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And there I was kissing her as her dad pulled into the driveway...


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We were in another world, a hot, legal age teen and her soon to be boyfriend making out right outside her front door. Dad slammed the door of his SUV and started to approach us with bad intentions and I coolly said, "Don't do it, pops. She needs a father figure. She's all grown up, but she can't afford to have you get hurt."

And so he backed off ashamedly and I gave her a goodbye kiss and told her that I would call her later on that night. 🐰🔥💓

Edited by Zenigundam
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There you were, outside her window, with your pants around your ankles, tugging on your tiny pecker, when her dad pulls up.

Zeni was frozen in his tracks, in mid-jerk, as the girl's father made a beeline for the pedo, and proceeds to beat the living shit out of Zeni for 45 minutes. 

Eventually, the cops are called, and Zeni's carcass is dragged off to jail, where he gets his ass pounded day and night, forever and ever, amen.

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