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discolé monade

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some lazy day. planted some transplant plants  xD

fed the bun buns, checking out the baby bun buns. *no pics yet*  and scoping out new area for larger pen. 

picked some not quite ripe pears ~ can't believe they came in this year. 

playing tomb raider~sonnofbish jumpin' shit. love the graphics. 

and making chocolate ice cream. 

not so lazy day. 

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Just now, discolemonade said:

some lazy day. planted some transplant plants  xD

fed the bun buns, checking out the baby bun buns. *no pics yet*  and scoping out new area for larger pen. 

picked some not quite ripe pears ~ can't believe they came in this year. 

playing tomb raider~sonnofbish jumpin' shit. love the graphics. 

and making chocolate ice cream. 

not so lazy day. 

I need a nap

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it is. i mean, i haven't played TR in a few years. the graphics are pretty good. 

and the game play is smooth. the cut scenes are kind of long, but it makes it like

you're watching an animated movie, that you control? does that make sense?

i'm still getting used to crafting et al, but all in all, 8/10

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20 hours ago, Mewn said:


I put the egg bake in the oven and got a mocha.

Now I'm just laying here with cramps, waiting for that shit to finish cooking so I can make bacon and sausage.

egg bake. i don't think i've ever had it. like a souffle? but just eggs?

and that sounds damn good. sorry about the cramps. just getting through them myself. 

do you feel like there's an uterus gnome just in there fubar'ing shite up?


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On 7/23/2018 at 8:21 AM, discolemonade said:

egg bake. i don't think i've ever had it. like a souffle? but just eggs?

and that sounds damn good. sorry about the cramps. just getting through them myself. 

do you feel like there's an uterus gnome just in there fubar'ing shite up?


Kind of! Basically a giant egg casserole xD 

You have to take a loaf of bread and butter each slice and cut it up in cubes and then pour your egg mixture, which is like a half a dozen eggs, milk, and seasonings, and add lots of cheese and diced ham....it needs to sit in the fridge overnight and then you bake it at a low temperature.

'Tis yummy.

Fuck that gnome uterus....trying to make my womb all ready for a nonexistent baby and then shredding it down when it finds out nothing is coming >:( 

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