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I have a silkie.... they are so useless. Don't even gimme eggs, just runs around making dumb sounds eating bugs.


I know they aren't known for their egg production

But don't they at least give one every now and then?

We already have a bunch that give us eggs

Might be cool to at least have one


For the most part they should stay near their coupe, but will sometimes travel if there's food.  Then there is always the option to put up some chicken wire.


Yeeep. Only thing I get nervous about is Fisher cats.


No fence... they don't go far from the coop. They never wander off

We have wood fencing border and a wired fence to keep them in their area otherwise they destroy our garden

Our oldest is a Rhode Island Red used to have another one

Also we used to have Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, a Welsummer and one Light Brahma that would always attack my dad

Now we have Ameraucanas, Silver-laced Wyandottes, and a Golden Sexlink


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