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funimation is really going Gay now

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they simuldubbed Yuri on Ice and now they're dubbing "Sekaiichi no Hatsukoi"


which is a garbage anime but **shrug** at least they're trying to broaden their audience




why SnK is horrible


1. it's clichee as fuck (the bottom is 5 feet smaller and weaker than the top, the top is abusive, and women are treated as evil and/or obstacles)

2. the creator can't actually draw (she's basically the originator of the "Yaoi hands" meme and she can only draw two faces)

3. the top rapes the bottom in the first episode, and the bottom falls in love with him because of the rape

4. the diologue in said rape scene appears to be quotes from Dragonball Z (when he's being raped the bottom says "I won't lose to this guy")



shame they'll run out of gay anime to dub after they clear out Crunchyroll's (very small) shonen-ai catalogue




unless more anime follow Yuri on Ice's que and add a shit ton of Gay romance....which is possible considering when one show does something in Japan EVERY show does the same exact thing for the next 3 years


Looks awful.


Is Yuri selling for them?  What about Keijo?

Yuri on Ice Keeps crashing social Media sites servers so I'd say it's a decent investment for them


Keijo I'm not sure about 'cause I'm not a fan


I wonder why.


Probably the same reason I have absolutely no interest in Yuri on Ice.



except the fanservice in yuri on ice is nowhere near as patently vulgar as the fanservice in Keijo


Doesn't a guy literally orgasm watching a routine in one episode?  That's pretty damn vulgar.

they don't show it happen, he just ends an inner monologue with it, basically he doesn't actualy cum, he just says he thinks he's going to....and then doesn't


also Yuri on Ice has a plot, all the screenshots of keijo I've seen make it look like the show is nothing but girls in swimsuits doing stuff to their asses



if a show with cute GUYS with magical butts ever gets made I'd appreciate it though


I would counter the plot and the appreciation on both ends is affecting by the sexual preference of the viewer.

EffectED, also maybe so, you like Keijo, I don't, I like Yuri on ice, you don't, why do you always get pissed off when I find a show I like?


I'm not mad at you for liking Keijo, I just don't like it, why can't I like Yuri on ice?, how does me liking Yuri on ice negatively impact you?


you liking Keijo doesn't negatively effect me in any way, because I'm not watching it


It's not saying you can't like a show, just pointing out the dichotomy.


Also I can say I like Keijo but think it's hella stupid.  Because it is.


It's not saying you can't like a show, just pointing out the dichotomy.


Also I can say I like Keijo but think it's hella stupid.  Because it is.

that's correct, Yuri on Ice is nothing like Keijo, so why compare them?

They're both sports shows focusing on a single gender with subtext at the very least between the various participants. I'd say that's comparison-worthy enough.

except Yuri on ice is more tastefull and serious


and Keijo is shameless and comedic


No, not really.  Both are pretty shameless in how they attract the gaze of their respective gender targets.

nobody in Yuri on ice shoots playing cards out of their ass


yoi does have fanservice but Keijo takes it to a level I feel is almost hentai...kinda like Kill la Kill....I just happened to actually like Kill la Kill


also Kill la Kill also had male nudity in addition to the female nudity


basically Kill la Kill had Bisexual fanservice (both Genders naked and objectified at any given time)


Keijou has exclusively fanservice for Heterosexual men (lesbians do not usually like the same kind of fanservice that men do)


and Yuri on ice has fanservice for straight girls and Gay men, it's there yeah, there is a fair share of extreme closeups of clothed butts but there's not really much actual nudity, just about 3 scenes,


also in Yuri on ice nothing flies out of anyone's ass and walls of hundreds of severed butts don't appear out of nowhere like the gifs of Keijou I'm seeing on tumblr, so yes Yoi has fanservice it's just not deliberately disgusting fanservice like in Keijou


Kill La Kill is a bit different, although it isn't as overt as Panty and Stocking, which was a statement about fanservice and the requirement of a lot of otaku for "purity in female" characters.  Kill La Kill was more or less a blunt critique of people angry about fanservice. 


Also yeah, dude jerking out to another dude's skating routine...eh, disgusting.  Although this explains why figure skaters IRL have a very macho posture to deflect the endless "You ghey" criticisms they get.


Kill La Kill is a bit different, although it isn't as overt as Panty and Stocking, which was a statement about fanservice and the requirement of a lot of otaku for "purity in female" characters.  Kill La Kill was more or less a blunt critique of people angry about fanservice.

Yoi is a bit different too, for other reasons


sports anime(and some shonen anime like Naruto) as of late have been doing a weird thing where they add a SHIT TON of Gay subtext between the boys on the sports teams, then adamantly deny that they like eachother as anything other than friends (or in some cases share a "brotherly bond") and introduce girls for each of the guys to pair off with at the end

Yoi does the opposite Yoi introduces two men, add a shit ton of subtext.....then they kiss, start dating, get engaged to be married and are legitimately Gay and in love with eachother, and any female characters introduced are just their friends



basically Yoi is a counter to all the "romantic friendship" in shonen anime, it's not a romantic friendship, they actually love eachother romantically


I think there's a lot of gross simplification in media from fans that any attraction is automatically sexual in nature.


There's a book on writing from way back by CS Lewis (yes, the Narnia guy), called the Four Loves.  Short version, the 'loves' include empathy and a familiar bond, Storge, friendship, and that bond, Philla, the obvious bond of sexuality, Eros, and unconditional love, which he described from a spiritual/religious perspective.  The book goes on to note that there is a lot of confusion in media about how people confuse Eros, or the sexual love, with the others.  Thus, the discouragement to use Storge between two men or two women in media because everyone has to assume they're gay.  Which is bullshit. 


I think there's a lot of gross simplification in media from fans that any attraction is automatically sexual in nature.


There's a book on writing from way back by CS Lewis (yes, the Narnia guy), called the Four Loves.  Short version, the 'loves' include empathy and a familiar bond, Storge, friendship, and that bond, Philla, the obvious bond of sexuality, Eros, and unconditional love, which he described from a spiritual/religious perspective.  The book goes on to note that there is a lot of confusion in media about how people confuse Eros, or the sexual love, with the others.  Thus, the discouragement to use Storge between two men or two women in media because everyone has to assume they're gay.  Which is bullshit.

in some cases, yes, the subtext is fandom reaching.......in other cases, no, it's bad writing, the writers are using cues to imply sexual or romantic love to bring in a side fanbase of straight girls and gay men, then denying it once they reel in that audience, Naruto for example

Naruto devoted his life to Sasuke, lays awake thinking of him, has symbolic dreams about him, turned down two girls romantic proposals for Sasuke, Kissed him open mouthed on the lips twice (once was in filler)

and in an in character as sasuke interview Kishimoto made sasuke fondly remember what Naruto's kiss tasted like, then act annoyed and try to play it off


then Naruto marries Hinata even though he previously turned her down and never showed any sort of attraction to her outside of once noticing that she had huge breasts she was keeping taped down in one episode of classic Naruto, and Sasuke Marries Sakura......even though he said and proved multiple times that he hated her



He also pined for a woman since Chapter 3.  You'll receive no argument from me that the ending was bullshit (If Lionsgate changes the ending, it might just make the story a lot better, and wouldn't that be the fucking day?) but he was always about the women.  Or rather, the woman.  The woman who he was retconned into not liking to satisfy annoyed fanboys. 


God that show was awful.


He also pined for a woman since Chapter 3.  You'll receive no argument from me that the ending was bullshit (If Lionsgate changes the ending, it might just make the story a lot better, and wouldn't that be the fucking day?) but he was always about the women.  Or rather, the woman.  The woman who he was retconned into not liking to satisfy annoyed fanboys. 


God that show was awful.

Naruto reads as Bi to me, he definitely likes girls, but the man has such a boner for Sasuke you can't convince me he feels nothing for men


Sasuke on the other hand reads as straight up gay cause he NEVER displayed an attraction to girls

(until the finale where he's in love with Sakura out of nowhere)


I actually like Hinata so I'm glad Naruto chose her....but him chosing her feels forced after how blatantly in love with Sasuke he was



he also reads as Bi because he was digging on Haku at first(granted he thought he was a girl....but he wasn't disgusted or anything when Haku said he was a boy, just surprised, in fact his only comment on the subject was "wow he's even prettier than Sakura" implying he still thought Haku was cute even knowing he was a boy)


Naruto reads as Bi to me, he definitely likes girls, but the man has such a boner for Sasuke you can't convince me he feels nothing for men


You know... this actually makes Shippuden seem more coherent.  To me, anyway.  I'm just going to assume this is canon now, just like how I assume the Bleach anime only exists for the first 63 episodes, before the king of Hueco Mundo kills Aizen for being an asshole.


You know... this actually makes Shippuden seem more coherent.  To me, anyway.  I'm just going to assume this is canon now, just like how I assume the Bleach anime only exists for the first 63 episodes, before the king of Hueco Mundo kills Aizen for being an asshole.

Naruto being a closeted and self hating Bisexual actually would make a lot of the shit in Naruto more coherent


especially that scene where Yamato tells Naruto "I think I'm starting to like you" and naruto immediately defensively screams his head off that he doesn't like guys, only for Yamato to be completely confused as to why Naruto would jump to the conclusion that he meant "like" in a sexual way (he meant as a friend)


or the scene where Sai leaned towards him and Naruto panicked jumping to the conclusion that Sai was trying to kiss him(granted this was filler but still)


Considering all the subtext behind it and nothing in the anime I've seen thus far contradicting that theory, I think it's safe to assume that it might be canon.

you're giving Kishimoto too much credit if you think he's been writing Naruto as Bi deliberately

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