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//> the birds are awakening ./


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3 minutes ago, pail said:

Lol, no they aren't.

Not for another hour.

Or do you live in Newfoundland?


//> eastern standard time its currently 4:36 AM AND now its too quiet , never mind i hear them  soon all of them will be chirping their good mornings ./

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6 minutes ago, pail said:

Must have been a rere.

Birds don't start chirping regularly until 5:30 in the morning.

Or, more truthfully, about 20-30 minutes before"true" sunrise.

//> well ''sunrise'' happens about 4:10 and ''true sunrise '' 5:30 ish , its more like '' early bird gets the worm and other birds chirping that they're still sleeping and resting on the eggs and cant do that with loud distraction from kelly '' kelly being the early bird who woke up early trying to get the worm first ./

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