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it could be



and even if it's not It would be a disaster to people like me, think less about it affecting you specifically and that innocent people could get rounded up and sent to internment camps or executed for being Gay, Mexican, Muslim or anything else non-straight and white

Lul at liberals going into convulsions over this result.  Trump will be an isolationist.  You are fine.  All Trump is worried about are foreign nationals who shouldn't be here.  I hope he closes all international bases and recalls the entire American Navy to the Gulf of Mexico to watch for illegal immigrants coming by port and to assist with stopping incoming invaders from Mexico.  The full force of our entire military might should deter illegals from entering our great nation.
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it's not so much him I'm worried about as it is his voters


the KKK is becoming vocal and open again and at least one Anti-Trump protester was killed already


also magical girl ending


Well, it wasn't hatred and bigotry that spurred all voters.  For some yes, but they are always a fringe element.  The KKK is not going to get an endorsement from the govt. or the mast majority of the populace.  I live in one the Rust Belt states that flipped.  And here, it was mostly jobs.  My state, along with the rest of the Rust Belt, is hemorrhaging jobs.  And Trump was the only one bringing up the topic of jobs.  Hilary only did in response to him and her talk on it was weak.  Most people here aren't interested in taking your rights or killing you.  They're more concerned about having a roof over their heads and providing for their families.


if you honestly believe that then I'm done talking to you

We don't know everything yet.  This possibility can't be ruled out, however unlikely it is.  They did have something to do with what happened to Vince Foster, though.  Also Hillary got off a pedophile when she was a defense lawyer decades ago and was laughing and bragging about it.  She supports families and loves kids, huh?

Well, it wasn't hatred and bigotry that spurred all voters.  For some yes, but they are always a fringe element.  The KKK is not going to get an endorsement from the govt. or the mast majority of the populace.  I live in one the Rust Belt states that flipped.  And here, it was mostly jobs.  My state, along with the rest of the Rust Belt, is hemorrhaging jobs.  And Trump was the only one bringing up the topic of jobs.  Hilary only did in response to him and her talk on it was weak.  Most people here aren't interested in taking your rights or killing you.  They're more concerned about having a roof over their heads and providing for their families.

Don't try to talk logic to Mochi.  He's the Alex Jones of SJWs.

Lul at liberals going into convulsions over this result.  Trump will be an isolationist.  You are fine.  All Trump is worried about are foreign nationals who shouldn't be here.  I hope he closes all international bases and recalls the entire American Navy to the Gulf of Mexico to watch for illegal immigrants coming by port and to assist with stopping incoming invaders from Mexico.  The full force of our entire military might should deter illegals from entering our great nation.


So the fact that most illegals work in either landscaping, construction, or agriculture (and in positions with poor wages that most white people wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole) means nothing.  I bet all the huge farms that supply most of countries food are terrified, because they won't be able to harvest crops without illegal help.  They can't afford to pay normal wages with benefits and if they due, expect a major jump in foodstuff prices.  I bought a green pepper for 69 cents.  Without illegals to pick it, I'll have to start paying 6 bucks for a single one.


So the fact that most illegals work in either landscaping, construction, or agriculture (and in positions with poor wages that most white people wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole) means nothing.  I bet all the huge farms that supply most of countries food are terrified, because they won't be able to harvest crops without illegal help.  They can't afford to pay normal wages with benefits and if they due, expect a major jump in foodstuff prices.  I bought a green pepper for 69 cents.  Without illegals to pick it, I'll have to start paying 6 bucks for a single one.

If they can't afford to pay non-slave wages they deserve to fail and go out of business.  Those employers should be thrown in jail for their horrible treatment of migrant workers.  Have you read about the conditions on farms?  Americans will do the jobs if they want food on their plate and money in their pocket.  Pay them enough and Americans will do the jobs.  End some of the degrading regulation and taxes on farmers and they will be fine.

We don't know everything yet.  This possibility can't be ruled out, however unlikely it is.  They did have something to do with what happened to Vince Foster, though.  Also Hillary got off a pedophile when she was a defense lawyer decades ago and was laughing and bragging about it.  She supports families and loves kids, huh?


No, she was forced to.  She was a public defender and the defendent demanded a female lawyer.  Hillary was the only one available at the time.  The judge ordered her to.  She tried to get out of it but was denied.  So she was forced to defend him.  And she couldn't purposely lose the case or be disbarred and possibly jailed.


Get your facts before spouting the shit that Trump says.


No, she was forced to.  She was a public defender and the defendent demanded a female lawyer.  Hillary was the only one available at the time.  The judge ordered her to.  She tried to get out of it but was denied.  So she was forced to defend him.  And she couldn't purposely lose the case or be disbarred and possibly jailed.


Get your facts before spouting the shit that Trump says.

And?  She could quit her job if she had any morals.  Doesn't change the fact she laughed and bragged about getting the pedophile off.  And my source isn't Trump hahaha.

If they can't afford to pay non-slave wages they deserve to fail and go out of business.  Those employers should be thrown in jail for their horrible treatment of migrant workers.  Have you read about the conditions on farms?  Americans will do the jobs if they want food on their plate and money in their pocket.  Pay them enough and Americans will do the jobs.  End some of the degrading regulation and taxes on farmers and they will be fine.


Yes, I know of the horrible conditions.  Living in shacks on the property that they pay rent on.  Only having constant work by migrating throughout the west half of the country in turn with the harvest schedule.


Do you really expect legal Americans to work 12 hours a day, hunched over in the field, and then be kicked out in a couple of months because the harvest is done, and then uproot your family to find another farm?  Oh, and "money in their pockets" is laughable.  They barely scratch a a living.  And the ALL the farms would go out of business if they had to start paying at least minimum wages with full benefits.  This country would have massive starvation.  Either that, or the county gets comfortable paying $10 for a head of lettuce or other vegetables.  Which people can't afford to do, so the consumers would starve or be homeless with food.


It's a horrible system, but that's the way our country is built.  It's a horrible system but necessary.  Fixing it would require everybody in America to be rich.


And?  She could quit her job if she had any morals.  Doesn't change the fact she laughed and bragged about getting the pedophile off.  And my source isn't Trump hahaha.


Well, you're not quoting your source.  So you are making it up or its Breitbart or another of the fake news sites.


I've heard the recording of her talking about it.  It's pretty degraded over time but she's not laughing. 


Yes, I know of the horrible conditions.  Living in shacks on the property that they pay rent on.  Only having constant work by migrating throughout the west half of the country in turn with the harvest schedule.


Do you really expect legal Americans to work 12 hours a day, hunched over in the field, and then be kicked out in a couple of months because the harvest is done, and then uproot your family to find another farm?  Oh, and "money in their pockets" is laughable.  They barely scratch a a living.  And the ALL the farms would go out of business if they had to start paying at least minimum wages with full benefits.  This country would have massive starvation.  Either that, or the county gets comfortable paying $10 for a head of lettuce or other vegetables.  Which people can't afford to do, so the consumers would starve or be homeless with food.


It's a horrible system, but that's the way our country is built.  It's a horrible system but necessary.  Fixing it would require everybody in America to be rich.

So basically we still have slavery and can't get out of it.  LOVELY!

Well, you're not quoting your source.  So you are making it up or its Breitbart or another of the fake news sites.


I've heard the recording of her talking about it.  It's pretty degraded over time but she's not laughing.

I'll get you the source after Toonami is over.

So basically we still have slavery and can't get out of it.  LOVELY!


Yeah, it sucks bad.  I feel sorry for them.  But if Trump kicks out all the illegals, the country will have a massive food shortage problem, because all the major farms that supply most of America's food do it.


Yeah, it sucks bad.  I feel sorry for them.  But if Trump kicks out all the illegals, the country will have a massive food shortage problem, because all the major farms that supply most of America's food do it.

Well that's untenable.  We're not much better than Rome at this point.  We even have MMA... our gladiatorial barbary.

Well that's untenable.  We're not much better than Rome at this point.  We even have MMA... our gladiatorial barbary.


Our country has always stood on the backs of slaves.  Legal or otherwise.


So this has now become the Annoying Politics Debate thread?!


Well maybe Trump will show up in DB Super and make this semi-relevant. That would be funny!


He was actually in an episode of Beavis and Butt-Head from the 2011 revival, BTW


So this has now become the Annoying Politics Debate thread?!


Well maybe Trump will show up in DB Super and make this semi-relevant. That would be funny!


He was actually in an episode of Beavis and Butt-Head from the 2011 revival, BTW




"Let's make the Buu Saga Kai again"

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