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retail therapy while unemployed


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It was Dollar General. $41. ???


Whoops. :D


Well, then try to get a full day of happy out of each item that isn't food since you only rent food.


I have the same issue with the used bookstore. I don't need to go, I have something like 700+ books on my to-read list (aka books I actually currently own and are on bookshelves staring at me right now) , but going to the bookstore and wandering around like I'm reenacting that bookstore scene from 'R.O.D.' is very soothing. To everything except my wallet. -.-;

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Whoops. :D


Well, then try to get a full day of happy out of each item that isn't food since you only rent food.


I have the same issue with the used bookstore. I don't need to go, I have something like 700+ books on my to-read list (aka books I actually currently own and are on bookshelves staring at me right now) , but going to the bookstore and wandering around like I'm reenacting that bookstore scene from 'R.O.D.' is very soothing. To everything except my wallet. -.-;


I stay the hell away from bookstores and won't even glance at Amazon when I'm broke.

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