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you're literally the only person i know who still mails checks, hell my grandparents don't mail checks and they're older than you

I only use auto debit for bills that are fixed and won't change from one month to the next.  Insurance premiums, rent, cell phone package, etc.  Any variable, such as the electric bill, could become quite problematic under auto pay.

er not really. you use electricity you have to pay regardless. what are you going to do, threaten to cancel

I'm not in the habit of paying erroneous bills.  Joker reads the wrong meter and bills it to me.  I'd be six months trying to get my money back.  No thanks.



I'm not in the habit of paying erroneous bills.  Joker reads the wrong meter and bills it to me.  I'd be six months trying to get my money back.  No thanks.

and you can't do that  20 days before your autopay would be due, why? or have them bill to a credit card like i do and then dispute the charge if they don't play ball


and you can't do that  20 days before your autopay would be due, why? or have them bill to a credit card like i do and then dispute the charge if they don't play ball

Credit, debit or e-check = fifteen minutes glued to the damned phone, jumping through eleven million pushbutton hoops to pay a $37 bill vs. One minute to scribble a check and put it in a box.

Credit, debit or e-check = fifteen minutes glued to the damned phone, jumping through eleven million pushbutton hoops to pay a $37 bill vs. One minute to scribble a check and put it in a box.

It takes you 15 minutes to click 3 buttons on a website? Once you link the account to basically any service, you don't even have to fill out more than login info, which can be saved on its own.


I swear, it's like you have an undying need for everyone to know how dumb you are.

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