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Yup there a particular reason for it later on


Yeah, I know

Gotenks turns into Super Saiyan 3 at some point.



It's just been so long that I forgot this stuff.


I don't know why this is such a concern.


There is a fucking afterlife, and they'll meet again.


I mean, shit. Goku can speak with telepathy even when he's IN THE AFTERLIFE.


it's annoying when they try to make these death scenes touching when you know he's gonna be back like like 10 episodes :|


Sigh...if only he was gone for good.


Was this guy asleep when Babidi was in everyone's head or what?


Buu turned them all into clay and made them into a house!  Gah!


Is Buu doing the Ninja Turtles talk to the audience thing? :D


This Fusion Dance is ridiculous haha


Nice demonstration of Super Saiyan 3, but...


Goku don't leave us!


Aww Goten.


I'll see you when ya die! :D


I feel like a large part of Super is doing it's best to correct how useless everyone was in this specific arc of Z



true Vegeta doesn't win every battle, but he gets to win some

....and as of the most recent arc everyone is getting to win some fights


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