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5 hours ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Finding a reliable torrent and figuring out how to install it doesn't take much computer knowledge. It's usually a matter of replacing certain files and nearly all of them come with a readme.

bet u cant find one for reason 10

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56 minutes ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Found multiple, just need to be on my computer cause going to one site on my phone caused a nice string of prompts from my phone asking me to allow adware to access it.

I bet theyre fake

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11 minutes ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Nah, crackers have been forming a community for a while now. They love beating security and are usually anarchists. The anarchy used to be in the mischief but they seem to have matured. If I find a good one do you want it?

i dont believe it exists haha

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