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Does anyone else think 2017 will be humanity's last year?

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I'm being serious, by the way. Upon hearing about Trump's insistence on building up a nuclear arsenal (and his friend Putin agreeing with it), I have come to the conclusion that we are fucked. Somebody's going to insult him, he's going to retaliate by blowing them up, and then the whole fucking world will be screwed. Not to mention all of the other horrible shit that could do us in. I could see a bunch of people dying due to the effects of climate change before the year is out.


If we make it to the end of next year alive, I might as well renounce my nihilism... or not, since we'll still have three more years of this shit to go.


Well, having tons of nukes for the President to use is one thing. I'm just paranoid that, when the arsenal shifts from a calm and collected ruler like President Obama to Trump... well, he has a short temper. And he wonders why we can't use these destructive weapons if we have them.

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