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the dark side of the force... is it really stronger?

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  On 9/18/2017 at 3:14 PM, Phillies said:


No it just easier to get stronger quicker on the dark side

Basically a short cut but it can destroy your mind and sometimes body in the prow

  On 9/18/2017 at 6:37 PM, GunStarHero said:

I've been told that the Grey Side is the strongest since it encompasses strengths from the other two sides.

If you look into the back story of Mace Windu he was supposedly adept at at a fighting style/state of mind

known as Vaapad that would allow him to channel his anger into the fight. I don't think he really 'fell' to the

darkside like a lot of people say he did during the fight with Sidious, but more to the point I believe Vaapad

gave him a definite edge over other Jedi, but it probably did come with draw backs. I think if the rest of the

Jedi order wasn't completely opposed to the idea of the darkside at that point they wouldn't have been so

blind to the sith's plot. When the order was first created there were practitioners of both sides who fought for

peace. Using the darkside just became taboo after the council saw so many darksiders completely loose them

-selves to it...Because practitioners of the darkside embrace emotions like fear, and anger, and passion to drive

their battles, and the wave of power that gives them is far harder to control then the 'light side'.

  On 9/18/2017 at 8:45 PM, Phillies said:

Why did you have to go ruin my hopes and dreams?


because someone once did the same to me and now i can't stand it when other people are happy.  :(

  On 9/18/2017 at 10:12 PM, katt_goddess said:

You burn out faster on the Dark Side. It's basically adrenaline on steroids.

This is why being nuetral or balanced in the force is thought to be the crux of power. You can not only utitlize

the destructive power of the darkside, but the healing powers of the light. The trick to this is it's incredibly easy to

become unbalanced, and if you come to favor the darkside too much it's over for you. Kind of like a walking black hole.


Qui-Gon Jinn. Obiwans master who took annakin along with him and trained him anyway despite being ordered not

to by both Mace Windu and Yoda is supposed to be an example of a Grey Jedi.



Yoda says no. But he's biased.


Important to note that of the things he does say about it, weaker is not among them.


We would posit that he is generally correct, that neither side is stronger, they are merely different paths towards the same goal; one favors might, while the other focuses on mastery. The dark side is easier in the sense that it does not deny the basic truths of the universe, and so you can make large gains quickly. But it is a path mired in options, none too few that will consume you.


If you compare them to weapons in a typical first person shooter, the dark side would represent things that have a high damage or rate of fire stat, but low accuracy, such as a shotgun or an SMG. The light side would be comprised of the opposite, things with high accuracy but low damage output over time- a pistol or a sniper rifle.


There isn't a best side, or a right one. Simply a choice that bears consequences.


So does the dark side consume one to the point of destruction or not? Has anyone ever successfully used the dark side long term without consequence, this still isn't clear to me.


Yes because it has this



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  On 9/18/2017 at 11:31 PM, Ric said:

16-bit vidya games, judas chairs, kudasai?




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  On 9/18/2017 at 11:33 PM, Phillies said:

Welcome back.


I see this place is the same old outlaw mud show :|

  On 9/18/2017 at 11:36 PM, Coleman said:

I see this place is the same old outlaw mud show :|


I heard you were out getting mad pussy, is that true?


Yes and I have the pics to prove it :|




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  On 9/18/2017 at 11:23 PM, Phillies said:

So does the dark side consume one to the point of destruction or not? Has anyone ever successfully used the dark side long term without consequence, this still isn't clear to me.

Nothing is without consequences.


Destruction is not a certainty. After all, hard to see, the future is. Take Palpatine, for example. We do not know much about his past. He may have always been a wicked, cruel being obsessed with power. It's somewhat a chicken and egg question about his nature and corruption. Either way, he maintained both composure and a sense of humor throughout his life, as opposed to devolving into a choke-happy rage beast. That's not to say he wasn't twisted in any way, but rather as far as We can tell, he still retained a large part of himself.

  On 9/19/2017 at 12:02 AM, Kweerie said:

Nothing is without consequences.


Destruction is not a certainty. After all, hard to see, the future is. Take Palpatine, for example. We do not know much about his past. He may have always been a wicked, cruel being obsessed with power. It's somewhat a chicken and egg question about his nature and corruption. Either way, he maintained both composure and a sense of humor throughout his life, as opposed to devolving into a choke-happy rage beast. That's not to say he wasn't twisted in any way, but rather as far as We can tell, he still retained a large part of himself.


He got thrown down a maintenance shaft  to his death by his homeboy while simultaneously being electrocuted by the force. :|


So? His death had nothing to do with his connection to the dark side, save the fact that he himself produced the lightning, and in no way illustrates that he had been consumed by anything. It is probably the worst betrayal imaginable to ascribe towards the pitfalls of the dark side, because it was due entirely to conscience and nothing to ambition. And you cannot say that being on the dark side simply means you're going to make enemies, because it's not as though the vast majority of Jedi died from natural causes.


The danger of the dark side is not a gruesome death; that is merely the danger of living. Rather, the danger is losing sight your values and abandoning your principles- to become a walking husk with no sense of purpose or meaning, to cease to be, while still existing.

  On 9/18/2017 at 11:23 PM, Phillies said:

So does the dark side consume one to the point of destruction or not? Has anyone ever successfully used the dark side long term without consequence, this still isn't clear to me.

None of the movies have ever went into this stuff in detail. It kind of sucks. Mainly because the sith were just originally

concieved as monstrous villians when it all started I guess... I'm honeslty not nerdy enough to know this off the top of

my head, but I've looked into it.


There are serveral sith lords that have made the switch from sith to jedi, and visa versa because the jedi always look

at people that havent completely lost themselves as possibly being "saved" so in battle the "jedi way" is to try to have

a logic battle with them instead of just cutting them down..Alot of this is supposedly accepted as cannon to I think.

Maybe look up Darth Gravis, Darth Malak..I'm trying to think of a good example because if it's something that's not

in the movies or part of SWTOR I haveno Idea really. Theres tons of articles and videos made by people with far more

time on their hands then me I guess.


Here's a clickbait looking article that might actually be helpful. (there's too much shit like this out there tldr;)



I would however like to a see a movie from the sith perspective getting into the rule of two and all that good stuff.




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