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I must have OCD


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I'm playing VIII right now, got all the GFs. Do I want to bother Omega Weapon? Pretty sure the reward for beating it is shit.

Not sure Ultima and Cactaur are easier than I thought or I was more prepared than when I fought them like 18 years ago.
Edited by Ric
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Just now, Ric said:

Seems about right because I had remembered Ultima and Cactaur being really hard but they were pushovers. I played this 18-19 years ago and it was first FF though, think I'm a bit better at them now.

I'm actually doing a special run of VIII right now. Each character sticks to one class (Rinoa is a black mage, Selphie is a white mage, etc.) No junctioning magic to stats, but you can junction GF abilities like STR+20% or MAG+40%. No Encounter Half or None abilities and no running from battles. I haven't played in a while but I think I was also restricting characters to drawing only spells related to their class, if I was letting them draw magic at all.

I might have to start over because I might have forgotten some of the restrictions. Plus I got stuck at that damn tank boss at the missile base.

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