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Gogo Yubari should be banned, he crossed the line.

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Unfortunately yours doesn't matter


My life doesn't matter? Ha. I'm not the one who is desperate to post the worst things imaginable to get your attention. That's you.

So no, you grotesque weeb, you're wrong.


My life doesn't matter? Ha. I'm not the one who is desperate to post the worst things imaginable to get your attention. That's you.

So no, you grotesque weeb, you're wrong.


You literally post threads calling people out just for attention.


Like, if you just made regular threads about random shit like most everyone else, you might actually be liked in here. But no. You are a tough guy hiding behind a keyboard. Sucks to suck... but I wouldn't know.


You literally post threads calling people out just for attention.


Like, if you just made regular threads about random shit like most everyone else, you might actually be liked in here. But no. You are a tough guy hiding behind a keyboard. Sucks to suck... but I wouldn't know.


I do post threads calling people out, not for attention, but still...


Do you know what I don't do? Post naked pictures of Fuggs.


We have an unwritten rule. Everyone should post naked pictures of Fuggs in my threads. Everyone. This rule may never be violated.


When I see fuggs' tits, I

[youtube autoplay=1]


We have an unwritten rule. Everyone should post naked pictures of Fuggs in my threads. Everyone. This rule may never be violated.


Wow, you're worse than Misaka and his Girls game. :poop:

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