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As threatened, live action Sword Art Online has writer and showrunners in place

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With Black Clover dominating hype, these are just more examples of dumb human beings following dumb stories. But yeah, Asuna is great even without being in this anime.


Yeah, everyone that likes the show is a dumbass. :|


You mean if an imaginary monster swings his 10 foot sword at me I don't go flying backwards???


Will I still be able to jump off tall buildings and do flippy flips?


Are you sure Kaiba Corp tech wasn't involved? :P


We've seen as bad or worse shit make it to market in real life.

No, we haven't.  Not high-tech products subject to both public and private regulatory groups.  But please, cite me an example of personal electronics capable of delivering LETHAL DOSES OF RADIATION for absolutely no reason.


We've seen as bad or worse shit make it to market in real life.


I'm pretty sure it was stated some people tried to remove the headgear and died as a result.  Admin even says this at the beginning. 


And yes they're hospitalized and yes it was in the anime.  Umm you do know you can keep someone in alive in a coma for years and provide with them with food and water yes?

That wasn't really the point I was making. The fact only a handful of the gamers have their brains fried is not very believable. And the fact a video game console that melts brains by disconnecting improperly would not feasibly make it onto the market, that takes a lot of suspension of disbelief. Dumb things? Yeah. Dangerous things? Perhaps. Highly publicized video game consoles where the big launch day glitch is neurological scorching? Bullshit. It wouldn't get passed development, much less a legal release.

No, we haven't.  Not high-tech products subject to both public and private regulatory groups.  But please, cite me an example of personal electronics capable of delivering LETHAL DOSES OF RADIATION for absolutely no reason.

Not only lethal doses of radiation, but caused by removing it improperly. THAT'S ALL IT TAKES FOR IT TO KILL YOU. How did this get passed testing?!


For that matter, if removing it improperly causes burns a hole through your skull.... how the fuck does it function without doing the same thing in the first place? Where does all that radiation go while you're,  you know..... wearing it?


I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume that the microwave emitter is only activated by a kill-switch, but that just further begs the question of how the fuck any device with a powerful microwave emitter THAT ISN'T NEEDED TO FUNCTION AT ALL made it anywhere near the market.  Let's not even mention the fact that the game's creator was somehow magically gifted at both software and hardware design, and apparently managed to slip ENTIRE MURDER FUNCTIONS past the entirety of the game's development team.


Like, all of this is just the tip of the shitberg that is SAO's writing, but it still amuses me how the entire thing falls apart in the very first episode.

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