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All things Teen Titans suck, including the original.



Ironically I've come to share that opinion


when I chose to re-watch the old Teen Titans without nostalgia clouding my opinion, I realized it's got about as many problems as TTG! does, including but not limited to the fact that it was trying to pander to Weeaboos


also wow Raven's voice is really squeaky in the original show, it's a lot more mature sounding in TTG!


Fuck yeah  Teen Titans is awesome , including TTG



SMH. I really do hate Teen Titans though. That was when CN collectively took a dive off the cliff. Wanted to try to be hip and modern instead of sticking to the gameplan. Teen Titans and Justice League sucked so badly compared the great DC and Marvel cartoons of yesteryear.


I enjoyed Justice League as well maybe I should rewatch it and see how much I enjoy it now

I liked Young Justice too


still bitter that CN cancelled it for sexist reasons


I saw that airing the other day when I got up to get ready for work and it took me a moment to realize that it wasn't a Teen Titan Go! episode where they were playing at being mature. :D


Honestly, this is a good move on CN's part since they have any number of shows in their library that have just been sitting there while they overplay the same crap in daily marathons.


I saw that airing the other day when I got up to get ready for work and it took me a moment to realize that it wasn't a Teen Titan Go! episode where they were playing at being mature. :D


Honestly, this is a good move on CN's part since they have any number of shows in their library that have just been sitting there while they overplay the same crap in daily marathons.


Yeah right. Teen Titans is total garbage.



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