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This girl on the bus keeps checking me out while I'm trying to drink


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9 minutes ago, TrigunBebop said:

I play chess.

And I can kick a ball really far, I guess.

I got nicknamed the nut cracker in highschool but that was only after I got into a fight after soccer and kick the other guy straight in the nuts went down and somebody thought he heard a "pop" so it ended 


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When a woman is looking at someone drinking on a bus, it's not "oh look at that cute, mysterious guy drinking on a bus." It's "oh my god, that guy is drinking on a bus. He needs professional help. I should get off the bus and get home before something really bad happens." It's way more concerning than it would ever be attractive. Concerning situations happen pretty often when it involves someone drinking on a bus.

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41 minutes ago, Dark_Chii said:

When a woman is looking at someone drinking on a bus, it's not "oh look at that cute, mysterious guy drinking on a bus." It's "oh my god, that guy is drinking on a bus. He needs professional help. I should get off the bus and get home before something really bad happens." It's way more concerning than it would ever be attractive. Concerning situations happen pretty often when it involves someone drinking on a bus.

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