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How does one get banned from an unknown web forum populated by people a television network didn't see the benefit in keeping around?


Boom. Finished. Thread's over, go home.


Easily. So very easily.  :D They're weak.


Taking about you, big boy.

I broke one of my personal rules by even acknowledging your existence, but sometimes I just have to reach for the low-hanging fruit.


Your life is the low-hanging fruit, just so we're clear.


If only you could follow your personal rules when it came to eating healthy and showering, eh?  :D


The only time my life is low hanging fruit is when I lower my nuts to t-bag your face.


Not really to find potential prospects.


No one is really looking for Superman on


OKC.  It's to post your profile and see


others' profile in order to make casual


connections.  If there's interest on both


sides, then you use messaging features


and other member features to "casually"


and not "sexually" express interest




They were banned because of etiquette


I assume

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