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My work never actually calls me in when I want some OT


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Just now, MEXobiologist said:

hey, look at it this way

at least OT is something that you do get

Well when I say "OT" I mean beyond my scheduled hours. I only get scheduled for 35 a week and have to come in early once a week just to get to 40.

I used to get a ton of OT including a lot of mandatory OT. Then they hired a bunch more people and now it's hard to get any real OT.

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i see, so its not actually OT then? just a handful of extra hours.

even when we're short staffed, my work is insane about not letting me work more than 40hrs. full time is anywhere from 32-40 hours/wk so i can be scheduled any amount between those hours. when they need some extra help i'll hang around or come in early but they calculate it to a T. all my punches, taking out the lunch breaks, and then will practically drag me to the time clock one minute before i go over.

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13 minutes ago, MEXobiologist said:

i see, so its not actually OT then? just a handful of extra hours.

even when we're short staffed, my work is insane about not letting me work more than 40hrs. full time is anywhere from 32-40 hours/wk so i can be scheduled any amount between those hours. when they need some extra help i'll hang around or come in early but they calculate it to a T. all my punches, taking out the lunch breaks, and then will practically drag me to the time clock one minute before i go over.

Yeah they call it "extended hours". Anything up to 40 isn't technically OT since we still get paid at our regular rate, anything beyond 40 you get time and a half. Supposedly when they need people to cover shifts they look for people who need to make up extended hours first but I've had plenty of times where I wasn't able to get to 40 in a week and saw full time people getting OT so I'm not sure if that's true.

They try to keep the OT down but it's a residential facility so somebody always has to be here for the clients. Back in the summer I was averaging 45-50 hours a week, while still only being scheduled for 35. One time I had 35 hours of OT on one check.

Edited by Athena 92
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12 hours ago, Athena 92 said:

Well when I say "OT" I mean beyond my scheduled hours. I only get scheduled for 35 a week and have to come in early once a week just to get to 40.

I used to get a ton of OT including a lot of mandatory OT. Then they hired a bunch more people and now it's hard to get any real OT.

I just don't do mandatory OT anymore.  It's easier just to take the puny, token penalty for calling out.  Trying to mandate me is insulting and disrespectful.  My being an employee doesn't mean they own me as they would own appliances.  I've got other shit to do on my scheduled days off and when I want some OT, I'll call them, not the other way around.

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7 hours ago, 1938 Packard said:

I just don't do mandatory OT anymore.  It's easier just to take the puny, token penalty for calling out.  Trying to mandate me is insulting and disrespectful.  My being an employee doesn't mean they own me as they would own appliances.  I've got other shit to do on my scheduled days off and when I want some OT, I'll call them, not the other way around.

LOL, Packed flexing the 40 year mop pusher muscle.

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