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Well, today will be day number 4 without any sleep. I mean, not technically true; I have dozed off for a couple hours here and there maybe 2 or 3 times.

I just hope I'm able to hold it together at work. I mean, I feel like I should be fine but microsleeps can happen at any time, and one already happened on Tuesday. Luckily everyone was out to lunch and I was just desk jockeying in case people called but I know for sure it happened because by the time my coworkers and boss showed back up my head had migrated to the desk and the door bing was the only thing that saved me getting caught sleeping at work.

I've been on this very erratic schedule because for some bullshit reason we didn't get last Friday, and Monday we learned that it was just gonna have to wait until the end of this week.

So, that kind of annoyed me so I pulled out a little money from my savings and stocked up on Klonopin and Adderall. My intention was to make the week go by "faster" by having a little cocktail every morning.

I started off on Monday, took 4mg K, 40mg A to balance out the drowsiness of the K. And that seemed to work alright. The day felt shorter and I had a little pep in my step. So far so good.

I went home, took another 6mg K, ate some dinner and went to go lie down. Here's where the trouble started. I wasn't able to fall asleep for a few hours, so around 3 a.m. I decided to take another 6mg K. I got back in bed, and around 4 a.m. or so I felt like I was finally drifting off for a few hours of rest. At 5 a.m. I was awoken by my mom's alarm clock. She said she had to be up early to crunch some work and meet a client by 8 a.m. for breakfast and to go over some documents. 

Since I'm in the process of renovating my room, I've taken to sleeping on the couch in the living room in the meantime.

Well, seeing as how my mom's office is directly adjacent to the living room, I decided to just go ahead and get ready for work. 

I crawled out of bed and grabbed a soda from the fridge, grabbed some fresh clothes, laid them out and made my way to the bathroom. I ate a piece of bread and took 20mg A before dusting myself off and getting dressed.

I left early since I was ready early and got to work about 30 minutes earlier than usual. I opened up the shop and went about setting up all the tasks for the day. My supervisor showed up about 30 minutes later and said they were surprised to see me there earlier than usual. I think I said something about not fixing my clock for DST or something and shrugged it off.

A couple hours later I took another cocktail and drank a coffee since I was feeling a bit tired at this point. 4mg K and 40mg A. The rest of the day went smoothly. I was tasked with straightening up the warehouse and cleaning up outside/out front because we had received several pallets on Monday, and the parking lot was beginning to resemble an Autumn ball pit from all the leaves that have begun to fall.

After that a coworker and I loaded up a truck for shipment, cleaned the office and took off around 5 p.m.

At this point, I was really starting to feel the exhaustion. I stopped by a store, grabbed a couple Java Monsters since they were 2 for $6; which comes up like 50¢ cheaper than no deal, which is worth it with no income until Friday and dwindling resources. Even with the caffeine, the drive home was still excruciating. Unfortunately there had been a three-car collision a few miles down the road. I had to keep slapping myself and smoke a few cigarettes to stay as alert as possible. Which drew a few confused looks from other commuters (from the slapping anyway).

But eventually and finally, I was able to make it home. It was nearly 7 by then and I felt like I was about to collapse. I immediately took 8mg K and laid down on the couch. While waiting for the medicine to kick in, I realized that I had no clean clothes to wear the next day. Begrudgingly, I peeled myself off the couch and gathered several dirty articles of clothing and tossed them in the washer.

I put on 'The Grudge 2' to help pass the time. I didn't remember it being as terrible as it was, but then again the last time I watched it I think I was still in highschool.

Not long after I'd finished drying my clothes, my mom came home with Wendy's. She said she tried to call me to see if I wanted anything. Sure enough, I checked my phone and saw 2 missed calls and that somehow I'd placed my ringer on silent.

I should have trusted my instincts and just gone to bed. I don't know what it was that I ate, but it gave me wicked indigestion. That coupled with the medication I'd taken led to a night half asleep on toilet. Luckily by morning it felt like whatever had turned my intestines into a minefield had either passed or subsided. 

I somehow managed to hose myself off and make it into work unscathed. Halfway there I received a small blessing in the form of a phonecall. My supervisor was taking our boss over to the coast to inspect a potential subsidiary location. I and my coworker were left with simple instructions to manufacture sample products and take calls all day. Given the leeway of the situation, I decided to take 8mg K and 60mg A. After arriving, I asked my coworker to turn on the radio or play some of his favorite albums to help pass the time, but mostly to give me something to focus on other than the fact of how little sleep I'd had the several days and how scrambled my brain felt.

Fast forward to last night, and I can only assume the accumulation of A in my system is what caused me to just be unable to sleep, I can't think of any other reason. Will probably skip the K today and just see how I do with 40-60mg of A to help, at the very least. All I can hope for at this point is that I can make it through the day and finally get a much needed night of rest.

21 minutes ago, mumbojummie13 said:

well i read the first two sentences dood.  why arent you sleeping?

A combination of factors.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Gogo Yubari said:

How many times did you nod off typing this.....I'm not even trying to be funny.  I just didn't finish it and figure the answer is in the body somewhere

At least... 10?

At least.

Plus I composed it all on my phone so it took like over an hour.

Edited by pail
Posted (edited)

Finally home with some food.

Was utterly useless at work today.

Luckily supervisor there today was the one who's been out for two weeks because of a herniated disc in his back.

He said it was so painful to move he hardly got out of his chair all day except to go use the restroom.

I mean I do feel bad for the guy but it was a lucky break for me. Coworker and I took the opportunity to go take care of some back burner tasks in the woodshed out back, but mostly just played guitar and watched Netflix for several hours. 

I sure am glad there wasn't an insane amount of traffic on the way home. Once the As had worn off I almost immediately started feeling like I was going to pass out. Received several 'Go the light is green, dipshit' honks but other than that the drive home was difficult but manageable and luckily no greater incidents occurred.

My mind and body are completely wrecked. I really have no doubt that I will be fast asleep within the next couple of hours.

I think one of the worst aspects of severe sleep deprivation are the increasingly indistinguishable auditory hallucinations. Even since I got home about 30 minutes ago I've had a couple instances where I was imagining full fledged conversations with my coworker. Even though we live 20 minutes away from each other and rarely visit one another.

The worst part of all that, I think, is the simultaneous awareness that you're not even talking yet still being invested in the imaginary conversation taking place inside your head.

Just gives me the jitters. I've never been really bothered or noticed many visual distortions from lack of sleep. It's 99% auditory disturbances, which throws me off way more than seeing things move out of the corner of my eyes, etc. Idk why I guess cause it's just harder to discern real noise from imagined noise. Especially mundane sounds like doors opening/closing doors, thuds and bumps, faint voices/ringing phones.


Anyway, just glad I've seemingly made it through this and am looking at very good chances for getting some desperately required sleep tonight.

Edited by pail

I used to take a lot of adderall in high school and wouldn’t sleep for several days at a time. It starts to feel really dirty eventually. I graduated two years early though. 

I just don’t understand why you’re taking klonopin with it? Speed balling is sickening. 

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