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First episode was better than expected.


I kind of was expecting a lot of what previous seasons had been, which was - the show tried to cram in a lot of the stuff that was in the books, and then as seasons went on, they just suddenly seemed to be like "well there's too much here, so let's just have some quick scenes where we kill off some people or something".  Also whereas toward the beginning of the show, I got the sense that I was being told a story, as seasons progressed, it felt more like I was watching people attempt to manage a production, with more and more elements feeling commercially contrived to meet some budgetary issue and/or trying to make something sellable to the increasingly mainstream audience base.


There were only a few hints of that in this episode.  otherwise, nice dialogue, nice scenes, good use of characters.  I fully expected Dondarrion and Co to just be summarily killed off in a cutscene.  They actually had a few interesting and well crafted scenes in this episode.  The characters felt very focused. 


Arya meeting up with the Lannister troops on her way to kill the queen was honestly one of the best Arya scenes in a long long time.  I got sick of her in faceless wonderland, which I get was sort of about her training and explaining her acquisition of certain abilities, but I never really connected at all with Bravos or any of that time in the show, and kind of drifted away from even being interested in Arya as a character.


The Frey scene at the beginning was satisfying.  A bit pandery.  But they handled it well and it was good they kicked off with it.


Euron and Cersei probably deserve each other.  Almost sad there's only two seasons left and we probably won't have enough time to watch them torture each other (and Jaime).


Sounds like they'll go after Olenna first, so I fully expect them to cruise into Highgarden next episode (even though most of their troops were actually from Highgarden, not sure how that works) and take that.  Which means one of my favorite characters will bow out next episode.  We'll see how it pans out.


Even though this episode felt pretty refreshed as later-season GOT episodes go, and I was pleasantly surprised, I just don't see it lasting through an entire season.  Eh, but maybe with only 6 episodes left in this short season, it'll end up being more focused overall.


Liked this episode.  Still have low expectations.  Hope the rest is at least as good as this was.


I really like the nuances in the Sansa/Jon relationship too.  All that was good.  Baelish is being patient at the moment.  He still feels he can get Sansa, and if Sansa has the North, and he has the Veil, and Cersei and Danaerys kill each other, maybe he can still get the iron throne or something.


I can't help but feel his downfall is his unnecessary obsession with Sansa.  I think his obsession for Cat fueled his rise to some extent.  And then when Cat died, his attention shifted to Sansa.  And that may be his undoing.  He's probably overly-focused on the Sansa elements of his plan, and also injecting it with a little too much hope that Sansa is ultimately more interested in power than family loyalty to what is thought to be her bastard brother. 


Not sure where Baelish can go from here.  Varys is with Danaerys, and will surely council against too much reliance on Littlefinger.  He seems to be getting kind of squeezed out in the North, though the veil troops are still important enough that he's not totally out of the picture.  And certainly Cersei won't be happy that he has taken his forces north to help Jon Snow.


He's definitely walking a treacherous path.  It's funny because, even as he appears to be obstructed on all sides, he's not shut out of anywhere.  He can still convince Cersei that he's loyal to her if he finesses it right.  He still has a small chance with Sansa.  he hasn't even begun to play Danaerys yet, so even with her guard dogs, there's a chance there.


I like how he's always gambling, and all roads seem to be closing, but still open, to him.


the first thought i had at the end of the premiere was 'wow, they didn't kill anybody'


and then the next thing immediately on the screen was a recap of the opening scene where all the freys died

  • 1 month later...

just thinking. so, if sam's dad and brother are dead and the night's watch doesn't really exist anymore on account of their being no more wall to defend...


does that mean that sam is technically lord tarly now?

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