in the below meme.


[bonus hint: it's the one with the inferior theme song]

Edited by PokeNirvash
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Laid-Back Camp Season 2
Episode 1: Curry Noodles are the Best Travel Companion" - TV-PG
Episode 2: "New Year's Solo Camper Girl" - TV-PG
Episode 3: "Surprise Camping and Some Deep Thoughts" - TV-PG
Episode 4: "What Are You Buying With Your Temp Job Money?" - TV-PG
Episode 5: "Caribou-kun and Lake Yamanaka" - TV-PG
Episode 6: "Cape Ohmama in Winter" - TV-PG
Episode 7: "Nadeshiko's Solo Camp Planning" - TV-PG


#1: So far, this season has been about the same as the first one: very banal content, but there haven't been any Gs so far. This episode's sets are another mention of the liqour store Chiaki works at, where she says things are "busy as hell" during the holiday season; related, Rin says "that would suck" about road traffic around New Year's.

#2: I don't get a lot of PG sets that deal with death, but this episode was a poignant exception, with Shimarin finding out the descendent of a famous dog has passed away. Fortunately, the episode implies that Shippeitarou-the-Fourth is a thing. Also, another reference to death involves cutting the bottoms of skewers of dango to avoid it in the new year. And then the last part features Minami, who it turns out as a crazy driver, as she tries to help Aoi, her younger sister, and Chiaki speed up the side of a mountain to see a special sunrise aided by Mt. Fuji.

#3: Varied PG sets: a non-sexualized scene in a public bath, Shimarin being afraid her wallet will die a violent death, Nadeshiko closing her eyes because she doesn't want to see blood (context: watching a cook prepare eel), and maybe even Nadeshiko being called a pig.

#4: I could've sworn there were other sets in this episode, but combing through it again, the only one I see is a quick scene of the three OutClub members in a bath overlooking the mountains, with a close-up to their topless bodies obscured by the water.

#5: This episode has a much longer hot springs scene involving Chiaki, Aoi, and Ena. There's no more cleavage than anything the rest of the show has had, but there is a scene where Chiaki is tricked into running out of the bath by the other two, and we get a cut of her running toward the camera with only a towel plastered to her front. There are some very minor bits of sideboob here, but I had to go through the video frame by frame to see them. And what I thought was more exaggerated sideboob was just Chiaki's shiny shoulders. So what seemed like a PGS at first glance is just another straight PG, though I suppose I could be looking at this in a liberal way. Ho hum.

#6: The possibility that Chiaki, Aoi and Ena might freeze to death colors much of the episode, though the show prefers to say they "might be goners". But also, they find shelter via the tent of the older lady and her husband that were shown earlier in the episode, and the latter boasts that their shop sells "some damn fine sake!"

#7: One "suck" from Nadeshiko, and maybe Rin calling Ena an evil demon.



#6: Two scenes of PG-level violence, those being Yor kicking one of the hooligans who tried to bully Anya, and Anya's sucker-punch of Damian Desmond, the son of Loid's vaunted spy target, were offset by one S-bomb from Yor.

Yup, this one was simple. In fact, this batch of episodes is in general. As for screenshots, the show is leading with the OP in every other episode, so this episode is another one-shot deal. And here we have... probably the school's principal, as he leads the new batch of students at orientation.


#7: This is a nice correction for the last episode. The only violence was recapping its signature scene: Damian getting punched by Anya. The episode proper only had a few PG sets referencing death, like Anya pointing out that her mommy is an assassin, Loid pointing out that assassinating Donovan probably wouldn't be the right way to go, and even Yor getting a little too creative when it comes to breaking off pieces of a gingerbread man.

Images: a nice mugshot of Donovan, and Yor noticing the ratings bug but mostly concentrating on improving Anya's studies.



#8: I thought this episode's rating was going to hinge on a dramatic interrogation scene in the first half, as Yuri Brior confronts poor Jim Heyward, burning a lit cigarette on his hand (Momo'o approves) and smothering his face with an ashtray. It's hard to call it violence, at least of the intense variety, but it has the heightened tension of something you would rate 14V. Fortunately, this internal debate was rendered unnecessary when Yuri said "shitheads" later in the episode. Otherwise, I would've given the episode a 14 straight.

One screenshot this time, and it's from Loid's perspective as Yuri stares him down.


#9: This was yet another case of swearing erasing any doubt over the rating, to my partial delight. Yuri said "shit" again, this time being just the word. If not, I may have given it either another 14 straight or a PGV, as this time around, the violence is more intense in content but not tone. In the aftermath of Loid and Yor's almost-kiss, the latter swats Yuri (her brother around), and knocks him into a few boxes of roses. It's a comedic scene that is portrayed in an exaggerated manner: Yuri has a bloodied face and squirts out high-pressure blood from his head after the fact.

Right here is a flustered Yor, and then Anya waking up.



Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream
Episode 2: "Pre Established Harmony" - TV-PGSV
Episode 2.5 - TV-PGSV


#2: The main body of this episode is almost completely free of anything questionable. The one exception is near the end, when Reisen prepares her spellcard and we get two quick panty shots of her. However, this scene ends up being continued in the opening, portraying her and Youmu's battle of bullets. Since this show has had two unique openings and endings so far, I expect this tradition to continue, so it gets more value than usual. Also, just before this scene occurs, Youmu is seen with bare shoulders, but also outlined boobs. A PGSV it is. Besides, if I were to air this content on my fictional TV network, there would be no cuts. At all. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Weinsteins.

The images this time are a screenshot of this episode's OP, and then a frontal shot of Eientei. The latter shows a cameo of Keine (standing in the doorway), a character who plays no role in the plot of this series. How ironic that I've had this happen twice in my screenshots.



#2.5: I don't need to say anything here. Really! The content was exactly the same as last time, save for a bit of embellishment on the danmaku front.

In yet another case of me trying to find a creative way to introduce the image, here we have Marisa looking on at the sunflower field from above.


In other news, I was almost a week ago years old when I found out this font (also used by Crunchyroll) is just Trebuchet MS. All this time, I thought it was an awesome and mystical typeface!

Interviews with Monster Girls
Episode 1: "Takahashi Tetsuo Wants an Interview" - TV-PGDS
Episode 2: "Dullahan-chan Wants to Be Coddled" - TV-PGDS
Episode 3: "Succubus-san is a Real Adult" - TV-14D
Episode 4: "Takahashi Tetsuo Wants to Protect" - TV-PGDS


If you know this series for anything, chances are it's because it's the unofficial much more grounded and tamer counterpart to Monster Musume. But who remembers that show either? It's been on a lengthy hiatus that killed any chances of a S2, while the manga for this one got to end on its own terms. And besides, this series has a fair amount of sexual-tinged content of its own...

#1: ...some of which comes from Sakie, the new math teacher at the MC's high school, who is a succubus but tries to avoid "evoking sexual thoughts" as much as possible, which manifests in always wearing a track outfit and avoiding those ugly m*n as much as possible. Later on, a conversation between Tetsuo and Hikari, our resident vampire, about whether the latter is acting stereotypical leads to a conversation on whether she bites people to suck their blood, and whether or not it's out of sexual desire, thus spoke Tetsuo. As a proof of concept, there's a scene where Hikari bites Yukki (maybe not right, but I trust the Crunchyroll translation), the school's resident yuuki-ona, while also unbuttoning her shirt, and she gives a pleasurable moan after being bitten. "Erotic" is said twice, once by each person, Tetsuo also brings up that this behavior could be sadistic, and Hikari responds by passing this off as an old man's thoughts of youth.

This episode gave me a bit of trouble. My original rating when I saw it in 2018 was a PGD. Given the scene with Hikari and Yukki, that's an underrate, but by how much? I thought about upping this one to a 14 straight based on the show casually throwing words like "erotic" and "sadistic" around, but ultimately, I think the script is a little too academic to justify that. (Besides, "sadistic" doesn't always refer to something in a sexual context, but "masochist" usually does.) So I'll keep it at a PGDS.

#2: Machi, the dullahan whose head has never been attached to her body, gets a typical bath scene. During her interview with Tetsuo, he says that it might look inappropriate if he's seen coddling her head; Hikari catches a glimpse of this and subsequently announces it to the whole school. Then, after the break (boy, nice for this show to have a proper card for eyecatches), Hikari talks about "naughty things" and how Macchi is capable of "some special techniques", but that's as far as it goes. Then Macchi decides to spend an entire afternoon in Tetsuo's care while Hikari watches over her helpless body. She can't help but press both of the body's nipples with her fingers, which gives Macchi quite the surprise!

#3: And here we have the Sakie focus episode, which explains that she's a so-called "dream demon" with the ability to cause aphrodasiac effects on men. A more detailed explanation mentions sexually arousing them. There's also an extension of what was talked about in Episode 1, only this time Tetsuo talks to Hikari about how sucking peoples' blood might be comparable to sex... and it's clear she isn't ready for that conversation. This time around, my previous rating was 14DS, but on this viewing, a shower scene with Sakie is too tame to garner an S.

#4: Only dialogue in this one was a talk between two hooligans students about how a teacher is moving out of their school for supposedly doing "risky things" with one of their students, which I didn't pick up on when I first saw the episode. Compared to that, there was more sexual content: Sakie's boobs gyrating as she lunges at Tetsuo during a conversation, a scene where Tetsuo hugs Machi's body and a scientific diagram highlighting her boobs briefly cuts in (it makes sense in context), a brief Yukki bath scene, and a flashback to the first episode's scene with Hikari biting Yukki on the shoulders.

This surmises all the episodes I watched in back in 2018. #2's rating was accurate back then.

Good Luck Girl!
Round 11: "...Who Are You?" - TV-14DSV
Round 12: "Sometime, Call Me By My Name" - TV-14DS
Round 13: "You Already Know the Answer to That" - TV-14DS

[i have been inconsistent in giving the episodes their stylized names... expect some edits down the line]


#11: When Bobby and Momo'o announce that this is going to be a fanservice episode with their own song just before the OP, you'd better believe it, Seb. Unfortunately... well, I feel blueballed. There's a great amount of sexual content here, but it's just nudity. No nipples whatsoever, no sexual motions or positioning, and there aren't even any juicy sex jokes to push it to an MA straight on the dialogue side. I was really hoping this episode would finally reach the top rating and fulfill the official blanket, but I'm not seeing it.

But that's not to say we're going to gloss over said sexual content, nor anything else. Ichiko, Rindou, Bobby, Momo'o, and all of Keita's family (and Nadeshiko, in the stinger) are stark naked, which includes some underage children. Even their baby gets into it! But the show takes care to either not emphasize their nudeness or, in the case of the males, blur out their dicks and buttcracks with Squigglevision black spots. As for dialogue, there are pervert mentions, and Mika admires Ichiko's boobs and ponders if she'll be getting her own, even though her older sister Rika's chest is rather flat. Bobby is a big voyeur in this episode, and he fantasizes about climbing the wall of the bath to see the women behind it, at least until Keita breaks the wall and Ichiko's nipples are conveniently censored by the wreckage. Oh, and Ryuta says "Tit-chiko" twice more. But most interesting of all, this episode has the first notable violence of the series: though there are also some comically huge nosebleeds (Sanae Nagatsuki approves), the main offense is Momo'o saving Ichiko's ass from a direct hit from Momiji and subsequently getting a big blood splatter in the black.

#12: Ichiko wants Bobby to use his "perversion powers" to return Momiji to her usual poverty god self, which then leads to a flashback to Episode 6's groping scene. Then he tries and fails to do the same to Momiji; he admits that there was nowhere for his hands to land. Momo's is mentioned as a masochist yet again, Ichiko and Momiji end up in the bath together, and there are flashbacks to the previous episode's naked scenes.

#13: And we've arrived at the finale to this rather jagged show, and a lot of happens to involve our good friend Bobby Statice. Ichiko lets him "fondle the hell" out of her boobs for as long as he wants as payment for escaping from Kumaguy (Momiji's teddy bear helper whom I've never mentioned until now), but he doesn't reciprocate within the show. He wonders what Ichiko and Momiji are doing up atop his car and calls it an "ovary fest". He lets Ichiko borrow his special prayer beads that can give someone superpowers, which is explained through him stealing panties and snooping on a girl either putting on or taking off her bra. Oh, and there's another flashback to Episode 11, with Ichiko's aerolae obscured by a wire in the wall. And Momo'o sports a ball gag while in dog form during a dramatic chase scene. The episode, and thus the series, ends just as it began: with flat-chestedness jokes, accented with on-screen text pointing out Momiji's "Pity-titties" and Ichiko's "Mammoth-ries". But we can't forget the obligatory "recap all the best scenes" montage to really but a bow on things, which is followed by a stinger of Bobby talking to the cops about how Ichiko let him grope her.

Also, while I didn't mention any language in these episodes, there was nothing worth it. The worst swear used was "bitch" in Episode 11, and it only showed up once. Besides, this series has used "shit", which I think raises the bar and renders tracking other notable swear words redundant. I haven't even been tracking swear words in general lately; it's harder to do for dubbed series, at least if it doesn't have a closed-captioning option. But I'm starting to trail off a bit here... anyway, Good Luck Girl!. 'tis a decent show. And its ratings are what I was expecting. Pretty cool that it has one take up more than half of the show's episodes.

Ratings recap: 14DS (1-4, 10, 12/13), 14D (5/6, 8), 14 (7), 14DL (9), 14DSV (11)
Practical blanket: 14DLSV (yeah, of course)
Final Tit-chiko count: 13 (most of which were from Ryuta)

And now I have to write the Touhou fanfic that crosses the Yorigamis over with this show. Shocked no one's done so yet, but then again, who the hell wants to drudge up a series of this nature? Me, I guess. I take great pride in it.

The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Episode 13: "It's about time to become Cinderella girls!" (review post here)
[likewise for linking the episodes... I'm only doing this to be consistent]


At first, I thought Minami's sickness was going to be a PG set, but it while it was portrayed in a serious way, I'm not seeing anything that could push the rating up. So to force a PG, I'll go with the other dramatic event of the episode: the festival grounds loses power when a gigantic lightning bolt strikes down. That'll definitely drive the kiddies behind the bed.

 For screenshots this time, a nice contrast: a sunny day prior to the festival (w/ more idol cameos), and TakeP cleaning up as the rain pours down.



Halfway home, and the ratings for this series have been downright stale. Only one episode has even had subratings! At least this show remains not boring to watch. I also tend to have stuff to talk about every time, which makes for an interesting contrast with takt op. Destiny.

Last Period: the journey to the end of despair
Episode 1: "Notice of Completion" - TV-PGDL
Episode 2: "Hot Springs Custom" - TV-14S


And here's the second new show, which sorta fits in with Hackadoll's mindset of "man, being an otaku sucks sometimes". Except this show chooses to focus on gacha games and all the ways they can leave you high and dry. Pay no mind to the fact that this anime is a promotion for such a game in itself.

#1: For what I personally consider to be more like a kids show, this rating doesn't really fit. There's a fair amount of violence, but it's all Haru and his party fighting the spirals. Sword slashes, claw strikes, and ice spells galore, which, assuming they're against a monster and there's no blood, are Y7FV material. It feels weird not giving this episode a V subrating, but so it goes. The other ones come from Riza calling the head cheapskate of Moneyville an "arrogant jackass", and a member of Wiseman referring to the lady who gives Haru's party free gacha summons a "call girl", which Choco makes sure to point out.

#2: Typical hot springs violence. In lieu of a drawn-out description, I'll give two specific examples: Liza with soap all over her body, and Choco falling down from above while nakers.

takt op.Destiny
Episode 6: "Sunrise -Rooster-" - TV-14L
Episode 7: "Truth -Noise-" - TV-14L


#6: A nice curveball this time, with the worst content being an old guy who picks up some boxes, suddenly experiences pain, and says "shit". Other profanity in the episode was two uses of "my ass" and a "damn it". There wasn't any D2 violence outside of a brief flashback to the Boston Tragedy, where one of them disintegrates due to the work of a mysterious Musicart and their Conductor.

For the first of two, another Miles Davis reference, and then Destiny takes a bite.



#7: This one surprised me. An early use of "bastards" plus Destiny snapping Takt's neck (this one... didn't really come off as slapstick, but it was still funny) seemed to entail a PGLV, which was locked down by a scene with some soldiers shooting a D2 to no avail. But then, one of them immediately says "shit". So that's another case of a PG-caliber rating being shot down in flames by swearing. I've been running into a handful of these lately! And then we get a juicy exposition drop to end the episode, which briefly flashes back to Destiny's death prior to rebirth in Episode 2, but the crucial scene of Takt's arm coming off wasn't repeated.

For the second of two, there's a rare instance of the title in the ratings image, and then Takt chasing Destiny in a typical American town.



And that finishes off my meatiest omnibus yet. Sorry about the lack of Girls' Last Tour again; I put it off because I realized my Roku (which I want to use for HIDIVE) doesn't support any audio output via my stereo system. At this point, I think I'll buy the Blu-ray and use that for making my screenshots, so as to avoid pain in numerous ways. Anyway: next time, I start rating Birdie Wing, and maybe return to Squid Girl and properly start my HD remakes of those images.

[anya had stubby legs]

Edited by Blatch
Touching up the Touhou Musou #2 title.
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ah, writing about your personalized content ratings for various episodes of anime you've recently seen. The best kind of therapy for IRL discourse about too-complex issues ill-suited for those with social media accounts.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #10: Operation Savage Guardian (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1 (TV-14LV)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #11: Operation Savage Guardian (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 2 (TV-MA)


#10: A surprising absence of notably bloody violence, compared to prior engagements; just a recap of Miraschon getting ora ora'd with a baseball, and Weather Report Forecast getting a radiator dropped on his head, causing three different blood spurts to emerge from under his furry hat. Profanity consisted of four uses each of "shit" and "hell", and three of "damn" (two as "dammit").

#11: Now this is more like it. For much of the first half of the episode, the disturbingly designed Lang Rangler's anti-gravity STAND causes notable streams of blood to get sucked out of Jolyne and Weather, alongside the air in the factory room they're holed up in. This loss of blood continually persists until the cloud suits Weather conjures up using his STAND go on, though there are multiple recaps of prior suckage, as well as further moments of blood loss and body horror. Most notably, a couple of rats Lang tosses at Jolyne bloating up as a result of the lack of oxygen and one of them exploding into a bloody mess after Stone Ocean punches it, and Lang experiencing some sporadic bloating of his own, some of the blood bursting from cracks in the bubbles made under his skin. Additionally, in the flashback where he's standing over the woman he killed, the blood on his knife and hand are pulsating for some (presumably stylistic?) reason. By Turner S&P standards, this probably would have gotten a TV-MAV, but because Netflix had to be stingy dicks, Stone Ocean's being rated by my standards, and by my standards, it's getting no descriptors. Profanity consisted of three uses of "piss", two of "hell", and one each of "shit" and "bitch".

Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #7: Cultural Festival I (TV-PG)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #8: Cultural Festival II (TV-PG)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #9: Innocence and Clumsiness (TV-PG)


Some of these are gonna go by surprisingly quick, fair warning ahead of time.

#7: One use of "crap", plus a couple minor causes for concern (a close-up of Kamiya's chest before she places her hand on it, the disturbing way in which Hachimitsu loosens up her shoulder joints).

#8: Hachimitsu reacts to Nekozaki and Inuzuka's loud bemoaning over their class's loss in the contest to see who wins free after-party tickets by asking if it's possible for them to "get drunk on juice".

#9: Lots of shoujo-ai subtext during the girls' afternoon out between Shikimori, Nekozaki and Kamiya, plus their impromptu basketball game with those two annoyances who dare to present themselves as memorable background characters. Blushing everywhere.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #9: Bear, Opens Shop (TV-PG)


For this one, it was the simple set of bakery shopowner Morin mentioning her husband passing away from overwork while trying to keep business up. An example of a PG set that comes as no surprise, no huge game-changer.

Magic Knight Rayearth #16: A Powerful Foe! Lafarga the Swordmaster (TV-PGV)


In the category of noteworthy fantazy violence, the flying monster the Magic Knights do battle with at the start of the episode is apparently capable of bleeding miasma, which it does when Hikaru slices its wing; though a slash to its cheek courtesy of Umi does indicate that it can bleed. The more moderate stuff came from Hikaru's battle with Lafarga, where she bleeds from the head and face while defending his attacks and even gets choked out one-handed. Luckily, the special security mechanics built into her sword temporarily catch Lafarga on fire, the PTSD from a similar attack Zagato used against him during his hostile takeover of Cephiro being what breaks him out of being brainwashed.

Ya Boy Kongming! #9: For the Populace (TV-PG)
Ya Boy Kongming! #10: DREAMER (TV-PG)
Ya Boy Kongming! #11: Borrowing Arrows With Straw Boats (TV-PG)
Ya Boy Kongming! #12: Eiko's Song (TV-PG)


#9: Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one each of "ass" and "damn". Honorable mention: Nanami telling Karasawa to "go screw himself". Also of note is a scene involving Karasawa presenting the revealing (but not excessively so) outfit Nanami will be wearing as part of "his" Azalea, and Nanami and her bandmates uncomfortability with it before the former suggests they go through with it if it means their success. Honestly, the "masked idol" motif was the only thing Karasawa had the right idea about.

#10: Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "damnedest") and one of "crap".

#11: For a moment, I thought Nanami's outfit was showing more underboob than usual, but it turns out that was just her leotard. Ichika's, meanwhile, has the expected amount of side/underboob. One of the lyrics of their hit single "Underworld" alludes to "having some naughty fun", though it's never specified what said "naughty fun" even is. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and "hell".

#12: Just one use of "damn" from a heckler in the crowd.

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #3: The Black Shadow That Permeates (TV-PG)
Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #4: First Voyage (TV-PG)


#3: And for this one, it's the big reveal (for those going in blind) that George was executed for treason while on his quest for the floating water. Nothing is seen beyond a metaphorical image of George, in silhouette, reacting as most do when getting shot, with a flash and gunshot sound effects for added impact. An example of a PG set that, compared to prior tamenesses, is, as Chaika would say, a shocking revelation, one that isn't much but more than enough for the type of show it's in.

#4: The show's first profanity is one use of "damn" from one of the engine room operators shoveling coal into the ship's furnace. There's also the peril of Jane risking falling from high up while performing the "sailor's test" Banchi talks her into, for those seeking more garden variety PG sets.

Platinum End #10: Where the Tears Go (TV-14)


Kanade's bare ass is shown twice this episode: first as he retires to his sleeping pod while waiting for something to happen at the amusement park, and again as he exits it to see what new developments took place. Between that, the risk of Mirai and Mukaido getting White Arrow'd for vocally scheming an escape from a locked hall of mirrors, and Saki shooting Sokotani with her Red Arrow, there wasn't much for any subratings but enough that a TV-14 straight was appropriate. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn".

SK8 the Infinity #1: Snowfall on a Hot Night (TV-PGDL)
SK8 the Infinity #2: Awesome for the First Time! (TV-PGL)
SK8 the Infinity #3: Undesired Hero (TV-PGDL)


#1: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: The original plan for the "beef" race Shadow was going to run, that he eventually ran against Langa, had the wager be the loser letting the winner give them whatever tattoo the latter wants. He lets them know that if he wins, he would tattoo "Lil' Dumpster Slut" under the poor SOB's girlfriend's name. Profanity consisted of four uses of "suck" (two plural), two each of "frickin'"/"freakin'", "hell" and "crap", and one of "dammit".

#2: Profanity consisted of four uses of "frickin'", two each of "hell" and "crap", and one each of "pissing", "sucks", and "badass". Honorable mention: Joe calling Cherryblossom (Cherry for short) a "douche". Non-profanity content of note include some of Joe's fangirls' unintelligible catcalls, the only one I could make out being "slay me!" (whatever that means), and Langa experiencing some minor bleeding from his hand after one case of wiping out during learning how to properly operate a skateboard.

#3: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Mostly causes for concern here, including Reki referring to the "be my lapdog" stakes of Miya's beef against Langa as a "human pet trafficking ring"; Shadow reacting to the speed on Miya's skateboard with a "holy balls", and Adam asking Langa if he could touch his legs in a disturbingly sensual way. Profanity consisted of three uses of "frickin'" (one as "freakin'), and one each of "sucks", "dumbass", "dammit", "hell" and "crap".

Submarine Super 99 #4: The Ambush Achieved Great Success! (TV-PG)


So much for the nudity in the OP and ED being a consistent 14 set... This one was generally a mix of PG sets, including the firearms on display behind the communication screen in Stronestro's office and a number of L torpedoes from the 99 hitting the X-0 before the latter sub fades out to avoid confirmation of impact, and profanity, which consisted of just eight uses of "hell", all in reference to Hell Deathbird. Expect a specified tally for him from this point on.

I'm Quitting Heroing #8: Tokyo, 2060 A.D. (TV-14LV)
I'm Quitting Heroing #9: I Want to Quit Heroing (TV-PGL)
I'm Quitting Heroing #10: I'll Save the World, Even if That Means Destroying It (TV-14LV)
I'm Quitting Heroing #11: What Makes a Hero (TV-14V)
I'm Quitting Heroing #12: I'm Quitting Heroing (TV-14LV)


#8: One of the flashbacks Leo has concerning his time as a demon-slaying bioweapon features three POV shots of him slicing through enemy demons, with brief in-the-moment splashes of blood accompanying each bisection made. Profanity consisted of six uses of "shit" - three per half, all from Eibrad - four of "hell", three of "damn" (one as "dammit"), two of "suck" (one plural), and one of "ass".

#9: Profanity consisted of two uses each of "ass" and "damn" (one as "dammit"), and one each of "bastard" and "crap". And despite there being no violence with visible or damaging impact, and zero onscreen bloodshed, it's worth noting that Leo informing Echidna and the Generals (cool band name) that if they don't rip out his heart, he'll hunt down all the humans he can find is a rather macabre bit of dialogue compared to the rest of the episode, especially seeing how it sets the mood for the five-on-one battle that takes up the next couple of episodes, the first especially...

#10: And oh man does Leo deal out a lotta damage in that battle or what? While avoiding excess in its impacts - something purposeful on Leo's part, as it's later revealed - our protagonist, playing the role of antagonist to a theatrical degree, gets in a lot of damage to the Generals, including Edvard's back getting noticeably burned from a volley of light arrows, Lily taking two light spears to the torso that take her out of battle for a brief time, Mernes getting his abdomen sliced open with a close-up of the bleeding wound, and Shutina getting punched in the stomach and sent flying. The only damage Leo takes is a graze of a slice to the back of his neck, courtesy of Mernes, but even as he's struck and immolated, he sustains no real injury. Profanity consisted of one use each of "bullshit", "goddamn", "bastard", "damn", "hell", and "crap".

#11: At least, not until Echidna launched the "Anti-Leo" spell against him. Though Leo's flashbacks ahead of actually taking the attack showcase plenty of violence, including the rote cutting down of enemy demons with brief bloody splash results, the peak of the intense violence that fully characterizes best rating comes during the struggle both sides experience in the climactic attack. The strain Echidna takes on from using Anti-Leo and using it to keep him in place causes blood to leak from her eyes and nose, and she even spits up some later on; while his inability to do anything while under the effects of Anti-Leo allows the Generals to strike Leo down in mostly bloody fashion. And I say mostly because, compared to Edvard's sword slash, Mernes' three knives thrown, and Lily's own slash from her Fenrir form claws, all of which made Leo bleed prominently, Shutina using a magic strike against him didn't have the same in-the-moment impact to be part of the same club. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and one of "hell".

#12: For the entire first half of the episode, Leo has a bloody gash across his chest, originally presented with a swirling vortex of darkness inside but later shifting to a plasticine inside surrounding the Philosopher's Stone that is his heart. It's present throughout multiple shots until the delay on his healing factor runs out, patching him up without issue. With two shots of him slashing up demons in Mechanical Age Tokyo presented in flashback form added to it, that's all the violence Yuuyame has left to offer. Profanity consisted of two equally flashback-limited uses of "shit". From Eibrad, naturally.

RATINGS RECAP: TV-14L (1), TV-14 (2), TV-PG (3), TV-14LV (4, 6, 8, 10, 12), TV-14DLS (5), TV-PGV (7), TV-PGL (9), TV-14V (11)


Yes, that is the non-binary flag I photoshopped onto Leo's book. It's pride month, he's agender, it only made sense for me to throw in that flair.

Shutina appeared three times simultaneously with a rating, and while Mernes and Edvard had two each.

As for the "TV eps only" thing, it turns out Yuuyame has two OVA episodes, one of which is already out. I'll be covering those in future posts, after which a new graphic will be made to reflect their inclusion. So though its time as the Seasonal Line subject may be over, it isn't truly done yet.

Succeeding Yuuyame as the proper Seasonal Line subject for the content rating clips, meanwhile, is a bit of a controversial show, albeit from a different breed of controversy than Redo of Healer. Despite lacking the sakuga everyone was expecting, or the Pillows music I was hoping could possibly salvage it, I'm still going to watch this one and enjoy it to the best of my ability, and give it some clips along the way in the hopes of annoying a couple of the holier-than-thous. Deny it if you can, sane people, but PokeNirvash will be watching, rating, and content rating clipping Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer from start to bitter end,  no matter what you try to say to sway me.


Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 3 weeks later...

Lotta finales, lotta premieres. This is gonna be a bit of a ride, especially at the start.

A.D. Police Files #1: The Phantom Woman (TV-MASV)


You know, despite its turning out to have only one half-hour per episode instead of two, the debut episode of this three-part Bubblegum Crisis prequel had enough objectionable content to it to justify those extra ten to twenty minutes that... weren't. As to be expected from '90s OVAs.

GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Also expected from '90s OVAs are lots of bloody violence. Leon's first encounter with the semi-titular Phantom Lady in the cold opening, the extensive rampage of the female Boomer who gets taken out by the A.D. Police, and Leon's second engagement with the Phantom Lady all feature multiple, explicit instances of bloody violence, often in the form of sustained gunshots with the occasional shots of the entry wounds leaking further blood. Impalements, missing limbs both dismembered in action or after the fact, and decimation with greater volleys of bullets are no stranger either, though the latter is limited exclusively to the Big Boomer Fight (or BBF) in act 1. The BBF also had some of the most excessive bits of violence that I could discern, namely one of the regular cops getting his head pushed through a squad car windshield  by the enemy Boomer, his head apparently bursting into a mess of just blood before the glass breaks, and Gina, the female A.D. Police cop who acts as Leon's mentor, tearing off one of the Boomer's breasts to expose her inner mechanisms, the blood taken with that action being white instead of red.

EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: And then there's the sex stuff. Some of it is dialogue-based, like how female Boomers are often programmed with sex functions and how said sex functions are often the reason behind Boomer rampages. Others are more on the tame side, like Gina's intel guy being an otaku who looks up the skirt of a schoolgirl figurine while sharing important case details with her and Leon. And of course, there's the explicit stuff. The Boomer from the BBF ends up getting her chest exposed as events played out, and the Phantom Lady, upon confronting Leon for a second time, reveals herself to be topless and wearing only below-the-waist lingerie, the panties of which I swear had a wet spot on them from an earlier scene where she rubs her robo-pussy directly through them while fantasizing about Leon killing her all over again. (The sex-violence interplay in this OVA is insane.) That little bit, plus the earlier scene of Gina ripping off the BBF Boomer's boob, and maybe also the suicidally orgasmic intent with which the Phantom Lady pursues Leon, were what brought this descriptor into the fray. I'll also throw in the scene where Gina reveals to Leon that seeing blood in the line of duty gets her hot and bothered, but nothing really comes of that reveal thanks to a well-timed interruption by one of their superior officers, not even any nudity on Gina's part.

Profanity consisted of four uses each of "bitch" and "damn" (two as "dammit"), three of "shit" (one as "bullshit"), and one each of "bastard" and "ass".

Elfen Lied #1: Begegnung [Encounter] (TV-MAV)


Admit it, you thought I was gonna do a full re-rating of GANTZ, weren'tcha? Well too bad, because it's Elfen Lied's time in the sun this year. Much time has passed since I last watched it as part of my second hypothetical edit list for the show, and after giving it a little in-the-car revisit from my memories, plus some theorizing about how it might have been the catalyst for s-CRY-ed making the move from [as] On Demand to the linear channel proper in 2005 (or alternately, how they got Evangelion to air in full after its after-school failure during Toonami's Giant Robot Week), I decided to return to it once more, this time to give it another set of personal content ratings to reflect how my standards for rating things have changed between middle school and wageslavery. Though based on this first episode's rating alone, it's not like much really has changed.

Like its initial 2008 rating, Elfen Lied's first episode scored a TV-MAV, and for obvious reason: the wave of brutal death and destruction that Lucy leaves behind as she makes her escape from the research facility. There are beheadings. There are bisections. There are arms torn off. There are legs exploded off. There are big and bright blood splatters and sprays galore. There's a death so slow and excruciating it's actually shown offscreen. There's a pen thrown straight through one guy's head. There's even another guy whose heart gets yeeted out of his chest and onto a third guy's uniform. 22 security guards and a klutzy intern make up the beginning of Lucy's onscreen kill count, and their deaths alone - in addition to Kisaragi's headless body being used as a shield - are more than enough to justify this descriptor. So much so that none of the other bits of bloodshed - the after-the-fact splatters in the control room Lucy's shadow ally witnesses her escape from, Lucy taking a sniper rifle blow to the head that despite only busting up her helmet leaves her bleeding and with amnesia, the drenched state of the twisted-up mechanism meant to keep her in place, and a secretary getting bitchslapped by Bandou hard enough to leave her shook - hardly even matter.

But then there's the interesting case of the nudity. In what I'm convinced was the core reason Turner S&P shut down all possibility of airing the show in a legible manner (without overworking their guys already overworked from having to censor amateur snuff videos for CNN), Lucy spends the majority of her escape scene fully nude, save for the helmet she wears until the sniper shoots it apart. Bare ass, exposed nipples, and even a few shots of where her vagina would be were this as 18+ as T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews' recommendation. But here's the thing: Lucy's nudity is purely incidental, thus per my standards (which I should probably write down in the future) unfitting for a MAS descriptor. The MAS descriptor is saved for instances of explicit sexual content; that is, actions with some solid visual connection to the act of recreational or penetrative intercourse. Generalizing it would take up too much time, but bottom line is, if the nudity has no connection to sexual activity, no matter how bare, it's incidental. It's why most episodes of Freezing received either a 14S or MA straight minimum while episode 3, where Miyabi fluidly groped Satellizer's bare tits, was the only one to get bumped up to MAS. And it's why despite being "too much" for Turner S&P, I can't in good conscience give the MAS descriptor to "Begegnung". Not for Lucy's full-frontal and bare-behind nudity throughout her escape. Not for her continued nudity as she appeared before Kouta and Yuka on the beach as "Nyu". Not for the seconds-long bath scene with her and Yuka. Not for her pulling at the tanktop she was given to wear and exposing her breast. Not even for the four instances of nips-out nudity throughout the show's artsy-fartsy opening title sequence that helped me score some points for my high school quiz bowl team in my final varsity match. Only when it gets to that sexual-by-definition point will it earn itself that descriptor.

Profanity consisted of two uses each of "shit", "bitch" and "hell", and one each of "bastard", "goddammit", and "grab-ass".

This first clip is of said artsy-fartsy opening title sequence, which starts out every episode. Just thought I'd get that out of the way by making it its own thing.

And this second one comes from later in the episode, showcasing everyone's favorite misanthrope in (theoretical) action.

Godzilla: Singular Point #13: Together (TV-PGV)


The JSDF troops accompanying the Otaki Factory guys in their drive towards Godzilla shoot at and take down a couple of Rodan, one of which slams into the windshield of the Otaki truck, leaving behind a brief blood smear. Jet Jaguar slices up multiple Rodan, but without any blood this time, while even more Rodan get taken out by a blast from Godzilla's mouth. And while the battle between Godzilla and Jet Jaguar lacks any bio-organic impact - JJ getting physically wrecked is more fantasy violence, per my personal standards - the result of its ultimate stopping of the catastrophe by way of the Orthogonal Diagonalizer ends up impaling Salunga (the kaiju I kept forgetting the name of) on a series of crystalline spikes thousands of miles away in Upala.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit".

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #1: Yuuhi Amamiya and the Lizard Knight (TV-14L)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #2: Yuuhi Amamiya and Samidare Asahina (TV-14)


I probably would've liked this show better as a teenager, but then again, high school me couldn't stand Nyaruko-san, so this might've been just as troublesome (though still much better).

#1: High school me also would've rated this one TV-PGDLV. The dialogue being Worst Girl Hisame calling Yuuhi a "gloomy, perverted, weak four-eyes" in a failed attempt to convince Samidare that he's no good; the violence being Yuuhi getting pseudo-metaphorically impaled by the supernatural crystalline javelin that is the enemy golem's bloodlust, followed by Samidare punching it away with the cheapest action animation an assumed two-cour budget can buy; and the language being Yuuhi calling Crescent a "shitty lizard". But this being Working World Poke rating this recently premiered show, the single S-bomb bumps it up to L status. (I might need to change that, seeing how Turner's implemented a "two-shit rule" for the 14L descriptor in recent episodes.) Plus the whole bit where Yuuhi uses his Holding Field to flip up Hisame's skirt and comment that all he saw were moles could easily be a 14 set in itself. Other profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one each of "damn" and "Christ".

#2: In another balancing act between two items unfitting of any four descriptors even on the PG level, the 14 sets for this episode were Yuuhi accidentally walking in on Hisame while she's changing (though she's only in her shirt and panties and his response is a blunt "sorry, wrong room", though she reacts as if she was dressed in less and he was gawking more than he was), and Yuuhi's abusive nihilist grandfather binding him in chains and leaving him in a closet for three days just because he invited a classmate over, an act that traumatized him so much that any social interaction leaves him mentally molested by metaphorical chains that are more annoying than Hisame's dislike of Yuuhi in general. Oh, and there's also some hypothetical golem-on-Yuuhi, literal Samidare-on-golem violence, but those are too tame to count. Profanity consisted of one use each of "hell" and "Christ".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #12: Torrential Downpour Warning (TV-MA)


When it comes to actual violence in this episode, there was nothing quite on the level of previous MA-straight episodes. Jolyne gets shot twice in the abdomen by a unprofessionally dressed prison guard, bleeding from both her mouth and her abdomen, both given attention in later scenes. Others were after-the-fact (the blood streaming down Weather Forecast's face), flashbacked-to (Jotaro's gunshot wounds from episode 5), or just typical happenstance (Jolyne's finger spurting blood after Stone Ocean's tether to Pale Snake is severed). Why the MA, though? The poison dart frogs raining down for half the episode, specifically the effect they have on the aforementioned guard. Almost immediately, the poison causes the skin on his right hand and arm to bloat and fester, the side of his face drooping as if melting while his ear, nose and hand all leak blood. Nasty stuff, and even nastier when he drags his "Mr. Obvious's Murder Victim" lookin' ass into the prison to beg Pucci for help, only to drop dead with blood spurts coming from his face a minute later. (Pucci later has one of the frogs explode in another guard's eyes as a distraction/punishment, but that wasn't nearly as graphic.) Not the most explosive endings this batch of JoJo could've ended on, but by all means as bizarre as always.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (two as "dammit"), two of "hell", and one each of "fuck", "goddammit", "bastard" and "crap".

Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #10: The Desire to Win (TV-PG)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #11: Not Just a Cutie (TV-PG)
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie #12: Better Than a Dream (TV-PG)


#10: A lot of PG sets ranging from "technically a CFC" to "could necessitate a nonexistent descriptor". The short-haired meganekko that Shikimori trades her lot for the sports festival relay race with gets all blushy and doki-doki at her shushing gesture; Hachimitsu asks if Izumi playing the role of horse in said festival's cavalry battle will "kill him"; a shot of Nekozaki's boob pressing against Hachimitsu's cheek and puffing it up, and a minor but noticeable scrape on Hachimitsu's knee after her collapse during the relay race. Profanity consisted of two uses each of "damn" and "crap", and one of "sucks".

#11: One use each of "damn" and "crap".

#12: No profanity, just a caption accompanying Shikimori wearing the droopy bunny ears headband from episode 7's animal cafe that reads "Embarrassed to Death".

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #10: Bear, Goes to Sea (TV-PGL)


PG SET OF THE MOMENT: Atola, the resident harvester for Millilla's Adventurer's Guild, is introduced drinking at the bar of the restaurant that serves as guild HQ, the drink in question being a brown liquid in a glass with ice. Yuna takes note of this when she pops in, to the point of asking if the guild is an "adult establishment", though it's later revealed that Atola wasn't even drinking alcohol, but "bitter tea" to help keep her awake in case any of the other adventurers (off dealing with bandits) return.

Profanity consisted of one use each of "pissed", "crap" and "hell".

Full Dive #12: Reality x VR (TV-14LV)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: Alicia intercepts a blow Tesla prepares to give Hiro, receiving a fatal stab wound resulting in blood leakage from both the impact point and her mouth, some blood from the former she gets on her hands and leaves behind on Hiro's armor. After putting up a good fight against Tesla by use of Kamui's trick (which makes Reona visualize Kamui slashing up a bunch of monsters, bloody results included) and a completely different kind of Martin Time, Hiro ends the fight getting stabbed by Tesla. Only the tip goes in (giggity) which fails to qualify it as an impalement, but the bloody result of it, plus the POV implication that Tesla stabbed Hiro's eye out shortly after, was enough to make up for it.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Reona calls Tesla a "douchebag" as she cheers Hiro on. Hiro mentally remarks that Reona has "boobs for days". Hiro's dream conversation with Kamui is interrupted when Reona "boops" him awake with her boobs; there's a quickly delivered visual of her breasts suddenly pushing into his face in the dream world, but outside of a brief bit of IRL jiggling as she tells him that she "booped" him, there's no explicit verbal indication of what the boop is and how it's performed.

Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" (two of "dammit"), three each of "freaking" and "hell", two of "ass" (one as "dumbasses") and "crap", and one each of "shittier", "bitch" and "maggot". Honorable mentions go to one use each of "dumbasses" and "pissed" in the Auberdyne walkthrough topic headers, and one use of "B.S." (abbreviated) from Hiro.

Magic Knight Rayearth #17: The Truth About Innova, and the Return of Memories (TV-PG)


The recap to episode 16 features some after-the-fact blood on Hikaru's face and a shot of Lafarga on fire. And despite the harrowing nature of the battle between the Magic Knights and Innova in his true creature form, there was no blood to be seen. I blame the drop in animation quality for this episode specifically.

UNIMPORTANT YET INTERESTING: Apparently Alcyone's still alive. Unfortunately, she might as well be dead, as Zagato has no further use for a thot like her.

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #5: The Badge of a Sailor (TV-PG)


While I could have gotten away with a G for this episode, the combined presence and closeness of both animal abuse (the fat lady throwing apples at her dog as punishment for it stealing her earring among other shiny objects), child abuse (Banchi getting hit with one of the apples by stepping up to physically defend the dog), and spousal abuse (the lady's beta-male husband slapping her to settle her down, only to receive a bruise from an even more offscreen decking for daring to stand up to her) convinced me that another PG was more than appropriate.

Pop Team Epic #13: The Convenience Store (TV-14LV)
Pop Team Epic #14: Edo Era Pop Team (TV-14DLV)


With season 2 coming this fall, I thought it was about time I knocked this hour-long sucker off. Split into two episodes, because really, it's just two episodes smushed together into an hour slot.

#13: Granted, the blood pouring from the "hawawa" man that Popuko killed in the ED sequence is too after-the-fact and arguably PG to count for "intense violence", but since this was the dub I watched, I thought I'd rate it closer to how [as] rated season 1 (but without the MA overshoots). In the case of this one, Rambo!Popuko's bemoaning of her war buddies in 'Nam getting mowed down and the nightmares she had of trying to put their bodies back together was what did it. Profanity across both halves of the episode consisted of four uses each of "shit" (two as "dipshit" and both bleeped), "bitch", "damn" and "hell"; and two each of "bastards", "pissed" and "crap". Also fourteen uses of "sexy" (two as "unsexy") from both "Sexy Mobile Voice" sketches.

#14: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The Pop Team Collage segment shows Popuko and Pipimi running down a demonic boss in a car, with a blue paint splatter simulating the bloody result (in your imagination!). The Pop Team Story segment went a little lighter, with Popuko throwing a dango stick into the forehead of a mountain deity and killing her and her defeating the enemy demon in a bar room brawl (first act only, thanks Shouta Aoi), and no blood for either instance. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Pipimi's way of telling Popuko it's time to start moving is the perverse choice of "let's shag ass". Besides the two aforementioned uses of "ass", other profanity consisted of four uses of "suck", three each of "damn" and "crap" (two as "crapshow", one of which may not have existed), two each of "fucking" (uncensored, I know), "assholes", "beeotch", "frickin'" and "hell", and one of "shit".

SK8 the Infinity #4: Adam, the Matador of Love (TV-PGDLV)
SK8 the Infinity #5: Passionate Dancing Night! (TV-PGDV)


#4: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: In an exercise of flexibility regarding what counts as suggestive dialogue (which, with how blatantly Adam delivers his innuendo, does), I attributed this rating to one such innuendo: Adam's feelings about Langa as a potential racing opponent is that, in tune with his overall "spring is my emotion" feeling, he claims to have "become a river" (sploosh) and that "a flow of information has burst open [his] dam" (double sploosh). How to not get crap past the radar while technically fitting within the guidelines to do so. Reki shouting "Balls!" after messing up a rail slide maneuver also counts. MODERATE VIOLENCE: The end of the Reki/Adam beef comes when, as a result of the latter's "Love Hug" finisher, Reki falls off his skateboard and a fair distance into one of the rock walls along the S course. There are bloody results, but none in-the-moment coming from Reki. Some blood from his hand smears against Adam's cheek as he flies past him (which Adam licks at while Reki crashes into the wall), and some more blood trickles from his head down his eyebrow and lashes when Langa goes to check on him. Profanity consisted of three uses of "frickin'" (one as "freakin'"), and one each of "piss", "sucks", "hell" and "crap". Honorable mention goes to another abbreviated "B.S.", this time from Miya.

#5: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: More innuendo from Adam, this time him proclaiming the bouquet of roses he presents Langa to be a "symbol of courtship", one of his lines as the beef with Langa kicks off being "fall into my bosom", and the almost orgasmic-sounding "Oh yes!" he proclaims during one of the more literal close-quarters portions of the race. And that's without getting into the yaoi shipbait outside of Adam/Langa. Like, say, Cherry slowly drifting towards Joe on a board (while demonstrating the mechanics of the Love Hug) with the framing looking like they might kiss if they even remotely liked each other just a little bit? MODERATE VIOLENCE: Reki day-mares a flashback to his loss to Adam, complete with a distant shot of the blood from his hand streaking across the latter's cheek; nothing else, though, just a shot of Langa hitting the ground instead (no blood) before he wakes up. Profanity consisted of four uses of "hell" and one of "frickin'".

The above clip also has my favorite "tweet blurb" I've attributed to any content rating clip thus far (except for Redo of Healer #9). I literally maniacally laughed moments before pressing the post button, it was that wickedly genius.


Submarine Super 99 #5: Challenge of a Young Warrior (TV-PG)


More enemy subs destroyed by torpedoes and undersea mines - one of which shows the explosion bursting through from inside one of the cockpits - and a solitary use of "crap". Hey, remember when this show had gratuitous moments of sexuality that weren't nudity confined to the theme song animations?

At least one more premiere and one more finale coming next omnibus.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 6/25/2022 at 9:23 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Succeeding Yuuyame as the proper Seasonal Line subject for the content rating clips, meanwhile, is a bit of a controversial show, albeit from a different breed of controversy than Redo of Healer. Despite lacking the sakuga everyone was expecting, or the Pillows music I was hoping could possibly salvage it, I'm still going to watch this one and enjoy it to the best of my ability, and give it some clips along the way in the hopes of annoying a couple of the holier-than-thous. Deny it if you can, sane people, but PokeNirvash will be watching, rating, and content rating clipping Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer from start to bitter end,  no matter what you try to say to sway me.


Controversial? Satoshi Mizutani's works are beloved by all who have seen them, including Planet With, which I saw in 2018 and actually didn't get too much enjoyment out of, but explaining why is rather complicated. Frankly, I'm shocked I was even able to function back in that year. But just because that show had a competent production and this Biscuit Hammer show does not doesn't mean it's automatically horrible. I went through this dance with To Your Eternity, which is a show I like very much.

Last Period -the journey to the end of the despair-
Episode 3: "Hand-to-Mouth Life" - TV-PGV
Episode 4: "Rich in Zel" - TV-PG
Episode 5: "The Swamp's Name" - TV-PG


#3: And here we have an episode that garnered this show some headlines: it features a crossover with friggin' Higarushi, because the game featured those characters as cola-boration summons. It's also the best episode of this show yet, easily; for a few minutes, it becomes a convincing horror anime, with perilous direction that earns a show a PG set. Later on, Riza (I guess the show's spelling her name like that now) uses her Ice Edge spell (seemingly the one one she has) against some bedsheet ghosts, a far cry from the typical Y7FV-compliant Spirals.

(By the way, that is a reference to Wooser's Hand-to-Mouth Life in the title, even though it isn't referenced in the show itself. That's another thematic link to Hackadoll, as that was the show the rich tomboy from Episode 6 was watching.

#4: Only swearing was one use of "damn", but violence included various killings of Spirals. The monsters themselves simply dissolved into white particles; the thumb on the scale was Iwazaru (of Wiseman, the villainous group with an ED that sounds like an IOSYS song) using a gatling gun on one of them. Also, Gajeru and Liza beat each other up over money.

#5: Kokotto, a local barmaid, says that "Friendship between men is enough to give me a nosebleed", and also talks about drawing a doujin about them. This would've gotten a stronger rating, like, 10 years ago, but I'm sure the latest bean mouth show everyone is up in arms about has jokes of this nature. And yet it's still worth a PG set to me.

Touhou Musou Kakyou: A Summer Day's Dream
Episode 3: "Unraveling Deja Vu" - TV-14L
Episode 4: "The Beginning of Summer" - TV-PGV


#3: Not a lot here, with no danmaku battles in the episode proper, and the OP features naked Youmu yet again. But then we get a scene where Patchy takes a bath, and she's seen from above with the water not obscuring her body at all. Way to go, Maikaze!

Images: For the first time ever (for me, anyway), an image with nothing but subtitles! At least iM@S 2011 1A had its austere text be hardcoded. So it's only fitting I follow that up with the first image in this show that's completely normal, featuring luscious shots of Skuuy and Pathé.



#4: This is going to seem weird if you know the context. Yes, this episode features naked Youmu in the OP agian, and she's more detailed this time because it's in HD. So why am I not giving it a sexual subrating? For starters, I wasn't expecting this scene to be part of... what is basically a remixed version of the OP for Episodes 2, 2.5 and 3. So it turns out that Episode 1 was the one with the special version. Who know? And my theory of there being a new OP each time was also false. (Just like my foolish assumption that Lily Watson was Japanese.) So yeah, I don't feel like this is worth rating that way anymore. If I really need to justify the rating, I'll do it like this: Episode 2 had additional sexual content in the form of Reisen panty shots, while 2.5 was shorter than usual so anything in the OP had more weight. Also, I scoured the fight between Reimu and the mysterious blue creature who has shapeshifted into her for a possible panty shot. Surprise: turns out Reimu's wearing bloomers, and you have to go frame-by-frame to see it anyway. Ho hum.

Anyway, the violence subrating here comes from the aforementioned battle. At the end of their fight, Blue-mu forces Reimu down and prepares a powerful magic spell, and the latter is steeling herself against it.

For the last images of this series (hopefully just for now), we have Marisa destroying one of the big torii gates in the weird blue world with her lazar, and then a scene where Marisa and Alice (not Arisu) are both present, with the latter having collapsed in a drunken heap.



I'm surprised this show managed to look this good in the end. Just being in HD can do a lot for anything.

Ratings recap: PGDV (1), PGSV (2/2.5), 14S (3), PGV (4)

And now it's time to do something that hasn't happened in ages: an image recap!

Character tally:

  • Marisa: 2 (2.5, 4B)
  • Patchouli: 1 (3B)
  • Sakuya: 1 (3B)
  • Alice: 1 (4B)
  • Other: 1B (Meiling), 2B (Keine and various moon rabbits)
  • No one: 3 (1A [credits, like an old movie], 2A [also credits], 4A [torii gate pole])
  • Literally nothing: 1 (3A [Yukari pwns u])

Big winner: Daze!
The losers: Reimu, Suika, Aya, Remilia (and, to a minor extent, Komachi)

Mission:11: "STELLA" - TV-PGV


#10: Just by seeing that rating, I think you can tell what the deal is. Except this time, the word "shithead" was said three times, all by Eden College's students. There were also uses of "bastard" and a "piss"-word, plus the usual dodgeball violence that's PGV at worst.

The images this time are the supremely elegant Henry Henderson, in what is yet another example of ratings awareness (I swear, I get this every other episode now), and then a shot of various students but mostly Damian Desmond and his posse. Also, this episode broke the trend of every other starting off with the OP. Doing that, plus having two fake-outs where I had a strong feeling it would cut in was quite effective. In general, this one did a great job of subverting my expectations.



#11: This episode breaks the streak-ish of unfitting profanity. I was expecting to hear "shitheads" be said by someone throughout the episode, but in the end, I wasn't surprised that it wasn't. Subtlety is better, after all. The narrative centerpiece of this episode wasn't really violence, but it did have lots of tension: Anya saving Ken, an injured kid, from a watery grave. She almost drowned herself trying to do so, but Loid saved them both. Near the end of the episode, Anya wants a dog, and an imagine spot shows an evil doberman biting her, with an ambiguous pink fluid spraying out. Hooray for self-censorship!

This episode also opened with the OP, which I was halfway expecting. Image: Helper, one of Loid's friends, talking to him while in diguise. He's not in the picture, by the way.


#12: And we close out the first cours of this show (I recently learned that word is always plural) with another muted result. In the first scene after the OP, a building blows up, and seeming dead bodies are neatly arranged on the floor as Loid completes is mention. Inside the aquarium, the henchman for Ostania who wants the blueprints for a chemical weapon pulls a gun out and points it at Loid, who subsequently beats him up, and then Yor does the same for another bad guy inside the aquarium, kicking him in the face. Rounding things out are a couple mentions of cheating, apropos of Loid's neighbors.

This episode closes out the batch with... someone I'm not even sure about (she works for Loid's intelligence agency), and then Anya's plush toy Mr. Chimera hogging the camera.



Ratings recap (for the first half): 14LV (1), 14DLV (2), 14LS (3), PGV (4, 7, 11), 14V (5), 14L (6, 8/9), PGDV (12)
Practical blanket: 14DLSV (yesssss)

This show's ratings started out rather strong and varied, maybe even approved for Toonami. But when the plot shifted from crazy spy antics to more subtle drama at Eden College, things went down. Good thing the show itself remained entertaining throughout.

Character tally:

  • Loid: 9 (1B, 2A [OP], 2B, 3A, 5A, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B)
  • Anya: 5 (1B, 2A [OP], 3A, 3B, 7B [in PJs])
  • Yor: 5 (2B, 3A, 7B*, 9A, 10B)
  • Henry: 2 (4, 10A*)
  • Donovan Desmond: 1 (7A)
  • Yuri: 1 (8)
  • Damian Desmond: 1 (10B)
  • Other: 1A (Westalis government officials), 4 (other two chancellors and student), 6 (president of Eden College), 10B (Damian's friends, plus lots of other students), 11 (Helper), 12A (other Westalis official), 12B (Mr. Chimera)
  • No one: 1 (5B [Bondman's castle])

So far, Loid is solidly ahead of the pack, but we'll see how things shake out once the second cours premieres in October. For starters, there's going to be a new member of the Forger family, and the plot will apparently become more serialized with greater action.

The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Episode 14: "Who is that girl in the castle?" - TV-PG


The fact that Mayu is stalking TakeP colors this episode and gives it a horror-lite filligree. Much like Last Period, some scenes are unnerving. But the worst of the actual content comes near the episode's end, where "stalker" is said twice.

Images: A frontal shot of Uzuki (making up for 3A), and then an image with no actual people that does have the first unvoiced cameo in any screenshot, of Reina.



Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story-
Episode 1: "Rainbow Bullet" - TV-PGD
Episode 2: "Innocent Tyrant" - TV-14L
Episode 3: "A Match Between Just the Two of Us" - TV-PGD
Episode 4: "Vipère" - TV-14L
Episode 5: "VR" - TV-PGS


A late addition to the simulcast carousel, riding sidecar to SpyFam last season was this sublimely ridiculous show. Oh, and it's kind of sexy. I genuinely have the hots for Eve, its main character, right now. Kinda reminds me of Professor Bitch. It too is getting a continuation, but not until January 2023.

#1: The premiere offers a lot of red-hot golfing action, but the worst violence was one of Eve's "Blue Bullet" shots breaking off a tree branch. Along with her caddy Lily, she golfs to support a few orphans where she lives. Back at their unregistered abode, Lily is attacked the the orphans and one of them not to touch her somewhere. Later on, it's implied that something bad will happen to Lily if Eve loses her golf match against an old guy named Kevin and his daughter Helene, but after she wins and tells Lily "I'm glad we kept your chastity safe", it turns out she actually bet a Gunpla on the match. (Since this show is made by Sunrise, natch, or whatever they're calling themselves these days.) And there was no profanity whatsoever in this one, with the worst word used being "heck".

#2: Oh boy, yet another one of these. This time, it's a guy who plays a rigged mini-golf game saying "shit", but the punk-ass lady who runs it also says "ass" twice, one being "dumbass". The rest of the episode was PG straight-caliber, which is an intended pun because the sets all come from Eve's golf shots corresponding to different colors of bullets.

#3: Eve tells the head of the secret company in Lafreece to do whatever she wants with her, which has sexual connotations but is vague enough that I won't give it an L. Then she tells Eve to "go kick ass in the tournament", which is garnished with one use of "sucks" later on.

#4: Welp, another rain of S-bombs to spoil my parade: this time it was two uses of "shit" from Eve, as well as other mild profanity such as "piss". Since I'd rather not leave it there, I'll describe the other notable content this episode had: the golfing match on a randomized course between Eve and Vipère features the latter offering an additional wager to have the loser do whatever the winner wants for a day. In the latter's case, it can't be anything but sexual, but the show stays vague about it. Vipère zips down her jumpsuit so her tattoo's harsh scent (yeah, it's that kind of show) can throw Eve off her game, and in one shot the show pans down to below her belly button. And then, when Vipère loses, she's not graceful about it, scuttling away with her jumpsuit mostly unzipped, and all the copious sideboob that entails.

#5: Rose wants Eve to be a professional golfer to further her business, with the possible benefit that the fans can do whatever they please with her. If you didn't immediately catch on to that, see the entries for the last few episodes. Later on, Eve's VR golfing outfit, basically a catgirl barista, includes a shot featuring the slightest of boob jiggle.

Girls' Last Tour
(one): "Starry Sky / War" - TV-PGV
(two): "Bath / Journal / Laundry" -  TV-PGSV


If you thought Musou Kakyou didn't have much in the way of... well, ostensibly anything, but also a big cast, then you're in for the opposite of a treat, because this show is downright miminalist.

#1: Our main characters Chito and Yuuri shoot some cans sitting on a shelf, and the latter fires a shot that's represented through an absolutely ridiculous panning... shot. Later on, after debating the merits of war with each other, Yuu eats the last pack of rations stashed in an old airplane, which causes Chi (I'll be using their shortened names from now on) to beat her up in glorious(?) bloodless fashion. Also, the two of them fall of the airplane and into a snowbank. Don't try this at home, assuming you live in a hangar.

And also, this show's screenshots will be minimalist. Just take a gander at the intro, which features a drop of dew from a pipe shining like the sun, and then the act break features the wreckage of a plane, long since reformed by nature.



#2: Yuu shoots a pipe filled with hot water in order to break it, allowing the girls to take a makeshift bath. The show takes care not to show too much nudity, which is to be expected given the character designs (granted, we don't know their ages). There's also Yuu mentioning Chi as being "half-naked with a helmet"; I won't deny I was tempted to give the episode a D for this (which would've been my second PGDSV ever; been waiting for another ever since Blend S), but I figured it's a word that shows up in kids shows, so it's not worth rating. Definitely a PG set, though.

This episode features a Blatch first for images: three of them! After realizing that this show has some episodes with three shorts, I decided I'm not going to agonize over which one I'd prefer to make a screenshot of. This is now official policy for all shows I watch that are like this, which bodes well for Squid Girl once I finally start giving it the HD treatment in earnest. Anyway, the cold open and second break both feature Chi and Yuu, the first time from above (when it's literally cold outside) and then outside when it's sunny, which is rare for this show. In between is a glimpse of the frigid winter that permanently presides over this world, adorned with a title card.




Interviews with Monster Girls Episode 5: "Snow Woman-chan is Cold" - TV-PGDS


A few scenes with Yukki in the bath demonstrate her ability to make shards of ice, which essentially function as her sweat. This includes a scene where Tetsuo gives her a footbath, which... yeah. And then she takes offense to Tetsuo trying to take some of her sweat shards, calling it sexual harrassment. There are also a few scenes that sound wrong out of context, like Tetsuo asking if Yukki bathes with anyone in her family, as well as Yukki herself proclaiming that you can touch her all you like.

Laid-Back Camp Season 2
Episode 8: "Camping Alone" - TV-PG
Episode 9: "Winter's End and the Day of Departure" - TV-PG
Episode 10: "The Izu Camp Trip Begins!" - TV-PG


#8: Two campers look at Nadeshiko with her whole boddy wrapped up in a blanket and think it's an unholy ritual. Also, one scene with Shimarin on a suspension bridge that rocks is a bit perilous, and there's also a discussion of animal meat again, courtesy of Sakura.

#9: This time, the boozy teacher is to blame.

#10: More boozy teacher antics plus two mentions of death: one from Ena regarding Izu's local quisine (now she can die happy), and another when Chiaki, who was looking to beat Nadeshiko and Mini Inuko up the mountain, revs her engine and falls flat on the path.

I accidentially sent this out while I was building the post from my notes. If you noticed that, I give my casual apologies. I'll also give them to anyone who's realized takt op. got shut out again. But hey, we only do this for fun. Nobody's supposed to get too serious about it.

Coming up next time: Action! Laffs! Idol drama! Hifuu Club! But not any other new shows w/ screenshots, because my plate is full for now. And to think there's second seasons of a lot of stuff I've done them either out or coming out, including KanColle! That's going to be a fun trip.

Edited by Blatch
Finalized at 9:12P the day of, for when I inevitably edit this again. (And I just did!) | Forgot the rating for this one too, plus I changed one word in the CG entry.
  • 4 weeks later...

I apologize if I was a little too harsh on Biscuit Hammer, it was more a mockery of those who view animation quality as the be-all end-all to whether a show is watchable. (As someone who hardly ever reads manga, I never run into this problem.) And while there's plenty of good in Biscuit Hammer getting past the QUALITY, there are still a number of issues that prevent me from really viewing it as something "great". Hisame's horrendous second impression, the obvious telegraphy of Hangetsu's fate, the sudden influx of new characters last episode when the show was doing so good pacing out the other knights' introductions before then... I'm probably gonna end up scoring it an 8 on MAL anyways, because it's still too early for me to give my scoring system an adjustmental overhaul from the "grade school scoring" system I've been using for years upon years.

A.D. Police Files #2: The Ripper (TV-MASV)
A.D. Police Files #3: The Man Who Bites His Tongue (TV-MASV)


#2: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: I don't think you can get more explicit with sexual content in a non-hentai OVA than Caroline Evans, female CEO and Boomer of the Week, masturbating in response to the feel of having biomechanical sexual organs (removed and replaced to get back at a colleague that ruined her chances at a promotion by claiming her period impacted her productivity) on the floor of her office. It was unmistakable what was going on, even if the sight of her sticking her hand up her skirt to finger herself was at a distance. Sexual moans don't lie, be it metaphorical like in Food Wars or literal as in here. Additionally, Caroline's unseen end at the hand of the druggies that practically live on Paradise Loop is punctuated with brief monochromatic flashes of her in the midst of sexual relations in a more consensual context. GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: An admitted overrate, in the form of a rogue male Boomer getting his arms shot off by guns from a police aircraft and his head getting blown away by Leon, with bloody results and the aftermath featuring some chunks surrounding his headless body. Other moments of violence include Caroline stabbing a prostitute in the gut with a knife, with blood spurts from offscreen and very pained screams, and Caroline's hand being ripped open to show the robotic components inside, with blood staining the skin around the open tear. HONORABLE MENTIONS: The episode's plot centering around the investigation of serial prostitute murders doesn't really warrant its own mention, not when compared to Caroline getting her uterus and ovaries removed and replaced like I mentioned earlier, and episode-specific protag Iris's admiration of Caroline, which doesn't really go away after learning she's a Boomeroid, prompting her work partner to ask if she's a lesbian. Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit", "bastard", "damn" and "hell".

#3: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: In what kick-starts the episode's central plot point of Billy's desperation to continue feeling "human" beyond the titular tongue-biting in his fully cyberized state, Dr. Takagi, the woman responsible for his literally dehumanizing survival, injects him with a special adrenalinic drug while very non-subtly grinding against his leg while in nothing but her underwear, finishing off with an orgasmic scream. Accompanying this is a brief first-person-perspective flashback to Billy having sex with Geena, who is shown riding him in the nude, nips out, while letting out an aroused moan. On the more vocal side of things, Billy sounds like he's having some sort of robo-gasm when he takes a contraband shot of the DA-27 drug for himself. GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Of course, Billy's addiction to DA-27 gets so great that, when confronted with Dr. Takagi just when he learns he's been set up to be KIA, he kills her by crushing her head. Blood comes from her mouth as she's screaming and choking, and despite being shown with her head intact when Geena finds her corpse, it appears as if it's crushed to bits through the 480p darkness of the scene. Other moments of violence include a brief scene of a guy's arm flying off from an unseen attack, with the guy's exposed arm stump visible as a background to the close-up of his bloodied hand; a DA-27 hallucination showing Billy's three eyeballs melting out of his visor alongside a bunch of fleshy sludge worthy of an MA set on JoJo; and despite neither being shown when Geena delivers the kill-shot on Billy, he still instructs her to "blow his brains out" and "shoot his tongue". Profanity consisted of four uses of "hell", two each of "shit" and "damn", and one each of "bitch" and "Jesus".

Elfen Lied #2: Vernichtung [Annihilation] (TV-MAV)


OBLIGATORY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Lucy vs. the SAT guys. Sato gets a hole punched through his torso by one of her Vectors, initially presented as a blood splatter against a wooden post from offscreen, followed by his arm and head falling off, each with their own blood sprays. After a generally bloodless shootout with Bandou, she then rips off his one arm, snaps the other in two, and finally gouges his eyes out with a two-digit poke. You can see the perfectly cut results of the latter in the clip down below, further proof negative of my early assumption that the clips would be chiefly from the slice-of-life sections.

EQUALLY OBLIGATORY NUDITY: The scene where Kouta changes Nyu out of her wet clothes. Starting with a close-up of her nipples showing through the soaked portions, the scene then picks up when he actually starts disrobing her, lifting her shirt up over her breasts, and then pulling off her pants eyes-closed to expose her junk (expertly hidden in profile) just as Yuka comes back in to return the key. This could have debatably teetered over into MAS territory, as while taking off her shirt, Kouta accidentally brushes his hands against Nyu's breasts and immediately moves back in shame, after which Nyu pokes at the tops of her boobs twice. Since the former bit was very brief and technically unintentional on Kouta's part, and the latter appeared to be mere curiosity on Nyu's, I let it be. There's also the debut of Nana/#7, shown chained to a wall covered in blood and completely nude, nipples visible as always. For more information, read "Nana's Everyday Life" by Dan Kim for as long as your tolerance for emotional torture porn can stand.

Profanity consisted of five uses of "hell", three of "bitch" and "damn" (one as "dammit"), two ass words ("dumbass" and "badass"), and one each of "fuckin'" and "shit".

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #3: The Knight and the Pact (TV-14LV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #4: Hisame Asahina and Hangetsu Shinonome (TV-14LV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #5: The Knight, Hangetsu Shinonome (TV-14LV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #6: The Crow Knight and Mikazuki Shinonome (TV-14V)


#3: INTENSE VIOLENCE: This one was really more of an over-rate to match the "could've been left out" profanity listed below, but after throwing a rock at the Golem of the Week, Yuuhi gets a shard of the exploding rubble to the forehead, some blood spackling resulting in-the-moment and leaving an after-the-fact trickle that remains throughout the fight and a scar that's surprisingly lasted well into the story thus far. NOT-SO-HONORABLE MENTION: Hangetsu provokes Samidare into sparring with him by flipping her skirt up as he rushes past; the fact that the animators gave her spats instead of panties doesn't stop her from being violently embarrassed by his actions. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn", one of "hell", and a not-quite-warranted "shit".

#4: INTENSE VIOLENCE: This episode's bloody moments were more comical, with Hangetsu bleeding from metaphorical arrows piercing his heart and head after first meeting Hisame, and a blood spray coming from anime character Magical Marie slamming a Wandaball (read: cinderblock) into the head of an enemy as part of her patented "Magical Skull Crack" technique. 14 SETS OF THE MOMENT: Samidare's bath scene features her in the nude, albeit with her ass - the only part that would have been visible, covered up with steam. Two of Hangetsu's questions for Samidare about Hisame include her measurements and "the color of her underwear"; facts which she does not know and refuses to comment on respectively. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn", two of "hell", and one each of "shit" and "bastard".

#5: INTENSE VIOLENCE: This one's bloody moments, meanwhile, are anything but. Though Magical Marie slicing a koala-man with her "Magical Violence Gauntlet" is moderate and fictitious enough to not count, Hangetsu getting punched in the gut by a golem hard enough that he fucking dies definitely does. There was blood comin' out his ears, his mouth, his nose, and even his eyes. There was even a little splatter under his head after rolling down a steep hillside to a stop! TEXTUAL CONTENT CORNER: One of Yuuhi's books, authored by Samidare and Hisame's deadbeat dad, is called "Debauched Nymph". Profanity consisted of one use of "shit" and two of "hell", both of the latter in reference to another of Mr. Asahina's books, the "Hell Knifehand" series.

#6: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Yuuhi has a nightmare where a Golem bites his head off, a large splash of blood resulting. He also has a couple flashbacks to Hangetsu's bloodied corpse that force him to chicken out of making any attacks. PGS QUALIFIER: While using her chest as a place to cry (if he could), Yuuhi grabs Hisame's boob and gives it a quick squeeze, prompting her to throw him into the bushes and accuse him of "taking advantage of her". Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastard" and "damn". As per all the "shits" said in earlier episodes and the rule seeing use in this week's Primal, the two-bastard rule remains extremely applicable!

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #11: Bear, Fights Squid (?) (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear #12: Miss Bear and Fina (TV-PG)


#11: Yuna's battle from afar against the Kraken features her using the Bear Cutter and some type of Bear Shuriken on its tentacles, cutting them off but with no blood shed. At one point, she considers disrobing from her bear armor mid-battle to heal, but decides not to as she "values modesty" above all else. Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

#12: At the Bear House, Fina answers the door for Noa while in the middle of harvesting (as Yuna is off doing diplomatic stuff in Millilla). But she answers while wearing a bloody apron and wielding an equally bloody knife, which causes Noa to scream in terror.

Magic Knight Rayearth #18: The Last Rune-God: Rayearth, the Lord of Fire (TV-PG)


Despite being the Big Bad and the cause of everything currently wrong with Cephiro, Zagato doesn't really leave much of a visible physical impact on his opponents. All his attacks on Hikaru, Umi and Fuu appear to do are make their armor temporarily vanish, and though he manages to make Lafarga feel the hurt with multiple blasts to his back, some of which he takes to defend Hikaru, they draw no blood either. On the opposite side of the turntable, though, Hikaru, after receiving a costume upgrade from receiving the eponymous Rune-God's power, slashes at Zagato with her equally upgraded sword; though he manages to evage the brunt of the attack, a bloodstain forms on his left arm and shoulder as a result, forcing him to retreat for the time being.

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #6: Mr. Balsac (TV-PG)


Just a single use of "damn" by Morilire. The PG set I had in reserve in case he didn't were multiple implications of death by fever, in form of unspoken allusion (Jane's step-mother), tragic backstory (Balsac's wife and daughter), and thankfully averted possibility (Milia and her mom).

The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #1: The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious (TV-PG)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #2: The Young Master, the Cat, and the Morning Glory (TV-14)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #3: Tsukasa Gojouin is Precocious (TV-PGD)


#1: One use each of "damn" and "crap".

#2: Visible feline buttholes on both the stray kitten visiting Yuuri's manor and the thug cat that wanders in for a moment, and the gratutious dressing scene with Lilith after the end credits features a close-up of her breasts, which bounce as she fits into her bustier.

#3: While watching Yuuri and Lilith interact from behind a tree, Tsukasa assumes they're in some sort of forbidden romance, referring to the idea of them spending "all of their time" together as "lewd", and commenting on how taboo it is that they're master and servant and have an age gap while having an assumed romantic relationship.

SK8 the Infinity #6: Steamy Mystery Skating?! (TV-PGDL)


Suggestive dialogue galore this episode, thanks to the punching-uppers over in FUNimation's writing staff rooms. Cherry's verbal slams against Joe were the most frequent, with him calling him a "damn gigolo" in one scene and describing his gratuitous shirtlessness as "charring his chesticles for locals in heat" in another, following up the latter by calling him a "thirsty gorilla". But the real star of the show was Adam's metaphorical query to the local Chief Inspector of Police, specifically what would "turn a meal into a mouthgasm". I literally had to flip a coin to determine if the phrase "mouthgasm" counted as PG-level dialogue or a 14 set. It came up the former, which I'll attribute to only half of the word "orgasm" being used and the lack of further elaboration beyond Adam's general vibe. There's also one of the two girls Joe was hitting on beachside calling him a "DAP" after Miya calls him/acts like he's his "Daddy" to successfully scare them off, but I couldn't figure out what that's supposed to mean. All I get when I punch it into Google is that it's another way of saying you're fistbumping someone in greeting, so the jury's out 'til episode 10, where "DAP" is actually part of the episode title.

HONORABLE MENTION: Reki pulls the kancho (a.k.a. "Thousand Years of Death") prank on Shadow during the beach montage, though the fingers to the bunghole are cut out; skips straight from Reki readying his fingers to Shadow flying out of the water with a rainbow forming behind him.

Profanity consisted of four uses each of "freakin'" (one each as "friggin'" and "frickin'") and "damn" (one listed above, two as "dammit"), three of "sucks", two of "hell", and one of "crap".

Submarine Super 99 #6: Hold-Up (TV-PGV)


Though no physical contact is made in any of the violent engagements this episode, there was enough actual peril that wasn't just "enemy sub vanishes in a flash-bang" that I felt this episode was deserving of the descriptor. Susumu uses his 99 rifle to hold the crew of the X-800 and the accompanying Dr. Restoa at gunpoint, shooting a pistol out of the hands of one of the bridge crew, and firing at the screen just to the left of Captain Bor Lo's head, as a way of showing how serious he is in this engagement. Profanity consisted of eight uses of "hell", once again in reference to Deathbird.

The Rising of the Shield Hero #1: The Shield Hero (TV-14DLSV)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #2: The Slave Girl (TV-14V)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #3: Wave of Catastrophe (TV-14V)


I was thinking this was going to remain in my "wait for a Toonami broadcast" bin indefinitely, even after Demarco said it was too expensive, but between Billy Kametz dying of cancer and my uncle having seen the show on his own time (albeit in the original Japanese with subs), Shield Hero managed to find a way out.

#1: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Of course, you can't talk about Shield Hero in the scope of content ratings without bringing up the false rape accusations. Myne's account of the fictitious event involves Naofumi "tearing all her clothes off". The right-hand man of the nation's king informs that the penalty for even "attempted sexual assault" is death. And Motoyasu, who I actually hate more than Myne/Malty/Bitch because I know he doesn't get any comeuppance for believing her crap (and neither do the other heroes, especially that two-faced fuckboy Itsuki... [ahem]), tells Naofumi, "Who wants to fight alongside a rapist?" SEXUAL SITUATIONS: The aforementioned account is accompanied by a very brief and slightly blurry flash of a partially nude Myne being pinned down by Naofumi. INTENSE VIOLENCE: Skipping past the obligatory V-set of bloody monster-slaying in the opening theme, the flashback describing the Waves shows an enemy from the first Wave slashing a soldier and causing a blood spray. Profanity consisted of nine uses of "hell", four of "damn" (one as "dammit"), three of "crap" (one as "crappy"), two of "ass", and one each of "shit", "bitchy", "bastard", "pissed", and "suck".

#2: The flashback to Raphtalia's perspective of the first Wave shows her dad receiving a bloodied bite wound on his shoulder from a cerberus demon, her mother getting slashed by the same, and both being eaten by it as she falls to the sea below. One of the monster-slaying missions she and Naofumi go on ends with her stabbing the rabbit-esque monster with her knife, resulting in heavy blood spillage and splatters. The battle with the two-headed hound demon inside the cave features Naofumi getting bitten in the shoulder deep enough to cause multiple blood sprays, most of them from offscreen, and ends with Raphtalia stabbing the hound in the neck and chest, the latter stab resulting in a large spray. I'd say that's plenty of violence to justify best rating, even with minor dialogue sets like a customer at the pub Naofumi and Raphtalia stop in at for their first lunch break whisper-asking if Naofumi is "the rapist", and his unspoken reputation supporting an awkward silence giving hint to a misunderstanding caused by him warning an innkeeper that Raphtalia screams at night (from night terrors). Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell".

#3: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Naofumi gets attacked by a giant porcupine, its ramming into his arm drawing a fair amount of blood and leaving a stain on his arm throughout the ensuing combat Raphtalia has with it. Said combat ends with her striking it down, the resultant blood spray once again coming from offscreen. A flashback to one of the from-offscreen blood spillages during the hellhound fight. While the battle against the Wave zombies attacking Lute is mostly bloodless, Raphtalia draws blood from the giant soldier, sprays resulting when she slices its shoulder, and then cutting down the middle of its head and upper chest. The freaky lion/goat/dragon-headed chimera the other Heroes fight on the front lines also gets damaged enough to draw blood, particularly during Ren's attack on it. DIALOGUE OF THE MOMENT: Naofumi tells the actually-pretty-cool weapon shop owner that the country is "full of lolicons", referencing several townsfolk and vendors acting surprisingly, almost distressingly, kind towards Raphtalia following her maturity upgrade (though still being 10). Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and one of "hell".

By the way, my sister tried to watch it, but dropped it for being too problematic. I like to believe it was Naofumi's initially harsh treatment of Raphtalia after buying her that convinced her enough was enough. For what it's worth, she called my "in memory of Billy Kametz" reasoning for watching Shield Hero in the first place "valid".

Ultraman #14: The Man From NY (TV-PGV)


The majority of Shinjiro and Moroboshi's fight with the Mochigan alien is bloodless, with multiple strikes and sword slashes having little to no effect, beam attacks that target but ultimately hit no one, and an explosion resulting from Moroboshi being thrown into a nearby bus. But there's one moment where Moroboshi slices off Mochigan's hand, resulting in a brief blood splash and a shot of the exposed interior flesh and bone resulting. A little macabre for moderate violence; let's just say times have changed since the times before I started covering everything I watch to rate in this thread.

Honorable mention goes to one of the Noh-masked maid cosplayers responsible for the mass disappearance that Shinjiro and Rena get caught up in complaining about the switch meant to trigger the disappearance getting trapped inside their bra.

Profanity consisted of a single use of "damn".

Coming soon to this thread/my watchlist in the next month (assuredly) will be KeyAni re-dive Air in Summer, which unfortunately won't be getting the content rating clips treatment like its experimental stage parent series; Rizelmine, a 2002 rom-com about a high school boy forced by the Japanese government to marry the 12-year old daughter of Deku and Bakugo that's only on my backlog because I predicted the right team to win this year's March Madness; and One Piece Film Z, which shall be done as pay-off for the upcoming tie-in arc set to air on Toonami starting next week.

[lift the embargo]

  • 1 month later...

It's been over a month, and "soon" hasn't happened yet. Time to keep this sucker alive once again.

Air in Summer #1: Mountain Path (TV-PGDV)
Air in Summer #2: Universe (TV-14DSV)


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting this episode to have a share of objectionable content, but for it to be enough to push the limits I imposed upon myself in my analysis notebook? Makes me wish I had a little more foresight when it came to watching both episodes in one sitting...

#1: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Kanna and Uraha react in different yet equally chagrined ways to Ryuya's perfectly reasonable request for them to lift up their kimonos: Uraha calls it "scandalous" while Kanna simply goes for calling him a "pervert". Later, when he takes Kanna's kimono back from a monkey that stole it, Kanna and Uraha go straight from celebrating him coming to their defense to chastising him for peeking on Kanna changing. Even later, when Kanna talks about growing up, Ryuya suggests putting some of her "new growth" into her chest, referring to it as "here somewhere" while gesturing over it. MODERATE VIOLENCE: Ryuya engages in some combat with some soldiers as he and the girls make their escape, headbutting a soldier into nosebleeing and holding the tip of his sword to another's throat for a good half a minute, before knocking the latter out with the back of his blade. Cue a lecture from Kanna on how killing is bad and wrong and how he should stand for "gnodab" henceforth. SLUR OF THE MOMENT: Kanna calls Ryuya a "big hairy Mongoloid", but I'm not sure if that's really a slur in the context of the show's Heian-era setting, plus it is a type of skull shape...

#2: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Ryuya's backstory features his guardian, the monk Unsui, getting struck down by roadside bandits with a single sword strike; though the impact in the moment of its happening is presented from afar, a close-up of the dying Unsui shows a blood pool forming around his body, one that goes far enough to made contact with and flow around young Ryuya's feet. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE & SEXUAL SITUATIONS: In response to learning Ryuya's history (per Uraha's instructions), Kanna disrobes herself partially, exposing her breasts though they remain covered by her hair, as if offering herself to Ryuya sexually. He initially refuses, which she blames on either homosexuality ("he prefers the company of men") or erectile dysfunction ("he can't get all his stuff to work right"), only to then "teasingly" act like he's going to reciprocate, the aggressive and almost rapey way in which he takes up the offer (at least, until telling Uraha to come out of hiding, thus shattering the illusion) making Kanna regret her proposition and try to back out. Yeahhhhh this was easily the closest the Air anime has gotten to its eroge origins, so it had to be rated accordingly. Also of note in that regard is Kanna muttering "stop" and "no more" during an earlier sleep, initially teased to be a dream of sexual assault but is ultimately revealed to be one of eating food.

Elfen Lied #3: Im Innersten [Deep Feeling] (TV-MAS)


EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: Incidental nudity this time around were Nyu getting undressed by Kouta in the previous episode, this time with the added caveat of Yuka walking in, Kouta reacting in mortification, and Yuka slightly suggesting that they were doing something sexual by speaking of interrupting them; and additional nudity from Nana during her first two scenes of the episode. But then there's the first real moment of in-action sexual contact: Kouta accidentally elbowing Nyu in the boob, and Nyu responding by having Kouta grope and squeeze the breast he just elbowed, with some close-ups of the (clothes-on) interaction and some soft moaning from Nyu in response to the facilitated feelings. It felt too much for a TV-14S, or even keeping it at a TV-MA like I did back in 2008. I mean, even if it wasn't bare hand on bare skin, that groping did last pretty long... I felt it was a safe bet to skew the rating towards one Food Wars regularly got on Toonami for much less, if Sentai's TV-14D blanket rating for their home video releases says anything.

NOT-SO-OBLIGATORY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Also in her intro scenes, Nana's still covered in prominent amounts of after-the-fact blood, which the researcher in charge of observing her notes is from the daily torture she receives. (Y'know, for science.) And that's... pretty much it. Until we get to the next episode preview, of course, but that's better saved for next post.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE CORNER: Bandou's sole scene this episode has Kurama inform him that he's going to have to be castrated following his run-in with Lucy; something we only see Bandou's reaction to. Notable lines include, "You think I'm gonna let you castrate me!?" and "What does the fate of my balls have to do with the fate of mankind!?" Also, Yuka - who definitely has the hots for Kouta, in case you haven't figured it out - asks Kouta if he ever thinks about touching her breasts. Someone's jealous of Nyu getting all the attention...

Profanity consisted of four uses each of "freakin'" and "crap", and one each of "fuck", "shit" and "bitch". SLUR OF THE MOMENT: Bandou asks Kurama if he's "retarded", when told that his getting castrated may help save humanity.

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #7: Yuuhi Amamiya and the Beast Knights, Part 1 (TV-PGLV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #8: Yuuhi Amamiya and the Beast Knights, Part 2 (TV-PGV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #9: Inachika Akitani (TV-14V)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #10: Hekatombaion and the Beast Knights (TV-PGLV)

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #11: The Asahina Family (TV-14)


#7: MODERATE VIOLENCE: During their battle away from the main action, Nagumo kicks Mikazuki in the head during their mutual clash of strikes, with Mikazuki receiving a gash that ends up bleeding well after the moment it forms. All other moments of violence, from one of the golems cannibalizing its other half to Yuuhi and Mikazuki's fight in the park, remain bloodless. Profanity consisted of one use of "bastard".

#8: In Nagumo's backstory, after-the-fact blood is seen on the upper arms of both his partner and a nearby kid, where they were stabbed by a guy they were following; and he bloodlessly punches both the stabber and his father - the police chief Nagumo used to work under - in the face in later retaliation. Profanity consisted of one use of "crap".

#9: During the golem battle where he would ultimately lose his life, Akitani takes multiple spikes released by Six-Eyes into his back, resulting in blood coming from his mouth and a stain encompassing his back for the rest of the fight. This was a case where this single moment laid in the middle of every other moment of violence I took into consideration for the series. Considering it was worthier of best rating's sole descriptor than Yuuhi getting his forehead grazed with a flying rock, it was simple (though not quite easy) what direction the pendulum ultimately swung. Profanity consisted of one use of "bastard", again.

#10: The bloodless results of the Beast Knights' (minus Yuuhi and Samidare) group battle against Hekatombaion involves Shimaki's golem bursting out of its side, Nagumo's "Flametongue" attack slicing off its one arm, Yuki and Subaru's "Unstoppable Spear" slicing off its other arm and also into its neck, and the combination of all their Holding Fields tearing the golem in two. Profanity consisted of one use of "bastard" - worth noting there that it was Mikazuki calling Taro an "'80s romcom bastard" - and three uses of "damn" (one as on-screen text).

#11: Yuuhi greets Samidare at the door after finishing a shower, fully naked. Though the pan down to present his nudity stops before it gets to his ass, Samidare reacts to seeing his junk fittingly, with a bright blush and telling him to cover up. Later, when asking if she could stay at his place (so she doesn't have to see her mother, who's back in town), Yuuhi imagines walking in on her while she's changing (once again with ass not visible), which alongside the thought of sharing the same bed as her causes him to casually nosebleed while giving his approval.

Magic Knight Rayearth #19: Showdown! The Magic Knights versus Zagato (TV-PG)
Magic Knight Rayearth #20: The Unbelievable Truth About the Legendary Magic Knights! (TV-PGSV)


#19: Zagato receiving a bleeding wound from Hikaru's attack in the previous episode is recapped, and the stain remains as he returns to his lair, at least until Emeraude heals it. By contrast, his ultimate end at the hands of the Magic Knights' combination attack is presented without blood; just acceptance of the fatal light of defeat. There were also two scenes in the preview for the season finale that almost perfectly predicted its "Gundam SEED on Cartoon Network" scenario...

#20: SEXUAL CONTENT: Just before transforming into her corrupted adult form, Emeraude is briefly presented as being in the nude, but only barely. Nothing is shown below her chest, both of her boobs lack nipples, and only one of them is spared from getting cut off by the bottom edge of the screen. (And if you wish to count it, there's also the slightly sexualized design of her custom Rune-God.) MODERATE VIOLENCE: Emeraude uses her Rune-God to stab Rayearth in the shoulder, resulting in Hikaru taking the damage complete with a blood spray from her shoulder. Those were the two scenes from the preview I mentioned earlier; not featured but still worth noting regarding the final rating was the finisher against Emeraude: the deus ex Rune-God fusion impaling Emeraude's Rune-God with its sword, heavily suggested to be the killing blow despite no explicit fatal wound being presented.

One Piece Film Z (TV-PGDLV)


MODERATE VIOLENCE: It'd be ridiculous for me to cover every single moment of prominent bloodless damage taken in the movie, so here's a rundown of some of the highlights. A Neo Navy grunt slashes a Marine across the chest, a red gash resulting but disappearing in seconds. Luffy's face has some after-the-fact blood on it after Z punches him through a door. Z shoots Luffy with a sea prism stone bullet, which doesn't draw any blood (being made of rubber does that) but still causes Luffy some damage in a debuffer sense. Z's tragic backstory as told by Garp features blood droplets on the framed picture of his family, and after-the-fact bblood on Ain's arm and Binz's face and arms following the slaughter of several of his students by a Devil Fruit using pirate and future Warlord. (True talk: it was most likely Blackbeard.) Luffy's Gum Gum Pistol hits a Neo Navy grunt in the face, making him bleed. Luffy bleeds from his own fists from punching Z's seastone arm numerous times. Blood leaks from one of the last impacts made between Luffy's fist and Z's arm. During his last stand against Kizaru and an army of Marines, Z coughs up blood from a number of strikes delivered by the Admiral.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Sanji and Brook get excited about the prospect of bathing with Robin when Chopper is given the opportunity to do so, though Brook downplays it by saying he wants to bathe with Chopper instead. Usopp's description of Robin's 18 year-old state is that "everything [is] soft and cute and right where it belongs". J... Just Sanji getting more excited than he should about seeing Nami mature from loli to grown woman in real time. In the climax of his battle with Binz, Sanji threatens to pound him until Nami is "sexy again", following up by proclaiming that his "sexy fire" burns like the sun.

SENSUALITY AND OTHER SEXUAL CFCs: Nami's first physical appearance in the movie is a close-up of her boobs with some gratuitous titty physics. More male nudity than anything else, but Luffy, Zoro and Sanji all get bare ass shots during their visit to the Kazanonsen Hot Springs. Upon re-aging following Ain's Return-Return Fruit powers wearing off, Nami's midriff and pelvis and Robin's chest each get a gratuitous close-up.

Profanity consisted of nineteen uses of "damn" (six as "dammit", one as "damned"), seven uses of "hell", four of "bastard" (one plural), three of "ass" (one each as "pain in the ass" and "punk-ass"), and one of "crap".

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #7: A New Encounter (TV-PGL)


Much like episode 6 of Oreimo 2, this was a rating that probably wouldn't have happened if I wasn't aware of RogerSmith2004's criteria for rating profanities below the automatic "L descriptor" status with an L descriptor. In the case of the word "damn", that's five minimum before tipping the scale. For "My Little Sister Can't Be Bringing Her Boyfriend Home", that was six "damns" to a TV-PGDL. For "A New Encounter", that number was eight to the one above. And it was all either Sabri cursing or St. Berain calling Sabri a "damnable boy" or "damned brat", with Jane at one point asking what the latter phrase means. All in all, three "damns", four "damneds", and one "damnable".

Platinum End #11: Your Own Worth (TV-14DLV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Sokotani's mental proclamation of love towards Saki comments on her "perfectly-shaped chest, neither too big nor too small", with a fitting close-up on Saki's suit-covered boobs. Fuyuko orgasmically raves about how killing millions with her "Special Virus" - or as I like to call it, Super-Duper-AIDS - gets her "turned on".

INTENSE VIOLENCE: A brief flashback to Sokotani's shitty childhood shows his father repeatedly punching his mother in the background and in silhouette. Sokotani slashes Bakumatsu with a sword strike, featuring an in-the-moment bloody result and the after-the-fact reveal that he sliced off his right arm, complete with petal-like blood sprays to match. The mouse that Fuyuko uses to demonstrate the potency of her Super-Duper-AIDS has sores form all throughout its body, and ultimately explodes with an offscreen blood splatter against its containment unit for added effect.

HONORABLE MENTION OF THE MOMENT: The scars across Fuyuko's breasts appear to be starting from her nipples, though they're covered up by her already revealing enough nurse outfit.

Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit" and "hell".

Rizelmine #1: Suddenly! A Young Wife!? (TV-MAL)


As pulled from the pages of my Word Doc diary word count exercises:

"I went into this one expecting to fill out multiple lines’ worth of content notes concerning the ecchi hijinks and lewd remarks resulting from Rizel’s interactions with Tomonori. Considering their first meeting involved her landing crotch-first onto his face and teasing him about getting under there, it’s not like there was any lack of it. But all of that was for naught as, in the opening moments of the episode, Tomonori dropped thirteen S-bombs in a seven-second span (then followed up with one extra for good measure). That’s one “shit” per minute! No way I was letting this slip by, not with Rizelmine being the kind of show to get into TV-MA territory later. “Kuso” may be a small-potatoes cuss word in Japan, but when you have twelve uses of one of the U.S.’s strongest profanities onscreen at once… A TV-MAL only makes sense, doesn’t it?"

Other profanity consisted of four uses of "hell", three of "damn", and one of "pisses".

The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #4: Do You Like Pudding, Young Master? (TV-PG)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #5: My Precious... (TV-14)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #6: The Maid I Hired Recently is Weird!? (TV-PGD)

The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #7: Not in My Textbook (TV-14D)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #8: The Girl With the Purple Eyes (TV-PGD)


#4: Yuuri ends up getting Lilith's boobs in his face as he stops her from falling, though the contact is shown at a distance without any emphasis or sound effects. Later, while seeing what dresses she could wear to the open house at Yuuri's school, the upper corner of Lilith's left sideboob is barely visible while she's pseudo-modeling dress #3.

#5: Tsukasa's overactive imagination regarding her IRL ship of Yuuri/Lilith has her visualize the latter offering herself to Yuuri as a reward for him doing good at his school's sports day, and freaks out about it going against the master-servant dichotomy of their relationship. While there isn't much visual suggestiveness beyond Lilith lowering her uniform enough to expose her bare shoulder, Tsukasa gets a nosebleed from the fantasy, which definitely indicates a perverted interpretation. Add to that a brief close-up of Lilith's cleavage as she unzips the tracksuit she wore to sports day - Yuuri doesn't like others seeing her in the maid outfit, even though/because it's her best outfit - and you have a fair pair of 14 sets.

#6: INNUENDO OF THE MOMENT: Lilith tells Yuuri that she'll "take care of all his personal needs". Later, when Yuuri asks her why she's "so exposed" (read: showing him her cleavage), she answers that it's her way of teaching him all about "womanly charms". INCONSEQUENTIAL BUT NOTEWORTHY: Lilith gets a dripping nosebleed after a falling book hits her on the head, and her attempt to wipe it away results in it smearing across her face and glove.

#7: Even compared to the episodes above, the dialogue in this one was notably saucy in its suggestiveness that I just had to throw in the descriptor. Lilith teasingly asking Yuuri if she could "warm him up... with her bare skin". Lilith doing the famous "dinner, bath or me?" question (and blushing brightly upon realizing she went a little far with that one). Lilith interpreting Yuuri's insistence on sketching her portrait "just as she is" as him drawing her nude, with a metaphorical image sliding by of her lying stomach-down on a bed while topless, her cleavage visible but no nips, and a blanket over her lower half. Yuuri scrapping his first draft portrait because Lilith is "a lot more sensual" than that. Lilith getting blushy over Yuuri insisting that she "sleep with him"; platonically and non-sexually, of course. Safe to say, that's a lot for even a 14 straight.

#8: But the "sleeping together" thing, as recounted by Yuuri to Tsukasa in its simplest form, was enough for the tamer suggestive dialogue descriptor, even when Tsukasa reacts to this mind-blowing revelation by mentally proclaiming that Yuuri "climbed the stairs to adulthood" and later expressing shock that he "slept with her without even confessing to her". By the way, Tsukasa totally gaslit Yuuri into thinking he's in love with Lilith; she's just lucky that he actually was.

SK8 the Infinity #7: We Don't Balance Out (TV-PGL)
SK8 the Infinity #8: The Fated Tournament! (TV-PGDL)


#7: Profanity consisted of two uses of "pissy" and one each of "frickin'", "ass", "dammit" and "crap". But that was the profanity that I could make out. During Adam's airdrop into the S meeting grounds, a member of the gallery - who are very much prone to the dub's penchant for punching up the dialogue - shouts what sounds like "fuckin' awesome!", but I couldn't be sure if that was what he was saying, even after several re-listens. Considering F-bombs are treated as bleeps by default on these ratings (at least for now), it doesn't really change all that much.

(Total time between both clips exceeded Twitter's limit by one second. Go figure.)

#8: Seven words: "Hey, bitches and bros and non-binary hoes!" Outside of that divisive bit of ad-libbing (or should I say, Adam-libbing, haha), dialogue of note includes Shadow claiming that Reki is "being a wiener about Adam", and profanity consisted of six uses of "hell" and one of "ass". Also of note are some mild moments of violence: Adam forcing one of his better high school-era opponents into tumbling off a cliffside, an elementary school-age Adam getting punished by his aunties in the form of getting his arms whapped with a ruler, and Joe backhand-punching one of the masked skaters who tried to take out Langa during the tournament qualifiers.

Submarine Super 99 #7: A Booby Trap! (TV-PG)


Three uses of "hell" (once more in reference to Deathbird), one of "damn", and talk of executions that ultimately aren't. Though unlike Goro and Dr. Oki's postponed, Bor Lo and Restoa's are at least imagined by them in preparation for if they fail to return to base by Deathbird's deadline.

The Rising of the Shield Hero #4: Lullaby at Dawn (TV-14V)


The majority of Naofumi and Motoyasu's duel is bloodless, apart from one bit where Motoyasu's Chaos Spear attack hits Naofumi enough times to produce two notable blood sprays: one from his shoulder, and the other from his abdomen. By comparison, the Lightning Spear that "finished" the match didn't cause any damage, even if Naofumi did collapse at the end. Causes for concern that ultimately remained as 14 sets included Naofumi threatening Motoyasu's "precious manhood" in the brief moment he gets the upper hand, Raphtalia telling Naofumi that she heard about him "forcing himself on a member of his party and lying about it", and the illusory young Raphtalia that Naofumi sees after his "loss" is called pulling down her rags to reveal her slave crest for removal (which may or may not have actually happened). PG SET OF THE MOMENT: Apparently the Pope was there, proving that no matter what isekai you travel to, Catholicism will always become a thing. Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and two of "hell".

Ultraman #15: Flames of Fury (TV-PGLV)
Ultraman #16: The Man Without the Light (TV-PGV)


#15: Kotaro gets roughed up by one of Maya's underlings, including getting stomped in the face multiple times and pushed back with a strike from this weird golden dragon-like thing, similar to (if not exactly) the one that bit Shinjiro's arm and rendered him unconscious in the cold open. Later, when he "flames on" as a matter of speaking, he slams one of the (also if not exact) underlings against the wall, causing a slight fire; and during his fight with Ultraman!Jack, lots of punches, kicks and grapples ensue alongside the numerous fires. All without a single drop of blood. Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit" and one each of "pissed" and "hell".

#16: Flaming!Kotaro throws multiple aliens off of a shipping crane catwalk, and gets shot at by some of the more distant ones; it looks like the bullets hit him, but they have little to no ultimate effect. The remaining alien he interrogates after going Ultraman on the rest of them later gets finished off by a from-behind sword strike by Moroboshi. PG SET OF THE MOMENT: Maya's buttcrack is visible during some of the shots of her and her surviving underlings' meeting with the Black Star leader; thanks to my uncle for pointing that one out. Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

I'm Quitting Heroing OVA: Remember, the Work Trip is First and Foremost a Learning Opportunity (TV-PGL)


While it's disappointing that the most nudity we got from this onsen bonus episode(s) was a brief bit of Echidna's cleavage in the bath - really, even the dang succubus got less skin exposure - it's also in-character for Yuuyame to pull something like this. Thus, all we're left with was some fake blood around Echidna's mouth to spook out Leo, and three profanities: one use each of "bastard", "dammit" and "hella".

Clip appearance tally hasn't changed too much; Leo and Echidna got one extra clip each (two for Leo if we count his fourth blink-or-you'll-miss-it decisecond of screentime alongside the rating bug during the OP), and Shutina got one extra, tying with Lily but remaining in fourth due to being unvoiced in two of her clips.


Next post will feature a couple new installments, hopefully including overlooked 1997 delinquent anime Hareluya II BOY, late-'80s splatter OVA series Violence Jack, another live-action that may or may not make it depending on how accurate HBO Max's ratings for the individual episodes are, and a few seasonals, one of which may surprise you with its status...


  • Haha 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Another month without an omnibus, going on two now. But I won't let that happen.

The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Episode 15: "When the spell is broken..." - TV-PG


Very nearly a G, but a scene between CG's old hags features Sanae wanting to give Kaede an interrogation, to which she responds that she wants to go to a pub and have some drinks.

Our screenshots here are le funny fried chicken girl finding out about the news, as well as a fanciful front shot of Kaede.



Birdie Wing -Golf Girl's Story-
Episode 6: "Rebellion's Cry" - TV-14L
Episode 7: "Purple Bullet" - TV-PGLV
Episode 8: "Final Bullet" - TV-14L


#6: Lily calls the town she lives in a shithole, and also says "jackass" once. Other notable parts of this episode include a scene where a city councilor gets blown up by a mafia terrorist wielding an RPG, and multiple scenes of Madame Catherine topless, though we don't see any frontal nudity, just sideboob while she's laying on the bench.

#7: This episode focused entirely on golf, with Eve and her mafia boss supporter-turned-opponent Rose Aleon trading bullet shots. There's a lot of charged language in this episode, with both competitors using the metaphor of firing a gun as a way to beat your opponent. But Eve goes further with it, telling Rose she has the barrel pointed straight at her chest, and that she'll take out her heart from the front. Though there's that plus a lot of intense golf shots, true violence doesn't occur until the episode's shocking stinger, wherein Rose strains herself too much on a swing and one of her hands, which it turns out is bionic, breaks. Said hand is a mixture of glass and visible bone. Language this time included two uses of "bitch", both by the punk-ass lady from the rigged golf game who's serving as Rose's caddy. HONORABLE MENTION (MY CHOICE): Eve takes notice of Madame, whom she thinks cheated in creating holes for the randomized underground golf course to take advantage of her weak points, and calls her a hag. This will never be worthy of any content rating, but I still love me my sassy ladies who are actually 1,200 years old but don't look a day under... 30.

#8: Two uses of "shit" (one as "shithole"), two uses of "bitch", and a few "damn"s. The opening portrays Rose losing her arm after first getting involved with the mafia; her arms and legs are chained to a table, we hear her scream, and then there are scenes of her mentor Leo (who also mentored Eve) carrying her away as well as a row of surgery implements on a table, with some bloody chunks in the tray holding them. And then we see her bloodied yet bandaged stump; an interesting contrast with Poke's rating of Ultraman. The only other violence in the episode comes at the end of the rather lengthy post-credits sequence, where Rose, having lost the golfing match against Eve, gets gunned down by the mob, and this is seen through her own POV.

Touhou Hifuu Club ~The Sealed Esoteric History~
Episode 1: "Moon" - TV-PGLV


Sometimes, one character is the driving force behind a rating. This time, Suika did it, much like she did it when the eternal summer incident happened. She says "bastard" three times, plus one "goddamnit", then dukes it out with the Symphogear dude (whom I never bothered to use the real name for... looks like it's Prince Hosoai), punching and kicking him, then turning into a giant and doing it all over again. Yorihime also slashes some youkai with her sword, with one of them turning into smears.

This time it's a shot of Yukari from the back as she beckons towards the moon, and then after the act break we head to the moon, with Suika amongst a cadre of youkai freaks and losers.



Laid-Back Camp Season 2
Episode 11: "Izu Camping!! On the Way"
Episode 12: "Izu Camping!!! Birthdays!" - TV-PG
Episode 13: "I'm [We're] Home" - TV-PG

(man it feels like I finished this rewatch ages ago)


#11: This episode is practically a highlight reel of this show's typical PG sets: hot springs scenes, Minami getting drunk (and showing off her war chest of booze that goes well with food), and a few casual jokes about people dying, in this case two instances of Aoi claiming that Rin has "passed on". Now this is what I want to see out of a CGDCT show, even if some subratings here and there would be nice.

#12: Booze.

#13: And the finale for this series (give or take a movie) features very light content. I don't remember any references to booze, but someone (not compelled to check right now; maybe I should edit their name in later?) did say that Choko (not that one) has a cute butt.

Interviews with Monster Girls
Episode 6: "The Takanashi Sisters are Undeniable" - TV-PGD
Episode 7: "Succubus-san is Inquisitive" - TV-14D
Episode 8: "Demi-chans Want to Learn": TV-PGDV


#6: This was tracking to be the tamest episode yet, with the only offending moments being a shot of Hikari's bare foot and a mention of beer. But later on, Sakie walks in the hall with Tetsuo and he becomes smitten by her aphrodisiac effect. I mean, she thinks it didn't work, but afterwards he thinks to himself "Damn, she's erotic!", which is also the episode's only profanity. There was nothing sexual outside of a brief shot of male gaze toward Sakie, and she was in her usual tracksuit. I feel like this rating could tack either way, but for now, I'm using a lower rating because the word used is more scholarly.

#7: These next two episodes featured two things in particular: lots of mentions of aphrodisiac and sexual desire, and characters using suplexes. The difference is that this episode, in the midst of a conversation between Tetsuo and Ugaki, the only good cop (for Demi-chans), about what might happen if a succubus gets molested. The character using the suplex this time is Kurtz, who uses it on his employer seemingly because he's too close to the school's resident succubus. Other highlights include Sakie talking about the time she got Tetsuo excited (even though she didn't think he was) and then getting excited herself, use of the word "pheremones", and Kurtz using ridiculous jumps nad flips to steal the phone of a student who took a lewd picture (re: she was unzipping her tracksuit and her bra was starting to show) of Sakie.

#8: After a stray comment from Yukki about raunchy gag manga, a flashback shows Sakie suplexing a delinquent named Takkun (hey, that's Poke's other username!) and turning him into a masochist. Later on, a sequence where Hikari rates the arms of her teacher and fellow Demi-chans includes a priceless double endentre (just like Himari's arm) and ends with everyone thinking Tetsuo's a perv because he thinks Sakie's arm would be the best for a vampire to bite, complete with Hikari calling him the shortened version.

Last Period -the journey to the end of the despair-
Episode 6: "Confessions of a Mask" - TV-PG
Episode 7: "Animal Land" - TV-PG


More EoS-es for the blood god: it's been announced that the game this show is based on will end service at the end of the year. Interestingly, the game will be finishing its story, though I don't know if it failed regardless. Either way, I'll make sure to finish this series of ratings before December 27.

#6: The episode begins with a fanservicey shot of Campanella as she changes into her Blackpanella alter-ego. Later on, she changes outfits while Haru and his gang are coming in, and it's strongly implied she's naked, but hardly anything is shown.

#7: And here we have the other notable parody of this series: a big riff on the Kemono Friends scandal, complete with a happy ending real life never have. Only thing to mention here is Mimosa, Gajeru's younger sister, kicking his shit in.

takt op.Destiny Episode 8: "Destiny -Cosette-" - TV-14V


After the OP, Takt immediately runs up to Shindler (a.k.a. Mike Hell, the Conductor of Hell) and tries to kill him, but Hell kicks him in the torso. Then she makes a run at Destiny and they trade a few blows, only for a stray strike from her wheel foot to hit Takt and spray a decent amount of blood. Destiny later helps tie up his wound, and we get a few glimpses of his bloodied shoulder throughout the episode. Later on, Destiny (this time in her civilian form) and Hell go at it again, with the worst of it being a scene where Destiny is briefly strangled, plus more shots of Takt's bloodied shirt. Also, Destiny says that she's sucking Takt's life away, which causes her to try to fight Hell alone.

Had I watched this episode a year ago, I probably would've given it a 14 straight just for not cleanly fitting into a 14V. But now, even comparing it to Episode 2, it feels obvious. Speaking of which, although this episode flashed back to that one, showing when Takt and Destiny (when she was Cosette) did the "four hands" performance among other things, it refrained from showing anything directly after, just like last time. How cheeky.

Here's your screenshot of the OP (which won't be the last in this omnibus), followed by a frontal shot of Shindler and Hell.



Lycoris Recoil Episode 1: "Easy does it" - TV-14V


And here's another new addition to the carousel, having ridden as part of the Summer 2022 season and, suprisingly, without obstructions. The cold opening features several teenage assassins from the namesake agency stopping would-be criminals. The main reason I started watching this show was because it somehow wasn't taken off the air after Shinzo Abe's assassination. The people making this show must have had balls of titanium to keep it going in spite of the harshness in hindsight. Or maybe that's my TVTropes-addled brain talking and I'm overthinking this.

But anyway, the main crux of this biscuit is when Chisato, the new LycoReco recruit, walks in on Takina, her superior, confronting criminals inside an office building as they hold one at gunpoint. She shoots the three hooligans with her assault rifle (as opposed to a 3D-printed gun) and kills 'em, and thumbing through the video here, there are actually blood splatters as they lie on the floor I didn't notice at first. But the female hostage Takina was after is okay. And later on we see a picture of the dead perps with bloodied holes in his back. Much later on, a girl named Saori gets involved with users from KiwiFarms after she accidentially takes a picture of them engaged in a hate crime. So it's time for Chisato and Takina to go on another mission. This time they wield guns with non-lethal bullets that nonetheless spray red gas with each hit. Also, Saori gets tied in up the car and held at gunpoint as a negotiation tactic.

This one wasn't really in doubt either. Lovely.

Girls' Last Tour (three): "Encounter / City / Streetlights" - TV-PGV


Chi and Yuu meet Kanagawa, the first fellow life form on their journey, through his controlled demolition of a building as a means to make a bridge across a "gorge" in the city streets. At first the building seems to fall directly on our two protagonists, but they get lucky, being positioned inside a window like one of those newfangled silent movies. Then it's a lot of PG sets referencing death, like how the dude says he's going to die if he loses all the drawings of the abandoned city he made... which happens, of course. And it wasn't even Yuu's fault.

Already, the trend I previously described has been broken: we only have two screenshots for this episode, despite the fact that it's supposed to have three segments. Only the last one even got a title card! But anyway, that makes my life easier. Have another OP shot, plus a shot of sweet, sweet infrastructure.



Lookin' crispy over here. Love how I got all my BDs backed up at the ISO level.

And that'll do it. This time it was a matter of me thinking this post would be too skimpy and piling on two more Demi-chans episodes to compensate, and I didn't get to that until after the recent Crunchyroll controversy which incurred a delay. Also, GLT had to do with it, sort of. I can never expect when these are going to happen.

It seems that all of these posts are corresponding with anniversaries of certain things I like. So without further ado: happy birthday, Trey Anastasio. Who knows if he's ever thought about the finer points of content ratings. And even I don't know what my next post is gonna be like, because we've got, like, three shows I've previously rated coming back.

[backwards down the venus line?]

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

It's been over a month, and I've fulfilled all my promises from the last post. Let's get down to business.

Elfen Lied #4: Aufeinandertreffen [Attack] (TV-MAV)


OBLIGATORY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Nana's battle with Lucy ends with her losing all four of her limbs. Her left leg and the fingers on her right hand are cleanly sliced off, while both arms and her right leg are pulled from her body with all the shredding of skin and flesh to be expected from such a brutal dismemberment. The stumps where all appendages were left behind are shown in detail, with blood pouring over the flesh and bone very much visible. And by the end of it, Nana is left lying on the ground bleeding from all four of her stumps. The cleaner losses are flashed back to by Mayu, who witnessed only that much before being tossed aside into a tree by Lucy's vectors, in a later scene.

EQUALLY OBLIGATORY NUDITY: As much as I'd love to draw attention to the featureless mannequins subbing in for the adult attendees of Kanae and Kouta-Dad's funeral service, Nyu's bare breasts during her bath scene with Mayu and subsequent barging-in on Kouta and Yuka's bonding moment are the more important focus here. Though her crotch is visible during her "I AM HERE" style entrance and her bare ass is shown as Yuka escorts her back to the bathroom, the presence of soap suds covers up any good bits.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: In a more subtle use of dialogue than where their conversation left off last time, Yuka asks Kouta if he wants to "touch her like he touched Nyu", referencing last episode's breast grope. How was I unable to tell she was the Suguha of her day on the first run again?

Profanity consisted of one use each of "pain in the ass" and "hell".

[tfw facebook says you can't be in a relationship with your cousin]

Hareluya II BØY #1: Kiyoshiro Okamoto (TV-14)


This rating was a bit of a tough one to place, even without having one or two potentials on hand. The violence was a strange cross-breed between serious (Momiyama squeezing Kiyoshiro's head with his hand for more than a minute, hard enough to leave him bleeding afterwards), comical (Hareluya breaking the bones in one of Momiyama's hands with his trusty hammerspace frying pan), and both (Kiyoshiro's foreman getting a bunch of materials tossed at him as part of Hareluya's intro gag, leaving him groaning in pain and agony). Most nudity was courtesy of a bunch of nude background cherubs, one of which is seen flying off at the end, and the strange cold open of Hareluya hurtling to Earth through space. There are even some middle fingers put on display by some of Momiyama's goons. But what brought this episode to its final rating remains absolute: Hareluya poking the bare boobs of a Venus de Milo bust in the art club room where Kiyoshiro practices his craft (like Senpai almost 25 years later).

Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" (two as "dammit"), two of "hell" (plus one as English-language graffiti), and one of "freakin'".

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #12: The Spirit Anima and the Beast Knights (TV-14)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #13: The Hero, Tarou Kusakabe (TV-14LV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #14: The Knight, Hanako Sorano (TV-14LV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #15: Yuuhi Amamiya and the Shinonome Brothers (TV-PGLV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #16: Yukimachi and Subaru (TV-PGV)


#12: The rematch battle with the 8-eyes golem results in many of the Beast Knights receiving injuries whose bleeding isn't shown until well after they've been thrown back. Nagumo has blood running down the side of his head, for one, and Shimaki, Tarou and Hanako wind up with blood on their faces and sleeves. Profanity consisted of one use of "damn".

#13: INTENSE VIOLENCE: While the former two Beast Knights listed above avoid grievous injury against the 9-eyes golem (Boedromion, it's called), Tarou and Hanako both wind up impaled by its lance-shaped arm. Tarou gets run through first and worse, ultimately dying from his injuries, while Hanako is fully healed as a result of Tarou's wish per the knight's pact. But even with their fates on opposite ends of the life-death spectrum, they both bleed from their mouths after impact and from their torso wounds enough to stain the grass crimson. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Tarou pulls back the blinds in his bedroom to see Hanako in her own bedroom next door, having already undressed to her bra and panties. (He gets the typical '80s romcom offscreen slap and red handprint mark as a result.) Later, Yuuhi recalls having been caught "fully nude" by Samidare once; see the episode 11 rundown for details. Profanity consisted of two uses each of "bastard", "damn" and "hell", and one of "goddammit".

#14: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Hangetsu's death, Tarou's death, and shots of the latter's (and Hanako's) impalement are flashbacked to multiple times, with all the blood it entailed during their original presentations. HONORABLE MENTION: After failing to psych them out in the form of Hangetsu, the 11-eyes golem known as Maimakterion transforms into a nude Samidare when confronting Yuuhi and Mikazuki, though the nudity is censored by an intrusive shadowy mass representing Japanese television censorship standards. But even then, it's enough to convince them to retreat. Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit", "bastard" and "damn".

#15: MODERATE VIOLENCE: A flashback to the time Mikazuki learned his brother regularly fights yakuza involves a young middle school-age Mikazuki kneeing one of the yakuza in the face, and then getting beaten up by the rest offscreen, to the point where he has trickles of blood running from his nose and mouth by the time he's tied up in one of their storehouses. Compared to that, Samidare soloing the tiny one-eyed golems that make up the 10-eyes was positively FV-level. Profanity consisted of five uses of "damn", two of "hell", and one each of "bastard" and "crap".

#16: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Though still FV in theory, this week's battle against the 10-eyes had a little more oomph to it, with the Beast Knights eliminating several at once with great success in round 1 of the week, and Shimaki's 5-eyed golem Donnerstag self-detonating and taking several of the clones out. DIALOGUE CFC: Upon seeing Yuki and Subaru - middle schoolers, mind you - in the college-age Yuuhi's apartment, Mikazuki calls him a "criminal". Yuuhi denies being one, and that's the end of that conversation. Much too vague to really count, as clear as the intent of his saying is. No profanity this time.

Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul (TV-MAV)


Not sure if Blatch is going to share his thoughts on this one, though I don't doubt that he has a personal rating of his own in his logs, but if not, I'm here to share what I felt were the most MA-worthy moments of objectionable content in this "too hot for Toonami" absolutely-canonical movie event.

  • The cave raider corpse in the field of Eternal Fortunes. His body has skin peeling away and flesh exposed around his hollowed-out eyes, and if that wasn't bad enough, four maggot-like larvae of the parasitic insect species using the body as a "barely living on autopilot" food source poking out of one of the eyeholes, and a shot of said eyes burning blue as his body - and the rest of the field, set ablaze by an Umbra Hand - are burning the standard orange.
  • While on her stair-climbing adventure, Riko coughs up blood and a broken tooth (from gritting her teeth too hard), while a shadowy tentacle presumably representing the Curse of the Abyss slices her cheek and hand, both with bloody results.
  • TURNER S&P'S NIGHTMARE #1: Reg's time in the torture chair. While I think they could've gotten away with his right arm getting sliced off, oozing blood-like liquid from the stumps and all, and the belly button impalement just fine, the suction device over his crotch that's shown sucking out his urine was probably what scared S&P enough for them to NOPE it, assuming it got that far along in the process.
  • Of the multiple Umbra Hands stabbed by the giant scorpions inhabiting the 5th Layer, one is shown dissolving in half through multiple impalement points, their blood red and purple and their innards, as I described them, "ambiguous".
  • Being pulled upwards from the uppermost (and underwater) portions of the 6th Layer causes Bondrewd's neck to swell up, with blood spraying from it after Reg drops a boulder on him. Later, as the Umbra Hand whose body he takes over via his bullshit recovery tactic pulls his helmet off his current corpse, the disfigured face of the man is briefly shown.
  • There's some Prushka nudity; one as she's bathing, another as she's on the operating table. The red marks drawn on her cover up her nipples, though the shadow outlining one of them can be seen.
  • Riko explains to Prushka that Reg's penis "gets bigger sometimes" and explains what a penis is and does and looks like (crude drawing included) when she learns Prushka has no idea what it is. She mentions specifically that Reg's changes when he "sees boobs or touches Nanachi". In a much later scene, Nanachi eyes Reg's crotch in embarrassment after he touches their fluffy hand for a little longer than necessary.
  • TURNER S&P'S NIGHTMARE #2: Holy shit Prushka's backstory. As if her first chronological appearance where she has blood over her face and a hole taken out of her left ear (all the while looking like Tommy Pickles from the infamous storyboard jam) wasn't bad enough, we see the also-bloody results of her own first stair-climbing adventure, where she has bulging eyes and blood pouring from her mouth, among other injuries only mentioned in passing (one of which involved her fingernails?). Still, that's nothing compared to the POV shots of her seeing her body parts removed piece-by-piece and remaining parts prepared for her ultimate fate as a Curse-repelling cartridge - itself a flavor of fucked-up that I didn't bother to log since the film had already scored an MA at the point of their introduction. Namely, she sees her arms, legs, and an unrecognizable innard (probably her uterus) being handed off between Umbra Hands, and one shot of skinless flesh hung up and stretched out with hooks. It's better that we didn't see the full results, but even then, I can imagine it being too much for the S&P board who doesn't get paid enough to blur out jihadist beheading videos occasionally featured on CNN. (Or not, I don't really know what stories they report on or if ISIS/Al-Qaeda still does that shit.)
  • Last act of notable violence: Bondrewd pierces Reg's belly button with one of the claws he receives from his next from-the-6th-Layer transformation (now with the furriness of the Blessing), the results bloody and the internal contact lasting about a minute, with the claw moving around inside Reg.
  • Not really important but an amusing note to end on: there's a brief scene of Meinya defecating shortly after they're given to Prushka. Twenty bucks says they're Team Riko's emergency food supply in case rations run distressingly low.

Profanity consisted of eight uses of "hell", seven uses of "damn" (four as "dammit"), and three of "bastard".

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #8: To the Desert (TV-PG)


In the grand tradition of bratty kids in World Masterpiece Theater-type shows, Saburi bares his ass while lounging (in purposeful comic emphasis against acting like a gentleman like St. Berain), and later takes a whiz in the desert at night, the stream visible as it's hitting the ground. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" and one of "hell".

Platinum End #12: A Fine Line Between Offense and Defense (TV-14LV)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: Sokotani gets hit with one of Kohinata's syringes containing her flesh-melting virus while defending Saki from them. As to be expected from getting injected with such a virus, his skin turns magenta and starts melting off, though his actual demise is shown as more cartoony than graphic, from the aforementioned color of his skin to his nostrils turning zombie-like, and even his body just dissolving away as if someone took a magic eraser to his physical existence. But it's not like his last clash with Kohinata is without blood; he's able to stab her through the chest with his sword, the impact unseen with the end result only showing itself when Kohinata herself realizes it. A bloody spurt comes from behind (or rather, through?) her OTN mask as she collapses. Mukaido also coughs up some blood through his own OTN mask as his terminal cancer comes back with a vengeance, the coughing hard enough for the blood to leak through the mask as well and stain both it and his face in the aftermath.

Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn", two of "shit" (one as "shitty"), and one of "crap".

Pop Team Epic #15: Identity (TV-MAL)
Pop Team Epic #16: Here We Go! Biggus McHugeGuy Combination! (TV-MAL)
Pop Team Epic #17: POPUTAN (TV-MAL)
Pop Team Epic #18: Train Battle (TV-14L)
Pop Team Epic #19: Shining Shoulder (TV-14L)


#15: Profanity consisted of thirteen uses of "shit" (two as "shitheads"), two of "hell", and one of "damn".

#16: Profanity consisted of eight uses of "shit" (two as "shitty") and one of "hell". One of the two "PopTuber" segments that have taken to ending the episode in place of more Hoshiiro Girldrop previews is dubbed "This Shit Show!", ending the A-block.

#17: The fucking sexual harassment farmer, man... What a concept. Dude approaches a super-cutesy preschool audience designed Popuko and Pipimi with offers to "squeeze out some of his milk" and "try his wiener", which are met with the hilariously violent fate of offscreen buzzsaw castration. That's already enough of an MA set for the A-block, but the B-block goes harder with Junya Enoki and Yuma Uchida ad-libbing numerous retorts that make it even dirtier, like claiming the farmer's cum is "cloudy AF" and his dick is "like an enoki mushroom". But ultimately, the episode belonged to the profanity, which consisted of seven uses of "shit" (two as "shitty", both courtesy of Nanachi), five of "hell", two of "fuck" (one as "fucking"), and one each of "assholes", "dicksplay", "bastards", "bitch", "pissy", "friggin'", and "asshat". "This Shit Show!" closes out the B-block, and the subtitle "Dafuq?" shows up during the Chocobo sketch.

#18: Profanity consisted of nine uses of "fuck" (plus six onscreen subtitled), five of "damn", three of "shit", and two each of "dumbass" (plus two onscreen subtitled) and "hell". "This Shit Show!" appears once again to end the A-block.

#19: Profanity consisted of four "fuck" words (three as "fuckwad" and one as "fucking"), two each of "shit" and "bastards", and one each of "sucks" and "ass". "This Shit Show!" ends the B-block.

Rizelmine #2: Monopoly! Adult's Time!? (TV-14DLS)
Rizelmine #3: Go For It! Two People in a Futon!? (TV-14)


#2: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Rizel has a brief topless scene while drying her hair in the bathroom, though she's only visible from the back so nothing much is shown. The two outfits she wears to attempt seducing Tomonori with are a schoolgirl uniform with a shibari harness and the classic hadaka apron (nude underneath); she teases what's underneath by preparing to lift up the lower portion, but stops and admits it was only a tease. Tomonori's dad has a brief nosebleed when he sees Rizel running by in the latter outfit. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: One of Tomonori's mental bemoans about his teacher are "why did she have to have breasts like those?", asked while (of course) staring at her cleavage. In response to the two "ideal girl" outfits Rizel wears, Tomonori angrily asks how she came to the conclusion that he'd be into "sailor-suit bondage and nude apron shots". The answer: photos from his dad's personal stash that he hid in one of Tomonori's seldom-read books. One of the Papas mentions how "seeing it all is good, but those little glimpses make for naughtier photo books" after the situation is explained. And finally, Tomonori grouchily tells Rizel that he isn't turned on at all by her manner of dress, even if he was into that sort of thing. Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit", "damn" and "hell".

#3: Rizel's adventures in obtaining a "manly smell" to come off as more attractive to Tomonori contained a fair share of objectionable content, none of reach really culminated in any descriptors, for some odd reason. Rizel telling Mr. Iwaki that she wants Tomonori to sleep with her has the natural conclusion one may jump to (as Mr. Iwaki did), but no indication is made of said "sleeping" being the sexual euphemism or the more traditional "two people sharing the same bed" interpretation. Rizel gets a few pantyshots of her bloomers - one as she rests in the luggage rack of a bullet train that gets a bunch of salarymen to leer, and another as she poses in her ultimate "attraction tactic" of wearing one of Tomonori's rugby-style striped shirts - while Papa C gets a pantyshot of his own while crossdressing in a female tennis player outfit. (The panties had ruffles, which made it a little more disturbing than if it were white cotton.) Arguably just as disturbing, if not moreso, was the high school friend of Papa A's that he suggested Rizel meet with for "manly scent" advice: a transvestite bar proprietress by the name of Kokusai Oto (a pun on the Japanese phrase "otoko-kusai"). The advice Rizel took from them: dress up like a prostitute, thick makeup and oversized red lips to boot, to seduce Tomonori. (This, too, fails.) All understandable as 14 sets. But why I did nothing with the trifecta of sexual content on display - Tomonori accidentally putting his hand on Rizel's breast after switching off his alarm (to which she responds "that tickles" in dreamtalk), Rizel in the bathroom applying "manly shampoo" to her hair with suds covering up her torso, and the collar of the shirt she borrowed drooping enough to show brief exposure of her breast, no nipple to be spotted - I'm not sure. Maybe they all worked fine as 14 sets on their own and I didn't feel like having them coalesce into a greater whole? That'll be something for me to overcorrect on next time, I guess. Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #9: Complicated, Convoluted, Perplexing, Honest Feelings (TV-PG)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #10: For Whom Do the Stars Fall (TV-PGL)
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious #11: It Must Have Always Been... (TV-PG)


#9: A major plot point in the first act is Natsume's poorly disguised (though still subtle) crush on Lilith, culminating in Yuuri pointing out that she's in love with her just like he is. It's treated very matter-of-factly and normalized (though retroactively platonic). But even if casual gayness wasn't an automatic PG set, there was no dancing around an even later scene of Lilith and Natsume bathing simultaneously but not together: Lilith is seated and scrubbing herself off, while Natsume is lounging in the classic bathtub. Though they're both naked, the suds and water from their respective stages of self-cleaning cover up any potential signs of fanservice for audience gratification.

#10: Natsume pratfalls against the sidewalk and gets a bloody nose. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one each of "piss", "freaking" and "crap".

#11: Natsume's love for Lilith is alluded to, though its nature as either platonic or romantic is now treated as ambiguous, and while recounting her backstory in the presence of her former (read: would-have-been) master, Lilith makes mention of Yuuri's parents' passing.

Shinobi no Ittoki #1: A Bolt From the Blue (TV-14V)
Shinobi no Ittoki #2: Merciless Choices (TV-14V)
Shinobi no Ittoki #3: Quirks of Fate (TV-14L)
Shinobi no Ittoki #4: Crafters and Users (TV-14L)
Shinobi no Ittoki #5: Cycle of Pain (TV-PGV)


I was almost going to do content rating clips for this one, but I decided against it. Biscuit Hammer or bust, baby!

#1: INTENSE VIOLENCE: One of the Koga ninja pursuing Ittoki slashes the throat of the cop he goes to for help/answers about the blackout, complete with blood spray and resultant pool. Though it's revealed later when Tokisada shows up to take care of the bit-part blacksuits that the cop was also Koga and only faking his demise to psych out Ittoki. SEXUAL CONTENT CFC: Worst Girl Satomi's attempt at letting Ittoki's guard down before assassinating him is to bring him to her place for their "date", strip down to her bra and panties, and straddling Ittoki with dialogue that heavily hints but non-explicitly affirms that they're about to bang (but not really). Profanity consisted of two uses of "crap".

#2: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The policeman getting his throat slashed (but not really) is flashbacked as Ittoki is informed that ninja are capable of outsmarting the cops. (Unless that cop's name is Naokuu Tanoshiba, but now's not the time for flagrant self-promotion.) At the end of the pre-credits portion of the episode, it's revealed that Satomi, instead of sticking around to reenact this key visual verbatim, committed suicide in her jail cell; we aren't explicitly told this, but we do see her collapsed on the floor in what appeals to be a pool of her own blood, and a close-up of her eye shedding tears of blood. Profanity consisted of three uses of "crap", two of "damn" (one as "damned"), and one each of "bitch", "sucks", "pain in the ass", and "hell".

#3: Profanity consisted of two uses each of "shit" and "bastard", and one each of "asshole" and "damn". As in, "damn, that Himura's a real asshole".

#4: Profanity consisted of two uses each of "shit" (one as "bullshit") and "crap", and one of "asshole". HONORABLE MENTION: One of the ironically cisgender Enbi's post-it notes to his secretary tells her to wear a shorter skirt.

#5: MODERATE VIOLENCE: In the flashback to the day of Kishinmaru's funeral, Suzaku is seen looking at a sliced-up fish corpse floating in a ring of its own blood; it's unclear whether he caused it or not. Suzaku's present-day attempt on Ittoki's life involves him attacking him in multiple ways, the most prominent being a kunai to the leg and another to his back, both with no blood. Ittoki does bleed, though, from getting punched in the face. Himura setting off explosives to incapacitate Kousetsu (and several of his teammates) is also worth mention, though there's no blood to be shed or skin to be pierced. Profanity consisted of five uses of "hell" (two in reference to "point Fifth Hot Hell"), three of "damn", and one of "frickin'".

SK8 the Infinity #9: We Were Special Back Then (TV-PGLV)
SK8 the Infinity #10: DAP Not Needing Words (TV-PGLV)


#9: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Adam and Cherry's quarterfinal race finishes with the former striking the latter across the face with his skateboard, with the impact presented three times in succession. Though there's no blood present, the damage done is bad enough that Cherry is hospitalized afterwards (and ends up having to sneak out for a drink at Joe's restaurant in the post-credits sequence). Violence declared as such in the importance of its happening rather than the physicality of its result. DIALOGUE CFC: Joe notes that "persistence is essential in both skating and seduction". Profanity consisted of four uses of "frickin'" (one as "freakin'"), three "ass" words (one as "badass"), two uses each of "hell" and "crap" (one as "crappin'"), and one each of "pissed" and "damn".

#10: MODERATE VIOLENCE: And to counterbalance the above act of violence are acts of violence outside of the theatrical scope of S. On the bloodless side, we have Reki getting punched out by a member of a group of skateboarding poseurs he runs into during an early-evening wandering, and the offscreen beating that follows, leading to him being left partly unconscious in a back alley. On the bloody side, Kazu - the guy who would've raced against Shadow in what ultimately became Langa's first Beef - ambushes Shadow and the flower shop owner in the parking garage in an act of vengeance for getting dumped by his GF; Shadow takes a blow from the bat to defend the owner, receiving a bloodstain on his temple that trickles down later on, and taking an amount more that he's not only hospitalized, but forced to withdraw from the tournament semifinals. DIALOGUE CFC: After getting hit by Tadashi's car (but not injured enough to join Cherry and Shadow in the hospital), Reki is taken to a love hotel; for privacy as Tadashi tries to bribe him into forgetting the incident ever happened, naturally. Not that it stops Reki from getting all skittish about being in such a place (and wondering how to check out) and almost walking into the rose petal-laden bathroom while trying to find the exit. Profanity consisted of two uses of "crap", and one each of "son of a bitch", "pissed" and "hell".

Submarine Super 99 #8: Coronation of Emperor is Declared! (TV-PGSV)
Submarine Super 99 #9: Decision of a Great General (TV-PGV)


#8: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: There's a scene early on of Deathbird and Strait in bed, the latter topless with locks of her hair covering up her breasts. Considering the amount of PG straights I've given the show in spite of the nudity in both the OP and ED, I felt that the descriptor was necessary. MODERATE VIOLENCE: During the raid on "Weird House" (the headquarters of the Ocean Empire's Eastern Division and Stronestro's main base of operations), the police have a shootout with various Ocean Empire grunts, with bullets fired and molotovs thrown but no blood or explicit impacts to speak of. Susumu also holds Stronestro at gunpoint for a fair share of the time he spends doing his own private raid of Weird House. Profanity consisted of eight uses of "hell" (seven as a proper noun), and one each of "dammit" and "crap".

#9: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Multiple subs fade into nothingness after getting hit with L torpedoes, which wouldn't be too much of a hassle, but a couple jets from the submersible aircraft carrier among the Ocean Empire's fleet get shot out of the sky by the 99 and their machinegun turrets. There are also multiple explosions that Ocean Empire soldiers get caught up in; at least one soldier is taken out by one of the multiple exploding time bombs planted in the standby submarine fleet by Dr. Oki and Goro (who engage in their own tense but impact-free hostage situation, complete with custom handgun and detonation switch), and both Bor Lo and his co-captain wind up going down with the aforementioned submersible aircraft carrier while trying to escape. Profanity consisted of seven uses of "hell" (six as a proper noun), and one each of "big-ass" and "damn".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #5: Filo (TV-14)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #6: A New Comrade (TV-14V)


#5: While at the Trafficking Tent (trademark) to reapply Raphtalia's crest, the slave trader tells Naofumi that he could get 20 (silver, I guess?) for selling her if she was a virgin, which Raphtalia is quick to point out she is. While Filo sending Motoyasu blasting off again with a kick to the crotch was too comedic to be objectionable, Naofumi asking him how his crotch is holding up was worth a mention. A brief flashback to episode 3 shows a mild blood splash coming from one of the zombies Naofumi took out. Finally, what earned this episode a 14 without descriptors was the reveal of Filo's humanoid form, shown as her sleeping naked next to Naofumi before getting up from her sleep. Her chest is covered up initially by her wings and Naofumi's gear, and later by her own locks of hair, while her bare thigh and a brief shot of side-ass are visible as she's shown sleeping. Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit" and one of "hell".

#6: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Team Naofumi (plus the magic shop witch) and their battle against the nue guarding the cave containing the mana loom crystals ends with Raphtalia impaling the ancient Japanese chimera beast with her sword, though Filo arguably causes more damage between sonic-screeching so loud its ears bleed and crushing its skull with a powerful kick. (R.I.P. Motoyasu's testicles.) HONORABLE MENTIONS: Upon seeing him with Filo as part of his group, Erhard (the weapons shop guy who looks like Jet) wonders if he really is a lolicon. During a visit to the Trafficking Tent, Filo is once again shown as topless with her breasts covered by her hair, though Raphtalia steps in front of her to prevent Beloukas (the skeevy trader guy) from ogling. A group of bandits who confront Team Naofumi on their trade route of the moment point out that Raphtalia is "pretty hot for a demi-human", seeming to suggest they plan on sexually assaulting her, though no mention is made beyond that statement, nor do they get so far to force an attempt. No profanity here.

Tokyo Vice #1: The Test (TV-MA)


This is no everyday J-drama. This is... an honorary J-drama. Starring Baby Driver, Chief Yokoyama, and Mako from Pacific Rim.

For this one, I did an experiment to see how accurate my personal rating to the show was to HBO Max's (TV-MALSV, based on the full-text descriptors provided). And while the episode certainly had language, sexual situations and violence in it, calling this premiere episode worthy of "diamond status" would be an affront to my personal feelings, no matter how plausible I find their designation to be per their own set of standards.

Profanity is split between the onscreen subtitles and English-language dialogue for this show. For the subbed side, we have four uses of "hell", two of "shit" (one as "bullshit"), and one of "piss". For the English side, we have two "fuck" words ("fucked" and "fucking"), and one each of "shit" and "badass". All uncensored, I can understand the L. But I censor "fuck" anyway, and only give out the MAL for when the shit count tips over five, six if I'm in a mood to underrate slightly.

All sexual content was limited to the Den of Desire strip club that Jake and Miyamoto go to. All the strippers, despite their sensual dancing, are wearing clothes, not a bare boob in sight. The closest one of the dancers gets to nude is the one with the countdown placards over her torso as her only cover-up. The only nipples present are on a cartoony drawing of a naked woman floating by in the onstage background graphics. Easy to miss, and much too pop-artsy. A topless strip joint a la the Bada Bing, this is not.

The violence was the closest I got to actually considering a descriptor, but as I haven't dealt with any onscreen burning deaths before now, I was hesitant to call the self-immolation suicide of the middle-aged debtor "graphic violence", despite the lack of blood being more than made up for in visibly burning flesh and blotchy dermis on the corpse. And the only blood all episode, by contrast, was that found on the stabbing victim whose death (because it's not murder unless you have to deal with a witness) acted as the focus of Jake's first report. A knife sticking out the chest, two large bloodstains on either half of his jogging jacket, and gashes on his hands. All after-the-fact. Really, this one could go either way, but I ultimately chose to treat the burning man, personally, as an MA set for an episode that, to that point, was worthy of a TV-14DLSV. "Platinum status", if you will.

(The dialogue, by the way, was Miyamoto's line to Jake, "I like gaijin but only with tits.")

Another thing helping my rating over HBO Max's was the first twenty minutes of the premiere were bereft of any real objectionable content. Vague threats by the yakuza, tobacco usage, firearm possession... the worst thing I could spot before the first F-bomb was acknowledgement of the "Jews control the economy" conspiracy they ran with in Angel Cop! (And then edited out for the English dub.) Everything considered, I'm glad my trustworthy, ever-decisive coin flip came out on the side of how I've done J-dramas in the past as opposed to how much HBO Max, both on their main channel and their streaming services, have ruined the novelty of diamond status that, for now, still exists on my rating schedule.

Ultraman #17: Attack on SSSP (TV-14V)
Ultraman #18: The Golden Fortress (TV-14V)
Ultraman #19: ULTRAMAN No. 6 (TV-PGV)


#17: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Pedanto slices up a number of SSSP soldiers when he touches down to fight/abduct Shin, two of them experiencing blood sprays from their neck and abdomen respectively. Another soldier he runs into within the building gets stabbed in the back by Pedanto's bare hand; though no blood is left behind on said hand, a red mark is shown after he pulls out, and some squishy sound effects accompanied the stabbing the moment it happened. Profanity consisted of one use of "goddammit".

#18: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Maya is mortally wounded with a strike to the back by one of the projectiles fired by Pedanto's jellyfish-looking minion; the impact is presented out-of-frame, though blood is present from the frontal portion of her wound while struggling to support herself, with an after-the-fact trickle from her nose following. Meanwhile, the sick-ass sword battle between Moroboshi and the Darth Maul wannabe on Pedanto's payroll culminates in the latter stabbing Moroboshi in the abdomen, with Moroboshi firing back with a fatal blow from the superpowered machinegun he had transported to him during the fight. Profanity consisted of three uses of "dammit".

#19: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Moroboshi, having survived said abdominal blow, cuts down several enemy aliens confronting Shinjiro during his rescue of Shin, though no blood is shed. Jack's battle with the resident big guy of Pedanto's minion roster features plenty of melee wrestling moves, bruising and suit damage, but no blood either. And while equally bloodless, the final battle between the father-son Ultramen and Pedanto is very intense and awesome, up to the Specium Ray finisher the former pair - with Bemular assisting - use to take out the latter. Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit".

Violence Jack #1: Slumking (TV-MALSV)


Now this... This is true "diamond status". I expected nothing less from the man, the myth, the legend himself.

GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The level of gore in this introductory outing was disappointingly inconsistent, with many minor characters falling victim to the omnipresent hand of death in nonspectacular, even bloodless ways, at some points. That's not to say there weren't any gloriously graphic moments, though. Like one of Rose's slaver companions getting his head torn off by Jack and tossed out into the open while his body, still leaking blood from the neck stump, is carried out. Or the redheaded biker who gets suddenly disemboweled from behind, his guts exploding outwards before he crashes. Disembodied arms, severed heads and bisected torsos being among the carnage left behind by Jack in his skirmish with the titular (and robbed of screentime) Slumking's forces. Jack stabbing Laser through the top of his head with his knife, then finishing off Harlem Bomber with a piece of shrapnel to the back. Even Jack takes some damage, getting a knife to the eye from Ken (an injury he respected his moxy to deliver enough to spare him from immediate death; he'd later get it while being thrown from a helicopter and landing head-first against the roof), and losing some of his fingertips and his whole left arm during the final battle with Harlem Bomber. Not too shabby, though it could've been a little shabbier in the other direction.

EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: And what's a hyperviolent OVA based off a Go Nagai manga without a bunch of graphic gratuitous sex? The majority of the sex slaves trained within the Slumking's abandoned high-rise of a headquarters are completely nude, nipples out for all, and while many are simply whipped, some appear to be in the midst of being penetrated, with moaning all throughout. No scene goes as hard with the descriptor, though, as when Rose eats out Yumi while forcing Mari to watch. Though many of Yumi's reactions are shown from the torso up, there are a couple telltale shots to demonstrate that it is, in fact, cunnilingus, namely Rose looking up after a few more licks with saliva/ambiguous juices coating her tongue, and a trickle of juice coming from between Yumi's legs after all is said and done. A later scene shows Rose straddling Mari, though it's unclear whether it's a scissoring or a strap-on fucking. All we know is, the sight was enough to piss off Ken (who dated Yumi in college before Tokyo Magnitude 10.0 happened) to the point where he flew his helicopter into the bedroom to force it to a stop.

Profanity consisted of eight uses of "fuck" (three as "fuckin'" and one as "motherfucker"), seven of "shit" (one as "chickenshit"), six of "bitch" (one plural), five of "hell" (two in reference to the "Great Kanto Hellquake"), four each of "goddamn" (two as "goddammit") and "bastard" (one plural), two of "asshole" (one plural), and one of "dammit".

Take notes, HBO Max. That is how to do a TV-MALSV.

More frequent updates coming soon.

[or not]

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Not sure what was going on there for a moment... Oh well, at least it's resolved itself, for now.

Elfen Lied #5: Empfang [Receipt] (TV-MASV)


Throughout Elfen Lied, there are three cases of "that episode" (you gotta italicize it), episodes I consider to have very disturbing content (or close to it). This is the first of those episodes.

EXPLICIT SEXUAL SITUATIONS: "Empfang" is that episode because of Mayu's tragic backstory, which involves her being molested by her stepfather. Though we don't see anything indicative of actual penetration, in either visuals or dialogue, what we do get is indicative enough for viewers mature enough for the content rating to connect the dots. First, we have the stepdad ordering Mayu to take off her clothes, which she does - bare chest with nips visible - after which she gets on her knees, ass facing him, as part of his follow-up "the rest". All we see is him leaning in for a presumable closer look, but nothing else. Then, Mayu tells her mother about the situation, to which she's met with Mommie Dearest bitchslapping her, then blaming her for being the reason she isn't getting any. All of this is vague, but tells a lot without going into gross detail. ("Because you're here, he doesn't...") Lastly, during the final "alone time" between Mayu and her stepdad, she drops her skirt, but leaves everything else on, despite his command she "take it all off". Yikes. And I couldn't tell she was being raped and not just directly ogled the first two times I watched this?

OBLIGATORY GRATUITOUS NUDITY: After she's "taken off their hands" ("their" meaning Kouta and Yuka) by Prof. Kakuzawa, Nyu is shown tied up in his lab, completely naked. At first, it's just some no-nip sideboob and a frontal shot from the middle of her chest upwards, and though her nipples are visible in a full shot from the side, a test tube holder covers up her crotch in an act of setting-appropriate censorship. Later, when she's shown to have collapsed, her nips and ass are seen once more, and after Lucy takes control, her sideboob is visible as she stands up to face Kakuzawa. She remains like that for the rest of the episode.

EQUALLY OBLIGATORY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: In case the blood splatters in the control room accompanying the reveal that Kakuzawa the Younger was an important player in Lucy's escape from the research facility wasn't enough, the episode ends with Lucy beheading him with her unseen, unanimated vectors. A large amount of blood splatters against the broken glass behind Kakuzawa as he's killed, and the next episode features a shot of his severed head rolling forward as it's found by another set of characters. (IIRC, one of them may have been Kurama.)

Strangely enough, everything from when Mayu runs away from home to Kouta and Yuka crying in equal measure for leaving Nyu behind was the tamest Elfen Lied has ever been consistently. Hell, there wasn't even any profanity in that stretch, let alone the entire episode, to comprise a tally! Anime sure knows how to let things breathe, even when it's forcing a quota, doesn't it?

Hareluya II BØY #2: Michiru Yamana (TV-PGLV)


MODERATE VIOLENCE: The Killers, the hockey-themed street gang that serves as this episode's antagonists, are known for being particularly violent. Not just in their acts of robbery, where they cause damage to whoever's in their way - which, in the case of their act 1 appearance, include kicking Kiyoshiro in the back and kicking Michiru down to the ground, balanced out by Hareluya kicking one in the face - but in their act of lynching (as in the dictionary definition) anyone who tries to confront them directly with their hockey sticks. Momiyama's description of the lynchings feature visuals of multiple individuals - a random guy, a random woman, and Kiyoshiro - getting struck with sticks, the latter of the three sustaining some very non-metaphorical blows while trying to get Michiru's deceased brother's silver belt buckle back for her. When finishing what Kiyoshiro started (and failed to do much with), Hareluya starts a fire in the Killers' parking garage hideout using spilled lubricant and a pair of hammerspace bowling balls, sending them scrambling before he punches several of them out. There's also an after-the-fact bloodstain on the forehead of this mustached guy in the next episode preview; not important to the violence in the episode itself, but also worth noting.

Profanity consisted of five uses of "dammit", three of "bastard", and one each of "cheap-ass" and "crap".

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #17: The Hero and the Children (TV-14V)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #18: Yuuhi Amamiya and Hangetsu Shinonome (TV-14)

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #19: Maimakterion and the Beast Knights (TV-PGV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #20: Anima and Animus (TV-PG)


#17: Balancing out the descriptor for best rating was a little tough this time. There was a single flashback to Tarou lying dead after getting impaled by the 9-Eyes, with the extensive though after-the-fact bloody results that came with it; a mystery-soaked flashback where the Owl Knight from the previous round of "Stop Animus" getting stabbed in the back with (I assume) his own knife; and Taiyou's one-on-one fistfight with Pyanepsion Alpha causing him to bleed from his nose and mouth, and also causes swelling in his face not too dissimilar from when Gon got his face wrecked by Canary. I felt it was an appropriate balance. Profanity consisted of one use of "damn".

#18: While the episode itself's violence is limited to the bloodless melee battle between Yuuhi and Hangetsu in the time-displacement dreamspace, the special ending theme (featuring mah bois) featured multiple clips of more intensely violent moments from episodes' past, namely two shots of Tarou impaled by the 9-Eyed Golem (and one of Hanako), plus Hangetsu bleeding from his facial sphincters in the mortal blow he received from 5-Eyes. Profanity consisted of one use each of "suck" and "damn".

#19: Despite Maimakterion taking multiple bloodless blows from the Beast Knights and ultimately Shimaki's three penultimate golems, no blood is shed - no surprise, considering he too is a golem - and the end result after all blows have been dealt is the simple act of crumbling away to dust. Even so, the ironic humanity of Maimakterion's end (and the fact that this level of violence was par for the course for Biscuit Hammer's idea of "moderate violence") made me feel that the V was to some degree justified.

#20: Now, Animus exploding two spacecrafts and Biscuit Hammering the Earth multiple times... As devastating as those actions were, no perspective from the victims realizing their end were shown - an apt representation of how meaningless the ends of their lives were for Animus - meant that it lacked the same level of weight as prior violent moments throughout the show.

Pacific Rim: The Black #8: bOy (TV-14)
Pacific Rim: The Black #9: The Never Never (TV-14LV)


#8: Back in his humanoid form but employing the feral strength representative of his kaiju true self, Boy kills multiple kaiju-hounds by simply thrusting his hand into its eye sockets (and in one case its brain), all with the customary neon blood splash results that come with kaiju deaths. He also manages to sprain one of the Sisters' arms before they sicc a kaiju tick on him, which pierces and pulls at his chest skin for as long as it remained on there (read: until Mei shot it off with her pistol). He still manages to take down the third kaiju-hound with a strike to its spinal chord after the tick is attached but before its venom starts taking effect.

PROFANITY OF THE MOMENT: Somehow, Palpatine Rickter survived, and Shane tells him he can join him in his hunt to recover Atlas Destroyer/probably definitely kill Taylor and Hayley while he's at it until he can "walk without pissing blood". Other profanity consisted of one use each of "suck" and "damn".

#9: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Atlas Destroyer, with Taylor and Mei piloting, fight an Acid Quill in the titular valley, finishing it off with a strike to its own head with one of its tendrils, with the expected but also prominent neon blood result. The Sister slash up Bunyip Man's kaiju-hounds, the neon blood sprays brief, with the last one splattering against the camera, and pools forming by the time Bunyip Man finds them. Shortly after, he gets eaten by one of the kaiju living in the Never Never which he named "Lucy" (how fitting for my current lineup of watched programmes), getting bitten in the stomach before getting swallowed, though he isn't shown to bleed.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Though I anticipated him to die the episode he was featured (because Pacific Rim is that kind of pseudo-anime), I still found Bunyip Man to be one of the best characters in this show of characters undeserving of being considered part of the "best". That includes much of his dialogue, one of which was the casual reveal that a random red orb in his trailer that Taylor and Mei were taking turns holding/observing was a kaiju testicle. Grossed-out reactions ensue. He also gets some good lines out of some of the profanities, including the phrases "hell's sphincter" and "Hideous Hell-Maidens" (his nickname for the Sisters), and one of his many nicknames, "Crazy Son of a Bitch". Other profanities include an additional use of "bitch" by itself, and one use each of "batshit", "pissy" and "damn".

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #9: The Sandstorm (TV-PG)


During the sand yacht chase scene that starts the episode, Ali attempts stabbing at our protagonists to get them to crash/just to hit them, specifically Saburi, but only manages to so much as graze his hair and clothes. Not much else beyond that, not even the leg injury he sustains after his and his reluctant partner Abbas's own sand yacht crashes instead. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn".

Platinum End #13: World Peace (TV-14L)


HARDCORE NUDITY!: In Kanade's backstory, we're presented with a scene of him doing weight training in the nude, his bare ass visible in one shot and a pan up his front starting from just above his crotch. Rea's preserved corpse is once again shown fully nude, with light reflected off the transparent tarp covering her body obscuring her chest and crotch.

HONORABLE VIOLENCE MENTIONS: Not really violence how you view it, but Rea falling from the raised gazebo in the Uryu family's rose garden and hitting her head on the edge of a stone step - the blow that ultimately killed her - is worth mention, despite the lack of external bleeding. Mirai and Kanade firing arrows at each other, meanwhile, results in multiple failed impacts and successful blocks, so that hardly counts. And of course, there's the bloodstains on Mukaido's OTN mask that carried over from last episode and persist through this one.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell", and one each of "shit", "bitches", "bastard" and "ass".

Pop Team Epic #20: POP Memories to YOU (TV-14L)
Pop Team Epic #21: Rising Hell ~The Hellshake Arrow~ (TV-PGL)
Pop Team Epic #22: Pop Team Epic Battle Royale (TV-MAL)
Pop Team Epic #23: Bump-Boo Crusaders (TV-14LV)


#20: Profanity consisted of four uses of "shit", three of "damn", two each of "jackass" and "crap", and one each of "piss", "sucks" and "hell". "This Shit Show!" ends the B-block.

#21: In an impressive record eclipsing even that of "Fun Times at Hell Climb Pillar" (read: JoJo 16), this episode had fifty-five uses of "hell", with twenty-two additional instances featured in caption form, and another two spelled out in English on a guitar pick. I didn't even bother counting how many were in reference to Hellshake Yano. Other profanity consisted of two uses each of "damn" and "crap".

#22: Profanity consisted of nine uses of "shit" (five as "shithead"), seven of "damn", four of "hell", and two each of "motherfucker", "bastard", and "ass" (one as "dumbass"). Though all the shooting deaths, bloody and bloodless, are worth an honorable mention, as was the pervy old guy offering to show Popuko his "little artillery", earning him the honor of being the first eliminated. "This Shit Show!" ends both halves of the episode.

#23: INTENSE VIOLENCE: In the cold open sketch, Popuko is shown to have killed a middle-aged businessman with a mallet (the act already done), a pool of blood under the guy's head as she takes a look at what wrath she wrought upon the poor bastard. During the story segment, Popuko manages to get the first three delinquents she takes out to bleed from their mouths, with a subsequent jump to the back and a pair of kicks. Profanity consisted of six uses of "shit" (three per each act, so I played nice about it), four each of "bastard", "ass" (two each as "badass" and "ass-kicking") and "hell", and two each of "suck", "damn" and "crap". "This Shit Show!" ends act 2.

Shinobi no Ittoki #6: Shadow and Warmth (TV-PGV)
Shinobi no Ittoki #7: Where Does Justice Lie? (TV-14V)
Shinobi no Ittoki #8: Dusk Brings a Storm (TV-14V)
Shinobi no Ittoki #9: In the Light of Dawn (TV-14V)


This shit show - and I'm being unironic here - has a bad habit of how it approaches killing off supporting characters. We see them sustain mortal wounds, but the scene cuts away before we can see them expire, leaving us wondering if they managed to survive, even just a little longer, only to later reveal, either in-episode or two later, that they already died and we should feel bad about it. Unfortunately, that very issue is responsible for the three cases of best rating for Ittoki this month.

#6: The summer vacay episode, by contrast, keeps things fairly moderate, with a flashback to Kirei's childhood showing her getting struck by Fuma Village's leader twice with a kendo sword - once against her shoulder, once offscreen, both times portrayed seriously - and a flashback to the aftermath of Ittoki's dad's death by mission where Yumika grabs Tokisada's kunai to quell the intra-civil war he's trying to cause in vengeance, bleeding from her palm with the liquid pooling on the floor below and streaming down her hand and wrist. We don't see the kunai cutting into her skin, but the sounds of skin cutting and liquid flowing tell us enough.

#7: INEPTLY EXECUTED CHARACTER DEATH #1: Hayato Goshogawara, head of the NSC. He gets shanked from behind by Worst Boy Karajishi while studying the contents of the video showing Kishinmaru's murder - too blurry to really show anything itself - and in response to the offscreen impact, spits up blood. The blade is shown impaling his torso afterwards, and a blood stain is shown on the exit wound and jacket surrounding, with a brief trickle coming from his mouth. (Goshogawara's death isn't confirmed until episode 9, when Best Girl Kozuki and her 1st Division boy-toys confront a couple Koga ninja trying to dispose of his corpse at a private crematory.) Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "hell", with bonus points going towards an awesomely Engrish exclamation of "Jesus!" by miscellaneous ninja village leader Amadeus Yoshinaka Nishina.

#8: INEPTLY EXECUTED CHARACTER DEATH #2: Housen Ban. Shortly after advising against the Koga's raid against the Iga, he gets shot in the chest by Acting Chief Kidou, the impact presented in-the-moment and whose results include Housen trickling blood from his mouth and smearing some that collected on his palm onto the tabletop of Koga Village's meeting room. (I wouldn't have expected him to survive, but it took until another "cowardly" Koga ninja who was killed offscreen shortly after telling Housen's son Suzaku the news over his comm device that it was confirmed.) Honorable mention goes to a flashback scene where Kidou coughs up blood while trying to walk with his supposedly "improved" body. Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastards", "hell" and "crap".

#9: INEPTLY EXECUTED CHARACTER DEATH #3: Yumika Sakuraba. Her demise was saved for the final moments of the episode, but delivered in the cruelest of ways: Kousetsu, manipulated remotely by Karajishi (not even getting arrested will stop this shitbag from ruining a perfectly average ninja anime), stabbing her in the torso despite Yumika's multiple attempts at getting her to relent, including what is arguably the best unmasking scene in all of anime featuring the OTN variety since Naruto #101. Likewise, the wait between the cut away from her dying moments to the confirmation that they were, in fact, dying moments is the shortest. No words are said, but it's clear that she's already passed when Ittoki rushes in. Her body lying in a pool of blood while a second pool forms from what's dripping off a glassy-eyed Kousetsu's kunai. Further blood is shown as Ittoki lifts up Yumika's body, a massive stain on her kimono surrounding the wound and blood continuing to pour. Just... fuck. Actual profanity used in the episode consisted of four uses of "damn" (two as "damned"), two of "hell", and one of "bastards".

If Shittoki tries this shit one more time, it's going below Nyaruko-san on my overall anime rankings. You don't get more damning than that.

SK8 the Infinity #11: King vs. Nobody (TV-PGDV)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: When Tadashi shows up to deliver Adam's personal tournament invitation to him, Reki recognizes him as "the guy from the love hotel". Langa and Oka react with the appropriate level of shock (despite Langa not knowing what a love hotel is, being Canadian), to which Reki insists that it wasn't in that way. Later, before the race starts, Adam proclaims in an almost orgasmic fashion, complete with a groan to preface it all, that he's getting "tingles" from the thought of Langa giving him a deathglare after he defeats Reki. In a milder variation that would've been an automatic set way back when, Adam remarks to Reki's adamance in continuing to resist defeat by admitting he's "got some cajones".

MODERATE VIOLENCE: Oh so many moments during the "Wedding Beef". Adam knocks Reki off his board twice, drags him along the ground in spinning motions, pushes him against a rock wall as they're moving down the course, and punches him multiple times when he tries to bear-hug him into a futile defeat. Red scuff marks on the face, pained screaming, and blood dripping from a cut on his cheek ensue. To balance things out, after dodging his Full Swing Kiss (the finishing move he used against Cherry) and causing him to stumble in the mud multiple times (most of them his own fault), Adam's reflection in the puddle he looks into after said humiliation shows a blood smear just under his nose.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one each of "frickin'", "dammit" and "ass".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #7: The Savior of the Heavenly Fowl (TV-14)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #8: Curse Shield (TV-14)


#7: There's some mild but nonsexual nudity during the hot spring scene in the form of Raphtalia's sideboob (with her arm covering up the front), and some vague but very much sexual dialogue in the form of Filo mentioning eventual "mating" with Naofumi as their relationship progresses. Oh, and there's some dried blood pouring out from the corpse of the dragon from next episode onto the rock where Ren slayed and left it. Profanity consisted of one use of "damn".

#8: Besides the additional shots of the zombie dragon's dried blood from when it was slain, there's a scene where it eats Filo and it's implied that the red liquid that spurts out when it chomps down is blood. That implication is important, as it throws Naofumi into a deep enough despair at losing everything to the isekai he was forcibly transported to to activate the eponymous Curse Shield. But it later turns out that the blood spray was actually a bunch of liquified fruit that the still-pecking Filo coincidentally happened to vomit up at the same time she got soft-vored. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and one of "hell".

Coming next month will be a return to two franchises, both of whom are very familiar to the Content Rating Clips and its predecessor medium...

[seriously let us delete posts already]

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

(response to Poke about Dawn of the Deep Soul)


I originally rated it TV-MASV, but I soon realized that's what [as] would've gone with. And frankly, I think the reason it wasn't able to air wasn't the extreme content, but simply because the TV rights to it weren't available. But who's to say?

Touhou Hifuu Club ~The Sealed Esoteric History~
Episode 2: "Wish" - TV-PG


Shockingly tame; the closest thing to violence was Kanako's thorns breaking Suwako's metal rings, plus Merry almost falling into a koi pond but Renko pulls her out only to fall herself. The discussion of the history of Moriya Shrine did have a lot to do with gods, which I suppose is a rare religious PG set; one choice line describes the Mishiguji as a "brutal retribution god", and there are also repeated mentions of Yayoi skipping her grandfather's funeral.

This time, we're going four deep on images for the first time ever. I originally wasn't sure about doing this because there were only two eyecatches in the episode, but I figured it would make more sense, and I was soon able to find a good-enough place for the fourth one. Sadly, these images are not very exciting: a close shot of Yayoi in disguise, and then three shots of her lengthy conversation with Merry and Renkers, some of which showcase the tortured grammar of the subs.





Birdie Wing -Golf Girl's Story-
Episode 9: "Ichina Saotome Wants to Be a Pro Caddy!" - TV-14S
Episode 10: "Evangeline is Frightfully Upset" - TV-PGD


#9: Ichina, one of the girls from Raiou Girls Academy who looks just like my favorite Cinderella Girls character, admires Eve's form on the school's practice golf course, saying her subscapularis and gluteus medius (as opposed to maximus) are so soft, which makes Eve wonder if she's a pervert. The medical terms wouldn't have counted as a dialogue subrating, but that's irrelevant. And so is the use of "pervert" in itself, because a scene near the end of the episode shows Eve naked, having just came out of the shower, and the sight of this is too much for poor Aoi, who says she's seeing things she shouldn't.

#10: Only offending content comes less than a minute into this one, when Ichina remarks that she can see Eve's panties.

Since that was a short entry, astute observation from myself: this show's episode titles have shifted in accordance with its content. They're rather long-winded now, which I don't mind.

Lycoris Recoil Episode 2: "The more the merrier" - TV-14LV


So this show is using generic figures of speech for its episode titles? What is this, Magus' Bride?

Anyawy, more violence ensues in this episode as Chisato and Takina get involved with a war between computer hackers. They travel to an abandoned supermarket while on the run from more baddies. Some of them get shot and spurt glittery red blood, but others bleed as usual, which is interesting. But there's no excusing the girl in the squirrel costume, actually Mizuki in disguise, who walks right into enemy fire and gets laced with bullets, spurting blood along the way. But it turns out the costume is really tough and this is just for show, after which Mizuki gives her now-iconic line asking for booze. Worst profanity in this one was "shit", though I think "asshole" was used as well.

Goodness, it's been so long since I last watched this one, it feels like I never did. Think I should start from the beginning before I do any more. 😕

Girls' Last Tour (four): "Photograph / Temple" - TV-PG


Just two uses of "sucks" from Yuu, plus a scene of her and Chi getting comically bonked on their heads by a broken worm statue. There are a lot of these in the show's setting...

Tonight: blur, and juxtaposition. And yes, it's just two of them again. So much for my master plan.



Last Period -the journey to the end of the despair-
Episode 8: "Swimsuit Episode" - TV-14S
Episode 9: "Expanding Galaxy" - TV-14DS


#8: One use of "pissed", a scene of a character almost drowning that Haru saves, and various bits of innuendo seemed to steer this episode in the direction of a rare rating. But then, after the Spiral that's been possessing all of the girls' swimsuits suddenly dissolves, they all get naked.

#9: Wiseman's new android boss Sonia ends up making slaves out of Guru and Gajeru, with phrases like "masochism" and "master-slave relationship" being tossed around, on top of comments about Sonia's boobs and those two characters oinking like pigs. There also moments where Sonia's boobs puff out, the last of which sees them get really big and destroy her android skin, revealing the cold robotic exoskeleton underneath... which still has boobs, and before she's finally destroyed they grow even bigger. And there's a decent amount of violence in the episode, including a fight scene where Haru's sparring against Sonia reveals machine guns in her forearms, not to mention the usual stuff like heat vision and a flying robotic hand. No language to speak of here.

Interviews with Monster Girls Episode #9: "Demi-chans Want to Learn" - TV-14


In the opening scene, Sakie gets drunk at home and projects the image of Tetsuo onto her teddy bear. (It'd be funny if he was named Takahashi-sensei before Sakie met him.) She's also drunk, and imagines the teddy bear... basically sexually assaulting her with classroom tools. We don't see any of this, and that's definitely for the better. I don't get any other implication from this, so I'm giving the episode a 14 straight for that, though I feel like I could be overrating this. It helps that the rest of it focused on the usual aphrodisiac talk, which is tamer than in prir episodes, and the worst sexual content is a scene where the zipper on Sakie's tracksuit hits her boobs, having unzipped it to try and use her aphrodisiac effect on Tetsuo. Swearing amounts to one of use "half-assed", plus a "suck".

takt op.Destiny Episode 9: "Family -Eroica-" - TV-PG


The overtones that Takt and Destiny are dying because of the circumstances of their Musicart/Conductor pairing, as well as some brief flashbacks to D2 violence, are the only sets in this episode that's simultaneously a breather and heavy on exposition, easily its tamest yet.

For these screenshots, it's all about people. Some stay where they are, others shuffle about.



The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Episode 16: "The light shines in my heart." - TV-G


I originally had this at a PG, but after reading one of Poke's entries, it seems religion is not spicy enough to count as a PG set unless atheism is involved, which is the opposite of what I'd expected, but it makes sense. So Ranko's comment about being exiled from heaven will be heard only by the wind. We're now up to four Gs for this show, which is more than the 2011 anime had, and this one still has a third of its episodes to go. Hey, at least this breaks a string of images w/ PGs for me.

Comment is free: idol business, the second with cameos.



Re:Stage! Dream Days
Episode 1: "Stick Together, Lyrical Tradition Dance Club" - TV-PGDV
Episode 2: "Nothing More Than a Water Flea" - TV-PG
Episode 3: "Didn't I Say I'm Not Interested?" - TV-PGV


And now we're on a run of musical-themed shows. This is my third attempt to watch this one, having gotten six episodes in back in 2019 and three in last year, the first time foiled due to ennui and the second due to a bad connection. At this point, I have no reason to push through all of this one no matter how long it may take... though I'd like to before U149 starts, as well as finishing the main CG anime.

#1: This was originally marked as a PG straight, but on this viewing, I see a scene where Kasumi (a character not introduced until the third episode) contributes to her survival game club, other members firing airsoft guns. Not too long after, Mizuha (the leader of the idol club who always wears a kimono in school; superb drip) remarks that the chest of Mana (the protagonist) is on the smaller side. By the way, all these girls are in middle school.

#2: Nothing worth noting in the episode itself, but the OP features Saya (a.k.a. totally not Kagami from Lucky Star) in the bath, so I guess that means every episode is gonna be at least PG going forward.

#3: Most of the episode is about Kasumi challenging the other members of the idol club to a survival game in order to get her to join the group. Among other highlights, Saya gets in hit in the ass... with a burst of hot air. Whereas the worst that happens to Kasumi is getting hit with party favors and a pink smoke bomb that Kae set up before the actual survival game, which seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. But it's an idol show, so if it's entertaining, it gets a pass.

To Your Eternity Season 2
Episode 1: "Infatuation Reborn" - TV-14V
Episode 2: "Beating Will" - TV-14LV
Episode 3: "The Awaited" - TV-14V
Episode 4: "The Boy Who Could See" - TV-PGV


Hey, remember this show? Crazy it's taken me until now to catch up on simulcasts.

#1: The worst violence here comes from Nokkers terrorizing a village, latching onto its denziens and turning them into hideous zombies with mutated pointy tongues. One victim meets a gorier fate, getting turned into a pink cloud and matching blood splatter just offscreen as his kid watches. And then there's the matter of Hayase's granddaughter Hisame, who has the Nokker first implanted in Hayase's arm which has been passed down through the family lineage; as would be expected, it makes her arm veiny and fleshy as it pulsates. Worst profanity in this one is "my ass", though there's also a "freaking" that feels awkwardly placed and might've been stronger in the original Japanese.

#2: More Nokker violence, this time when Hisame latches onto the aged Tonari's arm and digs its flesh tentacles in, which ultimately kills her. After finding out her injury, Tonari drops an S-bomb. Also, one of Hisame's goals in life is to father Fushi's child. There's some discussion about this, but it's not particularly juicy, with the most notable part being when Fushi's creator tells him his reproductive organs do work, and that he should "go to down" if he's interested... which isn't an innuendo, but Fushi thought it was.

#3: Two townsmen barge into the room where Fushi is staying, right after he meets Kahaku (the sixth descendant of Hayase, and the first male one), and refer to him (as opposed to the gender-changing immortal) as an infidel. What was that about? And then there are flashbacks to the brutal violence in the colosseum on Jananda, which were made by a different animation studio.

#4: Bonchien Nicoli la Tasty Peach Uralis, the flamboyant wannabe king who lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, has a huge ego, which is satiated through the publishing of his own newspaper. One of the townsfolk sees it and calls him steamy. Violence in this episode is limited: first Fushi gets bitten by a horse, and then he gets kicked by one. Later on, Bon's backstory shows that he can see spirits, and he gets in a swordfight with one of them. (The sword merely phases through his body, and then the spirit acts like he's been knocked down.) Another has a sword stuck in his bald head. Then Bon's mom gets concerned and hires a non-licensed nurse to help bloodlet the pain away while he's forcibly tied to a bed. In the aftermath, a simple bloodstain adorns his arm.

I'd like to go back to the beginning on this show and also do screencaps for it, but who knows when I'll have the room for that in my schedule.

For my next omnibus, I have one priority: watch and rate Spy×Family, because the next batch of episodes has almost finished airing! No guarantees, but look forward to it by the end of the year.

[in a zany combination of wayne's pet youngin']

Edited by Blatch
LycoReco rating added, though you might've been able to infer before. Thanks Poke!
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just so you know, you forgot to list your rating for Lycoris Recoil.

New year, slightly new me, and one last update before the new seasonals start rolling in.

Elfen Lied #6: Herzenswärme [Innermost Feeling] (TV-MA)


This was a bit of a tough one to navigate, but one I'm content with regardless. Back in 2008, I gave this episode a TV-MAV with one scene above all else in mind: the discovery of Professor Kakuzawa's corpse by Kouta and the former's research assistant Arakawa. (So no, Kurama was not the one to have found the body.) The top-down shot of the corpse shows the bone and flesh of his neck stump, and his severed head, eyes glazed over and tongue lolled out like the more petit mort, is presented rolling forward after Arakawa realizes she bumped into it, with two follow-up shots and a third flashbacked to when Kouta PSTD's himself out of telling Yuka about the body. He also flashes back to an image of a younger individual standing in a pool of blood with a couple drops landing in the pool, and he himself is flashed back to, young and bloodstained, by Lucy later on. (Hmmm... 🤔) It's more than understandable why the initial rating was what it was, with results that graphic, but I've matured in how I grant ratings since then, and knowing how after-the-fact Kakuzawa's corpse was, especially without any flashbacks to the moment of death itself to remind the audience - aren't this show so rewarding towards its viewers? - I felt just as comfortable, if not more comfortable, giving this episode no descriptors than I would be keeping the one from days' since past.

Oh, and Lucy phases one of her Vectors through a random schoolgirl's head and makes her pass out. No word on if it was fatal, but because there was no blood, I didn't count it as hard as the above.

DIALOGUES OF THE MOMENT: Bandou acknowledges that he'll be trading his balls for the new prosthetics he received before castration. (Safe to say, he bounced before they got the chance to do away with the boys.) The random schoolgirl Lucy one-shots quietly complains to herself about how her perverted manager at her part-time job is sexually harassing her by means of staring at her butt. And then there's Yuka giving Kouta a mouth-to-mouth kiss, and Kouta later reciprocating. Can you believe people thought that was a reason Turner S&P didn't want the show anywhere near their workloads?

Profanity consisted of three uses each of "fuckin'", "shit" (one as "shithole") and "hell", two of "bitch" and one of "damn".

Hareluya II BØY #3: Makoto Ichijo (TV-PGDLV)
Hareluya II BØY #4: Grandpa Bob (TV-PGV)


#3: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Hareluya "accuses" Ichijo of being a "closet pervert", on account of how socially distant he is. He calls him by that accusation five times in total. MODERATE VIOLENCE: Hareluya tosses some pans at the Mad Satan members who try to attack Ichijo during class, causing some brief blood spackling on impact. The manager of the DALI music club Ichijo and his band were planning on playing at has after-the-fact blood running from his forehead as a result of Mad Satan's attack on the joint. During his confrontation of the majority of his former gang, Ichijo punches out one of Mad Satan's goons, the fight ensuing and follwing ultimately resulting in the leader receiving a bloodstain on the left side of his head, though Ichijo doesn't walk away unscathed either, with blood trickling from his mouth as he limps his way back to his concert venue (which winds up being the Hibino family's church). Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit" and one each of "bastards", "pissed", "sucks" and "hell".

#4: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Hareluya throws multiple oden toothpicks into the hands of some of Kageno's goons, causing them to bleed on impact, though Hareluya himself bleeds from the rear of his jaw after he's jumped by the art thieves' on-hire ninja assassin Azami, some of the resultant blood dripping onto his hand. Kageno Sr. also attacks the owner of the oden stand offscreen, though it's hard to tell if the trickle down his head is booze from the broken bottle he was hit with, or blood from the shards. CLOSET PERVERT COUNT: Just one. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (two as "dammit"), two of "crap" (one as "crappy"), and one of "hell".

Initial D Battle Stage 2 (TV-14L)


That's right, over four years after getting bummed out by Extra Stage 2's post-credits sequence, and several months ahead of MF Ghost's premiere, I'm finally diving back into my favorite alternative sports anime franchise, this time with intent to finish!

For this recap of Fourth Stage's races (plus two Keisuke-centric races that never made it the first time around), it was all profanity, including ten uses of "hell", six uses of "damn", four of "ass" (one as "dumbass"), and two each of "son of a bitch", "bastard" (one plural), "goddamn" and "shit".

No screenshots for this one, because Battle Stage don't do screenshots. Fifth Stage, however, will get some, and consider this the first of multiple unscheduled revivals of the old method.

[wen hell's dairy cow?]

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #13: Smack of Love and Revenge, Part 1 (TV-MALV)


And so the hiatus is lifted at long last.

GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Ermes racks up a fair amount of damage during her assault by Flaccid Pancake Limp Vizkit, including losing a pinky finger, having three holes pecked in her cheek (one of which heads for her eye before Smack smacks it away), and tearing open her neck to pull at one of her blood vessels in a frenzied state, all with bloody results. The damage she incurs by the time the guards reach her and Jolyne in the cold open flash-forward gets worse, with a hole in her upper arm, a deep gash in her shoulder, a splattered pool under her head and some more spillage around her legs. And it's not like Ermes was the only one attacked; Jolyne is bleeding from her mouth at least when the cold open starts, and in contrast to the invisible bird that assaulted Ermes, the invisible alligator brought to life by Limp Vizkit bites off one of F.F.'s legs, the blood from which is used by Jolyne to paint the gator visible. Also of note are a female corpse also found as part of the aftermath, mentioned as having a "bleeding crater" in her skull, and the offscreen mob hit that Ermes' older sister accidentally witnessed, where a man bit down on the end of a wood chunk and got his head stepped on hard enough to impale the back of his throat.

DIALOGUES OF THE MOMENT: One female prisoner calls another a "trash whore" during a riot started by F.F. letting others cut her in the cafeteria line. F.F. refers to Sports Maximum, Ermes' sworn enemy and the user of Limp Vizkit, as a "big D gangster". Ermes compares Sports' mouth to a sphincter while exacting her immediate revenge on him.

A RATING SCHEDULE FIRST: One of the male prisoners cat-calling Jolyne in the Ultra Security House Unit somehow throws his shit across the colosseum-like corridor of the prison block and nails Jolyne in the face with it. Complain about sex stuff in anime all you want, that crap is what's really gross.

Profanity consisted of fifteen uses of "shit" (one each as "shithead" and "shit-snake"), eight of "hell", four of "fuck" (two as "fucking", one as "fucker") and "bitch" (one as "son of a bitch"), two each of "bastard" (one plural), "ass" (one as "badasses"), "damn" and "crap"; and one each of "asshole", "dick" and "frickin'".

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #21: The Last Battle (TV-PG)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #22: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer (TV-14V)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #23: Hoshi no Samidare (TV-14LV)
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer #24: That Which Ends and That Which Continues (TV-PGLV)


#21: In a very [as]-like follow-up to the previous episode's aversion to any truly damaging violence, the first half of the final battle against Animus was very Y7FV-level, with the 12-Eyes' defeat and the mutual destruction of both the Biscuit Hammer and the Blues Drive Monster being the kind of stuff that could air on Toonami with very little in the way of censorship. The worst we did get on that front was Animus unleashing his Shock Balls against the Beast Knights minus Yuuhi, but even then all we got was Mikazuki getting stunned by one of them to very little visible effect. Profanity consisted of a single use of "damn".

#22: The second half, on the other hand, saw a solid increase on the "this would be edited for daytime" front of action, with Animus's shadowy power-up dealing some fair yet non-fatal damage to the other Beast Knights, including Nagumo bleeding from his head and getting a piece of rock shrapnel stabbing into his arm (which he pulls out), and Hanako getting a slash across the back as she moves Taiyou (now the team healer) out of the way of another attack. But what ultimately stole this episode its fourth and final best rating was the finisher: Anima impaling Animus using the halberd Yuuhi obtained from within Blues. While the impact itself is free of blood, there are multiple instances of Animus bleeding out afterwards, including a trickle from his mouth, additional blood on his hand after grabbing at the damaged area, and some more coughed up in the form of a bad CG stock effect. And then he became one with the earth, never to be heard from again. Profanity, again, was just one "damn" given.

#23: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Tarou's heavily bloodied corpse is once more flashbacked to, this time during Samidare's reflection on the time spent with the other Beast Knights; fittingly used at the point where she admits her wish that the good times would last forever was foolish thinking. HONORABLE MENTION: In a move personally witnessed before only in Japanese bullying/humiliation art, Yuuhi temporarily inconveniences Hakudou mid-battle by trapping her upper body within her skirt, exposing her panties to everyone. Blushing, rage, and shaming Yuuhi for being a bigger closet perv than Madman Ichijo ensued. Profanity consisted of nine uses of "damn" and one of "shit".

#24: And finally, with Animus defeated and Samidare talked down from punching apart the planet, we have the final moment of violence in Biscuit Hammer: Yuuhi and Mikazuki's final duel, where by the time they lose the use of their Holding Fields and both Neu and Mu are erased from existence, they're left punching each other to the point of bleeding, much like Kazuma and Ryuho in the final episode of s-CRY-ed. At the point of the final clash, they're both bleeding from the mouth and nose, and both have swelled up considerably from all the blows taken. There were also flashbacks to Hangetsu taking metaphorical Cupid arrows to the head and heart and bleeding from both upon first meeting Hisame, who he would wind up marrying and having kids with in a different timeline. Anima knows; she's their distant descendant.

On the note of profanity, the name of Mikazuki's final attack which wins him the duel with Yuuhi? The "Popular Bastard's Judgement Punch", which turns out to be a kick instead. (Glenn Radars would be proud.) Other curse words include two uses of "damn" and one of "hell".

And here's the customary tally for how many times each character appeared on-screen alongside the graphic! Ironically, Yuuhi and Samidare's images come from the only episodes to feature the Pillows as part of the soundtrack.



Pacific Rim: The Black #10: The Divide (TV-14)


In addition to Boy's continued wound from the Kaiju Tick, the battle between Atlas Destroyer and the kaiju the Sisters sicc on it results in many moments of brutal kaiju violence (that, naturally, aren't on the same level as most other instances of 14-level violence), including a chain-spear to the snout that leaves part of it missing upon pull-out, a finishing move through that same kaiju's jaw, and the other kaiju getting suplexed onto a pointed rock formation. For as much as these characters suck, the action sequences they pull off are sick.

DIALOGUE OF THE MOMENT: In response to one of her stupider suggestions, Mei asks Hayley if she's high. Mei later brings up getting "sprayed with Joel's guts" (even though it was his head that exploded into off-screen giblets) while angrily confronting Shane. Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell".

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #10: The Things I Can Do (TV-G)


At long last, another wholesome episode free of mild violence, child-unfriendly minor vices, or even Saburi cursing. While there is acknowledgement of the danger Jane faces in her role in stopping the leaky pipe/overheating boiler issue that drives the episode's perilous conflict, not to mention the subtle anti-sexism stance of the episode's main message (job assignments should be based on skill sets and not gender stereotypes), they were respectively harmless in action and general in scope enough to avoid triggering anything higher than what was ultimately given out.

Pop Team Epic #24: The Kingdom of Nature (TV-14L)
Pop Team Epic #25: Boomer Team Epic (TV-14D)
Pop Team Epic #26: Endless Love (TV-14V)


#24: VIOLENCE CLOSE-CALLS: Newly introduced mascot character Unyumaru shoots Popuko in the forehead as she tries to coax them out, though the impact is more like glass or porcelain being shattered than anything realistic. Profanity consisted of three uses each of "fuck" (one each of "fuckin'" and "fucking") and "suck" (once as "Murasucky Shikibu"), two of "damn", and one each of "bastard", "bitch" and "hell". "This Shit Show!" closes out act 2.

#25: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: A rare Popuko and Pipimi-free segment has a penguin tell a rabbit and bear that a "thicc MILF beastgirl" is making out with a "robot shota whose bangs hide his eyes" just ahead. No verification is made as to whether that's true or just a ploy. The story segment has a lot of panties talk, with Boomer!Pipimi mistaking the monkey manzai duo "Mocchi Kanchi's" name for the phrase "Boner Panty" (and one of the pair claiming "no one's got a boner"), and one of them departing while calling themselves "Boner Panty" in the A-block and "Nishiki Panty" (a Yakuza reference) in the B-block. The bento boxes Mocchi Kanchi offer the duo are claimed to be "a buncha Osakan grannies' panties", though after looking at what they really are, Boomer!Popuko notes that it would've been funnier if they were panties. Profanity consisted of nine uses of "hell" (two as "Hell Sphere"), four "ass" words (two as "dumbass", two as "jackass"), and two of "suck". "This Shit Show!" ends act 2.

#26: In the action-packed live-action season finale, the finale likewise for hypothetical tokusatsu Endless L.O.V.E., much combat violence is engaged in, with the biggest moments being when the mystery girl is shot in the back by one of the Time Patrol soldiers, Big Bad T.M. Revolution almost choking out a partially bloodied Captain Nakamura, Shouta Aoi having some after-the-fact blood on his own cheek after retreating to the resistance shelter, and a flashback to T.M. slashing Shouta's future self across the eye and giving him his scar, though red SFX sparks replace blood. More Pop Team-relevant moments of violence include some blood splatter effects appearing onscreen during the "yakuza's discarded tiles" portion of the Pop-Out-Your-Spinal-Cord Dance music video, and Shining Shoulder Pipimi impaling one of the Time Noise goons with her sword during the big battle scene at the end. Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn", "hell" and "crap".

Rizelmine #4: Bold! Embraced and Happy!? (TV-14)
Rizelmine #5: Yes We Did It! Together, We Came!? (TV-14)


Not too much happened in these episodes as far as content went. #4 just had Rizel tripping in the hall and exposing her bear-print bloomers, with token rich boy Ryunosuke taking notice with a bright blush, and #5 had him imagine those same bloomers upon meeting Rizel as a new student and not a trespasser, the bloomers appearing behind him in a metaphorical "waves and rocks" scene as he makes mention of her "beautiful white underclothes". The former episode did have one use of "shit" that would've earned it an L subrating, but with my efforts in trying to transition the S-word to a 14 set for single-use instances in line with what [as] has recently done with the word, as well as the other profanity featured being "damn", I decided to get away with it just this once. Profanity for the latter consisted of two uses of "damn".

Shinobi no Ittoki #10: Those Taken, Those Taken From (TV-14LV)
Shinobi no Ittoki #11: The Path With No Regrets is to not watch Shittoki (TV-14L)


#10: INTENSE VIOLENCE: At least one bloodstain remains on the tatami flooring of that one room in the Sakuraba homestead following Yumika's slaying, and the blood that initially spilled remained on the floor as the other Iga villagers tried to resuscitate her back to life, with machines and everything. (What good was that pointless flashback?) A flashback to Satomi bleeding from her eyes after she seppuku'd herself is presented as her and Kousetsu's microchip-implanted connections to Kidou are revealed. And of course, we have Kishinmaru getting impaled from behind with a kunai by an unseen assassin on Kidou's orders, bloody results from the wound and what Kishinmaru coughed up on display. Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell" and one of "asshole".

#11: Though no blood was spilled this episode (outside of what Ittoki, Tokisada and Kousetsu used to cross their names off the Iga registry ahead of their three-man raid on Koga territory), Reiha - revealed to be a traitor to the Iga in a scene I'm almost certain only existed to pad for time - swallows some sort of poison capsule that causes her to convulse. I bet you anything she died offscreen, because why would Shittoki ever let its characters bounce back from potentially fatal wounds to their insides and beyond? Profanity consisted of two uses of "shit" (one as "bullshit") and one of "crap".

SK8 the Infinity #12: Our Infinity! (TV-PGV)


The tournament final between Adam and Langa is easily the most perilous course any Beef has been over the course of SK8, with the possibility of death being fully acknowledged. However, the only moment of real contact violence is when the two competitors clash boards, resulting in a bloodless double-KO that both men struggle to stand up from. Overall, this was a counterbalance to the two uses of "freakin'" (one as "frickin'") that served as the strongest profanities (per my standards), and my ongoing efforts to avoid having it be as PGL-level material as it was back when IGPX was still premiering on Toonami. Other profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one each of "dammit" and "crap".

Before the above clip was prepared, Adam was tied with Miya for third place (and Langa with Reki for first). The ultimate outcome hashed itself out nicely.


Submarine Super 99 #10: Blast the Ocean Empire! (TV-PGLV)


MODERATE VIOLENCE: Soldiers from the Ocean Empire fire on Zelbert's fleet when they arrive to stop its self-destruction, with rifles, tanks and a rocket launcher being the main weapons waged. Multiple impacts are made to the vessels, but no injury is presented. And while the main self-destruction is ultimately halted, the bomb hidden in Deathbird's desk globe explodes anyways, rocking the Ocean Empire in its entirety and decimating many citizens and soldiers, with several Aquatics getting shown crushed under rubble with little to no detail beyond the rubble falling.

SEXUALLY SITUATIONAL CAUSES FOR CONCERN: When telling Strait about his plan to get rid of Zelbert by destroying the Ocean Empire while he starts anew deeper underwater, Deathbird gets on top of her, pulling down part of her collar and kissing her at the end of the scene. Strait looks uneasy during the whole scene, but not so much because of Deathbird's physical advances (which she's previously embraced without issue), but his putting her fellow Aquatics' lives in danger with his most recent maneuver. It also helps that the scene didn't go any further than just foreplay. Later, there's a scene of her in bed with Deathbird, though the sheet is covering her body below the neck in entirety, exposing only the barest tops of her shoulders.

Profanity consisted of twenty uses of "hell", all in reference to Deathbird, and one use each of "bastard" and "damn".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #9: Melty (TV-PG)


I'm honestly surprised at how tame this one was, with respect to both the show's standard level of content and what was intrinsic to this episode. Though Naofumi's grudge against Malty and her extended family is put front and center, not even an allusion is made to the false rape accusations. Though Motoyasu's desire to save Filo from life as Naofumi's slave sounds an awful lot like he wants to romance her, it's clearly just him being moe for angel lolis. No one in the riot started by Naofumi and Motoyasu's impromptu fight bleeds from the punches they give each other. The acknowledging attention Naofumi gives Motoyasu's crotch is in reference to his protective codpiece (not that it does him any good). Even when Melty sheds all her clothes before spending the night in Filo's feathers, she only pokes herself out far enough to show her exposed shoulders. Though far from wholesome (as if Shield Hero would even), it is amazing that it managed to be tame enough to earn one of the most wholesome ratings this side of the six TV-Gs in my overall listings (so far). Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell".

Tokyo Vice #2: Kishi Kaisei (TV-14DLV)


HBO MAX RATING: TV-MAL. At least it's good to see they aren't always relying on the default option of diamond status.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: The episode starts with Jake working on a story about a panty thief, which starts off great for us in the audience, as he's chased by a shopowner with a knife calling him a pervert for asking his wife about her panties. Jake responds to some of his glasses-sporting co-worker Tintin's banter by saying he likes "bustin' his balls". When meeting with Miyamoto for information on the panty thief, he tells Jake there isn't one, because "papers love a story about a pervert". (This useless piece of information proves false and almost threatens Jake's career right off the bat.) Before that moment of truth, though, he banters with Tintin by claiming he's so late because he "made a quick stop to do his mother". Only he didn't say "do". ;)

INTENSE VIOLENCE: The opening title sequence features imagery of a yakuza getting his shoulder sliced and a fish getting disemboweled, all within a yakuza's back tattoos. The previous episode recap shows a shot of the stabbed jogger, and another of the self-immolating man. Photos of the stabbed jogger are seen among the contents of the folder Katagiri browses during the police's interrogation of who they decide is the culprit (because American cops aren't the only ones who are bastards). One of the Chihara-kai's members has a knife stuck in their shoulder during their confrontation by a rival Tozawa-gumi group, though any fatalities are avoided thanks to Katagiri's intervention.

SEXUALLY SITUATIONAL CAUSE FOR CONCERN: There's heavy implication that the "extra lessons" Duke has been giving Malee was sexual relations of unknown consent levels, based on him trying to buckle his belt after leaving a closed room.

Profanity consisted of nineteen uses of "fuck" (ten subbed, two as "fucking"; nine in English, three as "fucking" and one each as "fuckin'" and "fucked"), seven uses of "shit" (four subbed, three in English), three of "bastard" (two subbed, one in English), two of "damn" (one subbed, one in English), and one each of "bitches" and "pussy" (both in English).

Speaking of new seasonals, Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro returns with 2nd Attack to pick up the slack left behind by the ANN community's self-proclaimed Worst of 2022, with Trigun Stampede and The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague joining them on that front. As well as two new full series, though I'll save them for the next update, which hopefully comes out in less than a month.

[apply knuckles to wood here]

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

One of these days, I'll update less than a month after the fact, but today is not that time.

Chainsaw Man #1: Dog and Chainsaw (TV-MAV)


Because sometimes, a show isn't worth rotting in Toonami Jail for years on end.

GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The first Devil that Denji kills to pay off the yakuza debt he inherited from his dad has its purple-colored entrails pouring out of its corpse when Denji presents it to the yakuza's boss. Of course, that's a drop in the bucket compared to Denji's death scene: impaled from behind by one of the Zombie Devil's eponymous minions, slashed across the back with a hacksaw, stabbed in the back multiple times (and in the hand once), all with bloody results and ultimately pained screaming. The end result: cut up like the yakuza promised they'd do to him one day and thrown in the dumpster alongside his pet chainsaw-dog-Devil Pochita. But while Pochita is simply bisected, Denji is in several pieces: head, torso, pieces of his arms and legs... I imagine part of it was to show the yakuza's brutality, even under the command of the Zombie Devil, but I imagine part of it was also for the sequence where the pieces start reconnecting themselves thanks to Pochita's efforts to bring him back to life. Leading to the big event: Denji, now half-man and half-chainsaw, tearing his way through the zombie horde and laying blows on the Devil itself. In the case of the former, there are too many instances to keep track of, bisections and impalements, all with bloody results; but the latter case is especially notable for the bit where Denji buries one of his chainsaw-arms into the Zombie Devil's eye, a close-up on the damaged organ spurting blood after he pulls out. Simply astounding. (It's amazing I haven't seen past the first episode, not when there's so much incentive to continue!)

OTHER CONTENT OF NOTE: Denji makes note that of all the body parts of his he sold to get extra cash, one of them was a testicle. When telling the younger Denji that he will pay off the debt he owes, the main yakuza says that he can "whore himself out" for the cash, for all he cares. In violence left unspoken above due to not being graphic enough, there's the bullet wounds Pochita incurred before he first met Denji (and him biting Denji's arm to get some recovery blood) and Denji coughing up some without warning in what he claims is a congenital condition, the same one that killed his mother (but not him, as the Zombie Devil saw to before regretting everything).

Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit", "bastard", "broke-ass", "freaking" and "damn".

Elfen Lied #7: Zufällige Begegnung [Chance Encounter] (TV-MA)


And in contrast to last time, a higher rating than what I gave in '08. Back then, this episode got a TV-14LSV, the reasons for which are compartmentalized below.

STRONG COARSE LANGUAGE: Profanity consisted of six uses of "bitch", four of "shit" and one of "hell".

INTENSE SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Nana's file, as shown on Kurama's desk, features her mugshot, taken from the middle of her chest up but with the briefest edge of her right nipple showing. Later, Nyu randomly starts groping Yuka's chest, keeping at it from Kouta's heading out to his near-immediate heading back in. Because it was an over-clothes groping - Yuka was wearing a nightie - it wasn't of much concern.

VIOLENCE: In-the-moment violence was actually quite tame, as far as you can make it in this show. The tungsten bullets from Bandou's gun manage to graze Nana multiple times, though the second from his spare gun, fired at a close enough range to break one of his prosthetic arms, manages to hit her head, scantly enough to not kill her but close enough to make her bleed (and snap her out of her "kill all humans" rage). But the real concern here are all the flashbacks to prior instances of violence and graphic content, all shown through brief flashes to remind the audience of what went on. The freshly-quadriplegic Nana lying on the cemetery grounds in episode 4, blood pooling around her from her arm and leg stumps; Nana collapsing after her leg is sliced off by Lucy's vectors in the same episode; and a jump-scare shot of Kakuzawa's severed head. Because I'm rating this as if this were an uncut broadcast, removing some of those scenes like I assume I did back in the "Insert Show Here on [as] Edits and Such" days was not an option. Hence, where we are now. An Elfen Lied run that's all MA.

Hareluya II BØY #5: Shuntaro Kitahara (TV-PGLV)
Hareluya II BØY #6: Shozo Momiyama (TV-14)


#5: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Of everything that occurs during the battle with Kageno's goons, Oni punches Ichijo in the stomach, causing him to cough up some blood, and Azami appears to behead Hareluya using his garrote wire, only for the silhouetted visual to turn out to be a feint Hareluya pulled with some nearby trash. CLOSET PERVERT COUNT: One time, with Ichijo responding to it with, "Who are you calling a pervert?" Profanity consisted of seven uses of "damn" (four as "dammit") and one each of "dumbass" and "hell".

#6: I was leaning towards bumping this one up to a 14 because of the borderline rapey undertones of Momiyama's plot to make Michiru fall in love with him using the purported "First Love Fizz" - doesn't "a drink that makes a girl fall in love with you" sound like a roofie colada? - but I committed to it when Hareluya, crossdressing as part of a disguise-laden interference, summons his trusty frying pan not from behind his back, but from up his skirt. One of Momiyama's goons that he later whacks with it even ask where he's putting his hand, and react almost like he's getting his dick out. That's the power of they/them pussy, I guess. HONORABLE MENTION: The next episode preview reveals that the plot involves salacious nude photos of an up-and-coming idol, and another instance of Hareluya calling Ichijo a "closet perv" to join the one that happened in-episode. Profanity consisted of four uses each of "damn" (one as "dammit") and "hell".

Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #1: It's You and Me, Senpai~ (TV-14DS)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #2: You're Inviting Me, Senpai!? (TV-14DLS)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #3: Senpai... Were You... Listening to What I Said...? (TV-14)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #4: Why Don't You Come Inside, Senpai-kun? (TV-14D)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #5: So This is Your Room, Huh, Senpai? (TV-14)


#1: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: While going through some supposedly standard "high school girl greetings", Nagatoro teases Senpai by threatening to tell everyone that he "got hard" from getting "glomped" by her. She then calls him a virgin (one instance this episode), claims his hand movements from putting on her stockings for her are "way too pervy", follows that up by asking if he has a "tights fetish", and during the celebratory dinner at the conveyor belt sushi place, makes a rare mpreg joke by putting some soft roe on a cod roe nigirizushi and calling it "Preggers Sushi", claiming that Senpai eating it might result in him getting "knocked up". Her friends, who were making nigirizushi combos of their own, call her out on making dirty jokes with it. SEXUAL SITUATIONS: In the "greetings" segment, Senpai trips while trying to get back at Nagatoro with a from-behind greeting of his own, grabbing Nagatoro for support, only to wind up grabbing one of her breasts. In the "sushi" segment, Nagatoro reaches over Senpai to grab some from the belt, the close proximity of her breasts to his face making Senpai all blushy and twitchy. And then there's a brief scene from the next episode preview... Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn", and one use each of "dumbass" and "suck".

#2: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: ...which featured a metaphorical visual of the Art Club President (hereby referred to as ACP) frolicking through a forest in the nude, with leafy branches covering up her sideboob and ass, as she tells Senpai about how she "frees herself" when engaging with nature. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Nagatoro misinterprets ACP's phrasing of her command for Senpai to invite her to the zoo for a round of life drawing - "Make her come with you!" - reminding her of the "Preggers Sushi" comment from the prior episode, and the subtitle under its metaphorical presentation when she realizes the real context being translated as "cum", but with an asterisk in place of the letter U. At one point, Nagatoro calls Senpai a "virgin sea louse". Later, when Senpai notices her last drawing of the day was one of him doing drawing of his own (which was a sloth, for those curious), she teases him by claiming that he was "violating her drawing" with his eyes, and calls him "such a pervert" for it. PROFANITY OF THE MOMENT: In the show's second overall dropping of the S-bomb (Gamo dropped one in the dub of last season's finale), the high school guy who Senpai winds up in a confrontation with claims to his girlfriend that zoos smell like shit. Other profanity consisted of four uses of "crap" (one as "crappy"), and one of "damn".

#3: Relatively tame stuff here, namely one of Nagatoro's miscellaneous friends (I call them "knock-off friends") teasingly calling Sakura a "whore" in response to her answer on what types of guy she likes (that is, multiple types), and a gratuitous close-up on ACP's boobs as she's shown running in the school marathon in the bunnygirl outfit she was blackmailed into wearing last season (it's performance art, she says). Profanity consisted of one use each of "slow-ass", "damn" and "hell", with one tally marked on the unoffical "Maggot Count". Thanks a lot for that, Sera.

#4: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Nagatoro's older sister - Anetoro, if you will - teases Senpai by saying that she's heard he does "naughty things", and assumes he wants to know about Naga's "this and that and everything else" in regards to info about her he doesn't know. Nagatoro later calls Senpai a "closet pervert", in a move out of Hareluya's playbook. (She calls him one again later, when he breaks her fall after she collapses from posing too long in what she claims is him trying to "get lucky".) The potential personal informations she offers to tell Senpai if he wins their game include her cup size (emphasized with her pulling at her shirt collar to show a slight bit of cleavage), her hip size (with her bumping against him with said hips), or "something even more pervy". (He settles for her first name, which he ends up getting spoiled on anyway thanks to Anetoro barging in.) The post-credits drawing sequence, where the aforementioned breaking of the fall took place, has Nagatoro tease Senpai by claiming he's been "feeling horny" since he hasn't drawn her (lit: "a high school girl") in a while, and later brings up his being a virgin in another tease. Profanity consisted of a single use of "damn".

#5: This one almost got a PG rating - a TV-PGD, to be exact, as Nagatoro claimed that Senpai was hiding "pervy books" somewhere in his bedroom - but a 14 became viable when, while trying to block a leg kick from her (for "jackassery", she claims), he grabs her leg and gets an unintended view up her skirt, one the audience is left out of but is enough to leave both protags screaming in embarrassment regardless. The 14 was ultimately confirmed when ACP showed up nude (but lightbeam-censored) in the next episode preview. Profanity consisted of the aforementioned use of "jackassery".

Initial D Fifth Stage #1: Encounter of Destiny (TV-14L)
Initial D Fifth Stage #2: The New Battlefield (TV-PGL)


Another season of Initial D, another deluge of mostly profanity to fill out the list of reasons.

#1: Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell" and one each of "shit" and "crap".

#2: Two uses of "dammit", and one each of "pissed" and "hell".

The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #1: A Cherry Blossom Meeting and a Coming Blizzard (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #2: The Okinawan Sea and Melting Feelings (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #3: A First Meal and a Secret Photo (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #4: A Day-Off Date and a Shared Game (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #5: The Fox Girl and the Phoenix Boy (TV-PGD)


#1: Whenever Himuro gets all excited over the things Fuyutsuki does or says that he finds cute, he mentally slips into his native Kansai dialect, portrayed in the subtitles as a down-home way of speaking. Regularly, this includes him using the word "freakin'", a word I've often considered a PG-level curse after multiple recognitions of it being the most likely profanity behind some of IGPX's later TV-PGL ratings. However, besides "freakin'", used five times in this first episode, no other profanities were uttered, and there wasn't anything else PG-level besides alcohol-adjacent references. So I decided that, at least for Ice Guy, "freakin'" would not be considered a profanity.

#2: Five "freakin's" again.

#3: No "freakin's", but one "damn".

#4: Two "freakin's".

#5: One "freakin'" and some slight banter between titular youko (descendant) Komori and her fully-human romantic foil Saejima. He points out that her tail was "flipping up her skirt", to which she playfully calls him a perv for presumably looking, and later claiming he wants to see her "undies" that bad after he suggests she leave it (and her equally fluffy ears) out all the time instead of trying to suppress them regularly.

Pacific Rim: The Black #11: Sisters of the Kaiju (TV-PGLV)
Pacific Rim: The Black #12: Mind, Body, Soul (TV-14V)
Pacific Rim: The Black #13: The Twilight Run (TV-14)


#11: MODERATE VIOLENCE: The ritual Boy is put through by the Sisters of the Kaiju involve the Sisters blood-letting into a saucer by slicing their hands open and then infusing him with said collected blood. Did I mention their blood glows like that of the kaiju? During Shane's journey through Brina's memories for uncorrupted content, Ford is shown bleeding from his head as he and Brina finish recording their distress message. Profanity consisted of two uses of "bastard" and one of "damn".

#12: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Rickter shoots the female Bogan soldier who suggests continuing to shoot at Apex in the head at point-blank range, some of the blood splattering onto him in the moment. A temporarily re-brainwashed Brina stabs at Taylor's side threateningly, enough to pierce the skin and cause him pain but not enough to cause any major damage. After snapping back to sanity, Brina throws a knife into the chest of a pursuing Sister - no blood resulting - and then shoots one of the kaiju hounds (now known as Rippers) in the face multiple times, only for a second one to bite her torso and throw her around before she kills it with a stab to the eye. Though she's able to escape the episode alive, she winds up bleeding out from her wounds in the next, delivered in easily the most manipulative death scene ever concocted by this poor excuse for an anime (though still better and more moving than any of Ittoki's supporting character deaths). Profanity consister of two uses of "hell", two "ass" words ("hardass" and "hardassery"), and one each of "piss" and "dammit".

#13: In Brina's dying dream, the Atlas Destroyer is shown bashing the head of a kaiju in with a giant rock, resulting in a blood splash from an obscured impact and an after-the-fact pool of neon blood. Kaiju!Boy and Apex's fight has the former brutally beat on the latter, stomping on its head and later punching it, causing the spilling of much neon blood and the exposure of an eye and blue flesh, though it's unclear if it's Apex's true face or what lies beneath it.

Platinum End #14: Two Lights (TV-MAV)


Much like how I started Platinum End, I put it on indefinite hiatus with a rating only ever seen on American TV via the Toonami block. And though not as excessively bloody as Mirai's aunt's suicide, the well-deserved death of Kanade Uryu, also known as Metropoliman, was over-the-top enough to qualify. Beginning with a close-up shot of multiple bullets from the military-grade machine gun Mukaido uses to finish him off piercing his torso at once, all with blood splashing from each impact point, the demise soon segues into cuts between abstractly-colored sprays from Kanade's body, surgical internal shots of bullets burrowing through his flesh and his heart exploding into a bloody wave, all with a blue-tinted filter, all as Kanade himself screams out in agony. At the end, his body - arms, legs, torso, even his neck and crotch - are full of holes baring his red flesh, and ultimately, his corpse is left in pieces, presented mostly as a wrecked suit of armor though some blood is seen staining his severed head, particularly the broken portion of his helmet exposing part of his face.

Oh, and we get one last shot of Rea's nude corpse in vacuum-sealed containment, light reflection censors once again returning. Y'know, for the road.

Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn", and one each of "bastards", "sucks", "friggin'" and "pain in the ass".

Rizelmine #6: SOS! Dangerous After School!? (TV-14D)


So Ryunosuke, the rich boy who has a crush on Rizel('s underwear)? Turns out he's a lolicon, one of those types who is exclusively in love with twelve-year-old girls, to the point of collecting bear-print panties because of the childlike innocence they represent, and making life-size models of actual pre-teen lolis for his admiration. This latter activity is alluded to when he mentally notes that he's only after Rizel "for her body", and revealed to the audience wholecloth when Tomonori overhears two of his classmates talking about how Ryunosuke makes "nude figures" and plans on stripping Rizel of her clothes to "use as one of his dolls". With all this in mind, why is this episode still at a 14 level with a character this yikes? Two things: Ryunosuke is only two to three years older than Rizel, and he doesn't actually do anything sexual to her; though he does tell her to strip, it's only so she can get into a swimsuit for the model-making process. With the age gap remaining small and his actions restrained, I don't see any reason to up the rating, at least not yet.

HONORABLE MENTION: Tomonori is shown with his hand on the breast of the glasses girl that will be introduced next episode in the accompanying preview.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn", two of "hell", and one each of "bastard" and "crap".

Submarine Super 99 #11: Farewell, the Great General! (TV-PGLV)


MODERATE VIOLENCE: For as much fatalistic violence as there was, from the flashbacked-to destruction of the Ocean Empire to Zelbert's fleet getting lost in a tablemount explosion caused by one of Deathbird's support ships, one moment stands above all else this time around: Deathbird responding to the discovery that Zelbert survived the Empire's physical destruction by confronting the captain of his transport sub, who told him that he didn't survive, and emptying his pistol into him. Though all five impacts aren't shown - nice goin', AT-X - and no blood is seen spilled, it's without doubt that the captain died from his in-the-moment injuries. Hence why it's moderate instead of anything intenser.

Profanity consisted of fourteen uses of "hell", all in reference to Deathbird, and one of "bastard".

Sword Art Online: Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night (TV-14LV)


This rating was one that was expected, considering this initial entry's a retread of the first two episodes of SAO's first season but from Asuna's perspective instead of Kirito's and additional scenes to support that.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Only moments of notable in-game violence that emulated actual violence and/or resulted in near- or actual death (because SAO is Like That™) will be listed here. Mito's first enemy engagement in SAO proper are a pair of Dire Wolves, one of which she slashes the head off of with a glowing blood splash effect, and the other - who mobs Asuna so badly she almost loses all of her HP right off the bat - gets struck in the back with a similar splash, both blows delivered with her scythe. Later, Asuna and Mito lay witness to a swarm of green goblin-kobold hybrids (let's call them gremlins) overpower and kill a couple of players with their battle axes, with in-the-moment blood sprays resulting. During the Level 1 boss battle, the boss in question slashes Diabel three times across his chest; as in SAO #2, he dies from those wounds. Kirito later gets struck in his side by the boss's blade, but manages to recover from the digital gash. And while not really violence, it's worth noting that Kayaba appears before those trapped in SAO by materializing from a thick blood-like liquid seeping in through the "WARNING" nodes in the sky above the central plaza... and dematerializes in the same way but reversed.

FANSERVICE FALSE ALARM: Despite having a bathing scene, there is no Asuna nudity. If you wanna see her nipples, go watch Ordinal Scale like I plan on doing when it's time to do direction analysis for jam #20 (that's Nagoya File #8).

Profanity consisted of six uses of "hell", four each of "damn" and "ass" (one each as "big-ass", "stupid-ass" and "jackass"), two each of "bastard" and "suck" (one as "sucked"), and one each of "goddamn", "freakin'" and "crap".

The second movie, Scherzo of Deep Night, currently has no rating listed because I saw that one subbed - it was all the theater my sister wanted to see it at was offering - so I'll be saving the explanations for that one when I watch the dub. For now, I'll just say that profanity was mild enough that, for the sub, I would have rated it a TV-14V, but I expect the dub to fifteen the language enough that I'll have that L at the ready.

The Rising of the Shield Hero #10: In the Midst of Turmoil (TV-14V)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #11: Catastrophe Returns (TV-14V)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #12: The Raven Invader (TV-PGV)


#10: During a battle Naofumi and his party has with a monster in the sewers of the capital, Raphtalia slices through the monster's tail then stabs it in the face just above its mouth, with Filo finishing it by using her wyvern talon attachments to slice off its head. Bloody results ensued for all instances, with the finisher even showing the stump point of where the monster's head got detached. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" and two of "hell".

#11: While fighting off some of the enemies from Wave #2 in Lute, Raphtalia slices off the arm of a lizard-man, with bloody results in-the-moment. The battle against the Soul Eaters on the flying ship avoids going that far in violence, though Naofumi's internal processes when he goes into Rage Shield mode come close, with him imagining getting impaled by Ren's sword like the dragon he slayed before; the impact is offscreen, but Naofumi is shown screaming in pain. Itsuki fires his Thunder Shot at the hydra that's also attacking, causing a large blood spray along its body. Naofumi's Chain Shield/Shield Prison/Iron Maiden combo sees the first Soul Eater stabbed with multiple blades during the middle portion, while the second that suddenly spawns is struck down with numerous glowing blades, courtesy of Glass. While the first is finished with no visible blood, the second does bleed as it's finished. Profanity consisted of five uses of "hell", two variations of "damn" (one as "dammit", the other as "damned"), and one use of "bastard".

#12: This one was actually pretty tame, especially as far as violence was concerned. Despite completely having the upper hand on Naofumi, Glass's battle with him results in no blood and no visibly grievous injury, just a lot of pushback and her getting bitten by snakes from his shield with no effect. The Soul Eater getting impaled with the Shield Prison's spikes is, however, flashbacked to as Naofumi (reluctantly) shows the King how he finished it off, and the episode ends with a soldier preparing to strike down Melty from behind, only for Naofumi to intervene as soon as he realizes what's going on. Profanity consisted of a single use of "hell".

Tokyo Vice #3: Read the Air (TV-MA)



It was a tough call, choosing whether to give this a TV-14DLSV or a TV-MA straight. Ultimately, I gave it the rating I did as a result of two scenes that felt a little too "overkill" to remain at the 14 level. First was the opening scene where the Tozawa-gumi's leader gets a context-free prostate exam from who I assume is his personal doctor - his bathrobe obscures the hand up the butt, and the "shoot from behind" tactic used by the cameraman obscures the testicle grab from the preceding "turn your head and cough" moment. Second is Samantha's sarcastic answer to Jake's question if she's a prostitute. "$125 for a handjob, $375 for a blowjob, $1,000 for a threesome..." Even then it really could've gone either way, but as with several times before, the power of the coin flip (repeated over and over until I'm able to get it "right") remains absolute.

Profanity consisted of twenty-one uses of "fuck" (eleven in English, five as "fucking" and one as "fuckin'"; ten subtitled, five as "fucking"), three each of "shit" (one in English as "batshit"; two subbed, one as "bullshit") and "bitch" (all subtitled), two of "sucks" (one in English and plural, one subbed and singular), and one each of "asshole" (subbed), "pussy" (English), "damn" (subbed), "hell" (subbed) and "Jesus" (in English).

Trigun Stampede #1: NOMAN'S LAND (TV-PGV)
Trigun Stampede #2: The Running Man (TV-PGLV)
Trigun Stampede #3: Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness (TV-MAV) 😱

Trigun Stampede #4: HUNGRY! (TV-14V)


I feel like I may have underrated these first two, between how Trigun's ratings were in the past and how they are now. But hey, those PGs have reason behind them, even if the reason is faulty.

#1: MODERATE VIOLENCE: While there was certainly damaging and even fatal violence, even from this debut episode, none of it really had that "oomph" required for best rating. The SEEDS05 ship explodes in Vash's backstory, but a shot of two cryogenically frozen humans among the burning wreckage just outside their pods is all we get. Military police leader Chuck Lee punches present-day Vash in the stomach before having his men beat on him with the butts of their rifles multiple times, the only visible result being a stain of blood coming from Vash's nose. During the climactic duel - where the biggest damage that could be done is stopped before it even does anything - Vash pistol-whips Chuck in the back of his neck using the side of his gun barrel. I'm sure [as] would give this one either a 14 or 14V if and when they pick it up (fingers crossed, even in this economy), but as it is now, none of it was really intense enough, even the MP brutality scene, for me to give it anything more than "moderate". Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "ass".

#2: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Likewise, Vash getting chased around town by pretty much everybody in Jeneora Rock either pointing or firing tommyguns and other machine rifles at him avoided ticking that early-era [as] "guns = 14 set" checkbox. His running and dodging prevented any of the from connecting, and even when the Nebraskas came in and started causing trouble, no impacts were made at all from there either! Well, apart from the plant guard they may have killed whose last words were broadcast over a radio feed, and Gofsef exploding from E.G. (the) Mine's bomb robots at the end. (He managed to survive, curiously enough.) Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn", two of "hell" (one as "hellscape"), and one each of "bastard" and "pisses".

#3: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: When Knives is in town, shit goes down. (Bullhorn.) Look no further than his tendency to slice off people's limbs if they threaten him, kiss ass, or just so happen to be in his way. He slices off both of E.G.'s arms, the severed limbs landing on the saloon doors following a large blood splash from offscreen, and a delightful shot of blood shooting from both stumps following soon after. Large blood splatters from that initial death by amputation are left on the wall, and are present throughout Vash's interaction with him, but the carnage doesn't end there. Professor Nebraska gets one of his arms sliced off when he confronts Knives, producing a similarly heavy spray of blood (he manages to get it bandaged up later), and two of the mothers joining Rosa (who tanked her likability in her last scene, but understandably so) getting dragged off to die at Knives' hand; the first literally so with a blood spray resulting after she disappears into the smoke, while the other is stabbed at once by multiple tendrils of literal knives, producing an in-the-moment series of blood sprays on impact while leaving her arm behind. I mean, damn. To go from Trigun at its tamest to graphic beyond even [as]'s judgement of the original... I'm both amazed and a little annoyed at how tryhard this new season is shaping up to be. Even so, profanity consisted of five uses of "damn" and one of "suck".

#4: Of course, the "only show to have PG and MA episodes without any 14s" status didn't last long, with the second-most-recent episode racking up enough of that missing "oomph" to qualify. Human loss is represented here by the dead couple our protagonists find at the nearby way station - blood splatter on the wall behind the man, blood pool on the floor underneath the woman, both with stains on their clothes - while in-the-moment violence is represented by Wolfwood shooting up the giant sand worm serving at this episode's main adversary from the inside with his Punisher, notably the finisher where its laser beam attachment slices it in two, causing a heavy blood splash. Shame the episode had to be so mid despite that... Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "crappy"; it was probably more than that, but I was only able to watch a fansub - one that treated "Worms" as plural even when referred to in the singular, and Vash was called "Spiky Head" instead of "Needle Noggin" - so I had to work with what I got.

To be updated later with the Nagatoro clips.

Trying to get this posted was a waking nightmare and will more than likely incentivize me to update more frequently.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Nagatoro clips are up.
Posted (edited)

Over on Phish.Net, they've been hoping that their "2023 Tour Rumors" thread will eventually hit 200 pages, which is when it gets automaticajoinlly closed. Too bad dates for the summer got announced today, which will steal most of its thunder. Meanwhile, I'm wondering when this one is gonna hit three.

Mission:13 - "PROJECT APPLE" - TV-14LV
Mission:14 - "DISARM THE TIME BOMB" - TV-14LV
Mission:15 -
Mission:16 -
Mission:17 -
" - TV-PGV
Mission:18 -
" - TV-14L


#13: The episode begins with choice flashbacks to the first part of the season, including that car w/ the diplomat going kablooey again. So Anya and Yor go off to a pet adoption event while Loid is doing espionage work, but Anya thinks he's "[taking] a really long time when he goes to the shitter to shit". Other choice dialogue includes a use of "piss" and, on the literal dialogue side, Yor thinking Anya has been abducted and will be forced into marriage. The violence in this one is another care where it's more tension than actual conflict: Anya stumbles into a place where isolationists plotting a political assassination are hiding, and one of them, named Keith (not Claes) threatens to slash Anya's throat with a knife. We also hear about their plan to use bombs strapped to dogs to take down the visiting foreign minister of Westalis. Guns are drawn but not fired, because nobody's in the hiding spot Loid and his crew are looking into, and then at the episode's climax Yor kicks a dude in an alley, giving him a sickening crunch and causing him to pinball off the walls.

First tube: geographical boundaries (with a literal tube of liquid, plus a flame), and then a bunch of sick puppies.



#14: Rarely do you get an episode with offending content in one of the images. But as this one starts by flashing back to when Yor kicked the shit out of one of the terrorists, that's exactly what happens. In one of Anya's new dog friend's visions of the future, Yor is killed when one of the terrorists' bombs goes off in a clocktower in East Berlint, this leading to Westalis and Ostania going to war with each other, represented by a darkened city with smoldering rooftops. As the episode winds down, Keith Kepler chases after a car containing Loid in disguise. They shoot at each other, and then Keith throws a stick bomb (like what the Demoman uses) at the other car in an attempt to destroy it, but Loid and his assistant are only scratched. Then it ends with Loid taking off his mask as he prepares to shoot the German shepherd with a bomb strapped to its back, but it cuts off before he pulls the trigger. This episode also had the most varied profanity in this series yet, with four uses of "shit" (one as "shitter"), and one each of "bitch", "bastard", "hell" and "hag". Also worth a mention is Handler (literally her name; she might've been the one in disguise in my 12A screenshot) approaching four of the terrorists, who have been blindfolded, and telling them that if they want war, they should be well aware of the horrors of it, which includes non-suggestive dialogue gems like "Have you ever been killed by anyone?", "Have you ever seen a piece of your lover's flesh stuck to a wall?", and talk about a group of people who attempted genocide, only to be mentally broken by it and then they committed suicide afterward, represented by ropes streaming down from a window that resemble blood.

As for the other image: onward, my trusty steed!



#15: After an elegant dialogue-free cold open recap showing Anya and her Mister Dog's journey so far, Loid shoots the straps holding the bomb strapped to the German shepherd's back. He grabs the bomb and throws it into a canal, then grabs the dog and stuffs it into a metal chest. Then Yor comes in, unaware of everything her other family members have been up to, and jumps off an elevated walkway to kick Mr. Kepler's car and send it off-course; when shown after the fact, he has some minor blood splotches on his face and is missing a tooth. This is all in the first four and a half minutes of the episode; the only offending moment in the rest of it is a misunderstanding from Yor leading to an imagine spot where she fantasizes about killing the Forgers' new pet dog named Bond, plus a flashback to when Bond was subjected to electric torture in the name of science. Swearing this time amounts to one use each of "bitch" and "sucked".

For images, here's a big shot of the pet rescue event where the Forgers where supposed to get their doggy, and then a somewhat dopey-looking Loid explaining that Anya should keep a lid on what just went down in the city.



#16: This episode marks the point where Season 2 moves to self-contained segments, kinda like Squid Girl. Who knows if it'll lead to more images. The first segment involves Yor trying to learn how to cook, only for her assassination skills to get in the way. Despite numerous gags suggesting violence, the worst of it is a shot depicting the aftermath of her trying and failing to cut potatoes, with blood stained and little pools strewn about the wreckage. On the scene afterward, her fingers are bloodied, on top of the bandages she applied to them earlier. Other bits standing out are her carrying a bag of crushed tomatoes (which are obviously not dripping blood), and then she starts cutting food so hard she chops up the cutting board also. Also also, Camilla (one of Yor's coworkers; the scene of the original crime was her house), her husband Camilla, Yuri, and Loid and Anya all get knocked out by Yor's lehal(ly bad) cooking. In the second segment, Franky (one of Loid's confidantes, who I never really talked about in the first half of the season) wants to get a girlfriend, so he collects all this data on a woman he really likes, which causes Loid to label him a stalker. This segment is also responsible for all the episode's profanity: four uses of "ass", all from Franky and three as "dumbass", and a few uses of "hell" and "damn".

Images? How about a shot of the Forger family telephone (a.k.a. a landline, though since Loid's a spy I bet he's got a nice cell phone), and then Franky, making his ratings image debut, hitting that spleef.



#17: One use of "God damn" (sic) from Damien, plus two small instances of violence: a still flashback to when Anya sucker-punched Damian, and then a comedic far flashback Yuri getting slapped across the room by Yor after he enjoys her cooking while simultaneously puking.

Here we have shots of two very fine ladies, one of whom is pictured in the S1P2 OP.



#18: Two uses of "shit" by Loid, in response to a shitty spy who is very flamboyant and wants people to know he's awesome.

Finishing off this megastack of images is Henry filling the students in on their exam, and then three seeming teachers shuffling about in the hallway, protecting precious test results.



Last Period -the journey to the end of the despair-
Episode 10: "The Happy Elements Episode" - TV-PGDS
Episode 11: "Fictional Story" - TV-14S
Episode 12: "Last Period" - TV-PGSV


Sweet, more varied ratings.

#10: Liza ends up being trapped in one of the titular developer's other games: the less-popular counterpart to Ensemble Stars! called Ensemble Girls!. Choco and Luluna (Iona's little call girl sister) do little except pai-touch her, and one of her classmates thinks an invisible male sexual harasser is to blame.

#11: A much more dramatic penultimate episode sees the return of Sonya, the android hivemind, who captures Wiseman and steals Luluna's pendant containing humanity's selfish desires. After rescuing Wiseman, them and Haru's guild mount an offensive on Sonya's army... who have been patched, with tape around their breasts. (Just like the typical Gensokyo miko!) After defeating the army with the usual moderate violence (including another instance of gatling good), Mizaru (the one with a hat over her eyes) undoes the tape on the commanding Sonya and causes her boobs to get huge, and then they explode. At first I didn't know whether to give this one a PGSV or the mega-rare PGDSV, but while I was leaning toward the latter due to Gajeru's comment on how each Sonya's boobs look deflated, I decided to be consistent with Episode 9, because breasts growing to a ridiculous size like that are more like what you'd see in an ecchi comedy, or even hentai.

#12: So I lied. Here's the last epi-snowed, which is easily the series' most dramatic. I was half-expecting the big climax with Haru slicing his way through a giant despair/greed fusion Spiral to be deflated by some kind of joke, but he makes it out intact and saves Choco, who was eaten by the Spiral and trapped inside. Though most of it is Y7FV-caliber, that plus more Gatling good from Iwazaru help anchor this decision. Honorable mention: Sapphire-san reappears as part of a commitment to continuity, and the mayors of Bossy and Selfish Village plus Gajeru are all enamored with two issues of her fan magazine, both featuring her in a skimpy swimsuit. The second one, which they all get their copies of signed by yours truly, features a different pose with a bit of sideboob. It's minor, but I figure I can give this a PGSV for the same reason as Ancient Magus' Bride, owing to Titania's loose-fitting bra.

Ratings tally: PGDL (1), 14S (2, 8, 11), PGV (3/4), PG (5-7), 14DS (9), PGDS (10), PGSV (12)

Yeah, so my listed rating for Episode 4 was wrong; it was always meant to be a PGV. Thank goodness I keep my own media logs. Interesting splits here: there's a little more profanity in this show than the ratings would lead you to believe, so it's not exactly getting the Girl's High Special merit. All the 14s were because of sex and/or dialogue, because Japan doesn't mind having that in their kids shows, while the violence was really tame.

Touhou Project Side Story: Memory of Stars - TV-PGV


Mentions of death, immortality, planetary omnicide by another name, and only a few explosions here and there thanks to the heroes' Spell Cards. This one has more in common with a Y7FV, which I've never given out, but the presence of various heavy themes as well as Marius's somewhat-frightening death where his face cracks open due to a Hourai Elixir overdose were the thumb on this scale.

We've got another four-bagger this time. Sadly, none of them are particularly exciting, owing to this show's rudimentary animation. And one of them is just the title of the doujin group who made this. The other three show Kaguya, Eirin, and Reisen together as they view a neccessary ingredient of the Hourai Elixir (namely, a flower that Kaguya can make bloom), followed by Luna Marius (absolutely not to be confused with Luna Child) regenerating due to said Elixir, and woah I'm with space Reisen.





Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story-
Episode 11: "No Matter How Tall a Weed Grows, It Will Never Reach the Sun" - TV-PGS
Episode 12: "Are Aoi and Eve okay together? The Doubles Championship Begins" - TV-PGL
Episode 13: "I Think Who Gets What Room Is Very Important For Girls" - TV-PGL


#11: Included in the requisite Rocky training montage is a scene of Aoi and Ichina chilling out in a hot spring, immediately followed by a shot of Eve seemingly sleeping in the nude. Hey, just like me! Assuming I'm doing it alone.

#12: Two uses of "pissing".

#13: And the finale to this first season features more profanity: two uses of "bitch" and one "pissed". Honorable mention: Ichina saying that she felt "just a little excited" by getting to sleep with Eve, shown shortly after she smooshed one of her feet into Ichina's face.

Ratings tally: PGD (1, 10), 14L (2, 4, 6, 😎, PG (3) PGS (5, 11), PGLV (7), 14S (9), PGL (3, 12/13)
Blanket rating: 14LS

More weird splits. This show had a decent amount of violence in its initial arc, but it usually coincided with episodes containing "shit". And both of these things evaporated later on, with sexual content taking the lead.

Obligatory mistake: I got my wires crossed for the third episode. It's actually the only episode of the first cours that gets a PG straight, as opposed to a PGD. While the blurb was correct, I forgor to change the rating itself to reflect my waffling on whether it deserved a dialogue subrating. I thought I might've wanted to rate it PGL instead, but my media log says this one was always meant to get a PGD, plus "ass" in moderation isn't worthy of a subrating anyway.

Sakura Trick
Episode 1: "The First Blush / Yakisoba, Balconies, and Girls" - TV-14DS
Episode 2: "The Second Blush / Love with Harry After School" - TV-14S


Oozing out of the box of contraband on the JEMP truck and subsequently manifesting from the muck of the Winter 2014 season is... this show. Wish this was a year later so I could reply to a viral tweet about it, because wow, this might actually be good! I watched it a long time ago, though I don't think that was when it was simulcasting.

#1: Now, this show has a big caveat: the OP has a big honking shot of a fully-naked Haruka gesturing toward the viewer followed by chibi-fied versions of Yuu and her older sister look on in shock and horror. I don't think we've nailed down standards regarding what to do about OPs, but I guess I'll ignore it for now, even though my standards beget showing the OP in full each time.

As for the main body of the work, one of Haruka and Yuu's classmates Yuzu is introduced by bumping her crotch into a table, during which she lets out a sexual-sounding moan. Haruka thinks she's being over-sensitive as opposed to insensitive. And speaking of moans... oh baby, te kiss scenes! This show's main claim to fame, baby. The first kiss lasts for a solid 30 seconds and features both of the girls moaning (as well as discussion of said moaning), not to mention holding each other pretty tightly, only ceasing once they both run out of breath. The next few kisses, in the show's next segment, are more chaste; there we have dialogue picking up the slack, with one short scene having five uses of "perv", Haruka alleging Yuu wanted to touch her chest, only to relent and call herself the real perv for getting all kissy with Yuu, plus Yuu getting Haruka's cup size wrong: turns out she's a C rather than a D. And immediately afterwards is this ridiculous scene with Haruka accidentially doing a somersault jump between two of their school's balconies in tandem with Yuu. Talk about sakuga, and in a Studio DEEN anime no less. Yeah, I know they're better than they used to be, but this was back in the mid-2010s. Oh, and there are various other bits of sexuality strewn throughout the episode, like another classmate named Kotone making a male gaze pose that makes her boobs jiggle, and the ED which is also a fanservice fest, complete with cheerleaders, swimsuits, and even Haruka as a bunnygirl!

#2: Haruka has a fantasy where she envisions Yuu calling her a mistress, which doesn't seem overtly sexual. Later on in this segment (the episode's second), she dreams up a few sexy ways to get Yuu to study, like spanking her if she gets one question wrong, or having to take off her clothes for another. In the case of the latter, Haruka decides to strip as well, showing a bit of cleavage (albeit not well defined) as Yuu takes off her shirt, a shot of her bare shoulders in full view. It gets pretty sensual! And then Haruka calls herself a pervert, using Yuzu as cover.

Touhou Hifuu Club ~The Sealed Esoteric History~
Episode 3 [part one]: "Wish" - TV-PGDV


Now this is more like it. While at a dateless bar in the old country, a bartender asks, derogatorily, if the Raven has "anything down there". For violence, Flandre briefly scratches Remilia's face and causes her to bleed slightly, and then Remilia tracks down the Raven and starts to strangle her after she enters the SDM. Interesting parallel to Episode 4 of Musou Kakyou here.

For screenshots, this time I've decided to do something unique: because screenshots of a 360p YouTube video seem gauche (not to mention the issue with soft subs applied), they're taken from the raws. And I made sure to pick two spots without subs: the tail end of the 16 seconds in the underground library (maybe they have an underground traffic light there), and a shot of the aforementioned dateless bar.



The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
Episode 17: "Where does this road lead to?" - TV-PG
Episode 18: "A little bit of courage shows your way." - TV-G


#17: Three uses of "sexy" from Rika. Le sigh. The search for more exciting ratings continues.

This time, we have: more cameos on a billboard, and Miria on a train while another kid squirms in her seat.



#18: *sigh*... while there were some moments that could've swung the rating, like a male gaze-ish pose toward Anzu, plus the people working on Totokira Academy marveling at how Anzu and Kirari are the same age, the result remains the same. Five Gs so far, only one episode w/ subratings. U149 better deliver on this front, because this show probably won't in what time it has left.

Images: big order, and small wonder, the latter being some classic cameos.



Funnily enough, I didn't upload these images until I was ready to post this omnibus. They'd been baked exactly a month ago.

Girls' Last Tour (five): "House / Nap / The Sound of Rain" - TV-PG


This time we have PG sets for peril: Chi falls asleep and has some nightmares involving Yuu terrorizing her: first she's atop a stack of rocks and Yuu causes her to fall, and then she imagines Yuu as a fish who eats her. Also, the final segment has some cartoonish bapping by Yuu directed toward Chi.

We're back to three segments, and three labeled ones at that, but the OP starts the episode this time so all you get are two screenshots. This first one would make for a great Super Meat Boy level, while the second is artsy again, and in a nice parallel it shows Yuu obscured, this time in a water droplet.



Funnily enough, I originally forgot to add these ratings. It wasn't until nearly two weeks after publishing this omnibus that guy forgot.

Interviews with Monster Girls
Episode 10: "The Dullahan Transcends Space-Time" - TV-PGS
Episode 11: "The Demi-chans Want to Support" - TV-PG
Episode 12: "The Demi-chans Want to Swim" - TV-PGDSV‼️
OVA: "The Demi-chans' Summer Break" - TV-14D


#10: One scene w/ Hikari going washi-washi on Kyouko's body, and another shortly after with Kyouko naked in the bath, her head skillfully blocking most of her cleavage.

#11: The tamest episode of the show, lacking even any aphrodisiac talk. The only noteworthy moment I can think of being when some of the other students discuss the demi-chans and how they shouldn't be discriminated against; their own plans to give them special treatment feel like a slap in the face.

#12: Jackpot! With this, Demi-chans joins Blend S and Bakuon!! as the only shows I've rated with what is in my opinion the rarest rating period, unless Y and Y7 count. I'm fairly sure I've given Cinderella Girls more Gs than Poke has in his entire career of ratings. So anyway... SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Tetsuo accidentially swipes a look at Hikari's panties, and then she complains to Himari that she's been ruined for marriage. There's more talk about aphrodisiacs, mostly in response to the fact that Tetsuo is the only dude hanging around the swimming pool so only he has to worry. But then Sakie decides to go for a swim, and Tetsuo subsequently feels smitted by the aphrodisiac coming out and calls her sexy. SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Sakie's swimsuit features some minor sideboob, and at one point they jiggle very briefly. I mean, it's no briefer than Birdie Wing #5, so that's my standard. OUT-OF-NOWHERE VIOLENCE: A talk between Kyouko and Tetsuo leads to them discussing portrayal of dullahans throughout history. At one point, a painting in a museum is shown that portrays a dead man covered in blood with arrows sticking out as a dullahan knight riding their horse looks on.

OVA: More talk about you-know-what, courtesy of a plot about Sakie wearing a mascot suit so she can participate in the summer festival, but this is overwritten by the stinger featuring Shoko, the invisible girl not featured in the show proper. She's naked, because we all know naked people are funny, and Tetsuo subsequently molests her. It's not really portrayed (because she's invisible), but she does call Tetsuo that.

Ratings tally: PGDS (1/2, 4/5), 14D (3, 7, OVA), PGD (6), PGDV (8), 14 (9), PGS (10), PG (11), PGDSV (12)
"Aphrodisiac" count: Maybe next time...

Not what you would expect from the other monster girl show. Excellent ratings variety, too. Look at that run of five seperate ones in a row in the second half. I'm surprised a 14S didn't slip in there, my original 2018 ratings notwithstanding.

The excuse this time? College. Granted, I also decided that I'd watched the perfect amount of episodes for an omnibus and intentionally put off anything that wasn't Made in Abyss until I finished this. Tomorrow, I look forward to a clean slate... after college. And work.

It feels like I haven't added any new shows w/ screenshots to this feature in a while. Then again, I sort of have. It's just that they're all Touhou fanime. For next time, I have one new show I'm thinking of starting, and it's a current simulcast, but it won't have images. Look forward to that plus Memories of Phantasm, the rest of takt op., maybe the rest of SpyFam (though I'm going to feature a good amount of it regardless), and the returns of Re:Stage! and To Your Eternity S2.

Edited by Blatch
Edited my reasoning for the SpyFam S1E17 rating. I went back and forth, eventually deciding the violence was worthy of a subrating.
  • 2 weeks later...

I actually had the following reply typed up, but apparently the website trashed it while my back was turned, so here it is in as recreative a manner as possible.


While TV-Y and TV-Y7 are my rarest ratings in my logs with zero instances each, both TV-G and TV-PGDSV are pretty rare themselves, the latter not even having had any presence on my part in these annals! For future record, listed below are all six anime on my personal rating schedule rated TV-G:

  • Japan Animator Expo #8, "Tomorrow from there", a.k.a. the entire reason TV-Gs are allowed on the schedule to begin with.
  • March Comes in Like a Lion #35 (episode 13 of season 2)
  • Run with the Wind #19
  • Patapata Hikousen no Bouken episodes 1, 2 and 10

And here are all seven instance of TV-PGDSV:

  • Naruto episode 158 - this is the only one to come from Cartoon Network, belonging to a Filler Hell episode where Naruto's attempt at using the Sexy Jutsu actually failed for once, only for Konohamaru and his team to pick up the slack with their own variation on the technique.
  • Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi #11
  • Paprika, from my phase in middle school where I gave anime ratings based off of hypothetical SyFy Ani-Mondays broadcasts
  • Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy #10
  • Penguindrum #17
  • Black Rock Shooter TV #3
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion #8, personally rated down from the equally rare TV-PGDLSV.

The only rarer ratings than those are TV-MALSV, with two on-[as] instances (Cowboy Bebop #5 in HD and the April Fools' broadcast of Mind Game) and three personalizeds (Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail #3, Kabukicho Sherlock #11 and Violence Jack #1), and TV-MALS, with all six coming from [as] (Cowboy Bebop HD #4 and #7, Kill la Kill #11 and #14, Michiko and Hatchin #4, and Paranoia Agent HD #4). With how rare they are, part of me wants to make Twitter threads providing insight on the episodes that I've given such ratings. I'd tell you to think of it like a Zachary Marquez, a.k.a. Burning Exteter thread, but even if you knew who that was, his Twitter's currently suspended so I can't show you his insanely autistic tweet chains about his personal headcanons and questionable factoids. But hey, without him, I wouldn't have made one of my favorite reply-tweets of 2021.

In this instance, Kinky Kunoichi is the middleman, not NIBAI MUGENDAI.

Now for the ratings.

Chainsaw Man #2: Arrival in Tokyo (TV-MAV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The aftermath of Denji's first rampage as Chainsaw Man (which I skipped in the previous) is recapped, showcasing an overall overview of the dismembered zombie corpses strewn throughout the warehouse. In present-day matters, when Denji and Aki arrive to slay the Pincer Fiend, they walk in on it having taken a bite out of a formerly alive cockatiel, with the natural bloody results. Denji then kills the Fiend with a single swing of a hand-axe, the beheading leaving the curtain and window partially stained in blood, and the stump of the severed head of the Fiend briefly visible as it falls to the ground. In less humanoid gore, Power's establishing action moment involves her using her hammer - which is made from blood she summoned from her wrist, BTW - down on the Sea Cucumber Devil, causing it to explode into a giant purple mass of liquid and guts, the former plus some random fingers splattering against the occupied phone booth nearby.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUES OF THE MOMENT: Denji may be Anime Beavis, but he's got a little Bobby Hill in him too, as shortly after Aki kicks his ass in the back alley, he proceeds to assault his crotch multiple times, while shouting that it's "nuts or nothing" when he fights another dude. When they get back to HQ, he tells Makima that "a Testicle Devil appeared and went apeshit on [Aki's] nutsack". Later, after slaying the Pincer Fiend, Denji pilfers some porn mags, even saying "the porn is secured", and in the midst of it all decides his main motivation as a Devil Hunter will be to one day touch Makima's boobs. "The goal to give my life purpose... is melons!"

Profanity consisted of five uses of "damn" (one as "dammit"), three uses each of "shit" (one the aforementioned "apeshit") and "hell", two of "frickin'" (one as "fan-friggin'-tastic"), and one each of "asshole", "pissed", "ass" and "crap".

In a surprise course of action, I decided to bring back the Experimental Stage of the Content Rating Clips ahead of Elfen Lied's eventual replacement in the Dubbed Line (to be announced at a later date), and to serve as the guinea pig for my experiments in creating an '00s-core pseudo-[as] CRC experience, I chose Chainsaw Man. What can I say? The relevant scenes lent themselves well to the practice.

The fade-in effects are my doing, not to brag. 😤

Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #6: How Are Your Fortunes This Year, Senpai? (TV-14DS)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #7: I Figured That's How You'd Ski, Senpai. (TV-14L)

Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #8: Why Don't You Try Bulking Up a Little, Paisen? (TV-14DLS)


#6: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: One of Nagatoro and Senpai's mutual attempts at giving each other a Christmas gift is interrupted by the Art Club President, who shows up in the club room fully naked for the purposes of basking in the room's atmosphere all she can before graduating. Convenient light beams are in place to censor her breasts and crotch, the former leaving some mild underboob visible. Nude ACP returns in the eyecatch to spook one of Nagatoro's second-banana-fiddle friends and her date for the holidays, as seen in the clip below. And while the silhouetted sight of Sakura and her date about to get busy in the nurse's office was sensual enough to note, there was no guarantee that anything beyond making out was expected. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Nagatoro calls ACP a "skeevy bunny" in response to her nudity. While hiding in the nurse's office (before noticing Sakura), Nagatoro teasingly asks Senpai if he's going to do "naughty things" to her in there. Then she calls him a virgin twice during the New Year's segment. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" (one as "hella") and one of "crap".

#7: Pretty mild one, all things considered. Aside from the first half of the clip looking like Senpai's masturbating if you're not watching closely enough. The profanity of the moment was a teenager at the ski slopes that was goofing off exclaiming "Shit!" when he notices he's going to run headfirst into Senpai. The dialogue of the moment was Nagatoro teasingly asking Senpai if he's getting turned on seeing her in his glasses, when she tries on his frames in what may very well be his last scene wearing them all series. Other profanity consisted of two uses of "damn". And one of "gigachad", if you're a filthy subtitle puritan.

#8: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: A portrait of the Art Club President pulled from Senpai's backlog of canvases features her nude once again, arms crossed over her breasts to cover up her nips but leaving some right edgeboob visible thanks to the angling of her hand. Later, when practice-sparring with Senpai ahead of the school judo tournament he's training for, he quickly notices she isn't wearing anything under her gi after pulling the inner edge aside an inch. This distraction earns him not just recipience to a submission hold, but her boobs shoved in his face, complete with a close-up of it happening in the moment. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Nagatoro teases Senpai some by claiming he was "violating her with his eyes", as he was looking at her while considering drawing another portrait; and then by saying he "ogled her all over" after he sketched her in a judo pose, in addition to saying it's "kinda pervy". Of course, that's without mentioning her claiming that he was "dying to draw something naughty". Then, after walking in on the above judo practice scene between Senpai and ACP, Nagatoro freaks out, calling ACP a pervert. Senpai bringing up getting "squashed" by her breasts in the "points of improvement" preview doesn't really help matters... PROFANITY OF THE MOMENT: When barging into the club room to show a missing Nagatoro a flyer for the judo tournament, Gamo exclaims, "Check this shit out!". Again, not the first time she dropped an S-bomb in the series. Other profanity consisted of one use each of "freaking", "damn" and "hell".

Initial D Fifth Stage #3: Dead Line (TV-PG)


Mika gets a random bathing scene in the middle of the episode; the establishing shot of her in the tub shows brief cleavage, but all other shots feature it hidden below the water. Profanity consisted of two uses each of "damn" (one as "dammit") and "hell".

I forgot to do this last time, but here are the content rating screencaps prepared for the first three episodes. Apologies for the wildly varying image dimensions.

First we have Takumi reacting to a rare instance of physical violence in his normally safe universe.


Next is a typical shot of one of Kanagawa's mountain passes.


And finally, a city street with a business name I can't make heads or tails of.


Perhaps they sell water pots?

The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #6: Lost in Amusement Park (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #7: Excitement! The Halloween Costume Contest (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #8: The Little Sister Appears! Christmas on the Slopes (TV-PG)


#6: A slight over-rate, brought about by a scene where Himuro, in response to the Buddha-doppelganger section chief giving him amusement park tickets and suggesting he go with Fuyutsuki, mentally proclaims that he'll start worshipping him from now on in gratitude and acknowledgement of his enlightened-ness.

#7: One use of "damn", and a trickle of fake blood from Fuyutsuki's mouth that she thinks about including with her vampire costume (not that it stops Himuro from literally freezing up in reaction).

#8: One use each of "freakin'" and "hell".

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #13: DOMINO EFFECT (TV-14V)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: Ignoring the sublime 14 set that was Kukushkin's remote body succumbing to polonium poisoning (poloisoning) with the choking and the writhing around and the metallic fluids coming from his mouth and the lesions all across his skin, the biggest bouts of bloody violence came from the Major firing on the assassin as he pursues Section 9 down the highway. The first volley of bullets, fired from within the disguised transport truck, make impact with the requisite bloody splashes but appear to leave little effect, but a more up-close barrage through the sunroof of his car brings about a more jittery reaction, as well as more blood, multiple splashes being seen even from the sunroof at a distance.

DIALOGUE OF THE MOMENT: While investigating Kukushkin's hotel room for clues to his whereabouts, Purin playfully asks Batou if he wants to "shack up with her" in a room like that sometime. Batou doesn't hesitate to point out that saying such things does count as sexual harassment.

SUDDENLY, JUMP SCARE!: Post-human of interest Suzuka Mizukane suddenly blips into existince before Purin as she's looking for Kukushkin (read: the service bot he brainjacked). It got a jolt out of me, and jump scares count as objectionable content according to this site detailing such things in theatrical movies I used to browse in elementary school, so I thought I'd throw that in there.

Profanity consisted of a single use of "hell".

Pacific Rim: The Black #14: Final Approach (TV-14V)


The surprisingly solid final episode of the Pacific Rim pseudo-anime didn't skimp on the action - pursuing Category 3 kaiju under the Sisters' control get their foreheads pierced and necks broken by Atlas Destroyer and Kaiju!Boy respectively, the Sentinels' missiles cause massive explosions all over the place, Atlas Destroyer gets wrecked to the point that it's bleeding oil like blood, and Loa self-destructs the Atlas Destroyer (with Taylor and Hayley ejected prior to detonation) in a successful last-ditch attempt at destroying the Category 6 Breacher - but the crowning moment of intense violence goes to the death of the Sisters' Head Priestess, as Boy thrusts his hand into her chest, presumably piercing her heart. Though the impact is offscreen, the pull-out is visible, as is the wound and the neon blood coming from it.

Rizelmine #7: Rival? Big-Breasted High School Girl! (TV-14DS)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: The eponymous new recurring character, Kyoko Yachigusa, unwittingly introduces herself as Rizel's rival for Tomonori's affections, with Aoi being the only one to really see consider her a rival from the get-go. She proclaims this to be the case, as Kyoko has "really big breasts", which is in line with Tomonori's type, while Rizel's as flat as a twelve year-old can be. Tomonori said it himself earlier, when he told Rizel she's "totally lacking in breasts, height and sex appeal". Though Aoi tries to teach Rizel to be more ladylike, Rizel's more interested in upping her boob size, assuming Aoi's one-on-one lesson in reshaping her image involves massaging her breasts to make them bigger. After sleeping through the lesson attempt, Rizel ends up achieving her intended goal by way of a lifelike mecha-suit modeled after an older version of herself (provided by the Papas, natch), introducing this briefly new-and-improved form to Tomonori by proclaiming that she "got bigger breasts". That's about half a taste of the boob talk this episode, but besides that, this episode provided some brief banter from other students, some telling Tomonori that they heard he went "all the way" with Rizel and "took her lips by force", and another asking Ms. Ihata if she's ready for her "first night" with her soon-to-be husband.

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: In the flashback to their first encounter, Tomonori accidentally grabs Kyoko's breast as he pulls her off her brake-locked bicycle before it crashes. In the present day, Rizel attempts to enlarge her breasts through her own efforts, by attaching a pair of plungers to her chest, clothes still on.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

Submarine Super 99 #12: Decisive Battle (TV-PG)


Despite the title, there wasn't too much action this time. Mostly just an Ocean Empire sub getting crushed by falling rocks, and Yanna's sub getting blown up by the 99's L torpedoes, complete with shots of the crew getting caught up in the blasts, represented by flashes of light. Profanity consisted of eleven uses of "hell", all in reference to Deathbird, and one of "dammit".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #13: The Devil of the Shield (TV-14V)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #14: Everlasting Memory (TV-14)


#13: The royal soldiers who attack Naofumi's party are fended off by him, Raphtalia and Filo using impacts made without blood or even notable injury. However, footage taken of the confrontation by way of scrying orb is magically altered to make it look like the attacks were fatal (and that the Shield Hero and his not-quite-love slaves had malicious expressions in the meantime), with blood sprays featured in what's presented post-combat. Also, Raphtalia stabs Malty in the chest from behind with her mana-sapping sword; it might not have shed any actual blood either, but I'll take that moment of catharsis regardless. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

#14: While much of the violence this episode didn't really go into 14-level territory - not good noble Van Reichnott getting punched in the stomach by bad noble Idol Rabier, not Naofumi's snake shield biting a confronting soldier, not Raphtalia getting struck multiple times by Idol's whip, leaving mostly scuff marks but a bloody graze of her cheek, and not even her pointing her sword at his throat in what appears to be a pre-emptive action - but between the rapey vibes of his approach of Melty before attempting to kill her, as well as threatening to "make her head roll" complete with sword to neck when Naofumi shows up for a direct confrontation, I felt that rating up was the smart move this time.

Trigun Stampede #5: Child of Blessing (TV-14V)
Trigun Stampede #6: Once Upon a Time in Hopeland (TV-14V)
Trigun Stampede #7: WOLFWOOD (TV-14V)


#5: While unproven, Roberto claims that the red sand outside of the Windmill Village (that's seriously what it's called, check the eyecatches) is colored so because of the blood of the victims of a monster roaming the area. Y'know, to spook Meryl. But the closest thing to the monster itself, Gung-Ho Gun Monev the Gale, reimagined as the mutated older version of a young boy Vash helped out twenty years ago named Rollo, ends up being the one who does all the bleeding. Wolfwood fires on him multiple times throughout the earliest confrontations, the bullets striking his back with no visible bloodshed, though plenty of after-the-fact stains visible on his back and abdomen as he regenerates. A flashback shows a violent bulging and pulsating within the still-young Rollo's chest shortly after he's injected with the body-altering drug administered by Knives' doctor associate, Maruta Shiga William Conrad, which offered dread of the possibility of something bursting out as opposed to anything actually bursting out. And finally, in a move reminiscent of "Alternative" from the '98 series, Wolfwood fires a single laser shot from the Punisher into Monev/Rollo's head, breaking his helmet apart and leaving a clean, bloodless hole that's shown in greater detail when Vash checks on the body later (and tries begging it to wake up in easily the show's most cliche scene yet). Profanity consisted of two uses of "dumbass".

#6: Wolfwood's own capabilities as a fellow regenerator courtesy of Conrad's experiments - hence his status here as a Gung-Ho Gun himself - are on full display here, with him getting shot multiple times by multiple figures - a masked man and guards at a holding facility, specifically - and his body twisting in visible agony after his first time ingesting the regeneration ampules. Not to mention less in-action moments of bloodening like the stains on the crucifix-shaped slab he was strapped to when pumped full of the drugs, and the smears left by his fingers as he tries to hold onto the floor during a psychically-induced punishment from Legato. Getting slammed into the ceiling by the latter causes him to cough up some blood for good measure. His one-shot kill of Monev is flashbacked to, also. The only bit of notable violence to not involve Wolfwood is when the guards on the sand ship shoot at Livio the Double Fang (another Gung-Ho Gun, obviously), who bleeds from his wounds but regenerates without a single ampule needed. But that might as well involve Wolfwood, since Livio was his friend at the orphanage where they grew up. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "ass".

#7: And here, the violence involves both of them, as Livio and Wolfwood shoot at each other in a one-on-one duel. Notable moments of bloodshed include one of the Punisher's bullets grazing Livio's thigh, the camera lingering on the oozing blood from the wound long enough to see it close up; Livio's shooting arms getting hit one at a time; and both men bleeding from their chests, with a close-up of the blood of one of them pouring onto the deck. Finally, in Wolfwood's own "my efforts to save him were all for naught" moment, Livio shoots himself in the head, and by extension off the sand ship, after getting barraged by his mental reconditioning. It wasn't of his own volition, though; blame it on Legato. The attempts to stop the ship and its ion cannon from crashing into/vaporizing Hopeland, while awesome and tense, weren't up-close and bloody enough to count, or at all. Profanity consisted of six uses of "damn", two of "hell", and one each of "frickin'" and "crap".

Coming next month will be Last Exile, stepping up to replace Sub Super 99 in the "from my home video collection" front; and though I still have yet to finalize what it is, a show with connection to the Kinky Kunoichi: Nagoya File direction analyses will come in after the halfway point of Patapata Hikousen is reached. Jane's adventure will continue once her mid-season replacement sees its own completion, whether it's in a ramen shop, the halls of an adventurers' guild, or a vampire's living room.

[but definitely not on jet skis]

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

The winter season might not be over completely, yet, but that doesn't mean I can't square a couple related things away in the meantime.

Elfen Lied #8: Beginn [The Beginning] (TV-MAV)


First up: that episode, part deux.

I will pay mention to the brief moments of violent and bloody content that populated the first act - Prof. Kakuzawa's severed head as presented to his father, and Arakawa subsequently getting shot in the arm by the latter Kakuzawa - but the pair responsible for this return to Elfen Lied's standard form, the very same that it had back in 2008, is what will be elaborated on here. Two moments happening in equal turn, and two responsible for planting the most fertile seeds of Lucy's villainy.

Moment #1: A group of bullies at the orphanage where Lucy lived when she was younger decide to torment her at a level above their usual "douse her bookbag with spoiled milk" stunts by beating the stray puppy she had recently befriended to death. The leader, Tomoo, delivers almost all the blows using a flower vase, the direct impacts conveniently obscured in favor of his and his accomplices' psychotic expressions - and Lucy's horrified one, natch - but plenty of whining from the puppy audible and a consistent bloodstain immediately forming on the vase and persisting through the beating. (And I say "almost all" because accomplice #1 kicked the puppy against the wall to incapacitate it.)

Moment #2: Lucy's first kills, where she brutally murders Tomoo's gang, plus the girl who ratted on the puppy's existence to them out of previously-debatable, presently-undeniable stealth-spite towards her general existence as well, with the use of her newly awakened vectors. The deaths happen very quick, and the only in-the-moment one portrayed is that of accomplice #2, who held Lucy in place to prevent her from stopping Tomoo's evil actions. Not that it did anything, given she exploded his head into a bloody splatter against the wall... Three additional blood splatters against the walls of the room where it all went down follows, followed by two shots of the blood-doused murder scene: one where the highlight is a decorative lily (a pillow shot I found a little strange back then, when I didn't understand/care to understand symbolism), and the other that shows Lucy standing among the carnage and the corpses. One kid is missing his head, another is missing both his head and the lower half of his body - based on the purple shirt, that one belonged to Tomoo - there's a stray leg at the foot of the TV, a stray arm on the table, and under the table is the girl's corpse, which is framed such that it might also be missing a head.

But really, describing it doesn't compare to showing off the moneyshot itself.



Outside of the OP, the only nudity this episode was in Lucy's dream where her vectors awaken, which portrays her naked in a vast sea of blackness. The only real nudity seen is at a distance, and though her chest is bared, it's too far to show any detail, not even a nipple.

Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit" and "sucks". Dialogue of the moment was Arakawa calling herself "an anonymous virgin bleeding to death".

Even so, Elfen Lied isn't the only show to have cases of "that episode"...

Hareluya II BØY #7: Megumi Aihara (TV-14DSV)


...'cause Hareluya's got some too.

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: So the main villain of this episode, Kiro Amakusa, is probably the show's most heinous yet. Compared to the violent delinquents and corrupt art dealers we've dealt with prior, a nightclub owner who gets teenage girls drunk at parties and then takes lewd photos of them in varying states of undress without their consent, then using the images as blackmail material so he can extort them for all the cash they have and even that which they don't, is unrepentantly evil. As for how varying the states of undress are... there were just too many to take meticulous note of, though they appeared to be split between just the bras and panties and topless/nude, with light glare censoring any of the more sensitive nudities. Shout-out goes to the one where a girl is having her panties pulled off (with the contents underneath obscured by the corner of a different photo) and another where the chest is covered with the subject's own arms but the inner sideboob is visible. There are even some flashbacks to when the eponymous Megumi got pics of her taken, one shot of her covering up as the camera flashes go off exposing the corner of her underboob. And while not quite nudity, the lingerie that female delinquent gang leader Reiko Ibu - who lured in the girls Amakusa photographed in exchange for using his club as their hideout in the off-hours - wears under her trenchcoat is worthy of mention, especially considering she used her cleavage to distract Momiyama at one point, with the promise of exposing more...

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: More being "under her skirt", which ends up being code for her kicking him in the face. After fully exposing herself and her supply of poison-tipped darts, Hareluya - who's more concerned about one of her lackeys having run over his shoe with her motorbike - comments that she's got a nice rack, then refers to her as a "horny old hag" (translated from "erobaba") twice. In addition, he referred to Ichijo as a "closet pervert" a total of three times. Amakusa gets some names lobbed at him at the climax, namely "pervert" by Michiru and "piece of sleaze" by Ibu. In his last-gasp threat of exposing Megumi's photos to the public at large, he outright refers to them as nudes.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Ichijo gets whacked over the head by Amakusa, which results in blood pouring down his forehead after he collapses to the floor. Momiyama also bleeds on impact, in the form of a couple streams from his nose, after Ibu delivers the aforementioned kick to his face.

Profanity consisted of four uses each of "damn" (one as "dammit") and "hell", two of "bastard", and one each of "dumbass", "freakin'" and "crap".

Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #9: That Is, If You Win At Least Once, Senpai. (TV-14)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #10: Hachioji-senpai Taught Me a Lot. (TV-14DS)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #11: Don't You Miss Me, Senpai? (TV-14D)
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack #12: Wanna Do Something to Make It Not a Dry Run? (TV-MAL) ‼️


#9: While the judo tournament was about as PG as you can afford to get in Nagatoro, Sakura still manages to make it too sexual for one. She moans and blushed as she's pinned in her first-round match, she teasingly tells her opponent that she could have finished them off if they were a guy, and even excitedly responds to Senpai's match with the exclamation, "Two guys in an embrace!" Profanity consisted of one use each of "pissed", "sucks", "half-assed" and "damn".

#10: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: When Nagatoro makes mention of there being "pervy art from all throughout history and all over the world", a collage of various nude ladies are presented as representation, almost all of their undress tasteful enough to be considered art (and by Senpai's standards, not pervy). There are numerous instances of bare, nipple-less breasts, with four instances of full-frontal, one of which also has an exposed crotch, and one instance of sideboob, which also has an exposed ass. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: After the above conversation, Nagatoro concludes that pervy art is too much for a "virgin closet pervert" like Senpai. Later, after he oil-paints a portrait of her wearing her competition swimsuit - which is revealing enough to show some lower parts of her asscheeks - she claims that painting him was too stimulating for his virgin self, then uses her stiff muscles as fodder for teasing him further, claiming that her shoulders are stiff from being ogled (which Senpai protests), and her back's "messed up" from being "violated with his eyes". Even later, she tells him she's "not going to do anything naughty just because you praised me". Finally, Sunomiya - the now-former Art Club President's cousin and newest member of the Art Club - announces that she's prepared to become a nude model for Senpai if he so wishes, undoing her shirt and exposing her lacy bra-clad breasts for emphasis. She does it twice: the first with a dedicated focus and an emphatic bounce, and the second at a distance for punchline purposes.

#11: Nagatoro's earliest teases towards Senpai this episode focus around the time he spent alone with Sunomiya in the club room while she was at judo practice; namely, questioning if she's "working hard on naughty things" and that said naughty things include being a nude model. Later teases, when they meet up for their sorta-practice date at the aquarium, include her asking him if he's taking her "somewhere naughty", then calling him a pervert for taking her to see the garden eels (a go-to stand-in for phalli in anime). There was a brief moment where Anetoro was spying on Naga picking out her outfit for the date while in her underwear, openly saying that she "could go a little sexier". But the most notable bit of dialogue would have to be Gamo and Yoshi assuming that Naga deciding to delay her teasing of Senpai means that she's "targeting his virginity", inspiring them to stalk their date for the purpose of protecting said virginity. Profanity consisted of two uses of "sucks" and "hell", and one each of "freaking" and "damn".

#12: "Any more... and we'll be cock blockers!" Yoshi's justification for stopping Gamo from interfering directly in the climax of Naga and Senpai's date, and also the most excited I got all series because of how all the dialogue preceding this - almost all of which related to the Devious Duo's "protect Paisen's virginity" motivations, one of which was a clear one-pump chump metaphor - wound up being for naught in the place of the only confirmed MAL-set I've seen on [as] to not involve multiple S-bombs. All praises to the concept of cockblocking! Other profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "crap".

And as per usual, we have the tally of characters who shared airtime with the content rating in each individual clip. Last season, Senpai and Nagatoro got 1st and 2nd place respectively, and this year appears to be par for the course. However, in place of Yoshi, third place is populated with the other friend...


Yes, Senpai does actually have a name,

Fourth place belongs to Sunomiya with four appearances total, while Yoshi is tied for fifth with Anetoro. Sakura, the Art Club President, and Senpai's mom each got two, while Orihara and Rabi-chan each got one. Nekoba and Senpai's friends are the Big Losers this time around.

Initial D Fifth Stage #4: Revenge Battle of Fate (TV-PGD)


While discussing Takumi going to the beach with Mika, Iketani expresses his jealousy over him getting another girlfriend while he still has zero in the only way a "racers don't need girls" incel like him knows how: by complaining about how girls can go out in public wearing school uniforms with "mini skirts that keep flashing their panties" and "erotic and sexy" bathing suits without any shame, when they're just as revealing as attire they would only wear in private before their significant others. It almost feels like a tract against the prevalence of fanservice in anime from this season's era (the early 2010s), all the way down to Itsuki bluntly stating that he hates "this erotic world".

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #14: Smack of Love and Revenge, Part 2 (TV-MALV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Regarding the continuation of the battle with the Limp Viscuit alligator: Ermes' finger is still missing and FF's leg is still disembodied, the invisi-gator takes a chunk out of Jolyne's shoulder with a blood spray erupting as a result, and it bites down on FF's arm inches from her wrist, blood spurting from four different impact points, which ironically puts it in close enough range for her to shoot it to pieces. Later, shortly after discovering that he too had died and is now an extension of his STAND, Sports takes a bite out of a prostitute's head, her flesh shown tearing away before the blood spray hits. It's suggested he was after her brains, 'cause that's what zombies do. The invisible zombies from the crypt he siccs on Jolyne and Ermes take multiple bites out of the latter, namely her upper arms and shoulder, and Sports himself bites into her head for a direct taste, retreating with a piece of torn flesh. This doesn't kill Ermes, however, as she used Smack to duplicate her head before he took the bite, the duplicate being what's missing the flesh. And when she pulls the sticker off? That piece of flesh flies right out of Sports' chest and back to her head. Then she kicks him in the face, his teeth bleeding and shifting upon impact. By the time the battle's over, there's a bloody ridge present through her head, likely where the split from Smack took place.

OTHER MA-LEVEL CONTENT: While still thinking he's alive, Sports tries talking up the prostitute by inviting her to partake in some "ol' fashioned fun" (if you know what I mean), involving them "wipin' each other's bodies down. The prisoner who the ho thinks was responsible for Sports' physical advances that he later knocks out (and probably also wound up killing) has his pants pulled off by Sports in search of cash, which the ho interprets as him offering himself up for sex. She reacts with disgust, saying that whatever's being offered goes beyond the "weird shit" she's done in the past. After finding some drugs that he decides to shoot himself up with, Sports suddenly starts leaking liquid sewage from all of his ghostly orifices, reminding him that he died in the sanitary sewer Ermes trapped him inside last episode. There are even some graphic threats mixed in there, most notably Sports sharing with Ermes a scenario where he "sucks up her brain like jelly and fills the empty skull that's l eft with the shit that's in her stomach". As an ultimatum, of course.

Profanity consisted of fourteen total uses of "shit" (one as "shitshow"), six of "hell", five of "bitch" (one plural), three each of "fuck" (one each as "fuckin'" and "motherfucker"), "bastard" and "damn" (two as "dammit"), two "ass" words (one as "zombie-ass"), and one each of "asshole", "goddammit" and "crap".

The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #9: Lost Again in First Shrine Visit (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #10: Sleepover in the Storm!! (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #11: Catch Me & Touch Me (TV-PG)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague #12: Their Night Together and the Morning Spring Came (TV-PG)


#9: During the main characters' virtual New Years' party - which contains plenty of casual booze-drinking - Komori teasingly responds to the reveal that Fuyutsuki's attending in her old track uniform by claiming that she's "just in her undies". Which was probably a fib, considering all shots of her at her place show her wearing jeans. Profanity consisted of two uses of "freakin'".

#10: While spending the night at a nearby business hotel to wait out the "station shutdown" levels of pouring rain, Otonashi brings a grocery bag full of canned alcohol for her, Fuyutsuki and Komori to consume. She even announced "let's get drunk!" later on.

#11: This one could've gotten away with a TV-G, if not for the cause-for-concern that was the end scene. After returning to work the Monday after his failed attempt at adopting a stray, actually missing cat, and spending the day after that at Fuyutsuki's apartment, Komori asks him if he "got closer", which Himuro flusteredly reacts to as if she was asking him if he "got closer" with Fuyutsuki and not the cat. The vague teasing only continues when he mentions the apartment visit, to which she claims he "definitely did something".

#12: Implied alcohol consumption in the montage of events throughout the season (the Christmas party they had at the ski lodge with its champagne bottles, specifically), and an earlier scene where Himuro, in his "melted" shota form, collapses on top of Fuyutsuki, which prompts blushing from the both of them but nothing happening beyond that.

One more PG plain than Moshidora, but a lower overall percentage. And not nearly as needlessly depressing, too!

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #11: The Mystery of the Shipwreck and the Cerulean Sand (TV-G)


Again, nothing. Religious references were made, specifically a brief retelling of the story of Noah's Ark (and St. Berain referring to God by the name "Jehovah"), but that sort of thing's non-objectionable as far as professional TV guideliners are concerned. Religion's only a PG set if the show's unsuited for a G or if their's anything stated in vain.

Trigun Stampede #8: Our Home. (TV-14L)
Trigun Stampede #9: Millions Knives (TV-14LV)
Trigun Stampede #10: Humanity (TV-14LV)
Trigun Stampede #11: To a New World (TV-MA)


#8: I'd call this a pretty relaxed episode content-wise, if not for all the burned bodies of SEEDS05 passengers the younger Vash comes across and later hallucinates chasing after him shortly after the crash on Noman's Land. One of them even grabs at Vash's leg as he retreats. The sole profanity this episode was Brad calling Vash a "shit" over his fleeing the wreckage.

#9: Using a more hands-on version of his transmutative summons, Knives kills multiple SEEDS technicians with blades emerging from his hands and legs, stabbing one in the eyes, slashing a second, literally dis-arming a third, and then slashing across the chests of the six back-ups, all with bloody results. He later slashes off Vash's arm when it threatens to suck everyone into the black hole that formed within it. This, too, had bloody results. (And the arm itself was all that the hole managed to absorb before disappearing from sight.) Profanity consisted of another sole use of "shit".

#10: Two characters get shot this episode. First is Vash, by a JuLai soldier seeking vengeance for Jeneora Rock who gets him in the abdomen; the impact is offscren, but some brief blood splatters on Wolfwood's face, and the stain afterwards is prominent, mostly by way of Vash grabbing at the impact point to suppress the bleeding. He's ultimately able to remove the bullet from his wound by hand, though the camera doesn't focus on the digging-around. Second is Roberto, who ends up getting one of human-plant hybrid Elendira the Crimsonnail's namesake weapons right in his abdomen. The reveal that he got struck with one doesn't happen until he and Meryl board their escape elevator, and with the amount of blood pouring from him in the meantime, it's no surprise that it winds up being fatal. Other bloody moments include the large amount of dried bloodstains in Conrad's experiment room, especially on the cross-shaped slab, and one of Elendira's nails grazing their upper arm as it gets shot down. Profanity consisted of one use each of "dipshit", "asshole" and "damn".

#11: Though there are plenty of violent moments in this penultimate episode worth mentioning, much of them in the psychological nightmare that Knives puts Vash through as part of his "assimilation", there's one scene that stands apart to give the episode this rating: the Tesla reveal. Tesla was an Independent plant that existed before Vash and Knives, but was horribly experimented on in secret for reasons unknown. Though the torture was never shown onscreen, we do lay witness to the end results, courtesy of a young Vash and Knives laying witness to the experiment tanks containing her still-alive remnants. Mostly intact, but missing parts of her body and with her guts spilled out (with a preceding close-up). Other establishing close-ups reveal a disembodied arm, part of a tongue, an ear with an exposed cochlea, and an eyeball attached to tendrilous muscle and nerves. No denying that as an MA set, though I imagine Knives slicing the head off of Rem probably would have given Warner Discovery S&P the go-ahead to give it an MAV, even if the blood was replaced with geranium petals. No profanity, oddly enough.

So, for next season's subjects, I've decided to return to the "adult urban" roots laid by IWGP way back in 2020 and give My Home Hero the Content Rating Clips treatment. Joining it as regular seasonals will be Yuri is My Job!, and later on in April, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! (That one will be a simuldub-exclusive seasonal.)

[beware the bear]

Edited by PokeNirvash
Whoops, already talked about Stampede 7 and Rizelmine 7.
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Yeah... I think it's time I got another set down.

Chainsaw Man #3: Meowy's Whereabouts (TV-MAV)


To start, here's a rundown on all of the times Denji made mention of breast-fondling; a segment I like to call, "Titty Talk".

  • Denji mentally notes that "maybe this ain't the time to be bent on feelin' her funbags" following the results of his first mission with Power. He was likely referring to Makima.
  • "I know I'd go to some pretty extreme lengths to fondle some titties, though."
  • Power offers Denji the chance to touch her boobs if he helps her find/rescue her pet cat, which kicks off the episode's plot.
  • Denji shouts at the Bat Devil (who at the time had swallowed Power whole) to "cough up the tits".
  • Then he rants about wanting to "touch me some boobs"...
  • ...and then he complains that he hasn't gotten to "cop a single damn feel".

Now the GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Denji bleeds from the head after Power attacks him with her blood-hammer after a quick-draw exchange of blows; first an in-the-moment blood splash, then smears formed across the ground as Power drags him into an abandoned house to give to the Bat Devil. Said Devil squeezes Denji in his hand, forcing him to vomit up blood that he then consumes to regrow his missing arm. Flashbacks to how Power first met and bonded with Meowy show her sitting atop a bisected black bear corpse, and later leaning against a beheaded dairy cow while hugging the severed head from behind. In the same flashback, the Bat Devil's arm stump is exposed and bleeding as he and Power first meet. During Denji's second transformation into Chainsaw Man, the titular weapon bursts through his head with the expected bloody results, after which he uses it to slice off the Bat Devil's right arm, resulting in a purple blood spray. Another one comes as he slashes across the Bat Devil's chest later on in the fight, and finally, when he cuts his way through his left arm and tears him to pieces, we get even more purple blood, plus spilt entrails. (And that's without mentioning the results of the Sea Cucumber Devil's destruction that were opened on...)

Honorable mentions of other varieties include Power being nude during the whole "how she met Meowy" flashback, though with her hair covering up her tits and her crotch conveniently obscured when needed; and the Bat Devil musing about eating a virgin as an "appetizer" for his first series of human consumptions following his healing.

Profanity consisted of five uses of "shit" (one each as "bullshit", "shit-for-brains" and "shithole"), three of "crap", two of "asshole", and one each of "fuckin'", "fake-ass", "freakin'" and "damn".

Hareluya II BØY #8: Yuka Mochizuki (TV-PGDLV)
Hareluya II BØY #9: Yuichi Honjo (TV-PGLV)


#8: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Though this one wasn't as dark with its subject matter as last episode, it was still pretty heavy, particularly in that the eponymous character in need, Yuka, has androphobia resulting from her father's alcohol-induced physical abuse, of which we see two first-person flashbacks to him throwing punches interrupted by an impact cut; and the villain of the week, Jin Kurosaki of Shion High, being the kind of delinquent to bludgeon people with his cast-ridden arm, fire BBs from the gun built inside it at others (Ichijou gets some right in the eyes), and bludgeoning them from behind while posing as a reluctant underling (again, poor Ichijou). SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: I felt like giving this episode the D descriptor based on the seriousness of the domestic abuse subject matter moreso than mention of anything sexual. Though Hareluya did call Ichijou a "closet pervert" once. Profanity consisted of three uses of "dammit" and two of "bastard".

#9: MODERATE VIOLENCE: And in this one, we have delinquent baseballer Nobuyuki Hiyama (his friends and even his enemies call him Hidou) attacking Rakuen high's players from behind with a baseball bat (both with bright red splatters for seconds-long impact frames) and throwing window-breaking fastballs dangerously close to the head of the team manager he kidnapped, bound and gagged. (Naokuu and the Kunoichi would be displeased for differing reasons.) One ball manages to graze Kiyoshiro's cheek, with an after-the-fact blood smear showing up. Another one, this time with trickle, follows after Hareluya throws the metal bat he pulled from his hammerspace past Hidou and into the wall behind him. And while not nearly as bloody, I have to give mention to Hareluya no-selling three baseballs thrown at once right in the torso, and being generally unfazed by the holes they left in his shirt or the bruises they left on his skin. Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastards", "dammit", and "closet perv".

Initial D Fifth Stage #5: Fujiwara Zone (TV-PG)
Initial D Fifth Stage #6: Keisuke's Determination (TV-14)
Initial D Fifth Stage #7: Zero Hearts (TV-PGL)


First things first, I forgot episode 4's screencap. Here it is in glory that fails to match those the Lonely Driver Trio are reacting to.


#5: Two uses of "hell" and one of "dammit".


#6: So there's an interesting thing I've noticed on YouTube lately among some content creators I follow/watch semi-regularly. In an effort to keep their videos all-ages and monetized, personalities such as blameitonjorge and Sakura Stardust have taken to being super-careful in regards to mentions of suicide, at best dancing around the subject regarding music artists who died in such a manner (and comically censoring out the Tiktok euphemism "unalived") and at worst muting out mentions of the act while also censoring out onscreen displays of the word, leaving the uncensored versions as Patreon-exclusive. It annoys me, especially considering their videos often delve into dark and disturbing content of which suicide is but one of many examples, but I understand their reasoning, both for the sake of YouTube's algorithm and the depression-afflicted portions of their audiences. But most importantly, it left me with one major takeaway: that if explicitly mentioned enough times and/or under the right circumstances of mood, suicide is now a 14 set per my personal standards.

Now, I don't think the sole mention of the Grim Reaper GT-R driver's girlfriend having committed suicide, and thus influencing his dangerous and almost equally suicidal driving style as he employs against Ikeda, qualifies as a 14 set in isolation. But together with one use of "goddammit" in the profanity tally, and Keisuke answering Ikeda's "what does driving mean to you?" question by calling it "proof of masochism", it makes for a neat experiment.

Other profanity consisted of one use each of "pisses", "dammit" and "hell".


#7: "The rain pisses me off." The moodier cousin of "to hell with the sun".


And Leon's getting larger and larger.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #15: Ultra Security House Unit (TV-MAV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The listing of bloody violence and other damage to the human body for this episode starts off in standard JoJo fashion. A hole suddenly forms in Pale Snake's palm after Sports Maximum uses Limp Viscuit to revive DIO's bone, which includes visible bones through the hole and a blood spray from Pucci's palm in reflection of the damage sustained by his STAND. Then, in Anastasia's backstory, the bodies of his girlfriend and her lover, whom he killed, are shown as being divided into multiple different pieces, the severed heads, limbless torsos, and limb fragments the most notable. But the real carnage happens in DIO's tale of the STAND known as Survivor, and how its weak electrical signals led an entire hiking party to beat each other to death, much of the results presented after-the-fact. Bones jutting out of broken arms and legs, brains spilling out of split-open heads, miscellaneous organs among splatters of blood... Yet it was the image of two fists colliding with one another, only for the limbs to burst apart as bones shatter and blood sprays, that made the episode worthy of the descriptor. Though for completion's sake, I'll also make mention of, in their Survivor-invoked clash with one another, Likir's knuckle bones get exposed as he punches Westwood right in the face, enough to tear some of the skin off his upper lip.

Profanity consisted of three uses each of "shit" and "hell", two each of "asshole" (one plural), "bitch" (one plural) and "bastard", and one each of "fuck" and "dammit".

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #14: CLOSE CALL (TV-14V)
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #15: FACTOR (TV-14V)
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #16: MEMORIES (TV-MA)
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #17: ROOM 101 (TV-14)


#14: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Much of the battle with Mizukane from both Section 9 and the Tachikomas & Purin avoids bloodshed, though both Purin and Mizukane end up nosebleeding as a result of pushing their cyberbrains past their respective limits, while a shot from one of the Tachikomas' arm cannons grazes Mizukane's thigh. Much of the blood, though, comes from the skirmish with SOCOM, with one soldier getting shot multiple times and another getting sniped right in the stomach, with what appears to be brief viscera having spilled out alongside the mix of red and white blood. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "dammit") and one of "hell".

#15: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Purin shoots a brain-hacked security agent who tries to assassinate Prime Minister Otomo, one shot hitting the gun out of his hand while two more strike his chest; and though her actions save his life, the assumption she was actually aiming for Otomo - because that's what a post-human would have done - earns her multiple shots all across her body, which ultimately kill her. (Probably not permanently, though, as next episode had two different avenues of bringing her back introduced.) Even so, her dying moments feature her lying in a pool of blood, and even coughing up some while giving her last words. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Batou exposes part of the gray matter portion of Kukushkin's cyberbrain as a means of getting him to answer some important questions. During her conversation with the A184 code, Purin compares its offer to house itself within her cyberbrain to "making a pass at her", and then takes offense at his claims she's "already been used", like it's considering her "damaged goods" or something.  Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastard", "damn", "hell" and "crap".

#16: If you've gotten this far into the thread, you're probably well aware of JUNGLE CRUISE, an episode so heavy on the violent content that [as] gave it an extra disclaimer to let viewers know how fucked it was. Well, Marco Amoretti's serial murders and the associated "torso skinned in the shape of a T-shirt" calling card make its return here, as it's revealed Purin was actually the sole survivor of a massacre he committed shortly before the events of JUNGLE CRUISE. A first-person flashback to a young Purin witnessing the aftermath, presented in her memory backups that the Tachikomas look through - shows her finding her parents' corpses in a living space, and her twin sister collapsing on the floor, both of them with their torsos skinned in Marco's signature style, exposed dermis and bloody stains and all (though only one parent's corpse is clearly shown and the sister's collapse is too far in the distance to see clearly). There were also notable blood smears on the walls where the parents were. Profanity consisted of a single use of "damn".

#17: Togusa's dreaming memory/shared experience that takes up the front half of the episode is full of 14 sets - Mizukane with a cybernetic eye torturing him with some sort of pick to the ports in the back of his neck, the task of having to kill his fellow spy to prove his "innocence", and the comments/reveal that the gun said spy gave him was to commit suicide with - though the only one I bothered to log was the first one. Not that I can be blamed, this episode was a banger, and with an equally so insert/ending tune to boot. Couldn't distract myself as much as I normally do! Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit" and one of "crap".

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #1: Bear Comes Home (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #2: Bear, Watching Over Students (TV-PGV)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #3: Bear, Surprising All (TV-PGL)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #4: Bear, Guiding the Young Girl (TV-PGD)


#1: The orcs that took over the honey tree smack aside and punch while they're down some adult bears that were also helping themselves to some of the tree's product, and then punts one of their cubs about 20 yards. In response, Yuna, who headed out to the tree to take care of the orcs, does as she set out to do, bloodlessly taking care of them with the Bear Cutter and Bear Punch.

#2: MODERATE VIOLENCE: The battle between the academy students and the group of goblins they run into, while quick, isn't without its violence. Most notable are two goblins getting slashes to the side from Marix's sword, at least one of them bleeding. Though a little hard to tell, thanks to the blustery effects of Cattleya's wind magic, I'm confident that was enough to justify the rating. Also, the episode ended with another goblin getting chased down and presumably devoured by some kind of beast, so it's not like that was the only moment of violence, and definitely far from the most perilous, too. HONORABLE MENTION: When stopping for the night to set up camp, Marix reminds Shia and Cattleya to go to the bathroom with a partner, though the "tactless" way in which he says it grosses both girls out.

#3: As for the violence in this one, I feel I might have underrated it. Even though it was far less bloody to the point of being not at all and a little more "fantasy violence" in regards to Yuna vs. the black tiger, there were more goblins killed and we saw one of them get eaten when the black tiger showed up to begin with. Also, the flashback montage of all the times Yuna took out various monsters was devoid of blood as well. Really, it was mixed signals the whole way this episode. Profanity consisted of one use each of "pisses" and "friggin'".

#4: To offset the understandable lack of a V for last episode, I overcorrected on this one with an equally understandable application of a D for a line too vague to really embody one in isolation. The scene in question is one where Milaine, presenting Anz and her inexplicably non-introduced buddies from Millilla with her idea for the Bear Diner's waitress outfits - basically the onesie hoodies from Bear House, but leotard-style and adult-sized - points out that she had them fitted to their exact measurements; to which Anz reacts in shock that she managed to obtain information "so personal". Nothing else comes from this observation beyond a persisted Stepford Smile from Milaine, and Yuna mentally noting that "scary lady is mega scary". Profanity consisted of one use of "freakin'".

My Home Hero #1: From Today, I Am a Killer (TV-14LV)
My Home Hero #2: Cutting the Cake (TV-14LV)
My Home Hero #3: The Correct Path (TV-14LV)
My Home Hero #4: The World of Violence (TV-14DLV)
My Home Hero #5: Are You Happy? (TV-14LV)
My Home Hero #6: Entertaining the Guest, Kasen Style (TV-14L)


#1: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The inciting incident of the entire series' events from this moment: Nobuto's murder. Though we, as the audience, are initially made aware of it when Kasen walks in on Tetsuo having already done the deed, with Nobuto lying in a pool of his own blood with a stain visible on the murder weapon - a rice cooker - we're later treated to a flashback to Tetsuo actually beating him to death with the appliance. All impacts are presented off-screen, but blood is dripped and the cooker is stained. There's also the opening scene with the no-context car crash, though it's anyone's guess as to whether the dark liquid pools on the ground are blood or oil. HONORABLE MENTION: Tetsuo is stripped naked and photographed in a pile of trash as blackmail against him tailing Nobuto any further than he already had (this was a day before the murder). Profanity consisted of five uses of "fuck" (three as "fucking"), three each of "bitch" and "damn", two of "hell" and one of "shit".

#2: INTENSE VIOLENCE: More after-the-fact bloodstains on Nobuto, plus the end scene where two separate groups of yakuza tase Tetsuo in the neck and suffocate Kasen with saran wrap. HONORABLE MENTION: An important plot point for the episode is that Tetsuo cooks down Nobuto's corpse to make it easier to dispose of, with one scene showing the bathtub full of water he used to take care of it looking all yellow and stuff with bone fragments floating in the "soup". (Felt mentally nauseous just writing that one out.) For some reason, the shot of the Nobuto soup was paired with a flashback to an unseen person tasked with doing something involving a tray of bone fragments and ashes, a lab beaker, and a pair of chopsticks. Could he have eaten those bones? Only the Colonel knows. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "dammit"), and one each of "fuck" and "shit".

#3: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Though Kasen has saran wrap applied to her face for the whole time she's held captive in her own home by the yakuza, she gets off pretty easy compared to Tetsuo, who gets punched multiple times in the head and slashed across the forehead with a knife, all courtesy of worst boy Kyouichi. The former impact has all its blood left as after-the-fact, while the latter has blood flying upon the action being committed and spilling to the floor from an open cut in the bag, eventually forming a pool by the time he's ultimately lowered to the floor. Profanity consisted of one use each of "fuck", "shitty", "goddamn", "bastard" and "damn".

#4: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: An important part of Tetsuo's first meeting with Hibiki is that, true to her designation as "Nobuto's girlfriend", he was cheating on her with all the other girls he murdered/planned to murder, up to and including Reika. However, what really caught my ear were Hibiki's recitation of the various complaints Nobuto made to her about Reika: that she was a virgin, a "dead lay", had "no moves" (of the sexual variety, no doubt) and had never seen any porn before. INTENSE VIOLENCE: During the decoy mission they take part in at the behest of the hostess club owner - the very same dude who took that nude photo of Tetsuo - Kyouichi sustains gunshot wounds in both his shoulder and abdomen. Though we never see the bullets hit at the moment of impact, we see their result, bloodstains and everything, well enough to clue us in. The episode then ends on the two getting confronted by a gunman from one of the yakuza gangs they ambushed as part of the operation, and a shot ringing out. Profanity consisted of five uses of "hell", four of "damn" and two of "shit".

#5: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The episode starts with the gunman from last time getting shot in the head by Kubo as he and his subordinates come down to meet with Kyouichi. He then proceeds to torture Kyouichi for leaving Tetsuo alive by digging the bullet that hit him in the abdomen out of the associated wound without anesthetic, and then stapling the wound shut. Most of the impacts aren't onscreen, though we do get a brief shot of the tweezers expanding inside the wound as blood pours out, and Kyouichi is screaming bloody murder the whole time, so that counts for something. Profanity consisted of two uses of "shit" (one as "shitty), and one each of "fuck" and "crappy".

#6: Profanity consisted of one use each of "shit", "goddamn" and "pissy", plus one subtitled use of "dumbass".

Rizelmine #8: By Force!? Five Seconds Before Uniting! (TV-14DS)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Contrary to her worries of rivalry from last episode, Rizel appears to have gotten used to having Kyoko interested in Tomonori also, considering her to be the "mistress". She then asks Aoi if she'd be interested in being his "Number Three". Later, while doing research on Kyoko, Papa A notes her identity as a "large-breasted girl in glasses" - Tomonori's type to a near--tee - though unknown to him or Papa B, but to Papa C's terrified realization, Kyoko has another personality: an aggressive and confident sexpot that comes out when the glasses come off. Upon letting her dark side take over while riding the Ferris wheel with Tomonori, she tells him that the ride's 20-minute cycle is enough time for them to do "all sorts of things"...

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: After which, she proceeds to take off his pants. Ultimately, her intentions were to simply give him a pair of replacement (and custom-designed) gym shorts she was too shy to give him with the glasses on, but that doesn't change how suggestive the initial sight of her straddling him inside the cabin is, and how that sight would get Rizel concerned about his sexual safety. (Not that she's one to talk...)

Submarine Super 99 #13: Embark to a New Ocean! (TV-PGLV)


What all grand finales need is one last great act of violence, and no act in the Sub Super 99 finale is greater than when the fleet aboard Hell's command sub gets blown up after Susumu shoots one of said sub's jammed torpedoes in a successful attempt to cut their numbers and avoid getting overwhelmed. But the explosion isn't what earned this episode the V subrating; it's the bloody aftermath of Strait shielding Hell from the blast. Though it's all after-the-fact, we see that her chest is bloodstained as a result of her fatal self-sacrifice, and that Hell's hand and torso picked up some magenta-hued stains as well.

Profanity consisted of nine uses of "hell", all in reference to Deathbird, three of "damn" (one as "dammit"), and one of "son of a bitch".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #15: Raphtalia (TV-14)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #16: Filolial Queen (TV-14V)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #17: A Promise Made (TV-14V)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #18: A Conspiracy Linked (TV-PGLV)


#15: The extended flashback to Raphtalia's time as a slave to Idol involved her getting whipped multiple times. She didn't scream or cry during the lashing, because fuck that guy. Her friend Rifana, on the other hand, gave the exact reaction Idol wanted, and that's terrible. Though for what it's worth, in the present day, he got stabbed with her mana-draining sword, got defenestrated from several stories up, and ultimately got crushed under the foot of a dinosaur monster he unsealed in a last-ditch effort to wreck Naofumi's shit, so you can't say karma was taking a vacation that day. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "damned") and one of "hell".

#16: While in her giant Filolial form, Fitoria proceeds to strike down the armored dino mentioned above in a single strike, the end result taking the form of multiple slashes across its body and bloody sprays coming from said slashes. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell".

#17: A flashback to the dino monster takedown scene; the bloodiest violence this episode outside of that is when Naofumi coughs up a bit after Fitoria blasts him into a wall. Believe me, it's not as comical as I'm probably making it sound. Profanity consisted of a single use of "dammit".

#18: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Naofumi gets a cut on his cheek, blood included, from Motoyasu's spear during their battle at the border gate. Raphtalia slashes across Malty's torso with her mana sword, not that it has any physical effect. And then there's a flashback to all the bodies surrounding the zombie dragon's keep as the plague epidemic Ren inadvertently caused is made mention of. Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" (one as "dammit"), two of "hell" and one of "bastard".

Tokyo Vice #4: I Want It That Way (TV-MAS)



"Explicit sexual content" is right, one scene this episode was dedicated entirely to Jake having sex with an escort he picked up at a dance club! Bare breasts, brief bare ass, riding and moaning (Jake's being awkward like you'd expect a virgin's to be), and even porn on the TV to set the mood, as is custom in love hotels. The porn flicks, by the way, featured a schoolgirl in bondage getting fucked and a woman getting groped two-handed in a bamboo grove, both with bare breasts and visible nipples. On the less sexy side of things, we had various nude cadaver photos from a case Emi works on after her and Jake's efforts investigating the shady loan company reach a dead end.

Honorable mentions regarding other topics include the question of whether or not the Backstreet Boys' song which provided the episode title is about sex, Sato's mentor calling Samantha "that gaijin hostess he has a hard-on for", and lacerations around the neck of said nude cadaver in Emi's case photos.

Profanity consisted of eighteen uses of "fuck" (sixteen in English, five as "fucking", four as "fuckin'" and one as "fucked"; two subtitled, one as "fucked"), seven uses of "shit" (all in English, two as "bullshit"), two of "bitch" (both in English), and one each of "bastards", "piece of ass", "Jesus" and "hell".

Trigun Stampede #12: HIGH NOON AT JULY (TV-MAV)


According to the episode itself, that number should be 0, but I'm not one to take symbological numbering as the correct choice.

Anyways, the violence levels weren't as horrifying as they were in episode 3, but between a group of JuLai soldiers getting bisected en masse by Knives during his fight with Vash across the city, and the close-ups of Knives' skin burning away around his face and hand to expose the skeleton underneath as he's burning up in the higher atmospheres during the climax, I felt it was a safe bet to rate this one in the direction of graphic, as opposed to regular intensity.

Can't wait to see what next season pulls off!

Yuri is My Job! #1: Welcome to Liebe Girls Academy (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #2: Let's All Be Waitresses Together (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #3: What Should I Believe? (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #4: I Hate You (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #5: If We Could Start Over (TV-PG)


You'd think a show with a title like that and promo art like this would score something higher than "five basic PGs" in a row, but that's the thing about anime; you never know if a show will really be as objectionable as it presents itself to be. Worth noting here before anything else that the main PG sets for the series - the cross-shaped rosary used as part of the "Schwestern" relationship and the teasing girl-on-girl embraces between the staff of Cafe Liebe - are featured in the OP, so they're ultimately automatic.

#1: All things considered, the first episode probably has the most content of the first five beyond those automatic sets. Namely, an online article about Hime's waitressing debut and her calling Mitsuki "onee-sama" unprompted having the headline of "Closeted Schwestern?", and a brief glimpse at some sort of white garment adorning Hime's lower torso in the scene where she's dressing into her waitress uniform. Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "hell". I wouldn't get too comfortable expecting regular cursing from this show.

#2: More subtextual interactions, and a little more obvious recurrence in the form of Kanoko being obviously jealous of Hime getting so much attention from Mitsuki.

#3: This one had a couple of cheesecake-y fanservice moments that weren't obvious enough to really warrant any extra rating. Namely, Mitsuki embracing Hime such that Hime's face is resting between her boobs, Mitsuki's breasts resting on a table and drawn larger than usual, and (with liberal definition of "fanservice") a shot of best girl Sumika with her legs up on a table with her stocking-clad feet being rather well-illustrated.

#4: Hime refers to the Quartet (because simply calling them bullies would be giving them far more credit than they deserve) as "suckers", though that's really more of a "too rude for the Y crowd" set than anything else.

#5: Automatic sets only. Der sigh.

Also, I've started rewatching Durarara!!. I'm two episodes in, and both have the same ratings that they received when [as] aired them back in 2011, even with "shit" no longer needing to be censored. Don't expect that on the list, I'm only really watching this so I can get over a certain dominatrix waifu's unfortunate and completely undeserved fridging. Season 2, on the other hand...


Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 5 weeks later...

 This thread has gotten so long it's slowing down my browser even on the desktop. Shit, it even lags other pages, as proven when I go to the "Create New Topic" page to build my omnibus and the images don't load until I close the other tab. I wish there was an option for you to cut down thread lengths to, like, 25 posts per.

Made in Abyss: Marulk's Daily Life - TV-14SV


Just mopping up. Helps that Marulky-poo is cute as fuck.

The only set without any notable content is the second one, but then again, make what you will of Marulk falling on Nat, the latter smitten. The first short features Marulk's attempts to wake Ozen from a nap, but it ends with them being hoised up as their clothes start to slip off, in a parallel to Riko's schoolhouse punishment. In the third short, Marulk finds a lewd magazine with a female adventurer being bondaged by tentacles, their clothes damaged and copious boobage showing. And in the final short, more out-of-nowhere violence, as the shorts' content switch to seriousness: we get a flashback to how Ozen found Marulk, the sole survivor of a raiding party whose airship crashed near the upper edge of the Third Layer. Their father (turns out blue hair runs in the family) was killed and had his intestines exposed to the elements as an abyssinal monster swoops in for a bite. The next time we see him, he's just a bloodied skeleton.

Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister!
Episode 1: "Mahiro's Confusing New Body" - TV-MA
Episode 2: "Mahiro's Time of the Month" - TV-14S


Couldn't let this one go by without starting a new show. I figured I had a golden opportunity after watching another show that fucks with gender. I'm not sure if this one would've been cut out for Waai!, but unlike Himegoto, it's also drowning in pure sakuga.

#1: And just like that, we rocket to the top rating (above CR's blanket of TV-14) with talk about how, since Mahiro is now a girl, she (him?) won't be able to handle the clitoral orgasm, which according to her genius scientist sister Mihali Mihari is 100 times as strong as the penile one. There's also references to eroge (there it is again), Mahiro himself being sad that he can't abandon "the no-fap lifestyle", and a few naked scenes, one of which takes great care to censor Mahiro's pussy. Interestingly, the show doesn't really portray her with boobs, even though a plot point is Mihari taking Mahiro bra shopping.

#2: Mahiro and Mihari go to a public bath, and the results are what you'd expect: lots of steam-obfuscated nudity, but the sheer duration of it plus a few more revealing shots of Mihari's boobs amidst it all earn it the S. Honorable dialogue mentions include Mihari wondering if Mahiro has swollen breasts, a pervert mention, and the latter brushes up against saying the word "period" because Mahiro has them now, but her pain proves to be too much. Also, some of the posters of anime in Mahiru's room might deserve a mention. One of them has a girl in a school swimsuit with a suggestive-looking bulge.

Girls' Last Tour (six): "Accident / Technology / Takeoff" - TV-PGS


#6: Just two bath/shower scenes, neither of which show a lot of detail. Yuu has actual boobs while Chito is drawn as flat. The only other notable content is when Ishi's plane (she's another rare traveler our protagonists find on their journey) breaks up in mid-flight.

More weirdo ratings image situations: this time there's only one, but it's a good one. Pretty early in the episode, too. And despite adapting three chapters, only the title of the last is shown in the episode, right before the break. So yeah, here's your moment of bathing zen.


The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
Episode 19: "If you're lost, let's sing aloud!" - TV-PG
Episode 20: "Which way should I go to get to the castle?" - TV-PG


#19: Miku talking about a sexy dance...

Images: New Generations judges you, and Miku airs her grievances with Kanako and Chieri, plus a hidden Anzu.



#20: ...and a cover of a zombie movie featuring a bloodied Koume.

Images: An idol named Syuko, because I've decided not to leave everything mysterious, and those two other girls in Triad Primus.



takt op.Destiny
Episode 10: "Master and Pupil -Lenny'" - TV-14LV
Episode 11: "Preparing for Battle -Orpheus-" - TV-14LV
Episode 12: "Takt -Hope-" - TV-14V


#10: In a series with dime-a-dozen D2 violence, the most intriguing ratings go to the episodes that pit Conductors and their Musicarts together. This time, it's a 2v2 between Takt and Destiny and Hell and Heaven, with Titan assisting the former two. Before the battle commences, a lengthy flashback on Lenny's end includes another glimpse of the Boston Tragedy from his perspective. The most objectively cruel violence comes when Destiny, having been depowered following a massive energy blast, is reduced to human form and Hell kicks her aside like a defenseless puppy. But right as Heaven is about to kill Takt, who by this point is red in about half his face and his entire right hand, Lenny saves the day by taking a bullet for him, setting up a heartbreaking curtain call where he uses the last of his power to help Titan unleash a huge final attack that takes down Heaven and puts Hell at bay, bleeding more and more as he goes and eventually leaking some onto the ground. The latter bleeds a bit too from the sheer power overload. It's the best this chronically interesting show has been throughout its run, even if it's turned into Classicaloid Symphogear by now. And don't forget the swearing: one "bullshit" from Takt during Lenny's final moments.

This time around, we have... strings and things. Pilot the EVA, reader, or Lenny will have to do it again.



#11: After gazing in awe at the Black Nite Siderite in the heart of the New York Symphonica, Sagan slams his hand right into the middle of it, gushing reasonable amounts of blood. A whole lot of D2 violence dotted the rest of the episode, which included a survival horror segment with Anna and her disabled scientist sister Lotte trying to escape part of the Symphonica after it's been flooded with monsters; this part also contributes the requisite profanity from the episode: a "shit" from Anna.

For screenshots: an artsy shot of the Symphonica amidst New-ish New York City, and a disorientingly blurry shot of Destiny and Titan from Takt's perspective that might give you Re:Zero flashbacks.



#12: Cleaning up with the best rating. To start off, Destiny gets her yuks in against Orpheus, the merged form of Heaven and Hell, in a fight that mostly features explosions but sees Destiny chip away at her, her body turning into a morphing purple liquid. (The shot of her having been broken like a porcelain statue at the waist looks ridiculous.) Then, right as they go full Ashita no Joe on each other, a flashback reveals that Sagan was broken by the war against the D2s due to its attrition; amidst all the cries for help and pleas for life to go back to normal, a solider takes a big fleshy bit out of a victim's chest. A more sakuga-filled second half to the Destiny/Orpheus fight climaxes with the former punching a hole through the latter; while this goes on, Sagan lectures to Takt like a good villain should, but eventually gets shut up. Orpheus starts to petrify and soon crumbles away, the D2s follow suit after Takt deals the killing blow to Sagan, and that's that. And then Destiny sort of dies after kissing Takt; it's more that Cosette died, though Destiny is the one who kisses Takt, and then she turns into a small memory unit. For swearing, we have "half-assed", "bastards", two "damn"s, and "God".

The OP starts the finale, so one screenshot, and it's an artsy one. I'll let the pixels do the talking here:


Ratings rubdown (I like it raw):

  • PGV (1, 3-5)
  • 14V (2, 8, 12)
  • 14L (6/7)
  • PG (9)
  • 14LV (10/11)

Nice and simple splits. The second half was heavier than the first (outside of the second episode), but it also had the show's tamest episode.

Character tally:

  • Takt: 6 (1B, 4A/B, 7B, 9B, 12)
  • Cosette/Destiny: 8 (1B [barely visible], 4B, 6B, 7B, 8A, 9B, 11B, 12 [only appearance as Destiny])
  • Anna: 6 (1B, 3A, 4B, 6A, 8A, 9B)
  • Lenny: 3 (4A, 9A, 10B)
  • Other Musicarts: 5B (Walkure), 8B (Hell), 11B (Titan)
  • Miscellaneous: 1B (Suzuho diner waitress), 2A (Takt's father), 2B (circus performers and crowd), 3A (some dude, kinda looks like Shaggy), 5B (construction workers), 6B (Anna's fake mom), 7B (bunch of randos), 8B (Schindler!), 10A (string players in an orchestra)
  • Nobody: 1A (flower and animals in prologue), 3B (Fernando Tatin Jr.), 5A (Black Nite Siderite in transit), 7A (car; nobody visible, I mean), 11A (New York Symphonica)
  • Notable losers: Heaven and Sagan

This time around, our winner is one of the characters in the title. Not very innovative, but I like these splits also.

Screenshots with dialogue vs. without: 12/11
Screenshots without: 3A, 4A, 5A/B, 7A/B, 8A [OP], 9B, 10A/B, 12

So that was takt op., the first full-length show I've managed to finish ratings images for since 2018, the exact case being the OG Idolm@ster show. It's a pretty nice 6.5/10 anime I probably don't need to watch again. Maybe I'll check out the mobile game as a bit.

Sakura Trick
Episode 3: "Sis is the President / A Pool Cleaning Promise" - TV-14
Episode 4: "Mission: Impossibly Sour / Are You Testing My Courage?!" - TV-14DS
Episode 5: "Let’s Have Tea with My Sister / Witches, Apples, and My Big Sister" - TV-14S


#3: From this point on, I'm going to give each episode a 14 straight assuming the OP is still intact. This one has a lot of PG-level-with-subratings content, some of which I thought was juicier when I first saw it. Haruka joins in on the student committee and flaunts her boobs while taking off her uniform to reveal a cheerleading outfit underneath, which the camera gets a juicy view of. Then she runs into Yu's big sister Mitsuki, the president of the student council, in classic ecchi anime fashion. The episode's second segment featuer her wearing a school swimsuit with "I <3 You (Watanabe)" underneath, and her clothes soon get wet and become transparent, revealing her fine curvature in the swimsuit beneath. In conclusion: Haruka is kind of a klutz, but she also has C-cup breasts rather than D-cups, as remarked upon by Yuzu and Kaede, two of the other students who don't seem to be romantically involved at the moment, before they're corrected by Yu.

#4: This time around, Yuzu and Kaede are shuffling about a convenience store and accidentally start reading adult magazines, one of which features a woman with a Mai Shiranui-esque ill-fitting swimsuit on the cover, which is also literally called "Big Tits".

#5: The first segment is free of any egregious content, unless you count a double-decker Starbucks expy. The second has exaggerated boob motions from Mitsuki, in one instance when she's smothered by Haruka and Yu, but the big willie of this episode doesn't come until an omake segment afterward: Today's Shizuku features said character in the bath, with all the fixings (mostly of the bubble variety) you'd expect... until she becomes chibi. Yes, this is supposed to be a fan service [sic] scene.

Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 1: "The Spring Snow Incident" - TV-14


This one's got a pleasing variety of danmaku violence, from Yuyuko deflecting Marisa's bullets with her sword (although she's no match for the Master Spark), to having to wave through Yuyuko's waves of deathly butterflies. Yuyuko herself is no match for Reimu's suffocating matrix of ofuda, which eventually delivers the killing pichuu~n. But the decisive factor here is, of all things, Yuyuko being generously breasted and appearing to have puffy nipples underneath her kimono. After consulting on this with an expert, I decided a 14 straight seemed correct, even if this is fairly minor compared to the usual fanservice. There's just not much to go off of. But don't you worry, because there's more fanservice to come in this series.

And now it's time for a personal first...

Yup, it's a clip. I previously said I'd use U149 to pop my (cherry merry) cherry, but after thinking about it, since Touhou was my first love among Japanese franchises it only felt natural for this series to jump the queue. Plus, it's going to be a bit of a technological struggle to make clips for an officially-licensed show, as opposed to one where I can cheat and use my personal converted MP4s with no worry about not matching the original stream.

I'd rather not clog up this forum's servers with the data from all my clips, so I might figure out another home for them at some point, but this will do for now. Besides, I just tried Imgur, but while they let you upload videos with sound, they don't embed properly, and the quality is worse.

To Your Eternity Season 2
Episode 5: "The Holy Man's Voyage" - TV-PGLV
Episode 6: "Heretics Betrayed" - TV-14LV
Episode 7: "Crime and Forgiveness" - TV-14LS
Episode 8: "Beyond Dreams" - TV-14L
Episode 9: "Expanding Consciousness" - TV-14V


#5: Nokker violence this time around includes a scene where one attacks a village by burrowing underground; Fushi defeats it by falling into a hole, then creating exposive rounds and burning them by turning into Gugu. Later on, he manifests the seemingly dead body of a noblewoman (the daughter of the castle lord, to be exact) named Anna, who ends up coming back to life after the death of her old body. Swearing includes one "damn it" and three "sucks", the latter from Pocoa, one of Bon's siblings who decided to tag along for the ride in all her annoying glory.

#6: A tale of two halves: the first featured violence breaking out in Entus City after Fushi fails to perform a miracle; Todo (the boy-ish girl who's accompanying Fushi and Bon on their journey to spread the word of his kingdom) gets stabbed in the chest but no blood comes out. She said "ass" earlier, and right before the stabbing, one of the guardsmen provoking the violence says "Bastards!" But later on, Fushi is trapped within a large iron cell and is killed after molten lava is poured into it. Yikes! As Tonari, they let out a horrifying scream, as they're doomed to be burned alive over and over again in the cubic cell. Then one of the townsfolk, unhappy Fushi has been sealed away, says it's horseshit.

#7: The episode begins with a flashback to Fushi getting smothered with lava, but while we see close-ups of his charred, featureless body throughout, the episode is mostly free of violence. The worst of it amounts to swearing, which encompasses three uses of "suck" or "sucks", two "bastards", and one use of "cockwombles" from Bon. No idea how to rate that swearing, but I figured given that "cocksuckers" and "cockblocked" are TV-MAL material while this one isn't intended to be a hurtful swear like those, I feel like it could be 14-caliber. Since two "bastards" will already get you a 14L in most episodes, this ratings seems like an easy decision. At the end of the episode, Bon is prosecuted for heresy and dies at the guillotine in Entus City; in the preview for the next episode, we see his severed head, with some blood pooling around it.

#8: What appeared to be mass murder in Entus City following Bon's execution was actually Fushi's doing, first by drugging the crowd as Ligard the owl, then by creating a fake Bon body right before the guillotine dropped. The latter event, with blood pooling around the head, was the first noteworthy event at the end of last episode. The second was a simple shot of Kahaku writing while hunched over, his Nokker-filled arm on the ground with some bloodstains around it. This time, swearing encompasses two uses of "shit", one as "bullshit"; otherwise this was a fairly light episode.

#9: A mix of tension and body horror. Fushi fights a lot of Nokkers in this one and loses numerous vessels in the process, as he blows them up with boxes of explosive ordinance he creates and they prod at him with their tentacles. The Nokkers turn poeple into zombies again and also go to town on some townsfolk. Later on, Fushi fights a Nokker inside a swamp and things get even worse for him. Also, Fushi's... caretaker (basically god, if god was an evil-looking hooded dude and voiced by Seto Kaiba) makes him a horse, but instead of harvesting dental floss it gets hit by a Nokker itself and blood comes out. Swearing? You bet: one use of "bastard", plus three "damn it"s and a bonus "hell".

ReStage! Dream Days
Episode 4: "It's Over for Mii" - TV-PG
Episode 5: "Umekobucha Drinking Party" - TV-PG
Episode 6: "Yukari-chan is My Aunt" - TV-PG
Episode 7: "She is My Senpai, But Maybe I Should Shut Her Up" - TV-PG


#4: Only real PG set was a few references to Kasumi's airsoft player nickname: the Thousand Kill Angel.

#5: By default. Only thing close to actual offending content was Saya getting crushed by several 10-ton weights as a slapstick metaphor for being flustered.

#6: Kasumi fires her airsoft gun, and that's it. There's also a joke about Kae beginning her "journey to the heavens".

#7: Mostly by default. Mana has some tense flashbacks to the time she joined the idol club at Marehoshi Academy's main branch; one student sternly says "I wish you had never come here!" through tears, which appears multiple times.

Feels great to breeze through entries like this, right? I mean, it's not too different from Cinderella Girls, but this time, I expect the ratings to be low.

Twenty-one episodes and change (I forgot about the MiA shorts), which is seven (my favorite number) times three, plus one. I also like the number 109. Anyway, now that I've finally gotten this monkey off my back, the next omnibus will feature special focus on three more numbers... and a letter.


I remember there was a time the ASMB could allow you to switch between 25 and 50 posts per page; I only know that 'cause 25 was the default if you had no account and I always had it set at 50 for... some reason, can't remember what. But yeah, this thread could really benefit from that sort of thing. At least there's spoiler tabs to keep it from getting too cluttered.

Also, nice job with your first CRC! Gotta say, it's surreal seeing it from the other side.

Dr. Stone: Ryusui (TV-14L)


DIALOGUE CFC: Senku responds to Chrome and Ryusui's butting of heads as such: "Enough with this dick-measuring contest."

NUDITY OF THE MOMENT: While many of the statues are nude by technicality, the only one to show said nudity in the flesh is the only one of them revived: Ryusui, who's bare-naked for his first couple minutes of screentime, his crotch barely out-of-frame and frontal pelvic bones on display in said scenes where it is "barely out-of-frame".

Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell" (one spoken in Pig Latin), two of "crap" and "damn", and one each of "shit", "bastard", "freakin'", "badass" and "suck".

Durarara!! #4: Utterly Alone (TV-14SV)


I know I said I wouldn't talk about my personalized re-rating of Durarara!! in these threads, but I thought I'd make an exception for the episodes whose ratings didn't line up the same as the 2011 [as] run. In the case of "Utterly Alone", the addition of the sexual situations subrating comes from the scene where Celty is dissected by Shingen, in which she's shown fully nude. No nipples or crotch shots are seen, but some topboob and underboob are, as is a brief nipple outline through the spotlight censor used for the breast overall during a scene of writhing. As standards have changed in the past ten years, I updated the rating from its original best rating to reflect as much.

With any luck, I'll be back to share what exactly was underneath that cluster bleep bomb in best episode 7.

Elfen Lied #9: Schoene Erinnerung [Reminiscence] (TV-MAV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE AND OTHER BLOODY HAPPENINGS: Following the orphanage massacre, young Lucy (because fuck calling her Kaede) starts invading homes and murdering entire families just so she can have a place to sleep at night. The first time she does this, the family has already been killed, their bodies shown as she grabs some food from their fridge; of note is a pink mass coming from the father's head, which I feel could be his brain matter but I can't tell for sure. The second time, she kills the mother and daughter offscreen (though the former's corpse is given brief mention), while the father, coming home late from work as per Japanese custom, gets beheaded onscreen with the requisite massive blood spray. Her internal mental breakdown after learning Kouta's cousin was the opposite gender of what he told her has several after-the-fact bits worth noting, including a headless Tomoo with blood occasionally squirting from the stump, the puppy lying dead in a pool of blood, and the liar girl (as I shall henceforth be calling her even though this is the last episode where she's ever relevant) bleeding from one of her eyesockets. And then we get the moneyshots: Lucy bisecting a crowd of five people, one of whom has their arm stump and brief entrails shown onscreen, and beheading a concerned woman. All with bloody results, as you'd expect from this show.

OBLIGATORY NUDE SHOTS: The scene with Lucy in the first house she "cleared" of its tenants? She's naked in that one, exiting the shower with her bare ass visible and her nipples on display. Later, after messing around with a young Kouta in a nearby river, the two end up having to sit naked while their clothes dry off; not a whole lot of attention paid here, as the most explicit stuff was at a distance and from the side.

The next episode preview hints at some additional flashback scenes from another perspective, most notable among them a previously unseen Diclonius chained up and naked as cannonballs are fired at her, and then her naked body lying in a pool of her own blood, centered around an area of her head that was shot through.

Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

Hareluya II BØY #10: Rui Nohara (TV-PGLV)


MODERATE VIOLENCE: As to be expected from a baseball team with a lifetime ban from the Koshien, Hidou and the rest of Katakuri High show no mercy in their match against our protagonists. Among the highlights of brutality include Ichijou getting beaned in the temple with one of Hidou's infamous curveballs, which leaves him bleeding from the head but still capable of standing; Hidou punching Honjo in the gut while holding onto another baseball; Miyamura sliding into second base by slamming his foot right into Kiyoshiro's shin, leaving some red marks on his outfit and the boy himself screaming in pain before tagging him out; an off-field sniper shooting Hareluya in the eyes with red-colored paintballs whose stains I, at the moment, mistook for blood; and Hidou pulling a knife on Honjo at the end of the match, with Honjo stopping him from any stabbing but not before sustaining a cut on his cheek. This episode truly walked so "Baseball Blues" could run.

Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn" (three as "dammit"), two of "hell", and one of "bastard".

Initial D: Fifth Stage #8: White Devil (TV-PG)


In the moments leading up to their race: Rin says that both he and Ryosuke will be betting their lives themselves on it, and by the end, one of them will be sent to Kaori's "side". That's a euphemism for death in a fiery crash if I've ever heard one.

Anyways, profanity consisted of a single use of "hell".


Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #18: N-POWER (TV-14LSV)


What more needs to be said than Mizukane's takeover of the American nuclear sub at the start of the episode? Simply put, she 3D prints a fully nude, albeit featureless, remote body into the sub via their kitchen, and proceeds to slaughter the four poor souls who witnessed her entrance; two of them soldiers, two of them cooks. It all happened too fast to take note of absolutely everything, but from what I could note, she kicked a knife into the abdomen of one of them, slashed up all four, and stabbed one of the soldier's hands against the wall. There was a more-than-decent amount of bloodshed in that scene. DIALOGUE OF THE MOMENT: Ishikawa calls said sub takeover a "ballsy move".

Profanity consisted of two uses each of "bastard" and "hell", and one each of "ass", "damn" and "crap".

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #5: Bear, Seeking Mithril (TV-14) :o
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #6: Bear, Becoming the Hero(?) (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #7: Bear, Getting Lectured (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #8: Bear, Studying Black Tea (TV-PG)


#5: Sometimes, you have elements of an episode that you're willing to let slide because they don't fall into any obvious descriptor categories, despite being "too much" for the rating at hand. But other times, those elements compound onto one another to the point where you don't feel comfortable giving it that rating you'd consider were they by themselves. And here, this "sore thumb" rating for Kuma 3 Bear Punch serves as a perfect example of a "compounding 14".

First, we have the married blacksmithing couple of Gold and Nelt, consisting of an adult male and a loli, respectively. The two of them are dwarves, which helps explain why Nelt looks so young (and also the pointy ears), but even then, the apparent age difference isn't given any acknowledgement. Next, there's an after-the-fact reference to parental abuse, as Marix has gained a nasty bruise on his face since he was last shown, which he says his dad gave him after hearing how he acted up during the examination Yuna helped out with. After that are a couple of imagine spot moments from our main girls; Fina's features Yuna standing atop a bunch of giant monsters she took down for her to use the mithril harvesting knife she plans on making for her on, with mild bloodstains on her outfit and cheeks, while Yuna's has Fina going through a magical girl transformation sequence (with the mithril knives as the magic item), featuring a brief blink-or-you'll-miss-it pantyshot showing a pair of bloomers with the word "KUMA" printed on them. (Keep in mind that Fina is 10.) Then there's the nonsexual catcalling some of the male adventurers in the royal capital give Yuna and Fina when they stop in... And finally, we have Mel, one of the adventurers working on the "golems in the mithril mine" mission Yuna takes up, asking Yuna to bunk with her in a way that feels almost like flirting, including offering the opportunity to share a bed and musing about her taking off the bear outfit so they have more room.

God, I love sore thumb ratings.

#6: Yuna's battling against the golems in the mine throughout the episode is fairly FV-level. Her tasing Barbould unconscious with a pinpoint electric shock, even comically? Not as much. Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "crap".

#7: The scene where Fina harvests the black tiger with her new mithril knife features incisions performed in the flesh onscreen, but it's all procedural - even moreso, since there are scholars recording the process for future generations present - so it's no huge deal. Profanity consisted of one use each of "dammit" and "suck".

#8: My favorite PG set of late: Yuna telling the King that she helped out with the mine because she was "jonesing for some mithril items". Being a phrase often used in reference to substance use, abuse and addiction, it met the main criterion: if it's something Toonami would've edited out in the Y7 salad days of daytime, it's a PG set. Unless circumstances make it appropriate as a G set, of course.

My Home Hero #7: Mother and Mother (TV-14)
My Home Hero #8: The Spider's Thread (TV-14L)
My Home Hero #9: The Fateful Day (TV-14)
My Home Hero #10: One Thing I Did (TV-14L)


#7: The 14 sets for this episode are split between a couple flashbacks to Nobuto's corpse, and Kyoichi's mother telling Kasen how her husband, Kyoichi's father, had hung himself after getting threatened by the yakuza a certain number of times, complete with the imagery of his body, below-the-belt, hanging from an unseen noose. Honorable mention goes to Kasen claiming that Kyoichi is a womanizer, as part of a convoluted explanation behind why he was visiting them at home.

#8: While not necessarily objectionable content, the end of the thumb-turn tool that Tetsuo uses to attempt picking the lock to Kyoichi's apartment is censored with a pixel mosaic in every shot it's featured; presumably it's because Tetsuo doesn't have a license to use one, but I think it's so no one watching it tries to emulate what's being shown onscreen. FLASHBACK BLOOD: the stains from the shoulder and abdomen wounds Kyoichi sustained in episode 4. Profanity consisted of two uses of "shit" (one as "bullshit") and one of "damn".

#9: NOT-SO-INTENSE VIOLENCE: When news breaks of Kyoichi's purported (and falsified) involvement in the armored car robbery Nobuto committed, Kyoichi immediately grabs Tetsuo by the neck and starts choking him out, thinking he had something to do with it; Takeda responds by kicking Kyoichi away from Tetsuo with a swing to his abdomen. ADDITIONAL 14 SETS (SORT OF): Tetsuo tells Kyoichi about his parents' death in a highway car wreck - which turns out to be the one from the start of the first episode - and how they were "killed instantly"; and later requests that, if he ends up killed, that his death be made to look like an accident or a suicide. Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastard", "damn" and "hell".

#10: During his escape from Takeda and his men, Kyoichi's abdomen wound opens back up; it's first noticeable when he distracts them with the fire extinguisher, but becomes obvious when he runs onto the roof and briefly collapses. It continues to drip after he's left the vicinity of his apartment building, and even stains the disguise he puts on afterwards. Meanwhile, Tetsuo's backwards flashback montage to everything that transpired in the past week includes a fair share of bloody moments from earlier in the series, including Kyoichi's gunshot wounds, Tetsuo's torture-induced nosebleed, and the beating death of Nobuto. Profanity consisted of two uses of "bastard" and one each of "fucking" and "hell".

Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #12: The Mechanical Bandit Band: Prologue (TV-PGV)
Patapata Hikousen no Bouken #13: The Mechanical Bandit Band: Epilogue (TV-PGLV)


You know shit's about to go down when you bring a group of marauders into your show, and in a two-parter, no less!

For the first part, much of the bandits' onscreen antics amounted to intimidating the villagers on their mechanical sleds and blowing up stuff with their rocket launchers, namely the town gate. The most physically impactful violence, meanwhile, was done against Camille, the village's present leader and the only woman in town to not wear a hijab. Though she puts up a decent fight, she gets dragged against the ground by one of the bandits for a brief amount of time, and later struck in the face during a face-off; the impact is done off-screen, though she gets a bruise from the strike. A later flashback shows her father, the previous village leader, getting struck down by a bandit in a prior raid, and though the impact was also off-screen and not much was physically indicated in the aftermath, Camille herself says that her dad died from the injuries sustained. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "damned").

The latter half of the two-parter also had plenty of violence during the next raid, though nothing too extreme. The highlights: many of the bandits' sleds explode after getting shot by the villagers, Marcenay shoots the bludgeoning implement wielded by the facial hair-sporting bandit out of his hand before he can attack Camille with it; Morilire lights and sets off a dynamite stick that proves advantageous for the bandits, and after clashing swords for a brief while, Camille fires an arrow at the facial hair-sporting bandit's sled, causing it to crash and explode while he's still on it. (He manages to survive.) Profanity, meanwhile, consisted of nine uses of "damn", and one each of "bastard" and "hell". Quite the uptick!

Rizelmine #9: First Experience!? I Held Him! (TV-PGDS)


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Rizel refers to Kyouko as "the mistress" twice. She and Aoi worry that Tomonori plans to elope with Natsumi (their teacher he has a crush on) during the falling out she's had with her fiance. Tomonori mutters in his sleep to Rizel (who he doesn't know is there until it's too late) that he "doesn't want some flat-chested girl".

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Natsumi is seen standing in the shower in one scene; naturally, she's all nude, but is only seen from the back, with semi-transparent steam covering up her bare ass to a degree. It doesn't even show any sideboob!

Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #19: The Four Cardinal Heroes (TV-PG)


Well this was a boring one on the pompatus of content. You had multiple magical blows traded between Motoyasu and the Pope, which didn't have any real impact despite the very real tension felt; you had recapped moments to all the problems caused by the other Heroes and Naofumi and company's clean-up of them; and the PG set of the Pope's blathering about "exacting God's judgement" on Naofumi. The sooner we get to a certain you-know-who's comeuppance, the better. Profanity consisted of a single use of "hell".

Tokyo Vice #5: Everybody Pays (TV-MASV)



EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: This episode has two sex scenes: Tozawa and his significant other (I think her name was Misaki), and Sato and Samantha. The former scene features Tozawa thrusting into Misaki while she rubs the area between their crotches, followed by her moving down to give him a blowjob, during which I swore I could see a bit of taint... Both moments come to an abrupt end thanks to performance issues on Tozawa's end - it's unclear whether it's erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation - but even then, Misaki assures Tozawa that he still has it, claiming he was "strong and hard" enough to leave her sore the previous day. Sato/Samantha, meanwhile, was a little less detailed and almost dialogue-free, though it's worth noting that all we got of Samantha was her bare back while we got at least two shots of Sato's bare ass.

GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: While there are a fair share of graphic scenes in either tension and aftermath - Kume's suicide after being found out as the mole within the Chihara-kai and Sato proving himself not ready to cap him himself, and Jake's discovery of Sugita's corpse, rendered such by exposed cables directly to his chest - there's no greater highlight of in-the-moment violence this episode than Sato and Ishida battling two intruders - presumably from the Tozawa-gumi - that invaded the latter's mansion and killed a bunch of their men. Sato stabs one in the torso with his own knife, with notable blood spurting results, while the other gets stabbed from behind by Ishida, who briefly collapsed in the scene before as a fake-out for the audience, blood spilling from his mouth and onto Sato's neck post-impalement.

MAD CORNER: Castration is mentioned to be a part of the Chihara-kai's process of body disposal for organization traitors. After showing Katagiri his most recent article on Sugita's ties to the loan company suicides, he says that it'd be better if his editor hadn't "hacked all the balls off of it". (Tozawa is the balls.) Polina responds to a semi-suggestive comment of Jake's (can't remember what) with insistence that they will not be fucking. And then there's the whole thing with Matsuo planning on having Samantha perform sexual favors on him so he won't go telling the authorities she stole 4 million yen from the Mormon church, which could have her extradited back to America... Some things are just worth noting, even when they aren't a part of the rating.

Profanity consisted of seventeen uses of "fuck" (fifteen in English, five as "fuckin'", four as "fucking", and one as "fucks"; two subbed, one as "fucks"), three uses of "shit" (two in English, one subbed), two of "bitch" (both subbed), and one of "Jesus" (in English).

Yuri is My Job! #6: So There's No Need For Lies Anymore? (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #7: It's Called Gyaru, Right? (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #8: For Whom Shall I Cast My Vote? (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #9: The One and Only (TV-PG)


#6: The content in this episode was a little more substantial than those previous, but still not enough to earn any descriptors. You had Sumika randomly smacking Hime's butt (in a friendly way); multiple exchanges of "I love you" between Hime and Mitsuki, most of them as "suki" but one from Hime as "daisuki", which Sumika later admits she thought was "a serious, romantic confession"; and a couple scenes where Mitsuki's rack has a degree of focus, one being an upwards-facing shot that the boobs happen to be a prominent feature of, and another having Mitsuki pull Hime into a "boobs-in-the-face" hug that's looking to be her go-to way of admonishing her without breaking character.

#7: Automatic sets only.

#8: Another boobs-in-the-face hug aside, this episode's PG set stems from a running set of conflicting themes: Kanoko's romantic attraction to Hime, and Sumika's belief that IRL romance has no place on the floor of Cafe Liebe, the latter even having a start-of-episode flashback to a former waitress scolding her for "interfering with other people's romance", said romance naturally being with another waitress. The end scene, where Sumika confronts Kanoko with the former piece of information while protesting her going against the latter unspoken policy only solidifies this as a PG set by nature.

#9: The profanities return, but only one: Hime telling Kanoko, "you suck at using a facade".

As per the usual end-of-post announcements, I will be placing Patapata Hikousen on hiatus for the time being, and bridging the gap between its first half and the second will be Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood, one of two newcomers bearing relation to the Nagoya File direction analysis I actually started watching Patapata for the purposes of. As for the second? Well... I'll have to figure out what it'll replace first. All I'll say is, this was one I intended to watch last year, but decided could afford to wait.

[and now the wait is nearing over]

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

One quick round before the summer season starts in earnest.

Initial D: Fifth Stage #9: Shinigami (TV-PG)


I was expecting a little higher content out of this episode, this being the start of Ryosuke Takahashi and Rin Hojo's death race, but the mentions of death were few and/or vague, the only prominent in-the-moment peril was an attempted spin-out tap from Rin's GT-R to Ryosuke's FC that the latter managed to steer out of, and while not really objectionable content, Matsumoto's mostly one-sided conversation with Ryosuke before the race started was easily the most homoerotic scene in Initial D since Ryosuke challenged Takumi by delivering him a bouquet of roses. Maybe next episode, we'll get some mentions, if not elaboration, on Kaori's suicide...


Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #19: TRUTH POINT OF CONTACT (TV-14S)


SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Just as my intuition and observational evidence predicted, Purin is back from the dead! And in a brand spankin' new prosthetic body to boot. Said body, though, is completely unclothed for the entirety of the first act, meaning several instances of full-frontal chest shots, nipples included; a couple bare ass shots, and at least one full-body full-frontal that was censored by the darkness of the surrounding hallway. All of these scenes are incidental, though the N-citizen who she hitches a ride to Tokyo with does acknowledge and feel slightly uncomfortable with her being naked.

VIOLENCE HONORABLE MENTIONS: A mix of post-human brain-hacking and laughing gas leads five American soldiers to shoot each other dead - except for Standard from the previous season, who falls into a deluge from a storm outlet structure to relative safety - though there's no blood to be spotted in the massacre of friendly fire.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "half-assed".

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #9: Bear, Knowing of Nobles (TV-PG)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #10: Bear, Getting Motivated (TV-PGL)
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #11: Bear, Going Bare (TV-PG)


#9: Yuna asks Cliff if, hypothetically, she would get executed for turning down the invite to Misana's birthday party; and later, she takes down several goblins and wolves that cornered a merchant family (the father of whom was voiced by a conspicuous Jerry Jewell), all without any blood or torn flesh visible.

#10: PROFANITY OF THE MOMENT: Yuna notes that Randle Svalbard is definitely a noble based on his "piss-poor attitude".

#11: Before you ask, no, there's no nudity this episode. But there are 10 year-old girls in shoulderless dresses, which I'm not quite sure counts as a PG set. Oh well, Randle's tendency to suggest murder as a solution to their rich people problems already had that covered.

My Home Hero #11: Father (TV-MA) :o
My Home Hero #12: The Current Happiness (TV-14V)


#11: "Sore thumb ratings" are a wondrous thing, partly because of how goddamned disturbing some of those scenes that produce these stand-outs can get. My Home Hero is no stranger to villains who make it clear they won't stop at killing you if it means tying up loose ends, but even compared to his own promise of eliminating the family of his son's killer, Yoshitatsu's speech to a groveling Tetsuo on how he plans to torture and kill Kasen and Reika as his exaction of revenge against him really stands out in how fucked up it is. The laundry list of torments he rattles off includes: gang rape, crucifixon, skinning alive, burning of the hands and feet, ear removal, nail-hammering, evisceration, and finally beheading. He also throws in how he plans to force Tetsuo to watch everything, sticking fishhooks in his eyelids so he can't just close them.

With that speech made, everything else seems irrelevant. The clumsy yet brutal beating Yoshitatsu and Tetsuo give each other afterwards, the blacklit bloodstains from Nobuto's murder, and even the implication that the bit of blood found on the toilet seat was Reika's period blood. That's the power of sore thumb ratings as powerful as this one: their sources can't be easily un-remembered.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one each of "bastard" and "pissing".

#12: INTENSE VIOLENCE: After-the-fact blood from the aforementioned Tetsuo vs. Yoshitatsu aside, the latter decides to end the fight in an action that would surely lead to Tetsuo's arrest by the cops outside: stabbing himself in the gut with a knife. The impact was offscreen, but the pull-out scene is, and Yoshitatsu spends the whole scene bleeding out, especially as Tetsuo chokes him unconscious while trying to shoo the cops away. They manage to leave before noticing the growing pool of Yoshitatsu's start seeping under the edge of the apartment door. It's unknown if he survived, but considering Tetsuo buried him in the woods, I doubt he lived for much longer after losing consciousness.

Profanity consisted of just one use of "shit". Considering other cases of such in the show were accompanied by stronger or other 14-L-level profanities, I felt it appropriate to give a free "best rating" pass to this one.

And per tradition, here's the tally graphic showing which characters appeared onscreen with the bug in each clip. If you saw the show, you'd agree that 1st and 2nd place have very fitting images attributed to them.


The Rising of the Shield Hero #20: Battle of Good and Evil (TV-14V)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: One scene earned this episode yet another best rating to its annals: Naofumi's Blood Sacrifice spell that he uses to defeat the Pope of the Three Heroes Church. Immediately after casting, multiple spurts of blood come from Naofumi's armored-up arms and legs, and he loses enough blood post-collapse that it seeps into the ground and leads his party to worry over whether he survived. (He did, and stayed conscious long enough for the Queen to introduce herself to him.) Then, the chain-beast that emerges from the blood offered bursts out of the ground and consumes the Pope, clenching its teeth down on him and prompting a major blood spray from the vents on both its jaws. A close-up of the Pope mid-bite shows sharpened teeth digging into his cheeks, though anything further is blocked out by the rest of the teeth closing around him. When all's said and done, there's a brief rain of blood and a resultant fountain of the fluid, with his glasses resurfacing alongside a couple of bubbles. Savage.

CAUSE FOR CONCERN OF THE MOMENT: In the opening scene, where the Queen is getting dressed in her battle armor while conversing with a Shadow, there's a brief shot dedicated to her breastplate being fitted, which she responds to with a closed-eyes, clenched-teeth reaction that may suggest to dirtier minds that she was a little aroused by that part of the process. But that's neither here nor there; any content concerning the Melromarc ladies will come next post.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "hell".

Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood #1: Ordinary Citizen of the Dark (TV-14)
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood #2: Akari's Friend (TV-PGV)


#1: As the main character of this series is a vampire prone to all the classic characteristics, weaknesses and conditions, there's naturally a lot of blood, all after-the-fact and presented primarily as sustenance divorced from the human bodies from whence they came. Really, there are more blood in teacups than there are coming out of a person, though there are scenes of them coming out of a person, most notably the bit where Akari accidentally cuts her finger while peeling potatoes and, after having the blood cleaned up by Sophie licking it up directly, angling the knife towards her finger to let out more. But if you think that's as bad as Akari has it for Sophie, it has nothing on the episode's 14 set. Shortly after meeting Sophie for the first time, upon hearing her note that it's time for dinner, Akari assumes she intends to drink her blood straight from the source, as opposed to her usual method of microwaving a teacup of refrigerated blood she bought online, and proceeds to unbutton her shirt so she has easier access to her neck. Said unbuttoning goes beyond simple neck exposure, as her cleavage and bra strap are on display as well. All that considered, you can probably see why I skewed high with this one.

#2: While the moderate violence of this one comes from the horror movies Akari rents to watch with Sophie one night, which her human friend Hinata winds up tagging along for. Several of the cover displays at the video store show bloody imagery, typically in the form of down-the-face streaks, with one of note showing blood pouring from a mouth whose teeth are tinted red, suggesting even more blood where that came from. Later, when they're actually watching the movies, one scene shows a stereotypical hockey-masked killer slashing a guy in the shoulder, with brief in-the-moment blood shown after an obscured impact, followed by a larger splatter in the next shot. As it was a relatively restrained kill (but still a waste of good food, as far as Sophie's concerned), I felt it appropriate to skew it lower.

And so the balancing of ratings goes on...

Yuri is My Job! #10: Will You Break It All? (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #11: Blume der Liebe (TV-PG)
Yuri is My Job! #12: Welcome to Summer at Liebe Girls' Academy! (TV-PGDS) :o:o


#10: Just in time for Pride Month while at the same time exemplifying how the normalization of LGBT existence in media has rendered basic acknowledgement a PG set, we have this week's in the form of a prominent plot element: the romance between Nene Saionji (currently Nishidera) and Yoko Goeido on the floors of Cafe Liebe about a year ago. (Maybe two?) If the mere mention of the two becoming lovers wasn't enough, then the mouth-to-mouth kiss Sumika walked in on the moment she learned Saionji switched Schwesters behind her back proved plenty more.

#11: PG SET OF THE MOMENT: Kanoko assuring to Sumika that "love confessions or things like that won't ever happen", the confessions in question hypothetically aimed towards Hime (who my sister and I agree is demi).

#12: I knew there'd be a non-PG straight rating up Watayuri's sleeve, and what better place to bust it out than in the finale? Really, both descriptors come down to the central plot of the episode's first act: the summer uniform for Cafe Liebe's "salon workers" (code for the waitresses) making Mitsuki look super-sexual. There's prominent mention of how sexy, lewd, even indecent and shameful the uniform, notably the jumper skirt combined with her bust, looks on Mitsuki, and to emphasize that fact, multiple breast jiggles to accompany her movements. There was nothing that was too overkill, like nipple outlines or unfitting ecchi moments, but the attention given to these moments regardless, from Hime mentally taking note of "her boobs!" to outright admitting to Mitsuki that she "wants her body" (meant out of envy, not carnal desire), made it such that descriptors were necessary, and I am glad that they were. What a way to end your run, Watayuri. Season 2 never (but less never than Shenmue).

This coming season on the Content Rating Clips: Seasonal Line, I'll be venturing into Fuji TV's +Ultra block for the first time as I give my usual treatment to Undead Girl Murder Farce. Not "Undead Murder Farce" like Crunchyroll wants us to call it, that localization reeks of Megapope. Its fellow seasonal for summer '23 will, like Ice Guy, be a surprise selection I'm leaving to others. And finally, I'll be either delaying Last Exile or hiatusing Chainsaw Man so I can make room for Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs. You'll know which show's getting the temporary kibosh come next post, guaranteed.

[did i just a new oxymoron?]

Edited by PokeNirvash

 This time I'm going to do something different and focus on only one show, in the interests of both getting to the next page faster and so the ratings themselves are fresher. Sadly, I couldn't get this done while the show was still airing.

The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls U149
Episode 1: "When Can't You See Your Own Face in the Mirror?" - TV-14
Episode 2: "What says 'I'm Home' even though it's leaving?" - TV-14 [inconsistent]
Episode 3: "What Sinks in the Ocean and Doesn't Get Wet?" - TV-PG
Episode 4: "What Flies With Broken Wings?" - TV-PG

Episode 5: "What's Really High But Underground?" - TV-PG
Episode 6: "What Gets Cooler The Hotter It Gets?" - TV-PGDLV
Episode 7: "What Speaks Without a Voice?" - TV-G


This is what I've always wanted. In a couple ways. 😇

#1: Most of this episode is fairly light, so imagine my surprise when Risa (a.k.a. the daddycon idol) marches in and pronounces the Third Entertainment District's producer as a lolicon, and she says it three times. While Poke has rated this word w/ a 14D in the past, it seems to be a 14 set nowadays. I rated it as such in Kakegurui (wow, remember when I was interested in that series?), and so here it goes again.

You might've noticed that I didn't give a description for my first clip (of Memories of Phantasm), opting to let it speak for itself. But I'll go back to my old habit here: these two scenes might key you in on the fact that this show focuses on one idol per episode, starting with a dreamy cold opening and continuing with Arisu looking befuddled at her new boss as everyone else questions him.

#2: Second verse, same as the first, except this time Risa only calls YonaiP a lolicon once.

For clips, we have Nina going about the start of her day, and then a cameo from the Makisupa Policeman, plus a reference to my other half.

#3: One use of "sucks", which also appeared last episode but didn't factor in the rating, and YonaiP's boss dragging him and Shin by their necks out the door, the former (as in YonaiP) getting strangled by his tie.

This time around, Miria is the lucky girl in the intro, while the commercial break drops us off at Planet Usamin.

#4: No profanity, but there is a PG set for peril. Momoka's bungee jump in this episode got me all fired up, and hopefully it makes you feel the same.

The first clip is a reminder to always support your local shrine maiden idols. It goes on a little long for my standards, but I wanted to include some funny irony (for someone who's never seen the show/read the books) as it cuts into the next one. And you can look forward to me finally getting omnibuses out on a regular basis.

#5: The big sticking point was this episode was figuring out the issues of incest and polyamory, because not only does Risa love her dad so much she wants to marry him, she wants to become Prime Minster of Japan and change the rules so that he can marry both her and her mom at the same time, with the rationale being "It's OK so long as you're in love". Since incest is apparently worthy of a PG straight, polyamory is no worse than it, and the whole segment is presented in a platonic and jokey matter regardless, this episode doesn't get any subratings, even though I considered giving it a PGD or even a 14 straight. Overkill, much?

These clips feature the entire first segment of the episode, which has a lot of cuts, and then high drama as Risa has a talk about failure with YonaiP.

#6: This episode has more subratings than any episode I've seen of CG 2015. For starters, it has the first notable instance of profanity in the show: a "pissed" from Haru, on top of "Damn it!" and "sucks". Yeah, she's a potty mouth. For violence, she kicks a soccer ball straight into YonaiP's face, which makes him bleed a bit (unless he was just horny). But the big willie of this episode comes from "Nightwear", the new song from the unit LiPPs that was a world premiere within the anime. With lines such as "Destroy me with your fingers, come on", "A vague kiss won't be enough for tonight", and "Do everything wrong to me / and dirty my hands to warm them up", this is about as risque as you can get without describing any particular act. And Haru danced good during it, too.

Some context as to how I make these clips: the video editor I'm using has mostly basic features, but it does allow you to divvy up the video by scenes lasting at least one second (per the default setting), so that allows me to go in and pick what parts of the episode to use, always encompassing at least 16 seconds where the bug appears (even though I don't include it for the first second). In the second clip this time, there's a very long cut (for this show, at least) that made the decision of where to stop easy. As for the first, Haru do be runnin'.

#7: How fitting that the episode that most resembles a Disney movie ends up garnering this series' first G, paralleling iM@S 2011. And like Episode 11 of that show, the only notable set of any kind is a character falling down, in this case Karin again.

And another thing: I'm using encodes of the episodes with hard subs made using HandBrake. I wish there was a more efficient way, but for now, I'll stick with these rips I can watch on any device with no real difficulty in case it ever comes to that. This time around, we have what I can only describe as... uh, MILF Koharu, and then a scene with YonaiP frantically searching for her after she gets enthralled by a magic spirit butterfly. Exotic!


Nice collection we have here for your first seasonal line subject, and all within Twitter posting length, too! Just a few criticisms from a relative expert (under the tab):


#2 and #6 both had brief blips of other scenes pop in between the act 1 and act 2 clips, with the latter looking like what I think might've been the OP. (By the way, if you ever get a clip where the OP starts the episode, I suggest playing it for the whole 90.) #2 also had the rating pop in a few seconds later than it should've; an alternate interpretation of "inconsistent", perhaps? And for #3, the rating randomly changed to TV-PGD in the second act. All beginner troubles, so no hard feelings regarding them.

Additionally, "lolicon" can be PGD, 14 or 14D, depending on the overall context and instances. I think 14 for those first two instances was a safe bet, though I'd have personally gone PGD. So maybe that rating swap in #3 was subconscious?

And what the hell, I'll chime in with the two extra eps I got down this week to help push us closer to page 3.

Rizelmine #10: Love Letter Panic! A Dilemma of Love!? (TV-PGDS)


SEXUAL SITUATIONS: The first scene past the OP features Kyoko, in her glasses-off assertive mode, slipping on a two-piece bikini to show Rizel, who Tomonori tossed through her window and is wearing a more childish two-piece, the real allure of a bathing suit. This scene contains multiple instances of borderline-14 fanservice, including the bottom half of her bikini clinging to her rear while the bottoms of her asscheeks are poking out, multiple breast jiggles with the occasional boinging SFX, and Kyoko cupping the undersides of her boobs in a bragging posture. It goes no further than that, thanks to Papa C - her biological dad, if you can believe it - firing a pair of replacement glasses her way. Also of note is a later scene where, when fantasizing multiple different fantasy scenarios between her and Tomonori during summer vacation, Rizel imagines one of them being the unraveling of each other's yukatas in a room at a ryokan (hot springs inn). No major exposure results from this scene, which like the other two is more chibi-represented with the occasional reference to another, less moe art style.

SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: This was a bit of a tough call. I thought Rizel's claim that she read in a library book that "97% of middle schoolers have gone to "B"" would be it, likely referencing a Japanese variation on "second base", but it waned a little when Rizel proceeded to interpret "B" as an "extra-hot kiss". (Later, she muses "C" is "super-extra-hot".) And then there was brief reference to a pair of "Phantom Bear-Print Panties" that Ryuunosuke, the collector of such items as he is, gives as his condition for considering Rizel's request that he go on a date with Aoi. So that played a role in my angling the rating towards its final form.

Profanity consisted of one use of "hell".

Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood #3: The Vampire Goes to School (TV-PGD)


In truth, the suggestive dialogue in this one was just a single line: when Sophie brings up the frustrations a random family of vampires had (and continue to have) when they were turned by the older daughter (the first one turned), the younger daughter's complaint is that her sister should've waited until "her boobs got bigger" before turning her. A little mild and something that could skate by with a PG straight no problem, but I settled on it as it would help counteract some violent references throughout the episode that didn't even qualify for a V descriptor when taken together, like Hinata jokingly offering her younger brother to Sophie ("He's still young, so he's probably delicious."), three of Akari's classmates mistaking Sophie for an assassin based on her cloak, and Sophie off-handedly mentioning that an acquaintance of hers took her to witness the beheading of Marie Antoinette. The latter actually got a flashback to the moment it happened (where it turned out Sophie wasn't actually watching), with the guillotine drop shown onscreen but a fully offscreen impact.

Oh, and also, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead will be my other seasonal watch for the summer. The other options, as picked by my outside assist, were Dark Gathering and My Tiny Senpai, and that was the final choice I settled on after several failed double-coin flips. They never truly flip as easily as they do in fiction.

  • Thanks 1

I don't see a blip of something else in the Ep. 2 clip, though Ep. 6? Definitely. And that is indeed the OP. As for Ep. 3, I think that was a simple mistake. I should've taken the time to done a brief pass over all these clips, but I had no choice as I sent the post with mere minutes to midnight. And I didn't have Twitter in mind when I made these. I might post one of these eventually, but it's gonna have to be memorable. And I probably won't bother while Elon is rate-limiting Twitter.

  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hm. So much for increasing the pace from once a month.

Chainsaw Man #4: Rescue (TV-MASV)


TITTY TALK: Denji reminds Power of their agreement after saving her, by pointing at her chest and making a squeezing motion with his hand. To that, she allows him to touch her chest as a reward, as promised. During the fight with the Leech Devil that interrupts that decisive moment, Power expresses amazement at Denji's fierce battling "all fo the sake of a grope", while Denji himself remarks that he ain't dyin' "'til I've held some boobs". The Leech Devil notes that it's the "sleaziest dream ever", not that that stops Denji from declaring that "touchin' titties" is indeed his dream, specifically the one he's betting in their "dream battle". Then, after all that, Power - now living with Denji and Aki - allows the former the opportunity to take advantage behind the closed doors of their bathroom. "My chest is yours for the fondling," she says. "Fondle away." She even teases him by grabbing her breast and jostling it around a few times as she urges him to "commence your caressing", and even specifies he's allowed three squeezes, hence the designation of "thrice blessed". "So squeeze them, gratefully."

EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: This was a split between the above breast-jostling, Power's covered-up nudity in the below opener, and the fact that the Leech Devil, throughout the entirety of her battle, has six breasts, each with long and floppy nipple buds. That would've been a bitch to edit to broadcast, I'm sure.

GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The episode opens with a flashback to Power consuming blood from various animals she freshly killed, including birds, a dairy cow and a wild bear, all beheaded offscreen and with various entrail results. Denji's excited shouting at getting to grope Power is interrupted by the Leech Devil blasting his hand right off his arm in a bloody burst. (Elfen Lied gets harsh music stings, CSM gets Denji's "YEAH!" petering out in glorious slo-mo.) With the Pochita-sized chainsaw that bursts from his head in the usual fashion, Denji manages to cut through the Leech Devil's neck and arm, and later headbutt her with it, all with bloody results. Same for what happens after the headbutt: the Leech impaling him with her tongue. And then the Fox Devil, under orders from Aki, chomps down on the Leech Devil, beheading her and sending her tongue flying off.

Profanity consisted of four uses of "shit" (one each as "shit on a stick" and "hot shit"), four of "hell", two "ass" words ("fancy-ass" and "dumbass"), and one each of "frickin'" and "damn".

Hareluya II BØY #11: Sayaka Kano (TV-PGDLSV) :LithiumSmileySurprised:


SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE/SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Our titular minor character of the moment, Sayaka Kano, is a transfer student moonlighting as an androgynous "Black Rider" opposing a local violent biker gang by the name of "Hell's Babies". After assisting her in a tougher skirmish alongside Ichijou, Hareluya, noticing that her "pectorals are awfully prominent" for her size, goes and gives them a double-handed squeeze. That action was Hareluya's "Instant Bust Measurement" technique in action, the result of which (besides Sayaka smacking him before making her escape) was the discovesry that she's "83 centimeters, C-cup". While in the midst of bragging about it to the others the next day, he ends up accidentally groping Sayaka - out of motorcyclist gear this time - in much the same way, which is how he discovers she's the Black Rider, by the way. Oh, and Ichijou is called a "closet pervert" one time.

MODERATE VIOLENCE: The reason Sayaka opposes the Hell's Babies is that they were responsible for ruining her father's career as a pantomime street performer, a flashback to their assault on him including such scenes as them striking him with pipes, and the leader, Nightmare, running over his back on his bike as a bright red filter flashes on to symbolize the ugly results.

Profanity consisted of seven uses of "hell" (six in reference to Hell's Babies), four of "badass", and one of "dammit".

Initial D: Fifth Stage #10: Full Stop (TV-14)


As expected out of the Ryosuke vs. Rin arc, Kaori's suicide got another mention (though no indication of how she did it, beyond her standing by a window during her final call to Ryosuke), with the phrase getting a reference in a different context later on, as Ikeda expects Rin to launch a "suicide attack" in the last leg of the race. Other moments that were close enough to a 14-straight to be worth noting were Kaori getting a slap from her father (impact offscreen) for not wanting to marry Rin as arranged, and one of the Eurobeat tracks having the bizarre lyric "gimme your sexy body". Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (one as "dammit"), and one each of "hell" and "crap".


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean #16: The Secret of Guard Westwood (TV-MALV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The power of Westwood's STAND, which can summon and control small meteors entering the Earth's atmosphere and use them to attack targets, hits Jolyne/Stone Ocean multiple times with results of varying severity. First she gets a chunk taken out of her arm, blood gushing out in multiple streams and forming a pool on the ground; then a hit to the leg, then one in the abdomen, both with bloody results. She manages to punch two of them away, but still suffers damage as her knuckles bleed, the skin torn away around them; and finally, she sustains a wound from the "moneyshot" meteor that hits her neck, despite softening the blow with a boot full of debris. However, it's not like Westwood doesn't sustain damage himself throughout the fight. In addition to the torn skin around his mouth from his earlier brawl with Likir, he gets his leg bent back with a blood spray, his eardrum invaded by Stone Ocean's string which exits out his nostril and eyesocket, and his big toenail ripped off, but not cleanly as the skin attached is pulled off as well in a strand. The scene goes monochrome the moment the pulling starts, which helps things a little, I guess.

Profanity consisted of ten uses of "shit" (one each as "shitstain" and "shitbag"), five of "fuck", four each of "bitch" (one plural) and "hell", three of "ass" (one each as "dumbass" and "asses"), two of "pisses", and one each of "prick", "bastard" and "frickin'".

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #20: DEMI DEUS (TV-14)
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #21: LAST RESORT (TV-14V)
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #22: OPERATION STANDOFF (TV-14LV)


#20: The aircraft Ishikawa is on gets exploded with extreme prejudice by an N-fired RPG; he survives thanks to the Tachikoma he hides out in just before the blast. And though none of the bullets fired appear to cause any damage, the trading of blows between Motoko and Mizukane was still pretty intense. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "pisses", plus an honorable mention in the term "brain-screw".

#21: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Two SDF guards are shot dead by the amphibious SEAL units sneaking into the Geocity. The shootout between the SEALs and the Tachikomas sent after them results in a couple of hits on the SEAL side, the blood sprays an expected white in color. The abdomen shots that Mizukane winds up taking during her escape attempt, which ultimately kill her, result in the standard red blood shed, some of it flying from her wound in-the-moment and ultimately pooling under her body in the aftermath. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

#22: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Saito shoots down one of the SEALs converging on Takashi, a white blood splash resulting in the moment. Takashi incapacitates multiple SEALs using their own submachine guns later on, the impacts numerous but blood minimal. Oh, and Aramaki's car explodes while he's in it. No close-ups - we need to think he somehow survived, after all - but a silhouette could be seen through the flames. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn" (one as "dammit"), two of "hell" and one of "shit".

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! #12: Tale of a Bear (TV-PGLV)


MODERATE VIOLENCE: A little lesson for anyone who thinks about physically messing with Yuna's friends: she will show you absolutely zero mercy if you do. She punches the two guards outside the Svalbard mansion unconscious with a single shot each, fires a blast of magic right into Gajurdo's stomach and sends him keeling over in pain, punches Brad in the stomach after several minutes of tense but impact-free blows, finishes him off with an uppercut, punches Randle in the face - the only strike to have bloody results, and even then it's just a little bit from his nose - and then hits Gajurdo right in the face and sends him tumbling several feet. Way to go, season finale, I knew you had it in you!

Profanity consisted of one use each of "pissed" and "badass", both uttered by Yuna in reference to Ellalaura.

Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs #1: I Hate This World (TV-14LV)


INTENSE VIOLENCE: Upon being told that he'd be drafted out to war if he refuses to go through with his arranged marriage, Leon imagines himself lying on the ground of a battlefield with a sword stuck in his mid-torso and a pool of blood under his body, with an additional stain on his coat and a trickle from his mouth. That hypothetical bloodshed soon becomes literal during his confrontation with Luxion in its sentinel robot form; though no marks are visibly shown from him getting squeezed by Luxion, Leon coughs up a fair amount of blood, eventually dripping it on the control panel as he then gains control over the ancient spaceship. (Yep, it's that type of otome game.)

Profanity consisted of three uses of "frickin'", two each of "dammit", "hell" and "crap" (one as "crappy"), and one each of "shit" and "ass".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #21: Naofumi's Triumphant Return (TV-14DLV)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #22: Four Heroes Council (TV-PGDLV)
The Rising of the Shield Hero #23: Cal Mira Archipelago (TV-14)


#21: It's the moment we've all been waiting for: Malty/Myne's legally mandated name change! Her new legal name is "Bitch", while her new adventurer name is "Whore". (Kind of disappointed it wasn't "Slut" like I read in places.) The former is spoken four times, while the latter is spoken twice. Additional suggestive dialogue is, as one might guess, Malty/Bitch being confronted on Naofumi's attempted assault of her; while King Trash and Motoyasu make mention of it, she gets a little more explicit, with the outspoken (false) claim that "the Devil of the Shield nearly raped" her. That lie, plus multiple others, result in her getting severely shocked by the slave crest applied to her at the start of the trial. Though bloodless, the agonized screaming speaks for itself in how "best rating" level it is. The brief breastflesh exposure as her breastplate is pulled down to have the crest painted on her, not so much on the "sexy results" front. Balance, people. Besides its four uses as a proper noun, there was one extra "bitch" bomb, used as the word "bitchy". Other profanity consisted of two uses of "crap" and one of "hell".

#22: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Myne is referred to as "Whore" once, by a reluctantly self-correcting Motoyasu. MODERATE VIOLENCE: A brief flashback to Motoyasu striking the Pope in the chest with his spear. Profanity consisted of two uses of "bitch", both in reference to Malty, and one of "ass".

#23: Though much of the violence witnessed thus far in Cal Mira has been limited to monster-slaying, some encounters brought with it some notably bloody results, like the pool left under the Karma Dog after Filo kicks it to death in one shot, or the blood splash from one of the monster penguins slain by Raphtalia, shown as a still. Profanity consisted of a single use of "crap".

Tokyo Vice #6: The Information Business (TV-MAL)



GRAPHIC LANGUAGE: There may have been twenty-four "fuck" words dropped this episode. Nineteen in English, seven as "fucking" (two with the dropped G) and five as "fucked"; five subbed, all "fucking". There may have been seven uses of "shit" this episode. Five in English, two as "bullshit", and two subbed; four in the first act and three in the fourth. But the profanity of the moment that brought it to this point was a single use of "cock" from Matsuo, as he brags to Sato about Samantha sucking his while remembering his being indebted to him. Really, it's anyone's guess where the rating ultimately came from.

Other profanity consisted of two uses of "asshole" (both in English), two of "ass" (both in English, one as "average-ass"), and one each of "piss" (in  English) and "hell" (subbed).

NOT-SO-GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: It's clear that Sato's beating of Matsuo to death, brought about by the above "cock" utterance, was what earned the V descriptor on Max. But considering the corkscrew to the hand and the pummels to the face were actions indicative of intense violence, and the worst of it - the three bashes to Matsuo's head with some sort of heavy decorative item - had all impacts occur offscreen, I didn't think it was right to include the V alongside the L, at least per my standards. Once I gradually line my ratings up to Max's, that will change. And if so, you won't be seeing season two on here.

HONORABLE MENTION OF THE MOMENT: An important element of the episode is "shabu" - an Asian slang term for meth. Jake spots a box containing a crackpipe and some shabu in the publicist Ukai's apartment, and later word of an importation of shabu via plane by Tozawa serves as the backbone of the episode's latter half, at least regarding Jake's plotline.

Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood #4: Sophie and Ellie (TV-14)
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood #5: Vampire Cooking (TV-14DS)


#4: Of the 14 sets accompanying Ellie's debut, two scenes are very much worth noting. The lesser of the two: Ellie bathing in water tinted red by all of the blood she got from Sophie's minifridge, as a bath additive. Despite the shocking sight, Ellie's breasts are submerged halfway into the water so there's nothing worth seeing. The bigger moment of the two, however, would have to be her flirtations of, and later actual engaging in drinking some of Sophie's blood. My personal concern here was, "isn't it weird for vampires to drink from other vampires?", though the context of the scene gives it a "romanticized sexual assault" vibe that did not go unnoticed, and I can say holds the responsibility of being this episode's 14 set.

#5: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE/SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Both Hinata and Ellie have a bit of a complex about boobs. The former for having them so big, and the latter for having gotten turned before puberty gave her some. After an initial interaction which sees her treated like a young child, Ellie expresses her frustration towards Hinata for doing so by angrily squeezing her breasts - I counted at least eighteen individual squeeze cycles - and while doing so, says stuff like "You think you can say whatever you want just because you've got boobs?!" and "What did you do to get them this big?" Hinata's reaction to that is to cry out that she "didn't get this big because she wanted to", and after storming out, thinks back to a male bully from her middle school days pointing out that she's got "pretty big boobs" despite her supposedly masculine build. On the other side of things, Ellie - heading out with Sophie and Akari to apologize - admits that she snapped because it was "someone tall with actual breasts" who was treating her like a kid, and after saving Hinata from a perilous fall from a steep set of stairs, lets her know that "having big boobs" is, in fact, a good thing. And while it doesn't fit with the rest of the content listed (or the story to which it belongs), there's one more worth noting: Hinata claiming that she knows what kind of underwear Akari wears (with panties flying by as she does), though she claims that's only the case because she sees them when they're changing for gym class.

Undead Girl Murder Farce #1: Oni Slayer (TV-MA)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #2: Vampire (TV-14V)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #3: The Immortal and the Oni (TV-14V)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #4: The Headliner Appears (TV-14V)


#1: For this opening act to the eccentric tale of mystery and deceit to follow, we have two moments that I felt "extreme" for best rating. (Or rather, TV-14DV, as the shopowner Tsugaru gets his beer from suggests he visit a doctor for "venereal disease".) The first was the image, metaphorical in nature, of Aya's head hovering in midair as she speaks with Tsugaru, blood pouring from the stump and pooling on the ground; followed by the sight of her headless body lying in a giant pool of blood covering her entire person, and the individual responsible for the beheading dragging the blood-soaked body out of the room. The second comes from the scenario of Tsugaru's ideal death, in which he slaughters a tent full of performance troupe staff and patrons. Starting with the eyes of the leader peering through holes in the wooden wall exploding into splashes of blood without sign of the force responsible, and several others, either alive after the fact or lying dead, bleeding from their missing eyes in the same vein. All in all, morbid scenarios that are too much for one rating, but not enough for the other.

Profanity consisted of seven uses of "hell" (one as a proper noun), four of "damn" (one as "damned"), two of "ass" and one of "bastard".

#2: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The aftermath of Hannah's murder, full stop. There's her body, seated upright in her chair with an exposed wound in her chest, a bloodstain originating from the wound and running down the left side of her dress before soaking the bottom portion, a pool forming at her feet. Meanwhile, the stake supposedly used in the murder is shown with blood coating the pointed half and bubbling in reaction to the silver, as vampire blood does. The stake is flashed back to, while Hannah's body, stain and wound and all, is presented in sepia-tone photograph form later on.

DIALOGUE OF THE MOMENT: Tsugaru makes a remark about how Aya "lacks a chest" while moving his hand over his own for emphasis. Though she finds it amusing, Aya has him smacked for it later.

Profanity consisted of just one use of "ass".

#3: INTENSE VIOLENCE: The highlight in this one was an arrow striking Lord Godard in the neck; there's a smash cut to black to obscure the impact, but almost right away, the arrow is shown sticking out with blood running down the shaft, and once he pulls it out, the leaking wound closes up in no time flat. The aforementioned photo of Hannah's body is also flashed back to, and though not violence, there still is the dinner of blood-as-soup that the Godards engage in at that hour, while Tsugaru and his driver have actual food. (Aya has no need to eat, obviously, but I have to wonder if Shizuku doesn't either.)

Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastard" and "hell".

#4: INTENSE VIOLENCE: During the "identifying the culprit from the information available" portion of the arc, Hannah's corpse and the bloodstained stake are flashed back to multiple times, with possible representations of the murder in action, both literal and symbolic, presented as well, such as a stake piercing a pillow and stains spreading both across and underneath the item, or a bloodstain spreading and later fading around a circular gap representing the stake. Of note also is the flashback to the murder as it happened: the true stake, made of frozen holy water, stabbing her offscreen as a black splatter emerges, and a shot of the stake in her chest as blood spreads and the stake melts. After burning his hand placing the silver stake on the floor of the storage room as a red herring, the true culprit, Raoul, slices off his own fingers to hide the damage sustained - a scene that cuts away before impact but is otherwise undeniable per Aya's play-by-play - and regenerates them in the form of him metaphorically dipping the hand into a pool of blood and pulling the reformed fingers out. Raoul then gets his ass kicked by Tsugaru, sustaining a bleeding abdomen wound in the process that persists throughout, and is then presumably killed by a kick to the head. We see no body and it is never outright stated that he died, but considering onis, even artificial hybrids like Tsugaru, can kill anything if struck hard enough, it's pretty clear what happened.

Profanity consisted of one use each of "damn" and "hell".

This last clip was edited in Microsoft Clipchamp, as opposed to the Photos Video Editor. Let me know if there's any noticeable difference.

Despite this trio of best ratings, I did notice something in the opening theme that might be of consequence in the future. As you can see in the clip for episode 3, whose first act representation is entirely covered by the OP animation, there's a sketch-outlined image of Shizuku getting humped and/or molested from behind by an unrecognizable woman - probably Aya when she still had her body - the both of them nude. I've decided that will only matter in episodes that do contain sexual content within the proper runtime.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #1: Akira of the Dead (TV-MAV)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #2: Bucket List of the Dead (TV-14V)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #3: Best Friend of the Dead (TV-14DSV)


#1: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Can't have a zombie apocalypse series without some, at least at the start to show how dangerous it gets out there! Specifically, on the front of graphic violence, there are two scenes in particular, both of which involve intestines getting ripped out of a human body by a zombie's teeth. The first is in the movie Akira watches in the few hours he has between work days, blood and viscera splattering against the wall after the guts are pulled out. The zombie responsible also has exposed muscle fibers, spinal cord and brains. The second is when Akira walks in on his zombified apartment building manager feasting on a woman's intestines as she slowly becomes a zombie too, the entrail shown in his roaring mouth in both monochrome, regular color, and the special "multicolored blood splatter" vision the series adopts from that point on. And while presented in bright blue, Akira's boss still explodes after his zombified body is tossed out a window and onto a pedestrian bridge, so... HONORABLE SEX MENTIONS: Akira's workplace crush, Ohtori, is eventually revealed to be fucking the boss, with one scene featuring Akira unfortunately hearing her moaning through the closed office door as she's molested, the exact details unknown. Presumably, this "side chick" status is there so we as the audience don't feel sorry for her when it turns out she went full zombie too; I bring that up because one of her boobs is out when Akira witnesses her, though covered with a colorful blood splatter to avoid any further exposure. Profanity consisted of five uses of "damn", three of "hell", and one each of "pissing" and "crap".

#2: INTENSE VIOLENCE: In one of those lingering nightmares about a horrible job you just quit the day before, Akira imagines his supervisor Gondo slamming his hand against his desk so much and so hard that it gradually becomes coated with blood. A female zombie is seen chowing down on a felled passerby, the details of the consumption unseen. The protagonist of the zombie movie from last episode - playing on Shizuka's screen as she readies herself for the real-life apocalypse happening outside - is suddenly bit in the neck from behind by a zombie; roll credits not even a second later. Worth noting despite not factoring in as much is the runaway truck ramming through the convenience store and into a bunch of zombies. Cool, but moderate. Profanity consisted of two uses each of "ass" (one as "badass") and "damn", and one each of "hell" and "crappy".

#3: INTENSE VIOLENCE: Just the typical ridiculous yet bleak modern zombie violence. A group of host club employees falling victim to zombie bites, a male zombie grabbing a crow as he's pecked at by others, a man fleeing a love hotel only to get pounced from behind by two zombies at once, producing a blood splash the moment he's pulled out of frame... Yawn. But you know what's really exciting? SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Naked Kencho. While the Godiva hair-censored nudity on the zombie chick he restrained probably counts more toward the typical description, there's no denying it when Akira's best friend from his college rugby team bares all, be it in a series of photos comprising a quick flashback montage or a midair stripshow in the moment to demonstrate his own freedom from corporate hell. There are a lot of ass shots, while the crotch is always conveniently covered up, by either a rugby ball or a flash of animated light. SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Kencho refers to the love hotel room he's trapped in for three days as "the bondage room" by name, and later reacts to having scraped his balls when climbing onto the roof he jumped towards. Profanity consisted of three uses of "damn", two of "hell", and one each of "goddamn" and "ass".

Yeah, no announcements down here this time. But do expect them next time.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Wrong descriptor for Zom100 3.
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I hadn't had the opportunity to write this next post up yet, and if it wasn't for sickness in the family forcing the cancellation of my trip to Columbus Oktoberfest this year (we still have Dayton's, at least for now), I probably would've put it off for another week. But what the hell, let's slam it out now.

Durarara!! #6: Active Interest (TV-14DL)
Durarara!! #7: Bad-Ass Dude (TV-MAL) :headspinning:


We're back with some differing variations from the [as] broadcast, and one more than expected this time.

#6 (originally TV-14LV): SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Erika's claim that the Dollars are an "angel... flashing her panties" (read: Dokuro-chan) from episode 3 appears in the OP-integrated recap, and is mentioned by Erika directly as she admits she knows full well who the Dollars really are. (After all, she and the rest of the Van Gang are members!) Later (or maybe earlier?), when heading down to meet up with Kyohei, she and Walker talk about some light novel I have yet to recognize, the former calling the main character a "masochistic wolf with a hair fetish" if not for his "little brother helper fairy character" companion, and the latter remarking that he sees the "little brother helper fairy" as nothing more than a "crossdressing boy", before launching into how he'd much prefer either a little sister or older sister as the helper fairy character. The missing intense violence descriptor comes from my inability to single out anything of the sort to match previous episodes, the closest thing being multiple mentions of human experimentation and cannibalism. Profanity consisted of six uses of "hell", three of "ass" (one each as "jackass", "big-ass", and "badass"), two each of "asshole" (one plural) and "crap", and one each of "shit", "pricks", "dick", "pissing", "freakin'", and "dammit".

#7 (originally TV-14LV): In the [as] broadcast version, there were four individual bleeps and one string of bleeps strung together. Every bleep was used to cover up the word "shit". But the only thing more surprising than the cluster-bleep in actuality being eight S-bombs in a row, was the other four "shits" being the word by itself instead of "bullshit" like I thought it would be. (And Shizuo said them all so venomously, too...) Other profanity consisted of six uses each of "piss" (three as "pissed" and one as "pisses") and "damn" (five as "dammit"), three of "freakin'", and one each of "bastards", "lame-ass", "crap" and "maggot". Ironically, this episode also made mention of vampire ninjas. Carmilla Saizo blew up giant robots so Seraphim, Maelstrom and Sarasvati could play orchestra in maid uniforms.

Elfen Lied #10: Säugling [Infant] (TV-MAV)


GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The scene where an SAT squadron confronts a young Diclonius and loses two of their men in the process before shooting her down opens with probably my favorite individual single shot of after-the-fact brutality in this show: a man's severed head sitting in a tricycle's basket attachment. The body the head came from is shown slumped against the balcony of the rental apartment, and another headless body, likely belonging to the man's wife, is seen inside the apartment. The Diclonius responsible then beheads one of the SAT officers after pointing at his neck, then uses her vectors to slice off another officer's arms and then follow up with a torso bisection. She's shot down shortly after, though it's unclear whether it killed her, or if she survived and she was the Diclonius known as No. 3 that was being experimented on around the time Kurama first started working at the research facility. Another representative scene of a young Diclonius's capabilities comes in the form of a hat-wearing girl who looks an awful lot like the younger Lucy beheading a young boy grinning jerkassily at her while his dog barks aggressively at her; the beheading is shown mid-action. Upon her escape, No. 3 beheads the guard confronting her by twisting his head off of his neck (which then slams right into the nearby doctor's face), and then carries another guard's head with her as she confronts Kurama. Before that conversation can become more than one-sided, Kakuzawa shoots No. 3 in the head with an armor-piercing rifle, taking out a portion of the top of her head.

NOT REALLY VIOLENCE BUT STILL AWFULLY BLOODY: Upon giving birth to their child, Kurama's wife would have her uterus removed, following the doctors spotting the beginning stages of cervical cancer in her womb. It's this combined with her spirited movements post-surgery as she tries to stop Kurama from killing their Silpelit daughter, and not the daughter being a Silpelit herself (the vectors and murderous intent don't kick in 'til age 3), that results in the massive amount of blood on and spilling from underneath her gown as she confronts Kurama in a last-ditch effort to stop him from carrying out the infanticide. And then when she dies from the excessive blood loss, a pool of the stuff expands below her body following her collapse to the ground. Because the blood had nothing to do with Diclonii killing people, I didn't really like this scene when I watched it the first two times at age 13.

OBLIGATORY NUDITY: No. 3 is in the nude for the entirety of her screentime (in the facility), with nips visible and her bare crotch, occasionally shown from a low angle, remaining featureless. Because it was really hard to edit the nudity without increasing the blood, on account of No. 3 having short hair like Nana instead of wearing it long like Lucy, I wound up giving this episode a TV-MASV on the first run per my hypothetical edit list. Later, Nana is shown having a nightmare where she's crucified in the nude by multiple sentient yen banknotes as punishment for using them as kindling without knowing anything of their worth.

Profanity consisted of a single use of "hell".

Hareluya II BØY #12: Layla (TV-PGLV)
Hareluya II BØY #13: Miko Jinno (TV-PGDV)


#12: MODERATE VIOLENCE: Guerghil, a legit alien, deflects Ichijou's pick as he throws it at him, which grazes his cheek and draws mild blood upon deflection. Ichijou is then struck in the front and stomach by Guerghil, who then proceeds to choke him out. Okamoto is then kicked in the stomach and into a wall later on in the confrontation. CLOSET PERVERT COUNT: Hareluya calls Ichijou this three times (one shortened to "closet perv"), one time using it as a word of warning to Layla, also a legit alien but not as obvious of one as Guerghil. Profanity consisted of two uses of "dammit" and one each of "bastard" and "dumbass".

#13: MODERATE VIOLENCE: The main theme of this episode is how preaching non-violence doesn't work in all cases, and while much of what Miko is advising against, even that which she's unable to stop with words and actions, does count as violence, next to none of it is bloody in any way, even in the throes of the big fight between the antagonists of the week, when Ichijou gets struck with several wooden talismans and Kiyoshiro gets beat on in the back. The only exception is when, after the Kurohebi goons break the window to the restaurant where Miko works part-time (and the Hareluya gang just so happen to visit), Ichijou gets a gash on his hand from the broken glass, while Miko experiences some after-the-fact head bleeding from the same. (Ironically, Hareluya, who didn't sustain any injury, was annoyed the most because glass shards got in his ramen.) SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Ichijou confronts the Kurohebi goons for "sexually harassing" Miko "on a public street", which took the form of the thinner one groping her rear like he was Miroku (hence why there's no S descriptor). Hareluya only calls Ichijou a "closet pervert" once, coupling it by teasing him for "traveling long distances to chase after a woman"; though he later calls him a "lovesick perv" instead. Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "hell".

Just a heads-up: next episode looks like it'll be another case of "that episode", on account of the antagonist of the week being "a dissector who likes to cut up beautiful women", according to Hareluya's preview narration. But Momiyama will be in it, so that should help lighten things up, right? :extremeindifferent:

Initial D Fifth Stage #11: Full Stop, Continued... (TV-PG)
Initial D Fifth Stage #12: Brothers (TV-PG)
Initial D Fifth Stage #13: Unexpected Battle (TV-PGL)


#11: PROFANITY OF THE MOMENT: "Project D, my ass." As spoken by Gou. In addition, there was a scene where it was implied, but neither shown nor confirmed, that Mika's skirt was flipping up when she was doing line drives at the golfing practice range. The other golfers there were gawking in amazement, Takumi was blushing, and Mika herself blushed too while pulling down her skirt in realization. While it was clear, I decided to keep it at a tamer rating level, just 'cause.


#12: Sayuki introduces Mako to Shinji by calling her a "sexy lady". No profanity, but Kubo does mentally remark that Gou "might get screwed" during his race with Keisuke, were he to fail in using his NSX's 15-second advantage against the FD on the first run.


#13: CAUSE FOR CONCERN OF THE MOMENT: The second act opens with an out-of-context scene where Shinji looks over at Mako while mentally noting how attractive she is, one moment in particular being a pan down her legs as he calls them "slim, long and beautiful". Profanity consisted of three uses of "dammit", and one each of "pisses" and "sucks".


Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 #23: DOOMSDAY (TV-14SV)


Ugh. I hate unsatisfying kill 'em all penultimates. This better be all some sort of mindfuck like my uncle theorized it is.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Section 9 slowly finds themselves picked off one by one as they find themselves up against Takashi Shimamura directly. Borma is attacked from behind by Takashi, and by the time Purin comes to from an attempted dive-hack, she sees Takashi holding his blood-stained cyberbrain, red-tinted cybernetic eyes attached, by the brainstem. Saito gets shot by a second Saito, right in his eye with bloody results. Purin, brainwashed into believing Takashi's cause, shoots Batou in the leg, then shoots his arm off, then after finishing him off offscreen, holds his head in her lap as blood pools under his body, the bullethole that finished the job unseen. And Motoko, who falls unconscious due to the smart gas released by the Americans, shoots Takashi in the upper arms and chest, with bloody results and leading to his presumed death. Which is a COMPLETE FUCKING WASTE, especially after they revealed his sexually abused classmate whose death he avenged as his first action as a post-human was revealed to be alive all along five episodes ago! Not to mention how much of a disappointment him becoming a typical psychopathic never-talks-ever post-human after his "not like the others" portrayal at the end of season 1 was... Anyways, there's also Togusa's encounter with the remote-controlled android bearing Mizukane's likeness in the boomer sub, which is technically bloodless due to Togusa not taking any impacts and the android being, well, an android, but considering she takes several bullet wounds to the torso and a fire axe to the neck, the former wounds making her leak some sort of oil-like substance... I think it should count.

SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Did I neglect to mention that Mizukane's android is nude throughout the whole scene, albeit featureless and marionette-styled? Just thought I'd bring that up.

Profanity consisted of two uses each of "dammit" and "hell".

Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs #2: Hey, Girl. Wanna Get Some Tea? (TV-PGDV)
Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs #3: Let's Duel, Prince (TV-14)


#2: SUGGESTIVE DIALOGUE: Luxion assumes that Leon is coming onto him because he called him a "tsundere" (which is one of the funnier interactions surrounding the word I've seen), and turns down his "advances" shortly after. While in tea party etiquette class (which is totally a thing in this femdom world), Leon calls it a "sad sausage party". And while it doesn't count for dialogue descriptors any more, I'll still give mention to Leon noting that the quintet of princes (the P5, if you will) have "got some balls" stepping in to take care of the remaining monsters their class runs into in an underground dungeon. MODERATE VIOLENCE: Speaking of, the dungeon has more than its fair share of violence. While much of the violence against the creatures within, notably giant ants and a ceiling monkey, results in purple liquid splashes, smoke dissipations and the requisite MMO kill shatters, the human characters sustain some damage as well. Leon gets bitten in the arm by the ceiling monkey, his wound shown in close-up as Olivia later heals it. Likewise, Julius receives a gash from offscreen on his lower left arm, which Marie spots and heals with her own abilities. Profanity consisted of two uses of "freakin'" (one as "frickin'"), and one each of "ass", "dammit", "hell" and "crap".

ED CONTENT: In the same vein as the Aya/Shizuku rubbing scene in the UGMF OP, the ending theme has one bit of sexual content that I won't be counting unless other content of the same nature, even as borderline cases, shows up in the show itself: Angelica and Olivia nude in a hot spring. Steam clouds cover their breasts and in Olivia's case only her crotch, so it isn't really that bad, but still, pays to be safe when you're going by WBD-S&P standards over 50% of the time.

#3: While there were a couple fun moments worth noting were this to turn out a PG, like the profanity of the moment (Marie calling Angelica and her cohorts "those brain-dead bitches") or a fun bit of suggestive dialogue (Luxion warning Leon that he can't collect "sensitive data" like body measurements for him, and specifying that Angelica's are no exception.), this episode's rating is thanks to another bit of dialogue that I felt was too saucy for a PG, while at the same time not saucy enough for a 14D: "It's about time those dumbos eat a fat one." Leon says this line upon deciding to get involved in the otome game's plot at long last, all so he can finally rip them some new ones to their faces. And while it's not spelled out (because why would it be?), it's clear that the "fat one" is referring to a penis. Profanity, besides the aforementioned plural bitch bomb, consisted of three uses each of "freakin'" (two as "frickin'") and "crap", and one each of "pissed", "sucks", "damn" and "hell".

Rizelmine #11: It's Summer! It's the Beach! Aim for It, the Legendary Kiss!? (TV-14)


This episode's driving factor is the rumor that true love will blossom if you succeed in a ritual competition on what's possibly the most remote populated island in all of Japan. ("What do they even do here?" "Apparently, prostitution is legal!") Naturally, the idea of recreating this competition between the supporting cast brings about some borderline cases of suggestive dialogue among the supporting cast members looking to get in on it. Ryunosuke, for one, realizes that he "could have his way with" Rizel if he won, which, while suggestively worded, seems to be in reference to kissing as opposed to anything further. Kyoko, on the other hand, acknowledges kissing as an option, but couples it with doing "things that I shouldn't say", which Papa B points out likely refers to two actions that are bleeped out. In a neat addition to the '00s-era DVD aesthetic of their subtitles, Anime Instrumentality Project translated the bleeps as "[censored]", and yes, the text was indeed in red.

In addition, the preview showed a couple of lewd teases for the next episode, including a front-and-center shot of Kyoko's boobs as Ryunosuke reacts to her swimsuit, and a top-of-breasts-up shot of Rizel and Aoi soaking in an onsen. The thirty-second preview exclusive to the DVDs also features Kyoko topless with locks of her hair covering up her boobs, but that's more a matter for the next episode.

Profanity, aside from the aforementioned pair of bleeps, consisted of two uses of "damn" and "hell".

The Rising of the Shield Hero #24: Guardians of Another World (TV-14V)


Much of this episode's big moments of bloody violence came during the Cal Mira front of the next Wave, namely the battle with the giant monster narwhal. Raphatalia fires a harpoon at it, it spills much more blood from L'Arc's scythe strikes and Filo giving it a kick, and some blood pools in the water around its body after it's killed, though it's hard to really tell. L'Arc also slices up multiple fishmen, notably one whose head and limbs he cuts off with one strike, all with bloody results. And while there was much physical engagement between Naofumi's party and L'Arc and Therese - honestly, their alliance with Glass and trying to kill Naofumi when the Waves are established to be something they mutually want to stop is mind-bogglingly and insultingly stupid, at least without any more context than what we have - the only bit worth noting was Raphtalia slicing L'Arc's upper arm and the blood resulting.

Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "ass".

Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood #6: Interview with the Vampire (TV-14)


CLOSE CALLS: Sophie is shown standing before her wardrobe in the nude as she tries to pick an outfit to wear for Sakuya's interview with her; the frontal view is limited to the bare shoulders up, and the rear view shows her hair covering up her back and butt. As she explains how vampires wear black to easier hide bloodstains (the light-hearted opposite of BLOOD-C's take on the answer), a representative image is shown of multiple shirts stained with blood hanging on a clothesline, all featuring one large blotch and several smaller specks surrounding it. Upon meeting Sakuya herself, Ellie looks at her chest, presented in a close-up cut, before declaring her acceptable to talk about her cuteness with.

Undead Girl Murder Farce #5: The Immortal of London (TV-14)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #6: The Phantom Thief and the Detective (TV-MA)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #7: Free for All (TV-MAV)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #8: Banquet (TV-MAV)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #9: Werewolves (TV-MA)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #10: Misty Hollow (TV-14LV)


#5: This episode's content was actually tame enough to come across as PG-level - not even a profanity in sight! - so the rating for this one is just counterbalance between the lack shown and the automatic OP set.

#6: And here, the offending piece of content was singular and simple: Aya getting run over by the Vingary Bros.' automobile, her head sliced in two by the impact. The impact itself is obscured by a cut-in between the two halves of her head, though the blood sprays are very much visible, and the two halves are shown at a distance as the camera pans to them. At least, until the red blood turns to purple mist and her head reforms, red bubbles forming at the point of bisection then dissipating away as she reforms no worse for wear. Immortality, ladies and gentlemen. Profanity consisted of a single use of "damned".

#7: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: Now here's where things start getting wild. When Moriarty and his posse, better known as Banquet, show up at Fogg's mansion, the nature of their brutality is put on immediate display as Jack (as in "the Ripper") slices up a police constable into pieces, presumably with wire. The impact is split-second and bloodless, while the collapse of the parts is shown reflected in the eyes of a fellow officer, who then gets hit with some of the resultant splatter. Carmilla and Aliester's "diversion" within the mansion consists of the former slicing the heads off of multiple policemen - the first head is shown falling forward at an unnatural angle, and is followed by multiple headless bodies bleeding from their stumps falling to the floor like dominoes - and the latter burning the rest alive with the snap of his fingers. When confronting her in the ship gallery, Lestrade shoots Carmilla three times: in the abdomen, in the chest, and square in the head. There's no blood during the scene, but there's a disturbing close-up of the wound in her forehead, which looks almost like something from XTube before PornHub shut it down, spitting out its bullet. Profanity consisted of one use each of "bastard", "damn" and "hell".

#8: Oh wow, as much as I don't want to forget some of the more fun bits of content this episode, be it Tsugaru dropping the show's first S-bomb, used as a past-tense verb as part of the punchline to an anecdote, the aphrodisiac nature of Carmilla's "venom" and the sexual imagery surrounding it, or even Shizuku all but outright admitting that she and Aya have had lesbian sex multiple times, all of that might as well be ignored in favor of one scene in particular, one that fulfills the graphic violence descriptor as beautifully as it does brutally: the death of Royce agent Fatima Doubledarts at the hands of Jack the Ripper. The moment of killing itself isn't all that bloody as graphic violence tends to be - five glowing red lines are shown going down her chest as the impact, and though she screams haggardly and in excruciating pain, the end result isn't shown as part of the collapse. However, as later scenes show, the impact was indeed graphic, as Fatima's head was removed clean from her body, and her torso from the waist up was sliced thinly into several pieces, almost like cuts of meat. To add insult to injury, Tsugaru uses part of her heart as a feint during his initial trading of blows with Jack, then drops the rest of it once he figures out what the feint was. Twitter and ANN are equally convinced that Reynold also died, but he just got slammed into a wall by a kick from Jack, the blood stain coming from the side that impacted the wall, and Lestrade himself noted that he was "gravely injured" and not outright "dead", so... try paying closer attention next time? Profanity, besides the aforementioned use of "shat", consisted of two uses of "damn" and one of "hell".

#9: This one was a very tough call, so tough that I had to sleep on it overnight before making it official. (Though I'll admit that I settled on the final rating not even a minute after turning out the lights.) Flashbacks to the discoveries of the mangled bodies of the first two victims of the killer werewolf present the corpses in silhouette, but with graphic details outlined even in the shadows: limbs torn off, limbs torn apart, chest cavities gnawed at and gutted, and even an exposed ribcage. I wasn't sure whether to rate it a TV-14V based on the obfuscation of the graphic nature - further supported by a "metaphor theater" scene where Shizuku throws a knife into anthro!Tsugaru's chest while blindfolded and the blood stain following - or a TV-MA because it was still graphic even with the obfuscation. Upon realizing I could just as easily rate it TV-MAV were the silhouette filter not in effect, I decided to go with the MA plain. Profanity consisted of two uses of "hell" and one of "damn".

#10: INTENSE VIOLENCE: In accompaniment to the mayor of Heulendorf's discussion on werewolf eugenics, a metaphorical image is shown of blood streaming down the background and pooling at a wolf's feet, before running up and coating the wolf in blood in its entirety, from which it goes into therianthrope mode. A flashback to when Cnut first found Rosa shows her lying on the ground injured, with blood staining her face and exposed right arm and shoulder, with additional stains on her clothes in the upper arm, right breast and left thigh areas. And while without blood, the golden werewolf getting shot by Alice, and later Shizuku, felt worthy of mention, as was the werewolf biting Tsugaru's leg. HONORABLE SEX MENTION: Tsugaru and Aya making out in what appears to be a regular exchange of bodily fluids to keep Tsugaru's oni blood in check. The macking is shown in silhouette, though there are lewd smacking sound effects straight from an ecchi, and a close-up is seen of the two breaking their lip-lock, with saliva discernible on their tongues. Not enough to trigger an S descriptor, but enough to be made mention of regardless. Profanity consisted of three uses of "hell", two uses each of "shit" (both by Royce-employed cowgirl Alice Rapidshot, one as "shitty") and "damn", and one of "bastard".

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #4: Flight Attendant of the Dead (TV-MAV)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #5: Hero of the Dead (TV-MA)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #6: RV of the Dead (TV-14)


#4: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: After barely escaping from the tanker truck-fire truck collision explosion, mostly thanks to Akira using it to his advantage for a successful escape, Kencho gets hit square in the face with the decapitated head of a firefighter zombie, whose right eye is hanging out of his socket by nerve entrails. Several zombies attempting to pursue them into the underground shopping center get their fingers cut off when Akira and Kencho slam the metal curtain down on them, with blue, green and lavender blood splashes galore. A close-up of the zombie bite on the depressed salaryman's ankle shows blood streaming from the multiple holes making up a circle. Reika, one of the episode's titular flight attendants, is shown sticking the neck of a whiskey bottle through a hole in her mouth when it's revealed she's been zombified, then sprints forward to bite off fellow flight attendant (and future fellow zombie) Maki's face. The bloody results are in-the-moment and numerous, but even as she tears the upper half of the face off, we never see the close-up contents of where it was torn; they're shown at a distance after the murder, and later when she's lumbering after Kencho by the time the pair escape. Finally, Kencho slams Zombie!Reika in the face with her luggage, her eyes popping out of their sockets as a result. HONORABLE SEX MENTIONS: The zombie salaryman's accosting of Reika before turning her zombie looks like he's about to go down on her, and Reika herself accuses him of "getting handsy". Meanwhile, up in the bedding department, Kencho is shown in bed with Maki, who's shown popping up from under the sheets near Kencho's crotch area with her breasts bare (but nips unseen, thanks to framing) and asking him if they can "go again". Profanity consisted of two uses of "damn" (one as "damned"), and one each of "bastard" and "crap".

#5: This one was a tough one to call, with much of the zombie biting and feasting and resulting blood keeping to "intense violence" levels of bloody mayhem, with the most graphic scene being a zombie shark (with human legs!) snapping one aquarium-roaming zombie in half at the waist between its teeth, the resultant blood splash colored green. Between that last part, and the, uh... animated nature of Kencho shaking his scribble-censored booty at the zombie shark as a brief distraction, I felt it was more than a safe bet to give it an MA straight. Profanity consisted of four uses of "damn", two each of "ass" (one as "kickass") and "hell", and one each of "bastard" and "pissing".

#6: Despite there being numerous scenes of zombies missing skin and showing exposed muscle, the lack of any in-the-moment violence allowed me to ignore them (and some tamer Kencho nudity) in favor of the baseline minimum rating I could will myself to give the series, precisely because of those two elements. And also Kencho sustaining some bleeding wounds after crashing Akira's motorcycle to avoid some road spikes laid by his asshole supervisor. Don't you just want that guy to die brutally? Profanity consisted of five uses of "damn" (one as "damned") and one of "hell".

I'm gonna go for one more post later this month, and then I'll announce the replacements.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Painted that one section of the fourth wall.
  • Thanks 1
  • 4 weeks later...

If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably already seen it. Thus, I should probably take care of the few rating rundowns needed before I can talk about it here.

Initial D: Fifth Stage #14: Conclusion! Extreme Hill Climb (TV-PG)


As simple as a single use of "dammit".


Initial D: Final Stage #1: Natural (TV-PG)
Initial D: Final Stage #2: The Strongest Enemy (TV-PG)
Initial D: Final Stage #3: Dangerous Smell (TV-14L)
Initial D: Final Stage #4: Dream (TV-PG)


Pretty simple here as well.

#1: The same use of "dammit" as mentioned above...



#2: ...another "dammit" and six of "hell"...


#3: ...one each of "shit", "dammit" and "hell"...


#4: ...and one each of "damn" and "crap".


And that's a wrap for the franchise! Barring the third Battle Stage and the three Legend movie retellings, but I don't plan on watching those anytime soon. And, of course, the obvious exception announced below...

Undead Girl Murder Farce #11: Where the Wolves Dwell (TV-MA)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #12: Where the River's Flow Changes (TV-MAV)
Undead Girl Murder Farce #13: The Culprit's Name (TV-14SV)


#11: I was so close to getting a TV-14LSV out of this one, what with the only profanities being four uses of "shit", the scene where Shizuku wakes up naked next to two also-nude werewolf girls (only one of whom was in human form at the time of wakefulness), and bloody violence both in-the-moment (Shizuku pushing a broom she stuck in a werewolf's mouth during her attempted escape further in) and after-the-fact (Nora's corpse and the gunshot wound in her chest). However, what brought the episode up to its current rating were the shots provided of the three werewolf girls that had been murdered. Nothing super-graphic was shown, but even so, it was clearly made visible with all three that their heads were either half- or completely missing. And considering all victims were pre-pubescent... (NOTE: some of the above content may be considered inaccurate based on findings from later episodes.)

#12: Another contender for a TV-14LSV - language being one use each of "shit" and "hell", sexual situations being the nude aftermath of Carmilla's assault on some of the werewolf girls, and violence being many of the after-the-fact bloodstains and corpses scattered about (Louise's and Alma's in particular) and the in-the-moment one-on-three slaughter that was Tsugaru vs. the Blutkralle - ruined by a single moment that trumped all the others in terms of either in-the-moment or after-the-fact violence: Kyle using his surnamesake chains to behead four human-form werewolves in a single strike, each resulting in massive blood splashes.

#13: SEXUAL SITUATIONS: Shizuku's rematch with Carmilla involves her inadvertently flashing her while kicking her in the nose. The out-of-frame nature of what's underneath hinted that it wasn't a pantyshot they were trying to hide, and was only confirmed when Carmilla then asked her why she wasn't wearing any underwear. (Long story short, none were included in the clothes Tsugaru and Aya recovered, though I wouldn't put it past the former to swipe them as a prank.) Then, after the trippy as fuck diversion to accompany Carmilla's retreat, Shizuku then wakes up surrounded by the four nude girls she preyed on (but let live) earlier, one of whom has her chest bare but is left undetailed due to the distance at which she's shown.

INTENSE VIOLENCE: Kyle attacks Victor off-screen, the resultant purple (!) blood splatter used as a purposefully poorly chroma-keyed cut-in to the scene in question, and a notable wound on the latter's arm visible in the aftermath. Later, Victor tears off his own arm, with also-purple bloody results, and chucks it at Kyle. Tsugaru follows up with a kick to Kyle that leaves him bleeding from the mouth and dead. (And yet Reynold was only "gravely injured" from getting kicked into the wall by Jack...) During Shizuku's fight, there's the kick she gave to Carmilla's nose, which had both blood and the unsightly sight of said broken nose before it fixed itself; a cut she receives on her thigh from Carmilla's rapier, and the shot she fires at the vampiress's shoulder through a blanket during the diversion sequence. Most of the violence after that is after-the-fact shots of the corpses from previous episodes (plus a half-symbolic scene of Nora (real name Jutte), the true killer, pouring blood from her arm on what was presumed to be her corpse (but was actually Louise's)), but beyond that, we get a flashback to Jutte shooting Louise - impact offscreen, blood splatter result in-the-moment - and, if only for the prominence of its color, the cuts Tsugaru receives all over his body from his fight in the underground tunnel with Jutte.

Profanity consisted of one use of "friggin'".

The actual break for act 2 on this one was, per context clues (read: the sound suddenly fading out for a second before the scene change), the scene where Aleister pricks Alice's neck with one of his poison needles and leaves her to die, but that came less than five minutes into the episodes, so I decided to cut it somewhere a little more spoiler-y but in an understandable location for a proper act break. And thanks to that decision, I was able to achieve the final outcome for the top 3 in the appearance tally this season...


I'd have gone a little classier for Shizuku's image, but all the jealous reactions were far too up-close, and the less lewd ones from her first bout with Carmilla wouldn't fit how I wanted them to. If you're wondering who the runner-ups are beyond the power trio, for supporting characters it's Carmilla with three, and for minor characters it's Lord Godard (a.k.a. Vampire Dad) with four.

"It" being MF Ghost, the long-awaited spiritual/actual sequel of Initial D that was always going to be a part of the CRC Seasonal Line the moment it was announced. Joining it as fellow seasonals will be SHY, season 2 of Hypnosis Mic, and in a variation on the practice, season 3 of Kengan Ashura. I have other anime in mind for additional inclusion, but I'll hold out on sharing them for the moment. However, I will say that Chainsaw Man will be unfortunately going on indefinite hiatus until I can find the time (and room in my analysis logbook) to keep track of the practical flood of content it provides per episode.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, look at that: I set a deadline for myself and I almost managed to stick to it. I was going to upload this on Saturday before I realized I needed to make one more MoP clip then I thought, and then I opted not to post it yesterday thanks to a combination of semantics over whether or not Sunday is the start of the week... and a Phish webcast.

To Your Eternity Season 2
Episode 10: "Resonance" - TV-14L
Episode 11: "The Value of Flesh" - TV-PGV


#10: One "bullshit" from Fushi. Expect to see a few of these in this omnibus.

#11: Fushi meets up with three great warriors whom Baron Spring Roll (a.k.a. the new identity of Bon) wants Fushi to absorb in order to become stronger. One of them, Kai Renald Rawle, was beaten as a child, shown my his dad merely punching him in the back. (Ironically, they don't even make contact in the scene shown.) Then his house collapses as a result of the Nokkers; he falls through the stairs, then wakes up with a bloody face. A lot of swords around Kai's house give the scene additional peril, but none of them hit anybody. They do come close to Kai's father as he saves his grandmother, though. No profanity, which I don't mind.

Mission:23 -


#19: One use of "shitheads" from Anya, plus a schoolboy talking about how he's going to be kidnapped and trafficked to Westalis (which I'm taking as a 14 set here) where he'll have to live like a slave, thanks to a misunderstanding.

And here come the images. Just the one for this episode, which features Anya being all cute:


#20: After being approached by Anya for a job shadowing assignment, Yor has an imagine spot where she does her thing as an assassin, which includes daring parkour moves plus a whole lot of stabbing. So why the lack of a subrating? Because the show goes hard on self-censorship, showing no impacts, coloring the blood pink, and even pixelating the target's guts as they come flying out. Considering Anya was involved here and in the scene where Bond bites her, which also utilized pink blood, it must be for her sake.

Here's where we start getting artsy. First off, a transition shot during an overall recap of the show, mostly restating the premise. Then, a shot of Fiona Frost, a character I'll embellish very soon.



#21: Fiona, a.k.a. Nightfall, a fellow spy of Loid's organization, has an imagine spot of her own regarding Anya, whom she literally whips into shape to become a better kid. There are no impacts this time either, and the whole thing is clearly meant as slapstick.

For the next two, we have Handler mostly obscured by her hat, and Fiona remembering all of the past personas Loid has played as a spy.



#22: Forget the Skibidi Banban of Toilets, how about the Birdie Wing of Tennis? Because that's the focus of this episode, where Loid and Fiona go undercover, enter an illicit tennis tourney, and face off against lethally-roided hulks and snooty teenagers with custom-built rackets. But all of that is for naught when it comes to the content ratings, because the offending content here amounts to four uses of "piss", one "chickenshit" and one "bitch".

Here we have an artsy opening shot featuring Fiona looking from afar, and then a dopey-looking Yor in a scene involving Anya and Bond playing tennis, layered on top of Loid and Fiona's exploits in the Campbelldon.



#23: Carrol and Kim Campbell, two children of the mastermind behind the illicit tennis tournament, go to great lengths to try and rig it in their favor, even hiring a sniper to attack their opponents. He only uses rubber bullets, but Loid still has to take one for the team and push Fiona out of the way, blocking it with his bulletproof vest. They subsequently win the match by mindfucking their opponents with absurd drunken-master and sakuga-rich tennis moves. Later on, a non-disguised Fiona is so determined to become Loid's new wife that she destroys a tennis racket trying to return Yor's super-hard serve, with all the sakuga that entails. All this plus a comedic use of domestic violence (by the wife, mind you) that wraps up the plot of this low-key two-parter.

And here's the last one, featuring Loid and Fiona in a car that's headed straight for us! Ahh, don't crash!


Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Episode 1: "Tanaka-kun and Ohta-kun" - TV-PG
Episode 2: "The Apprentice Application" - TV-PG
Episode 3: "Gap Girl Echizen" - TV-PGL
Episode 4: "Shiraishi's Secret" - TV-PGD
Episode 5: "Tanaka-kun's Routine" - TV-PG


This is one of those anime that's fallen by the wayside, only referenced in today's anime communities thanks to that short girl who jumps up and down and is often used as a Discord emote. It's an enjoyable anime comedy, albeit... very low energy. Just sit back, relax, and space out.

#1: Tanaka bites his lip while eating lunch and bleeds a tiny bit, and then he talks about being a shonen protagonist who gets involved in a murder incident. Plus, one use each of "hell" and "freaking" during a spirited badminton sequence that also involves one character claiming Tanaka is trying to kill him with a thrown racket.

#2: More PG sets! Miyano, the aforementioned meme girl (and the one who wants to be Tanaka's apprentice), mentions becoming more deathly lethargic. Also, religious references, as the episode is bookended by Tanaka praying at a shrine.

#3: The titular delinquint helps push this series to subratings for the first time, calling Tanaka a bastard before the OP, and then calls him "a damn pitiful fool" and gets pissed off because he expelled Miyano as his apprentice.

#4: And now for some raunchiness: Tanaka is able to discern this episode's title character, even in her alternate easygoing and opaque-lensed form (heck, she looks a bit like Chiaki), thanks to her big breasts. This comes right at the episode's end, too.

#5: One "sucks" from Shiraishi.

Episodes 1-3: TV-14DS
Episodes 4-6: TV-14DLS


And now we go from the sublime to the ridiculous. I had to include this show in one of these things at some point, simply because it partially shaped my tastes when it comes to consuming anime, and also because I've been following Norio since well before she was a VTuber, so it's also a little out of obligation. Even if Tamaki's plugging metaverse shit nowadays, and my fetishes have dovetailed into something more complex and a lot weirder, I'll always find my way back to forced feminization.

#1 to #3: But even a series this special still falls under my rule of "If it's less than 5 minutes, you can't rate it", though I did consider making an exception this time. And really, most of the episodes feature similar plot beats: Hime gets embarrassed somehow, and we get a glimpse at his penis inside blue-and-white striped panties (available IRL with the Blu-ray set!), plus it gets referred to as a "thing". There are also pervert mentions throughout.

#4 to #6: So what sets this batch apart? Episode 4 features Albertina, maybe sorta a Norio self-insert (even though she actually appears, voicing herself, later in the anime), whose weird plushie Magyorbo-san calls Hime a "perverted crossdressing bastard", which is later repeated by 18+. Funnily enough, Hime's bulge isn't even in that one.

 Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm
Episode 2: "The Scarlet Mist Incident [part one]" - TV-14L
Episode 3: "The Scarlet Mist Incident [part two]" - TV-14S
Episode 4: "The Scarlet Mist Incident [part three]" - TV-14


#2: One "shit" from Marisa.

For the clip, we have a shot of Youkai Mountain followed by the party inside Moriya Shrine, and then Marisa and Flandre's fight inside the library.

#3: A bit of nudity early in the episode involving Yukari, Ran and Chen. As usual (but maybe not), no nips. At this point, I'll note that the current OP features scenes similar to this of pretty much all of Gensokyo getting nakers. Taking this show and Sakura Trick into account, I've come up with a new standard: the OP can set the blanket rating for a show, but it can't apply any subratings. Those will depend on content in the episodes proper.

This clip contains surround audio, so hopefully you have a proper system to really enjoy it. Sadly, a lot of these clips are going to have recaps given the nature of the show. The section of the recap I chose this time merely covers everything up until Marisa started telling her story. Then it focuses on her again, this time after showing Flandre in the bubble. Poor Patchy...

#4: By default, arguably the two sweetest words in the English language.

One more clip this time: an extra-long slice of recap followed by a scene before the final battle between the humans and the vampires.

The Idolm@ster Million Live! Episode 1: "My Very Own Dream Just for Me" - TV-G


Nothing? Nothing. Typical for iM@S. Closest thing to offending content here is Mirai bonking her head on a pole.

It's funny how little space this show has taken up in my mind. The only times I've really thought about it were due to its unannounced delays.

Four and a half months' worth of watching anime, and this is all I have to show for it. Too bad.

I know I'm juggling, like, 15 shows right now that I'm doing ratings for in various forms, but don't think I'm going to stop with this fuckery, because here comes a new simulcast! It's called 16bit Sensation: Another Layer, and it's a show I've decided to watch for no reasons other than because it seems like it might be raunchy, and I don't know what's good for me. BTW, I'm doing clips of it. Look forward to that in a special slimmed-down edition of the usual rundown that will focus on currently-airing shows plus Memories of Phantasm.

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