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Going back for my Master's is going to be harder than I thought

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Need 5 pre-requisite courses to even apply.


One I can take 100% online from the local community college, no problems there.


But then for one of them I need to take two 4-credit hour classes from the community college. Just to count as one pre-requisite. And those two courses are themselves a pre-requisite at the community college for one of the OTHER courses I need. One that, from what I can see, is just a lecture but is on-campus only and only offered at the campus on the other side of town.


And then two of the courses I need aren't even offered at the community college. So I need to take those at the school with the master's program. Yay more money.


Oh, and then there's the GRE...



Can someone send me a small loan of a million dollars?


I know your pain and it's why I never graduated college. 


68 credits into a Mechanical Engineering degree I caved, legit was having panic attacks frequently and possibly a mental breakdown. 


I was working 3 part time jobs to pay bills and school because Student loans are a fucking eternal debt with their interest rate.  I got into an argument with one professor because he was too lazy to take attendance and demanded the class buy a $70 TV remote thing that allowed us to click a button to show we were in class


that system was broke as a fuck and didn't work so that was $70 wasted.  There were 50 people in the class and he was too lazy to pass a sheet around or call out attendance, that's $70 I could have used on food, not to mention the $300 book I had to buy for the class that sold back for a meager $8 at the end of the semester because it was updated.  BTW for any of you that don't know, updated College books usually means the shitty ass company that makes them just changed some pages around. 




I know your pain and it's why I never graduated college. 


68 credits into a Mechanical Engineering degree I caved, legit was having panic attacks frequently and possibly a mental breakdown. 


I was working 3 part time jobs to pay bills and school because Student loans are a fucking eternal debt with their interest rate.  I got into an argument with one professor because he was too lazy to take attendance and demanded the class buy a $70 TV remote thing that allowed us to click a button to show we were in class


that system was broke as a fuck and didn't work so that was $70 wasted.  There were 50 people in the class and he was too lazy to pass a sheet around or call out attendance, that's $70 I could have used on food, not to mention the $300 book I had to buy for the class that sold back for a meager $8 at the end of the semester because it was updated.  BTW for any of you that don't know, updated College books usually means the shitty ass company that makes them just changed some pages around.


Yay debt.


i tried taking the GRE i really did. i couldn't get a decent score on it and a master's is too expensive so i just said forget it


I studied for it my senior year of college when I thought I was going to go straight for my master's. Did decent on the practice test but never actually took it.


Do it get more student loans


Gonna have to do that anyway.


Also I might get an associate's first. I want to get my master's in Occupational Therapy but I can also get an Associate's to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant. The community college I was planning on getting the pre-requisites from has a program for it, and I would get all the classes I was going to take anyway if I did that program, plus a few extras. It would only take like, a semester longer than it would take me anyway, but I'd be able to actually work as an OTA once I finished, and could then go on to get my Master's. Cost would be a lot more though, probably.

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