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Guess I'll just go back to playing my randomized pokemon red rom hac.  :|


Quick update I've now caught all three of the old eveelutions, and I might end up seeing if they make a decent

combo. Right now I'm still using the same team of six I first caught. Flareon, Rhyhorn, Dedenne, Shaymin,

a Beeheeyem I named AYY LMAO, and a Hitmonlee. My Flareon starter just learned firespin


so maybe it'll be more fun..


Oh yeah so basically it's the same game as red, but I hacked it to give random starters, and any wild pokemon

encounter is a random pokemon from gen 1-4 legendaries included all with the same old gigantic pixelly

pokemon red sprites!  I also get random pick up items, and random tms with later gen tms included.




It's 4th of July weekend we all getting drunk

Not I, says me. I'm one of those boring fuckers that doesn't do any of that fun shit. To prove that point, my plans for the Fourth involve listening to Soundgarden's "4th of July" a couple of times... and that's pretty much it.





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