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2 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

wow.. I wonder how that feels.. Does it beat out the black widow...  From what I'm seeing it might be about the same. Not much in the way of fatalities but "excrutiatingly painful".. Infact on a scientific level I've been wondering if the pain I experienced from a female black widow bite I took as like a pre teen didn't cause my unusual pain tolerance. That is a weird kind of pain though.. It's not like getting cut or breaking bones.. I remember having to control my heart rate and being worried I was experiencing anaphylactic shock because I was literally able to time the throbbing in my arm to my heart beat and I remember the pain being incapacitating but also..friggin hallucination inducing also.. it was like periodic but extreme if that makes sense..  It still messes with me, but I like to think about it. Probably because it's theraputic.. A black widow bite probably was the single most painful thing I've experienced so far, but it's hard to describe coherently how the pain of that even feels once it's in full swing.

It's so painful you kind of go numb or the shock just blocks everything out idk... 

I have no idea about black widow bites.

My dad said he had been stung by jellyfish and man o wars many times as a kid, and according to him jellyfish stings are much worse than man o war stings.

1 minute ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I have no idea about black widow bites.

My dad said he had been stung by jellyfish and man o wars many times as a kid, and according to him jellyfish stings are much worse than man o war stings.

Eh... I think the two rate about the same at least with my encounter. Some species of jellyfish/manowar are deadly enough to kill with just a bit of exposure though... I'm sure it's a unique experience being "stung" by a jellyfish in general. I've never lived in an area where that's really possible so I havent thought about it much. 

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