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Are there any good winter anime I should be watching?

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I'm just curious to see if I am missing anything really good.

Boruto is meh at best, and BC is going to be on Toonami so I might as well watch it there.

Not sure if there is anything else, the last one I watched was Blood-C, so that tells you how far back I really am.


I'm terrible at being a weeb, what can I say.



You mean as in January? If you mean right now we're in the Fall anime season for the rest of the year. But I'll assume you meant January. It depends on what you want. Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san and Koi wa Ameagari no You ni will most likely be the best 2 new series of the season, but they're a school comedy romance about a girl who teases a guy all the time, and a drama about a girl going after a much older guy. Trust me though, the source material is fantastic for both. I mean, just go check the Fall Anime 2018 topic I made literally less than 24 hours ago for cryin' out loud!


This current season is... weak. Black Clover is probably the second most popular anime, that should tell you something.

S3 of Foodwars is out.. but if you haven't seen the first two you probably don't want to watch that.

Kings Game is terrible but already has a dub and is at least entertaining.

I've heard good things about Juuni Taisen but haven't checked it out.

The only must see anime of the season is The Ancient Magus Bride.


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Juuni Taisen and Inuyashiki are the best shows.


Excluding King's Game, which is basically the greatest show since Garzey's Wing.

Everyone likes Magus Bride, though it hasn't really done much for me.

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Like others have said, Juni Taisen (Zodiac War) is very entertaining.

Recovery of an MMO Junkie is a cute show about a 30 year-old female NEET addicted to MMORPGs. 

Garo: Vanishing Line is another good action show, and even though it's part of a franchise, you don't need to know what happened in other shows to understand the story. Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond has been great, as far as I'm aware, they've been adapting the chapters that were skipped when the first season was made. 

There's also a new season of Kino's Journey, but it doesn't live up to the first TV series. 

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